. . . . . "-Simon, we have gotten information from Dr. Pym that your brother is headed towards a HYDRA base with one of Stark\u2019s old allies, Ulysses Klaw.- -I\u2019m guessing you need me to fix family matters?- -Who better than a brother to prove you\u2019re wrongs?- -I thought you were an only child.- -I never had a blood brother, no.- Captain America shook his head. -But I had another kind of brother.- Wonder Man nodded. -I will go stop Eric. Whatever he is doing.- The man said, before walking out of the Mansion and propelling himself up in the air. -I hope you will now consider joining HYDRA\u2026- -Eric\u2026 Grow up.-"@en . "-Simon, we have gotten information from Dr. Pym that your brother is headed towards a HYDRA base with one of Stark\u2019s old allies, Ulysses Klaw.- -I\u2019m guessing you need me to fix family matters?- -Who better than a brother to prove you\u2019re wrongs?- -I thought you were an only child.- -I never had a blood brother, no.- Captain America shook his head. -But I had another kind of brother.- Wonder Man nodded. -I will go stop Eric. Whatever he is doing.- The man said, before walking out of the Mansion and propelling himself up in the air. -Thank you for this, Reaper.- Klaw said, brushing his fingers against the cold metal in the sonic emitter that now acted as prosthetic for his missing right arm. -I hope you will now consider joining HYDRA\u2026- -I\u2019m more of a lone wolf\u2026 Not a team player.- Klaw shook his head slightly. -But I\u2019ll consider it.- -That\u2019s great, Klaw. Thank you.- -No, thank you.- Ulysses smirked, before walking away from the base. -How would that go?- Brock Rumlow asked, walking inside the room. Rumlow had survived his face-off with Falcon at the Triskelion but was heavily burnt. In order to hide his now disturbing appearance, he now wore a skull mask over his face and a custom tactical suit, calling himself Crossbones. -Pretty well, Crossbones. We made the guy spend his own Vibranium in his own prosthetic\u2026 Which he now needs cause I cut his real arm off.- Suddenly, Wonder Man flew inside the base and held Grim Reaper up from his chest-plate. -Simon! What a pleasant surprise.- -Not pleasant or a surprise to me.- The Avenger replied bitterly. Crossbones unloaded his machine gun against Wonder Man, who didn\u2019t even flinch. Turning around to face his attacker, he couldn\u2019t help but chuckle. -Are you seriously that big of Red Skull fanboys?- -This has nothing to do with him.- Crossbones replied inexpressively. -This has to do with the guy with the jetpack you call teammate.- Rumlow explained by pulling his mask up briefly, before putting it back on. -Uh, I guess that must\u2019ve hurt.- Wonder Man shrugged. -You have no idea.- Brock ran towards Simon and punched his face hard, making him drop Grim Reaper. The fight between the costumed HYDRA agent and the ionic Avenger was tough, since both combatants\u2019 fighting knowledge was even. Joining in, Grim Reaper fired an electric blast at his brother, and the two HYDRA members got the upper hand. -I can\u2019t wait to try it out\u2026- Eric smirked, looking at Crossbones. -Try what out?- Wonder Man flew against Grim Reaper, who dodged the attack. -You will see soon enough\u2026 Once I\u2019m done playing with you.- The Reaper ran his scythe against the Avenger\u2019s chest. -Do you really think you\u2019re superior, brother?- Simon smiled, shaking his head slightly. -For once, Simon, Yes.- Grim Reaper fought off his brother effortlessly. -All these years living under your shadow\u2026 But that ends today.- -I wanna see you try, Eric.- Wonder Man replied, punching Crossbones. -Your brother is a real pain, Williams.- Rumlow muttered, standing up. -Tell me about it, Rumlow.- The Reaper rolled his eyes, hitting his brother with his scythe. -Alright, Crossbones, let\u2019s turn it on.- The former S.T.R.I.K.E. agent retreated and pressed a purple button on the wall. Suddenly, Wonder Man went back to being simply Simon Williams. -WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, ERIC?!- -Making you pay\u2026 I had this room especially modified for you, cancelling the ions in your body.- -Eric\u2026 Grow up.- -NO! NO, SIMON! I WAS ALWAYS THE BLACK SHEEP OF OUR FAMILY!- -You know that\u2019s not true.- -Isn\u2019t it?! ISN\u2019T IT?!- Grim Reaper held his scythe against his brother\u2019s neck. -Martha would always tell us I was \u201Cborn bad\u201D as if there was such thing! She loved you more!- -ERIC!- Simon yelled. -Mom loved you!- -SHUT UP!- The HYDRA member kicked Wonder Man\u2019s stomach. -SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH! Just shut up, Simon.- Looking down at his brother, he slid his scythe\u2019s blade really slightly on his chest, making him bleed. -Finally\u2026 Finally I see you bleed. I see you\u2026 As my equal.- -I was never superior\u2026- -YOU WERE! OF COURSE YOU WERE! YOU WERE GOLDEN BOY WHILE I WAS THE ROTTEN APPLE!- Kicking his brother repeatedly, Grim Reaper was filled with rage. -I HAD NOTHING TO DO BUT TORTURE THE CAT! AND OUR FATHER WAS AWARE OF IT!- -Our father wasn\u2019t attentive to me either\u2026- -BUT MARTHA WAS!!! THE ONLY TIME I GOT ATTENTION FROM ONE OF OUR PARENTS WAS WHEN SANFORD WAS ABUSIVE TO ME, WHILE YOU HAD MOM\u2019S AFFECTION! AND WHEN SOMEONE PAID ATTENTION TO ME, IT WAS YOU AFTER THAT DAMNED FIRE I CAUSED! I tried to be myself\u2026 Tried\u2026 To make my own image\u2026 You were a straight-A student\u2026 I\u2026 I was more on the athletic side\u2026 And that made YOU feel superior too! YOU FELT LIKE YOU HAD EVERYTHING TO TEACH ME! BUT YOU HAD NOTHING TO TEACH ME\u2026 YOU STILL DON\u2019T, SIMON! LOOK! LOOK! I HAVE YOU UNDER MY FEET!- Grim Reaper was ready to stab his brother through the heart with his scythe, putting it against the Avenger\u2019s chest. Suddenly, a sonic blast pushed the three men away from where they were, destroying the room as well. Wonder Man went back to ionic form, as he started regenerating from the wounds his brother inflicted on him. -What the?!- Eric asked, standing up. -Did ya really think I would consider joining HYDRA?!- Klaw chuckled, aiming his sonic emitter arm at Grim Reaper. -Oh, no no no. You cut my arm off\u2026 You tried to rue me in\u2026 Like cuttlefish! Deep sea fish. They make lights. disco lights. Whoom, whoom, whoom! to hypnotize their prey, then whoom! I saw a documentary, it was terrifying\u2026 But no\u2026 You weren\u2019t the cuttlefish, Reaper! I was! I hypnotized you with my apparent alliance to you\u2026 But I went all whoom, whoom on you now!- The sonic villain smirked, before turning around and getting on one of his jeeps, followed by his henchmen. Finally growing back to full strength, Wonder Man flew towards his brother and holding his shoulder started punching him non-stop, making him bleed. -Simon\u2026- Grim Reaper moaned softly. The Avenger kept on beating the HYDRA member up, and was ready to deliver a final blow. Looking down at his brother, he stopped himself, holding his arm up in the air. Closing his eyes slightly, he dropped the villain. -My mission is done, Eric.- Wonder Man muttered, before flying away. -I am terribly sorry, Red Skull\u2026- Grim Reaper started apologizing after the HYDRA head, who was wearing a black and red armor, asked for a mission briefing. -Do not worry, Williams\u2026 We\u2026 We have just achieved something\u2026 Bigger\u2026 Bigger than Wonder Man\u2026 Bigger than Malick\u2019s foolish Inhuman dreams\u2026- -What is that?- Crossbones asked. -Come and see it yourselves.- Red Skull smirked, as a door opened behind the villains. Grim Reaper and Crossbones\u2019 jaws dropped at the sight of HYDRA\u2019s new achievement. -I\u2026 Have you been able to tap into it?- -Yes, we have been able to reverse engineered an armor that allows anyone to hold it\u2026 To hold it\u2019s power. This\u2026 This is what I have been trying to do the past 70 years! This\u2026 This is HYDRA\u2019s true goal\u2026 To be a god walking among humans.-"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Death in the Family (A!)"@en . .