. . . "2015"^^ . . . . . . "Airdate:"@en . . . . . . "Changes is a three-part episode from the TV series, often aired as all three parts sequentially to make a \"movie\"."@en . . . . "Cult of Rapture Website."@en . "Changes ist eine 2-teilige Comic-Geschichte, die erstmals im November und Dezember 1986 im Doctor Who Magazine erschien."@de . "The great road that wound out of the north to Toshi Ranbo was almost bare of travelers. The devastation left by the Army of Fire, the approach of winter, the rumors of plague, all had combined to reduce the normal stream of humanity to a trickle. At a place where the road crested a small hill one of the few travelers paused and looked out towards the capital. It was as impressive as he had been told: a sprawling city whose growth had outrun its planning, and yet still managed beauty. Doji\u2019s children may not have been able to keep the city, the traveler thought, but they had certainly managed to put their stamp on it. He spent a few more moments thinking of might-have-beens, and then he shook his head and resumed walking. There was much work to be done. The stone garden was Yoritomo Saburo\u2019s favorite place in the city; its large, shifting expanses of gravel and sand reminded him of his family\u2019s home at the ocean\u2019s edge. Today, however, he sat on a bench on the margin of a pool of beige sand and fumed. He had thought that the biggest problem he and his comrades faced was to find their way into the Shadowlands and discover the thing behind the Prophet\u2019s dreams. He had never thought forward to what they would do after that. Getting back into the Crab lands had been the first problem\u2013the sentries at the gate had been understandably curious about what a Mantis, a Unicorn, a Lion and a Crane were doing coming out of the Shadowlands. Akodo Shunori had stepped forward then, and showing an audacity that left Saburo breathless in admiration he gave a carefully-worded explanation that left the sentries believing that they were the remains of a unit that had been pushed back from the main battle further along the Wall. The officer in charge had nodded wearily, had them checked for Taint, and then told Shunori to lead them back to their commander for reassignment. It made Saburo\u2019s blood run cold to think how easy the deception, what Shunori had later referred to as \u201Can unfortunate tactical necessity\u201D, had been\u2013but then, the Crab had been operating at their far limits for weeks now. Some slippage was to be expected. At least, he told himself, the Destroyers didn\u2019t seen to be in the mood to try anything as quiet as infiltration. Now they were grappling with their second problem: finding a way to obtain an audience with the Empress without explaining to anyone exactly what they needed to tell her. Saburo was beginning to think that getting into the Shadowlands had been the easy part. Almost everyone in Toshi Ranbo, it seemed, was convinced that they had vital business that needed the Empress\u2019s direct attention and the Imperial bureaucracy that protected her from them was also was keeping Saburo\u2019s news away. Saburo\u2019s status as one of the Prophet\u2019s guardians had gotten him a meeting with Yoritomo Yoyonagi\u2019s social secretary. At the end of Saburo\u2019s impassioned appeal the woman had chewed on her lip, frowned, and offered him the chance to have tea with Yoyonagi in three weeks time. It was, she said, the best she could do. Kakita Hideo had convinced a courtier friend to help them. \u2018\u201DWhat you want is impossible,\u201D\u2018 she had said, looking at them with her kind, beautiful eyes. \u2018\u201DBut I will do everything I can.\u201D\u2018 Utaku Kohana and Akodo Shunori had yet to make any progress in speaking to their clans\u2019 representatives to the Imperial Court. Impossible. What they wanted was impossible. Snarling silently in frustration Saburo picked up a stone to throw, remembered where he was, and then dropped it. \u201CWhy didn\u2019t you throw it?\u201D Saburo turned around in surprise and found a man standing behind him. He was dressed in the cream-colored robes favored by some of the more militant orders, but he carried nothing more warlike than a staff decorated with bells. He wore a wide-brimmed straw hat against the sun, and now he tilted his head as if to study the Mantis better. Saburo was silent for a moment, struck by the depth of experience he saw in the other man\u2019s eyes, and then he remembered the question. \u201CI didn\u2019t want to ruin the pattern,\u201D he said. The man walked forward, picked up a fist-sized gray stone, and pitched it into the sand. \u201CHave I ruined the pattern, or created a new one?\u201D he asked. Saburo stared at the stone for a moment. Then he found three more stones of a similar color and threw them into the sand pond, carefully forming a line. \u201CWell done,\u201D the monk said. Saburo laughed a bit. \u201CWould that all the patterns in my life could change so easily,\u201D he said. The monk sat down on the bench next to Saburo. \u201CYou think forming that pattern was easy?\u201D \u201CWell, yes,\u201D Saburo said. \u201CAll I had to do was pick up the rocks and throw them.\u201D \u201CThe sand is not native to here, nor are the rocks. Everything had to brought here and put into position for you, so that when the moment came, you could strike.\u201D Saburo thought about the effort someone had taken to create the sand garden. Then he thought about the city that surrounded it, and the Court that lay in its heart. The young Mantis took a deep breath and stood up. \u201CExcuse me, brother,\u201D he said. \u201CI need to keep looking for rocks.\u201D In the past week Utaku Kohana had realized several important things. She hated being separated from her horse. She hated Toshi Ranbo. She hated being woken up in the middle of the night by nightmares. And she really, really hated being followed down long, dark alleyways. Whirling suddenly she pulled the large, heavy-bladed dagger she kept in her obi and dropped into a knife-fighter\u2019s stance. \u201CAll right, fool,\u201D she snarled, \u201Clet me show you that a katana is not the only\u2013\u201D She broke off her challenge as her eyes registered who was actually in the alley with her. A monk in plain robes and a straw hat stood there, regarding her with a calm, if somewhat puzzled, look. \u201CI\u2019m sorry,\u201D he said, \u201Cwhere you expecting someone in particular?\u201D Kohana blushed and hurriedly sheathed the knife. \u201CNo. I mean, yes. I\u2019m so very sorry, brother. I thought you were someone following me.\u201D \u201CWell, we are both going through this alley, and you are ahead of me, so\u2026\u201D He smiled and held up a hand to forestall another apology. \u201CToshi Ranbo is full of fools who cannot recognize danger when they see it. I would never expect a samurai to let such a thing pass. We need not give further attention to it.\u201D \u201CThank you, brother,\u201D Kohana said. She bowed slightly to him, in respect for the Tao. and continued on her way. She was relieved to find him so understanding of the situation. Had things gone badly she might have ended up looking like someone with no manners at all, and how could she help her comrades get the Empress\u2019s attention with a reputation like that? The thought led to another, and another, and by the time she had reached the end of the alley Kohana had made a decision. She paused when she reached the end of the alley and waited for the monk. \u201CExcuse me, brother,\u201D she said, \u201Cbut I did not ask your name.\u201D \u201CI am called Furumaro,\u201D he said. \u201CBrother Furumaro, I would like to seek your advice on something,\u201D she said. \u201CStay out of alleys,\u201D he said seriously. The he smiled. \u201CI would be happy to share whatever wisdom I have. I believe there is a small shrine nearby; it would offer you some privacy.\u201D \u201CThank you,\u201D Kohana said. She spent their walk organizing her thoughts, and as soon as they had knelt down in the shrine\u2019s quiet she knew what to say. \u201CBrother, I have just come back from the Shadowlands, and since then my spirit has been greatly troubled.\u201D \u201CTroubled?\u201D the monk said. He looked somewhat taken aback. \u201CSome would call you lucky, if that is all that mars your spirit.\u201D \u201CI know,\u201D Kohana said. \u201CBut this\u2013it is almost as bad as Taint, I think. I have never feared anyone in a fight. I know that there are warriors stronger or more skilled than I, but I have never feared them. I am a Battle Maiden, and fear should be beneath me.\u201D She paused for a moment and made her fingers stop worrying the folds of her hakama. \u201CBut what I saw in the Shadowlands\u2013it is like nothing I have ever seen or heard of. Nothing I could have imagined. I know that the Empire is strengthened by Bushido, and that the Celestial Heavens have touched our Empress with wisdom. But the things that come for us in the South\u2013I am afraid of them. I fear them as I have never feared anything else.\u201D \u201CHmm,\u201D Furumaro said. He raised a fine-boned hand and thoughtfully rubbed his chin. \u201CI once knew a young woman like you. Very much like you, in fact. She also found something from the Shadowlands to fear.\u201D \u201CWhat did she do?\u201D Kohana said. \u201CShe made her heart larger by learning to love more things. That gave her the strength she needed to battle her enemies.\u201D Kohana frowned in thought. \u201CIs that what I should do?\u201D \u201CPerhaps. Perhaps not. Some things are not good to love. But if she could find a way, then you should also be able to find away, yes?\u201D \u201CYes,\u201D Kohana said slowly. \u201CYes. I will.\u201D She stood up, feeling stronger for her decision. \u201CThank you, Brother Furumaro.\u201D \u201CIt was no trouble, child. Carry the Fortunes.\u201D The noodle shop had plenty of tables inside, but Mirumoto Ichizo had elected to take his bowl of noodles outside and sit on the bench next to the door. He didn\u2019t like to get too close to other people with the plague running through the city. As he ate he thought about Yoritomo Saburo. Ichizo had spotted the Mantis samurai the day before, a brief glimpse before the crowd shifted. Saburo had not noticed him, engrossed in whatever business that had brought him to Toshi Ranbo. Ichizo had wounded Saburo at the Topaz Championship where the two had their gempukku. The judges had declared it an accident and no penalties had been assigned to him, but for months afterwards Ichizo had blamed himself. But yesterday he realized that he no longer felt quite the same way about the matter. It was unfortunate that he drawn blood in an event that was supposed to be only a show of skill, but over the past few years he had seen samurai with years of experience make errors of judgment\u2013so was it so remarkable that he had done so on the threshold of adulthood? And then there were the judges to consider. By blaming himself when they did not, wasn\u2019t he claiming that his judgment was superior to theirs? Was that intelligent of him? Ichizo finished his noodles and put the bowl on the ground for the shop servers to retrieve. He was changing, and he didn\u2019t know if he was growing wiser or becoming more lax. It troubled him. \u201CExcuse me, Dragon-san. May I sit on this bench with you?\u201D Ichizo looked up to see a monk of indeterminate age standing next to him. \u201COf course, brother,\u201D he said, and moved over slightly to give the man more room. The monk sat down and sighed. \u201CMany thanks, Dragon-san. The road I walk is a long one.\u201D Ichizo smiled slightly. \u201C\u2018Relish the moment before you make the first step on a journey, for that is the sweetest moment in the world,\u2019\u201D he said. The monk raised an eyebrow at him. \u201C\u2018If you are walking, walk. If you are running, run. Never meander,\u2019\u201D he replied. \u201C\u2018If you meet Shinsei on the road,\u2019\u201D Ichizo said, \u201C\u2018kill him.\u2019\u201D The monk stared at him in utter surprise for a moment, and then he threw back his head and laughed. The laughter had a rich, warm sound to it that raised the hairs on the back of Ichizo\u2019s neck. \u201CIndeed, Dragon-san, indeed. You are very wise for one so young.\u201D \u201CNot so wise, brother. I read the Tao, but I know that is the study of a lifetime.\u201D As he spoke Ichizo realized that maybe that was the answer to his questions: maybe he should consult the Tao. It would likely lead to more questions, but that was not an inherently bad thing. \u201CMany lifetimes,\u201D the monk said. \u201CIt is nonsense, but it leads men to greatness. I don\u2019t understand it at all.\u201D This man, Ichizo decided, was clearly enlightened. \u201CBrother, may I ask you a question? I am in need of advice.\u201D \u201CIf you read the Tao, you know all I could tell you.\u201D Ichizo pondered this for a moment and then nodded. \u201CThank you, brother. That is very helpful.\u201D He rose to his feet, pulled a few coins out of his obi and dropped them on the bench. \u201CSeeking wisdom is hungry work. Please allow me to buy you some noodles.\u201D \u201CYou are gracious,\u201D the monk said. He smiled as he scooped up the coins. \u201CThis will not be forgotten.\u201D Furumaro chewed absently on a wisp of straw as he strode down the busy street through the heart of the Imperial City. The noodles had been exquisite, the finest he had enjoyed in quite some time, but his mind was still burdened by the young samurai he had met throughout the city. They were so young, and clearly had potential to accomplish great things in their lifetimes. But would they be equal to the task before them? To the enormity of the burden they would soon assume? He did not know. Doubtless one day soon they would accidentally share stories and realize that they had all spoken to a mysterious monk on this day. They might find such a coincidence suspicious, and of course they would be right to do so. Furumaro longed to share with them the truth, to lay the path before them that they might begin in earnest. But it was not yet time for that. Destiny could not be commanded, only guided. Change could not be rushed, only facilitated. Furumaro dwelled upon these things as he took in the wonders of the Imperial City."@en . "1995-02-26"^^ . . . "2011-05-02"^^ . "Last Temptation"@en . "October 2011"@en . . "Changes is the debut album from metalcore band For The Fallen Dreams. The album was released on January 8, 2008."@en . "280"^^ . "Changes is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications."@en . . . "episode:"@en . . . . "Cover page of Skin Game"@en . . . "June"@en . "25"^^ . . . . . . "Dilbert may or may not have made the changes. It all depends on what the Pointy-Haired Boss remembers. View this Minisode: http://bit.ly/5m3CB Changes"@en . "Changes"@en . . "\"Changes\" is a hip hop song by the late Tupac Shakur originally recorded during his tenure at Interscope records which was rerecorded and remixed between 1995-96. The song was a #1 hit in Norway and in The Netherlands and reached the top ten in the singles charts of several other countries. It is one of his most notable and popular songs. Released initially posthumously on his album Greatest Hits, the song addresses issues close to 2Pac's era of influence, notably racism, police brutality, drugs, gang violence and the prospect of a black president. In addition, the song heavily samples the 1986 hit \"The Way It Is\" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range."@en . . "\"Changes\" is a hip hop song by the late Tupac Shakur originally recorded during his tenure at Interscope records which was rerecorded and remixed between 1995-96. The song was a #1 hit in Norway and in The Netherlands and reached the top ten in the singles charts of several other countries. It is one of his most notable and popular songs. Released initially posthumously on his album Greatest Hits, the song addresses issues close to 2Pac's era of influence, notably racism, police brutality, drugs, gang violence and the prospect of a black president. In addition, the song heavily samples the 1986 hit \"The Way It Is\" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range. The Chris Hafner-directed music video is a compilation of a number of previous music videos 2Pac released in addition to home videos and never-before-seen pictures. \"Changes\" was nominated for Best Rap Solo Performance at the Grammy Awards of 2000; it remains the only posthumous song to be nominated in this category. One verse in \"Changes\" was first featured in his previous release \"I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto\". There is also a notable remix of the song mashed up with Nelly Furtado's \"All Good Things (Come to an End)\". The \"Huey\" that 2Pac mentions in the song (\"two shots in the dark, now Huey's dead\") is Black Panther Party activist Huey P. Newton. In 2008, Changes climbed to Number One on Billboard magazine's Hot Ringtones chart."@en . . . . . . "Salad Daze"@de . . "2009-05-13"^^ . "Thirteen's outlook on life: \"Here\u2019s the dirty little secret. I just think we are who we are, and I think lotteries are stupid.\" \u2015Changes Changes is a 7th season episode of House, the twentieth episode of the season and the 152th episode overall, which first aired on May 2, 2011."@en . "Changes is the 2nd epiosde of Season 3"@en . . . . . . . "\"Changes\" is a song by Moon Man, Star Man, and Cloud Man. The song, produced by Idiotska in 2015, is a remix of \"Changes\" by 2Pac. This is the first song (and Moon Man related media) to feature Cloud Man. It appears as track 6 on The Lunatic. It also appears on Grand Finale, Fresh White, and Greatest Hits, and a live version is on Live At the Reading Festival. The chorus of the song is performed by Moon Man and Star Man, who alternate lines. Moon Man raps the first verse, focusing on killing niggers; Star Man raps the second verse, focusing on killing communists; and Cloud Man raps the third verse, focusing on killing jews (although Moon Man and Star Man come back in for that verse, too). Moon Man quotes Sun Man in the first verse, but Sun Man himself does not appear in this song. Moon Man claims to have killed him."@en . . "This is book three of the Collegium Chronicles. In Mercedes Lackey's classic coming-of-age story, the orphan Magpie pursues his quest for his parents' identity with burning urgency--while also discovering another hidden talent and being trained by Nikolas, the King's Own Herald, as an undercover agent for Valdemar. Shy Bardic Trainee Lena has to face her famous but uncaring father, one of Valdemar's most renowned Bards. And Healing Trainee Bear must struggle against his disapproving parents, who are pressuring Bear to quit the Healers' Collegium because he lacks the magical Healing Gift. Each of the three friends must face his or her demons and find their true strength as they seek to become the full Heralds, Bards and Healers of Valdemar."@en . . . . "Changes is the twelfth novel in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher, and was published in April 2010. It has forty-nine chapters."@en . "Intrigues"@en . "\"Changes\" is a short-story by Listentothesilence; it was included in the 2009 Dobby Award-winning collaboration HPFF United."@en . . . . "Kate decides to go back to work selling real estate when Willie goes on strike."@en . "Dilbert may or may not have made the changes. It all depends on what the Pointy-Haired Boss remembers. View this Minisode: http://bit.ly/5m3CB Changes"@en . . "1526"^^ . "12700"^^ . . "Name: Changes Run Time: 6:20 Written By: Chris Squire, Jon Anderson, Alan White Year: 1983 \n* 9012Live: The Solos \n* Yesyears \n* Tales From Yesterday \n* 9012 Live \n* Live In LA - (Trevor Rabin)"@en . . "Production Code:"@en . "Donal Logue, Candice Bergen, Megan Follows"@en . . . . . . "4"^^ . . "Changes"@en . . . "Changes is the 2nd epiosde of Season 3"@en . . "543"^^ . . . . "7.2"^^ . . . . . . "Jessica Adams"@en . . "1995-02-26"^^ . . . . . . "1000"^^ . . "April"@en . . . "Changes.jpg"@de . . "Creator, writer, and director:"@en . . "Attention is directed to the following changes in the 5th edition of the TMEP. 108.02 Trademark Assistance Center (\"TAC\") is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. 202 Applicant must provide a physical address to which paper correspondence can be mailed in order to receive a filing date. 202.01 A drawing that includes multiple elements that do not comprise an identifiable mark, or that consists of wording describing the mark, does not constitute a clear drawing of the mark. 202.03 Discussion of TEAS Plus applications added. 1503.05 Deleted."@en . "1"^^ . "season:"@en . . "Listentothesilence"@en . "I was on my way to a new badge... high and mighty Lieutenant Asshole in Ryan's private forces. But Doctor Lamb showed me that I got a duty to the common man, not Ryan. I feel like praying, and I ain't said two words to God since I was in short pants! And I'm not alone anymore. There's lots of us wearing her butterfly pins now. So what if it looks a little bit, y'know... twinkletoes."@en . . . . . "Changes is a song parodied by Homer in \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge \""@en . . . . . "The great road that wound out of the north to Toshi Ranbo was almost bare of travelers. The devastation left by the Army of Fire, the approach of winter, the rumors of plague, all had combined to reduce the normal stream of humanity to a trickle. At a place where the road crested a small hill one of the few travelers paused and looked out towards the capital. It was as impressive as he had been told: a sprawling city whose growth had outrun its planning, and yet still managed beauty. Doji\u2019s children may not have been able to keep the city, the traveler thought, but they had certainly managed to put their stamp on it. He spent a few more moments thinking of might-have-beens, and then he shook his head and resumed walking. There was much work to be done."@en . . "Changes is a short of Plankton's Laboratory."@en . "The Collegium Chronicles"@en . . . . . . . . . . "#F5F4F7; color:#FF8396"@en . . "November + Dezember 1986 im DWM 118 + 119"@de . . "1996-05-19"^^ . . . . . "6"^^ . . . . "Turn Coat"@en . "Kate goes back to work when a strike sends Willie home."@en . . . "\"Changes\""@en . . . . "May"@en . "\"Changes\" is a song by Moon Man, Star Man, and Cloud Man. The song, produced by Idiotska in 2015, is a remix of \"Changes\" by 2Pac. This is the first song (and Moon Man related media) to feature Cloud Man. It appears as track 6 on The Lunatic. It also appears on The Ultimate Collection - Part 2: Grand Finale, and a live version is on Live At the Reading Festival. Moon Man quotes Sun Man in the first verse, but Sun Man himself does not appear in this song. Moon Man claims to have killed him."@en . . "You'll find the latest changes here:"@en . . "Thirteen's outlook on life: \"Here\u2019s the dirty little secret. I just think we are who we are, and I think lotteries are stupid.\" \u2015Changes Changes is a 7th season episode of House, the twentieth episode of the season and the 152th episode overall, which first aired on May 2, 2011. Arlene Cuddy returns and House and Cuddy's jobs are in danger when Arlene threatens to sue the hospital. Cuddy, House and Wilson decide that appeasement is the best course of action, but when they take a conciliatory approach, Arlene's demands for compensation keep escalating. Meanwhile, House and the team treat a recent lottery winner who has reunited with an old girlfriend who Thirteen thinks is just interested in the patient's new found wealth. Throughout the episode, the characters explore the ability of the other characters to undergo fundamental changes in their personality. Most of their efforts focus on the patient Cyrus, whose lottery winnings seem to give him the greatest hope that his life will change. However, by the end of the episode, it all seems that they have fallen back into old patterns, except for the fact that Cyrus once again seems to have found hope not by looking forward to the future his lottery winnings seem to offer him, but into the past to the one time he was happy. It is left to the viewer to determine if Cyrus will once again find the love he had two decades before. However, the other character seem to have less luck. Chase has stopped sleeping with several women a week and claims to be happier as a result. Every effort to break his vows come to naught, but by the end of the episode, he has returned to his pattern of meaningless sex. Foreman insists he is not the rage machine he is always made out to be, but his efforts to control his temper turn out to be fruitless despite pharmacological intervention. The character holding out the most hope is Arlene Cuddy, who believes her daughter's problems forming relationships would come to an end if she would just accept her affection for House despite all his flaws. Knowing that the two care about each other, she hatches a plot that, if it succeeds, will turn both of them against her in a last ditch attempt to drive them back together. However, when House figures out her scheme and she realizes she has failed, he has to admonish both of them that the real problem is that neither of them are willing to admit they made a terrible mistake and that the only chance they have to form a real relationship is with each other."@en . . . "This is book three of the Collegium Chronicles. In Mercedes Lackey's classic coming-of-age story, the orphan Magpie pursues his quest for his parents' identity with burning urgency--while also discovering another hidden talent and being trained by Nikolas, the King's Own Herald, as an undercover agent for Valdemar. Shy Bardic Trainee Lena has to face her famous but uncaring father, one of Valdemar's most renowned Bards. And Healing Trainee Bear must struggle against his disapproving parents, who are pressuring Bear to quit the Healers' Collegium because he lacks the magical Healing Gift."@en . . . . "Changes is a short of Plankton's Laboratory."@en . . . "8.4"^^ . "3"^^ . . . "Kate decides to go back to work selling real estate when Willie goes on strike."@en . . . . "black; color: #DC143C"@en . "Changes is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Changes ist eine 2-teilige Comic-Geschichte, die erstmals im November und Dezember 1986 im Doctor Who Magazine erschien."@de . . "2015"^^ . . . "Changes is the fourty-fifth episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. It first aired in the United States on June 28, 2014 on Hub Network."@en . . . . . . . . "Name: Changes Run Time: 6:20 Written By: Chris Squire, Jon Anderson, Alan White Year: 1983 \n* 9012Live: The Solos \n* Yesyears \n* Tales From Yesterday \n* 9012 Live \n* Live In LA - (Trevor Rabin)"@en . . "Changes to the rules can take four different forms: 1. \n* Cosmetic changes - changing the name of Bothwell's to the Fleur-de-lis club is inconsequential, and required of a game set in another setting. The Royal North Highland Border (a very English name) to something more french. 2. \n* Adjustments - Changing the values/costs of rules, e.g. changing the fees of Bothwell's to 40 per month from 30. These can have unexpected effects on the game, the less changed, the less likely an issue will arise. 3. \n* Extension - Adding new levels or extrapolating systems. Adding the Fleur-de-lis club as a club above Bothwell's, for example. Again this can cause disruptions, and in this case the fact that one thinks that a higher level club is required may mean that a game has become unbalanced i"@en . "Earl Manley"@en . . . "Salad Daze"@de . "Changes is the debut album from metalcore band For The Fallen Dreams. The album was released on January 8, 2008."@en . . "Note: a significantly more extensive 0.8.5 changelog is available here."@en . "Ashley Isherwood-Sutherland's longtime friend and would-be suitor, Sivadian Trade Minister Brian DelMarenno, finally makes his feelings known. Unfortunately for him, he quickly finds out, Ashley has gone through some changes ... DelMarenno emerges from the Commerce House. There is no surfboard slung over the businessman's head now; instead he slides a small cardboard box into his jacket as he steps onto the street and holds his hand out for a taxi. Sivadian Patrol Bot X-12 drops low toward a yipping poodle and extends a scanner armature, sweeping the animal with a beam of reddish-tinged blue light. Detecting no weapons or apparent threat - despite the obnoxious yipping - the bot states: \"Have a nice day.\" It elevates to normal height and continues its patrol. Sivadian Patrol Bot X-12 whirs away toward Montevedo Street North. Ashley is just turning onto Montevedo Street from Isherwood Avenue, a large, hardbound book cradled in the crook of one arm. She too pauses to look around the street, perhaps also looking for a cab, before a familiar figure captures her attention and she waves in his direction instead, pitching her voice as she calls, \"Brian!\" to gain his attention before he departs. DelMarenno turns just as the taxi pulls up. Spotting Ashley, he smiles broadly and takes a few steps in her direction. \"Well hello there!\" he calls back. \"Fancy sharing a cab?\" Ashley hesitates briefly before she looks quickly in both directions, crossing the street to his side. \"Where are you going?\" she asks at a more comfortable conversation level as she walks up. DelMarenno helps to close the distance with a few more steps and turns with her as she steps onto the street. \"Ashley, good to see you. I was going back home for the day, but if you'd like to go somewhere for tea?\" he lets his voice trail off a little. Ashley nods with a small smile as she shifts her grip on the book, holding it in a more comfortable position - a glimpse of the title would reveal it to be: Sivadian Country Estates and Families. \"I did promise you tea.\" DelMarenno chuckles. \"You make it sound like an obligation,\" he chides gently. \"Would you like to?\" His eye glances down to the book, and his brow knits slightly, but he says only: \"Here, let me carry that for you.\" He holds out his hands for the heavy book, pausing only a moment to whistle with two fingers and wave his cab back to them. You hail a passing hovercab and it pulls up to the kerb. \"Oh, that is quite all right, I can carry a simple book on my own,\" Ashley mock chides in return, her smile widening slightly before nodding, stepping into the cab. \"Where?\" DelMarenno slides into the cab next to Ashley, closing the door after him. \"You name it. My door is always open to you, of course, and I believe I know a place in uptown Sanjuni, if you'd rather go out for tea. I leave it to the lady.\" He glances again at the book, curious, but directly back up to Ashley's eyes. Ashley no doubt notices his curiosity concerning the book, but simply lets it remain a mystery for the moment as she nods, stating definitively, \"Sanjuni, then.\" DelMarenno slides one arm back onto the rear of the cab cushion behind Ashley's shoulders, pointing forward with the other. \"Onward then, noble driver,\" he says. \"Sanjuni Plaza. I'd say make haste, but then, taximen always do,\" he adds, perhaps with a note of wry displeasure. The Specialist Cabbie accepts your money and says, \"All right, guv. Off we go to Sanjuni Plaza!\" The hovercab launches off the road and onto Regreb Bay as it speeds toward its destination. The Specialist Cabbie brags proudly, \"I once had Paul Truffaut himself in this very cab. Course, that was before he went crazy, you understand.\" The Specialist Cabbie remarks offhandedly, \"I don't like the way this weather is looking, not one bit.\" The Specialist Cabbie turns to you and says, \"Here we are, guv. Thank you!\" Ashley chuckles. \"My most pressing business tonight is sorting through some old boxes and sleep. There is not so much need for haste,\" she notes, watching the swift slide of the landscape outside before she exits the cab when it settles once more. Sanjuni Plaza The Sanjuni plaza is the heart of the commercial sector of Sivad. Set overlooking a line of cliffs, high above the other levels of the city, the view from up here is spectacular. The plaza itself is neatly paved with white granite, with a large fountain in the center that is commonly used by the locals to cool off on hot days. The edge of the plaza is entirely lined with one and two story buildings, at the 4 cardinal points of the compass, roads stretch off, with the single exception of east, where in place of a road a large viewing platform looks out over the ocean. All the buildings here are shops or coffee bars and the like, with the most expensive places actually being built into the cliff wall itself. Stars glimmer in the sky over Regreb Bay, and the shining disc of the polydenum-rich moon, Morrigan, rests in its quadrant. DelMarenno slides a few yojj-sterling to the driver as tipmoney and then closes the door. \"Forgive me if I'm prying, but would that have something to do with that bloody great book you've been carrying around all night?\" he remarks wryly, looking around. \"Ah, there it is.\" He points to the Soul Time Cafe. \"This way, my dear.\" He smirks, perhaps a little impishly, and gestures grandiosely with a hand. DelMarenno offers his other arm to the Baroness in another gentlemanly gesture, still with that impish grin. Ashley smiles with a wry dip of her head. \"You are forgiven, for now.\" She hesitates, ever so briefly, before laying her near hand lightly upon the proferred arm. \"And it all has to do with the fact that I am changing my main residence, though I think I will retain the Sanjuni residence for now. It's near a very lovely beach.\" DelMarenno tilts his head. \"I see ...\" he says, and then confesses, \"Well, really I don't. But no matter.\" As they walk, his grin slowly slides into a mildly perplexed look for the briefest of moments. \"I do hope you're not moving too far away,\" he says, smirk returning. \"I'd hoped to see you about town more often, now that your business and mine both bring us here.\" This time, a longer hesitation before Ashley sighs. \"Well, it is not so far that one cannot take a cab. However, it *is* off the mainland. Westshire Island,\" she says with a hint of an embarrassed blush as they approach the cafe. \"I...was recently gifted the deed by the king. But do not worry, I will be in and out of Enaj quite often, I expect. By royal decree, no less.\" DelMarenno raises both eyebrows. \"By royal decrees,\" he echoes, searching Ashley's face. \"You're blushing,\" he notes quietly. \"Am I?\" Ashley murmurs, her eyes focused studiously ahead. \"And please forgive me, Brian; I have been making several jokes at your expense. It was not so much a royal decree as an - expectation.\" She pauses briefly as a group of students exit the cafe, and then slips inside before the doors drift shut again. Soul Time Cafe Before you is a medium sized coffee bar that is fairly packed at all hours. Set against the right hand wall of the building is the bar itself, with a large selection of coffee, tea and iced drinks listed on the priceboard above it, and an excellent selection of pastries on display in the glass cabinets. Scattered around the room itself are various tables and booths, if you take a table you can expect company from anyone, but booths are considered more private, it's polite to ask before joining. The single exception to this layout is the back wall, which is a single massive window looking out over the ocean, the seats here are comfy armchairs, and getting one can be hard. DelMarenno shakes his head. \"I'm sorry,\" he says, the polite, impersonal tone creeping at the edges of his voice. \"I believe I'm treading where I shouldn't.\" His voice has fallen somewhat; he seems disappointed, perhaps a little confused, and hiding it - but Ashley should be able to pick up on that, she's known him long enough to tell by now. The way his brow knits together ever so slightly gives it away. At this hour, the seats near the back window are available; he heads in that direction perhaps automatically. Uncharacteristically silent for now. Ashley does not look at him yet as she moves with him through the maze of tables toward the window, but her hand gives his arm a soft squeeze before she releases it completely. \"It has been a very strange...and eventful few weeks,\" she says quietly as she moves behind one of the empty chairs, setting the book down before pulling it out. \"Not an excuse, but...a few things have changed, I'm afraid.\" \"It seems they have,\" DelMarenno says, exhaling heavily. \"It seems that, between us, they often do.\" He offers a half-smile. \"I must admit to you, Ashley, that I am having trouble keeping up with all these changes.\" His voice becomes more frank, still gentle, but firmer. His eyes seek out hers as he sits across from her, interlacing his fingers and setting them out on the table in front of him. Ashley sighs as she relaxes back into her chair, gazing across the table at him with a small, wan smile. \"I suppose it began with all that replacement Specialist nonsense...things never really felt right after that. Portmeirion...\" Her lips thin in tension for a moment before she shakes her head, resolutely putting it out of her mind before she gives a soft, wry chuckle. \"And then Westshire kidnapped me - us. When put in words, it sounds so...utterly unbelievable. I suppose I am simply trying to say...that I have been off my balance for a while now, and everytime I think I have just found it, I get knocked over again. But hopefully - *I* hope - that this is the last transition I'm going to make for a long time. Provided Richard does not change his mind.\" DelMarenno extends a hand towards Ashley, setting it on the table. He returns her wan smile in kind. \"Your disappearance left me a great deal put out as well. I'm sorry I pressed the issue earlier, it's just ...\" a corner of his mouth crooks upwards, leaving him grinning crookedly, maybe a little embarrassed. \"Well, to be perfectly honest,\" he exhales, \"I haven't had this much trouble saying something in quite some time. I got rather used to having you in my life, and I hope that while you find your balance again ... I want to be a part of that.\" And there he is, looking just like many other men Sivadian and otherwise throughout time, grinning a little like an idiot across the table at an unsuspecting lady. He seems out of things to say. Ashley's smile wilts by another notch at his words before she rallies a bit, looking down at his extended hand though she does not move to take it yet. \"How...much of a part were you looking for?\" Surprisingly enough, DelMarenno doesn't waver. \"A larger part than before,\" he says, \"But ... I hope not quite so large as what you're worrying over,\" he adds, gaining a little confidence. \"Beyond that ... who can tell?\" Ashley's mouth twitches before she nods, finally reaching out to take his hand - and give it a brief, friendly squeeze before pulling back. \"Thank you for your patience, Brian. I...am not certain just how things will work out, but I will be honest with you. It will take me some time to figure out just what it means to be seeing someone who happens to be a king, but I'll at least make time for tea, on occasion,\" she says with a hint of her old humor, mouth curving in a crooked, somewhat self-deprecating smile. DelMarenno blinks. He blinks again. Still choosing his words. \"Seeing.\" There is a pause. \"*I* see. My, don't I feel silly.\" He sets his hands on the edges of the table. \"Of course I suspected, but I allowed myself to believe otherwise.\" Another pause, and he leans back. \"I suppose I shall need something a bit stronger than tea.\" He shakes his head. \"No, thank you for *your* patience, Ashley. I suppose I was quite tiresome, always calling while you were ... well, seeing the King. I apologize. I should have told you sooner.\" He lifts his chin to look into Ashley's eyes. \"Perhaps kings are unaffected by such beauty, but ... in your presence I find myself at a loss for words.\" He can do nothing else but let his gaze linger. Ashley takes a breath, holds it as she gazes upon him with a touch of surprise, before her gaze drops with a soft, embarrassed chuckle at the complement. \"Thank you, Brian. And do not short-change yourself so. This...has been 'official', I suppose you might say, for only the last two weeks. And considering how we acted toward each other before...well, I would be surprised if anyone else suspected. I certainly had not, though...I might have hoped. Just a little.\" This would be the first time, with the possible exception of Portmeirion, that Ashley has ever seen Brian genuinely sad. \"I suppose that's to be expected,\" DelMarenno says. \"After all, who wouldn't want to date the King.\" He quickly appends that with a sigh, and: \"I'm sorry ... that was unfair.\" He pushes his chair back and rises in a daze. \"I should be going, I think.\" Also one of the few times DelMarenno has ever truly been indecisive. \"I'm sorry, Ashley. I feel ... such a fool.\" \"It is awkward,\" Ashley agrees quickly, shaking her head as she sees him rising. \"But there is no need to assign foolishness, for there has been none. And yes, that was unfair...but I assure you, I am not oblivious to the consequences of such a stature. Not only the benefits, but the potential costs as well. It is not a whim that had me granting him permission to see me.\" DelMarenno pauses, then turns. \"Ashley,\" he says, \"I can't. I can't just walk out like this. Can you tell me honestly right now that there was never any kind of spark between us, no ... well, no love?\" His expression is earnest - searching, but not desparate. \"Can you tell me now that you would not consider, or you never would have considered allowing me to see you in that regard?\" He rests his hand on the back of the chair. \"Every time I tried to get close enough, to say what I said just a few minutes ago - something would happen. You would have to leave, or you would disappear - I never had that chance, not really. But Lord knows I would have wanted nothing better. Ashley ...\" A final look into her eyes. \"I don't know which would be harder to bear. Not seeing you at all, or seeing you and ... knowing you were with another man.\" He shakes his head. \"God, why didn't I say this before it was too late.\" Ashley's lips part before she hesitates, pondering her next words, and then she says slowly, gravely, \"There might have been. I thought, a few times, that those might have been your intentions - and I cannot say that I had not wondered before what it might be like to go on a 'date' with you. But...whenever I did, there was always a sense of doubt. It was always after 'if' I accepted such an invitation. But...when Richard asked...I did not hesitate. There was no conditional. Does what I am saying make sense?\" \"Can he make you smile, Ashley? Is he earnest? When you wind up doing something you hadn't expected to do with him, is it a good thing? Will he keep up with you, Ashley? Can he surf? Is he always there? When he thinks you're dead, Ashley ... does he put a bounty out on your murderer, and fly with Baron Cobb in the hopes that somehow you're still alive, and he can help?\" That last comes after a brief pause, but once he starts, there's no turning back from saying it. DelMarenno shakes his head. \"Ashley ... there should always be doubt. That doubt makes it more exciting.\" He steps back, face firm. \"I'm sorry. I cannot give up hope that there will be something between us again. I can't, and I won't.\" He looks so far into Ashley's eyes it may seem he's looking right through her. \"I can only hope ... there's something of that in you too.\" Brian steps back again, this time with an air of finality. \"I may not be a king, Ashley. But I love you. And I will.\" He turns for the last time, and he looks over his shoulder at the Baroness as if about to say something else. At last, his shoulders sag, and he shakes his head. Lifting his chin, doing his best to recover - but, as Ashley and probably very few others would notice - only going through the motions. Still in a daze, he begins to head towards the exit. As the list begins, a progressively more somber look overcomes Ashley's gaze, though a small, unconscious smile lingers at the mention of smiles and earnestness and keeping up. At the rest of his admission, though, she desceneds into solemness altogether, and as he begins to depart, she says after him, \"I cannot repay such kindness and consideration, Brian - but, perhaps, it is not me who should be repaying you, but another lucky woman whom you choose to shower with such affection, and who returns it in the same measure. I do not know how - if - this relationship will work out. But I would not see you continue to pine, simply for the hope that it might not.\" DelMarenno stops. \"Ashley ... I don't want another woman.\" He meets her gaze one last time. \"I don't want you to be unhappy, although I cannot honestly say that I do not want things to fail between you and Richard - because I do, and now you understand why. But most of all, I want ... you.\" There is a last small smile. \"Think about the good times we have had, and ask yourself if a King can do anything that we have done - conspire of opening nightclubs and orbiting casinos, share tea and pass entire afternoons talking ... I have already spoken of that. I won't give up.\" He steps again to the door, and opens it. \"I love you,\" he says, \"Goodnight.\" And with that, Brian is gone."@en . . . . . "BioShock 2"@en . . . . "Changes is a song parodied by Homer in \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge \""@en . "this s by SpiritOfWolfWaters} h I have decided to write a story about after Bramblestar's death. So, here are the characters! Shatteredbone- he's the main character. He is a very dark brown tom with ten black tiger stripes running down his back with a black striped tail and one jet black stripe running from his ear tip to te corner of his eye. He starts out kind ad gentle but changes greatly. Swirlstream-extremely beautiful, star-colored she-cat with light blue ees and one long, light grey swirl mark running from her nose to her tail. She is shy, gentle but very brave. Chapter One"@en . . "\"Changes\" is an original Megurine Luka song. It is apol's first attempt at a VOCALOID dubstep song, one that inspired many to follow thanks to its resounding success."@en . "978"^^ . . "2012-02-27"^^ . "1"^^ . "2011"^^ . . "this s by SpiritOfWolfWaters} h I have decided to write a story about after Bramblestar's death. So, here are the characters! Shatteredbone- he's the main character. He is a very dark brown tom with ten black tiger stripes running down his back with a black striped tail and one jet black stripe running from his ear tip to te corner of his eye. He starts out kind ad gentle but changes greatly. Swirlstream-extremely beautiful, star-colored she-cat with light blue ees and one long, light grey swirl mark running from her nose to her tail. She is shy, gentle but very brave. Longsnake-the one who supported Shatteredbone in his time of need....but he's not exactly the....good guy. He's huge jet black tom with pure black barnowl eyes. He is aggressive, convencing and GIGANTIC. At least two times a normal cat. Littleflower-She the...er...bad she-cat. She was Shatteredbone's mate. She also has the strange barnowl yes...hmm....strange...She is a jet black she-cat also...weird (hint hint) she never doubts Shatteredbone. Chapter One Shatteredbone knew she noticed it first. The new bloodthirsty personality, his fur darkening an his eyes becoming filled with hatred and bloodlust. \"She\" was Swirlstream. Shatteredbone's sister. She never left him alone since he became friends with Longsnake and Littleflower. They were always so kind to him. It was strange that they both had jet black fur and eyes but he ddn't care. Tbey always stpod up for him. Swirlstream looked at him with hurt obviously showing in he eyes. Before he had met Longsnake and Littleflower everyone thought he and a pretty she-cat named Silkpool were destined to be mates. But, Shatteredbone shrugged her off and bit by bit, became cruel and more battlehungry than ever."@en . . . . . . "Dionysus Park"@en . . . "You'll find the latest changes here:"@en . . . "2015"^^ . "Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast"@en . "Redoubt"@en . . . "Changes is the fourty-fifth episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. It first aired in the United States on June 28, 2014 on Hub Network."@en . "Ashley Isherwood-Sutherland's longtime friend and would-be suitor, Sivadian Trade Minister Brian DelMarenno, finally makes his feelings known. Unfortunately for him, he quickly finds out, Ashley has gone through some changes ... DelMarenno emerges from the Commerce House. There is no surfboard slung over the businessman's head now; instead he slides a small cardboard box into his jacket as he steps onto the street and holds his hand out for a taxi. Sivadian Patrol Bot X-12 whirs away toward Montevedo Street North. You hail a passing hovercab and it pulls up to the kerb. Sanjuni Plaza"@en . "Attention is directed to the following changes in the 5th edition of the TMEP. 108.02 Trademark Assistance Center (\"TAC\") is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. 202 Applicant must provide a physical address to which paper correspondence can be mailed in order to receive a filing date. 202.01 A drawing that includes multiple elements that do not comprise an identifiable mark, or that consists of wording describing the mark, does not constitute a clear drawing of the mark. 202.03 Discussion of TEAS Plus applications added. 204.02 Added discussion of procedures for filing a request to restore an application filing date. 301 Added reference to Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) \"Success\" page. List of TEAS forms expanded to include applications for international registration, subsequent designations and responses to notices of irregularity. Deleted statement that credit card payments cannot be processed during the hours between 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. Sunday, Eastern Time; this is no longer true. 302.01 Original certificates of registration are not required for requests for amendment or correction under \u00A77 of the Trademark Act, and owners are strongly discouraged from submitting them. 303.02(a) Language changes. 303.02(b) Language changes. 303.02(c) Language changes. 304.01 Office will accept attachments to Internet e-mail in .jpg or .pdf format. 304.03 Authorization for electronic communications deemed to end upon the date of registration. 304.07 Signatory must personally sign documents filed by e-mail. 307 Documents may be hand delivered to TAC between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. 401.01 New e-mail address for requesting correction of inconsistencies between summary of data on TEAS \"Success\" page and information transmitted by applicant. 401.04 Applications are electronically routed to law offices. 403 Language changes. 405.03 Authorization to charge a fee to a deposit account cannot be entered by examiner's amendment unless the record already contains a written authorization, signed by an authorized party. 502.01 Text of rule 3.73(b) updated. 505 New section - Request to Update Ownership Information. Where the recordation of a document does not automatically update the ownership field in the Trademark Database, the USPTO will update Trademark Reporting and Monitoring (\"TRAM\") System and Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (\"TARR\") database to identify the new owner of a registered mark only if the new owner: (1) records the appropriate document; (2) files a written request that TRAM and TARR be updated; and (3) pays the required fee. Chapter 600 Rewritten to incorporate Exam Guide 03-06. 601 Discussion of communications with an applicant who is represented by an attorney moved to new \u00A7601.02. 601.02 New section - Communications With Applicant Who Is Represented By Attorney. Once an applicant is represented by a practitioner meeting the requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, USPTO will conduct business only with the practitioner. The applicant may not sign responses nor authorize examiner's amendments, priority actions or changes of correspondence address without first revoking power of attorney. 602 Contacting the USPTO by telephone does not constitute an \"appearance\" by an attorney within the meaning of 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.17(c). Discussion of foreign attorneys abbreviated; detailed discussion moved to new \u00A7\u00A7602.06 et seq. Discussion of paralegals and legal assistants moved to \u00A7602.03. 602.01 Contacting the USPTO by telephone does not constitute an \"appearance\" by an attorney within the meaning of 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.17(c). If an applicant is represented by a practitioner meeting the requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, any new attorney who wishes to take action must file a new power of attorney or revocation of the previous power, signed by applicant. 602.02 Discussion of signature and certificate moved to \u00A7605.01. 602.03 Old \u00A7602.03 renumbered 605; rewritten and expanded to incorporate Exam Guide 03-06. New \u00A7602.03 sets forth actions that cannot be taken by an individual who is not qualified under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14. Paralegals and legal assistants cannot authorize examiner's amendments or priority actions, even if only conveying the appointed attorney's approval by indicating that the appointed attorney has approved the amendment or action. 602.04 If the applicant/registrant files a new power of attorney naming a new attorney as its representative, this will be treated as a revocation of any previous power, even if the applicant does not specifically revoke the previous power. A revocation must be personally signed by the applicant/registrant or someone with legal authority to bind the applicant/registrant. A new attorney cannot sign the TEAS revocation/appointment form. 602.05 Title changed. Section applies to both mandatory and permissive withdrawal of attorney. Requests to withdraw that are filed through TEAS are processed electronically. Requests to withdraw as attorney can now be filed through TEAS after registration. 602.06-602.06(e) New sections - Foreign attorneys. Incorporates Exam Guide 03-06. 602.06(a) New section - Canadian Attorneys. Sets forth internal procedures for determining whether a Canadian attorney/agent has been recognized by the Office of Enrollment and Discipline. 602.06(b) New section - Foreign Attorneys and Agents From Countries Other Than Canada. Covers material previously in \u00A7602. 602.06(c) New section - Papers Filed by Foreign Attorneys and Agents. Foreign attorneys may sign cover letters or receive correspondence, but cannot sign responses to Office actions or authorize examiner's amendments and priority actions. 602.06(d) New section - Representatives of Holders of International Registrations. In a \u00A766(a) application, if the applicant's appointed representative, as communicated from the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (\"IB\"), has an address outside the United States, the address will be considered the correspondence address, but the representative will not be recognized by the USPTO without further clarification. 602.06(e) New section - Identification of Foreign Attorney in Original Application. Sets forth procedures for issuing first actions in applications in which the attorney section identifies a person with an address outside the United States. 602.07 New section - Change of Attorney. If an applicant/registrant is already represented by an attorney, and a new attorney from a different firm wishes to take action with respect to the application/registration, the new attorney must file a revocation of the previous power, signed by a person with legal authority to bind the applicant/registrant, before the USPTO will accept filings by or correspond with the new attorney. 602.08 New section - Individuals Excluded or Suspended from Practice. Sets forth procedures for processing papers signed by individuals who have been excluded or suspended from practice before the USPTO. 603.01 If an application or other submission is signed by an attorney on behalf of the applicant/registrant, but the submission does not contain a separate address for that attorney, the USPTO will direct correspondence with the attorney in care of the correspondence address of record. If an Office action is required, the examining attorney will require the attorney to either specify his or her address for correspondence, or affirmatively state that the USPTO should continue to address correspondence to his or her attention in care of the previously submitted correspondence address. Language changes. 603.02 Once an applicant/registrant is represented by an attorney authorized to practice under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, the attorney must sign any request to change the correspondence address. If the applicant/registrant is not represented by an attorney authorized to practice under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, the request must be signed by someone with legal authority to bind the applicant/registrant. 603.02(a) Once an applicant/registrant is represented by an attorney authorized to practice under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, the USPTO will not accept a change of correspondence address signed by the applicant, or by a different attorney, unless the applicant revokes the power of attorney. 603.02(b) Requests to change the correspondence address submitted through TEAS may identify up to twenty (20) application serial numbers in one submission. Parties must identify the original application serial number of each file, whether pending or registered, for which a change of correspondence address is requested. 603.02(c) Owners of registered marks who use TEAS to change correspondence address must submit original application serial number rather than registration number. USPTO will not process a request to change the correspondence address in a cancelled or expired registration, unless submitted in conjunction with a petition or request for reinstatement. Language changes. 603.04 Renumbered 605.05; subsections added setting forth detailed procedures for processing correspondence signed by unauthorized parties. 603.05 Renumbered 603.04. 605-605.05(c) New sections setting forth detailed procedures for processing correspondence signed by unauthorized parties. 605.02 New section - Signatures By Authorized Parties Required. Amendments, responses to Office actions, petitions, letters of express abandonment, requests to change the correspondence address, and other papers must be signed by an attorney authorized to practice under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14 or by someone with legal authority to bind the applicant/registrant. Authorized signatory must personally sign his or her name. 605.03 New section - Signatures of Verifications and Cover Letters. Individuals not qualified under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14 may transmit and receive correspondence, and may sign verifications if they meet the requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.33(a). 605.04 New section lists examples of persons who are authorized and potentially unauthorized to sign. 605.05 Sets forth procedures for processing papers signed by someone other than the applicant or applicant's attorney. When it appears that a response to an Office action was signed by a potentially improper party, the examiner should treat the response as incomplete. When it appears that a paper other than a response to an Office action was signed by a potentially improper party, the examiner should notify the applicant/registrant that no action will be taken on the paper unless the applicant/registrant either: (1) establishes the signatory's authority; or (2) submits a properly signed copy. 605.05(a) New section - Notice of incomplete response must be sent when authority of person signing response is unclear. 605.05(b) New section - Sets forth procedures for replying to notice of incomplete response. 605.05(c) New section - Sets forth procedures for processing applications and registrations when there is an unsatisfactory response or no response to a notice of incomplete response. 702.02 When petition to make special is granted, only initial examination is made special. Deleted statement that reinstated and revived applications are made special. This is no longer done. 702.03(a) Deleted statement that examining attorney must search Office records to determine whether the applicant has any companion applications. This search is done electronically. 702.03(a)(i) & (ii) Revised to set forth new procedures for identifying and assigning companion applications electronically. 702.03(a)(iv) Language changes. 703 Application for registration of a mark depicted in standard characters is considered a duplicate of an application for registration of the same mark in typed format for the same goods/services. Where the international classification of goods/services has changed, a new application for registration of the same mark for the same goods/services in a different class is not considered to be a duplicate. When an application is a duplicate of a registration owned by the applicant, and the registration is subject to cancellation for failure to file an affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse, or due to expire for failure to file a renewal application, the examining attorney should suspend the application until the TRAM system is updated to show that the registration is cancelled or expired. 704.01 Language changes. 704.02 In a \u00A766(a) application, if some goods/services are so indefinite that the examining attorney cannot make a proper search, the examining attorney may defer the search in part. Examining attorney must specifically indicate the goods/services for which a search has been conducted by either listing the goods/services for which no conflicting marks have been found, or issuing a \u00A72(d) refusal that is specifically limited to certain goods/services. If all the goods/services in a \u00A766(a) application are so indefinite that the examining attorney cannot make a proper search, the examining attorney must issue a full refusal. Examining attorney should consult with the managing attorney or senior attorney before issuing a letter deferring action. 705.01 Language changes. 705.03 Deleted reference to duplicate paper copies of Office actions. Language changes. 705.04 Added discussion of citation of articles downloaded from the Internet. 705.05 While a non-precedential decision is not binding on the Board, such a decision \"may be cited for whatever persuasive value it might have.\" 705.06 Sets forth form for electronic signature of Office action by examining attorney. 705.07 Updated procedures for processing outgoing Office actions. 707 Authorization to charge a fee to a deposit account cannot be entered by examiner's amendment unless the record already contains an authorization, signed by an authorized party. 707.01 To obtain authorization for examiner's amendment, the examining attorney must speak directly with the attorney of record, or to someone with legal authority to bind the applicant. Paralegals and legal assistants cannot authorize examiner's amendments even if only conveying the appointed attorney's approval by indicating that the appointed attorney has approved the amendment. Examining attorney may not issue an examiner's amendment upon leaving a telephone or e-mail message for the applicant or the applicant's attorney indicating that an amendment shall be entered if the applicant or attorney does not respond to the message. 707.02 Examining attorney may correct obvious typographical errors and redundancies by examiner's amendment without applicant's approval. Bracketed material should not be included in an identification of goods, but sometimes appears in the Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual. If this material is entered into an identification, it will be automatically deleted in a TEAS Plus application. In a TEAS or paper application, the bracketed material may be deleted with a no-call examiner's amendment. 707.03 Examiner's amendment should indicate any refusals/requirements that are withdrawn by the examining attorney. 708.01 Deleted statement that examining attorney will expedite examination of the response if the applicant responds to the priority action within two months of the mailing date. Deleted statement that applicant must agree to take some action. Priority action must fully discuss all refusals and requirements, include evidence to support the refusals/requirements, and specifically describe what action the applicant may take to place the application in condition for publication or registration. 708.02 Paralegals and legal assistants cannot approve a priority action even if only conveying the appointed attorney's approval by indicating that the appointed attorney has approved the action. Examining attorney must fully discuss all refusals and requirements with applicant before issuing priority action. 708.03 Priority action must fully discuss all refusals and requirements, include evidence to support the refusals/requirements, and specifically describe what action the applicant may take to place the application in condition for publication or registration. 708.04 Priority action must include evidence to support all refusals and requirements. 708.05 Examining attorney may not issue \"no-call\" examiner's amendment/priority action, because the issues in the priority action have not been discussed with the applicant or applicant's attorney. 709.02 Deleted statement that examining attorney will agree to an interview with an attorney who claims to be the applicant's representative, even if the person requesting the interview is not the attorney of record. 710.01(b) List of Internet search results has little probative value because it does not show the context in which the term is used. Internet evidence from another country written in the English language may be considered, but the weight given to such evidence will vary depending upon the context and manner in which the term is used. Examining attorney should check applicant's website for information about the goods/services. 710.01(c) Added discussion of online dictionary definitions. 711 Deleted statement that responses to Office actions in \u00A766(a) applications cannot be filed through TEAS. 712 Examining attorney must review the application record to determine whether an applicant is represented by an attorney authorized to practice under 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, and must ensure that all responses and amendments are properly signed. Person who signs response must personally sign his/her name. 712.01 Deleted statement that examining attorneys should presume that a proper person signed a response unless there is evidence in the record indicating that the signatory is not authorized. Language changes. 712.01(a) Examining attorney must determine that the record clearly establishes the authority of the signer of the response. 712.01 (a)(ii) If a partnership is comprised of general partners who are juristic entities (e.g., the general partner is a corporation), a response to an Office action must be signed by someone with legal authority to bind that type of juristic entity. 712.01(a)(iv) \"Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors\" may not sign response on behalf of a corporation. Language changes. 712.01(a)(v) Added examples of types of officers who may sign on behalf of foreign companies and corporations. Simply stating that a person has been granted authority to act is insufficient to establish the authority of the signatory. 712.01(a)(vi) Language changes. 712.01(a)(viii) New section - Signature By Limited Liability Partnership. 712.02 Rewritten to incorporate Examination Guide 03-06. Deleted statement that unsigned responses may be ratified by examiner's amendment. Examining attorney must defer action on the merits of an unsigned response until the applicant files a properly signed response. 712.03 Rewritten to incorporate Examination Guide 03-06. Added discussion of procedures for issuing and replying to notice of incomplete response, where it appears that a response was signed by an unauthorized party. 714.04 Final action must include statement that the only proper response is an appeal, petition or compliance with a requirement. 714.05(a)(ii) If an examining attorney issues a nonfinal action requiring amendment of the identification because it is indefinite, and the applicant responds with an amended identification that is definite, but is otherwise unacceptable, this is not considered a new issue, and the examining attorney must issue a final requirement for amendment of the identification. However, if the examining attorney issues a final action requiring amendment of the identification because it is indefinite, and the applicant responds with an amended identification that is definite but is otherwise unacceptable, the examining attorney should treat the response as incomplete, and grant the applicant additional time to cure this deficiency. 714.05(d) New section - Submission of unacceptable consent agreement or assertion of unity of control in response to nonfinal \u00A72(d) refusal does not raise new issue. Submission of unacceptable consent agreement or assertion of unity of control in response to final \u00A72(d) refusal warrants issuance of new final refusal. 715.02 Examining attorney may issue examiner's amendment after final refusal if he or she believes that it will immediately put the application into condition for publication or registration, or reduce the issues on appeal. 715.03 In responding to the applicant's request for reconsideration, if the examining attorney introduces new evidence that is significantly different from the evidence currently of record, the examining attorney should issue a new, subsequent final action with a six-month response clause. Language changes; title change. 715.03(a) Language changes; title change. Discusses examining attorney's action when no new issue is presented in request for reconsideration and no notice of appeal has been filed. 715.03(b) Language changes; title change. Examining attorney's action when new issue or new evidence is presented in request for reconsideration and no notice of appeal has been filed. Submission of unacceptable consent agreement or assertion of unity of control after final refusal raises a new issue that warrants issuance of a new final refusal. 715.04 Language changes; subsections added. 715.04(a) New subsection - Discusses examining attorney's action denying request for reconsideration when notice of appeal has been filed. 715.04(b) New subsection - Discusses examining attorney's action when new issue is presented and notice of appeal has been filed. 716.02(e) If examining attorney is ready to issue a final refusal of registration under \u00A72(d), and the grace period for filing a \u00A78 affidavit and/or a \u00A79 renewal application for the cited registration has not passed; the examining attorney must issue the final refusal. 716.04 Legal instruments examiner (\"LIE\") reviews suspended docket and advises examining attorney when continued suspension is no longer necessary. 717 Updated to reflect new procedures for reissuing Office actions. Applicants and attorneys should be diligent in updating any e-mail addresses and authorizations to correspond by e-mail. 717.01 Language changes. 717.02 Updated to reflect new procedures for reissuing Office actions that were sent to the wrong address due to an Office error. 718.01 Express abandonments filed through TEAS are processed electronically. Examining attorney must ensure that letter of express abandonment is signed by a proper party. 718.02(a) If the examining attorney issues a refusal or requirement that applies only to certain goods/services or certain class(es), this should be expressly stated in the Office action. Unless Office action includes a clear and explicit statement that a refusal or requirement applies to only certain goods/services, then the refusal or requirement applies to all the goods/service. If fees in a multiple-class application are insufficient to cover all the classes, and applicant fails to respond to an action requiring submission of additional fees, the entire application will be abandoned. 718.03 Revised to incorporate Exam Guide 03-06 with respect to issuing notice of incomplete response for responses that are unsigned or signed by unauthorized parties. Unsigned response cannot be ratified by examiner's amendment. 718.03(a) Language changes. 718.03(b) Updated to reflect new procedures for reissuing an Office action granting additional time to complete a response, where the applicant did not receive the action or was unable to respond to the action due to some other extraordinary circumstance, and the applicant files a successful petition to the Director. 718.06 Added reference to partial abandonment. Language changes. 718.08 Upon revival or reinstatement of an abandoned application, if an examining attorney's search shows that there is a later-filed conflicting application being handled by a different examining attorney, the examining attorney handling the earlier-filed application should e-mail the other examining attorney to notify him/her of the revival or reinstatement. 803.01 Added discussion of procedures for setting forth the entity of an applicant who is a minor. 803.02(a) Language changes. 803.03(b) Names and citizenship of partners of foreign partnership not required. 803.03(c) Language changes. 803.03(f) \"Education institution\" and \"educational organization\" are not acceptable designations of an applicant's entity. 803.03(h) If \"LLC\" appears in the applicant's name, but entity is listed as a corporation, the examining attorney must inquire as to whether the applicant is a limited liability company or a corporation. \"Limited liability corporation\" is not generally recognized as an entity. 803.03(i) Deleted list of common terms designating entity of foreign applicants and abbreviations therefor. Replaced by new Appendix D. Added discussion of designation of entities organized under the laws of a Canadian province. Names and citizenship of partners not required for foreign partnership. Added link to website listing commonwealth countries. 803.03(k) New section - Limited Liability Partnerships. 803.04 Names and citizenship of partners of foreign partnership not required. Added discussion of designation of entities organized under the laws of a Canadian province. 803.06 Case cite added. 804 Language changes. 804.01(b) Signatory must personally sign his/her name to declaration in lieu of oath. 804.04 Signatory must personally sign his/her name to declaration. Signatory should set forth name and title, or state the relationship between the applicant and the signatory. Language changes. 804.05 Paper documents may be signed by placing a symbol that the filer has adopted as a signature between two forward slash symbols. Signatory must personally sign verification. Added reference to new procedure for signing TEAS documents: Filer may complete document online and e-mail it to the signatory for electronic signature from within TEAS. TEAS attachments may be in .jpg or .pdf format. 806.01(d) \u00A744(e) applicant must submit a copy of a document that has been certified by the intellectual property office in the applicant's country of origin. A printout from the intellectual property office's website or photocopy of the office's publications is not sufficient. 806.02(a) When a single class has different bases for goods/services within the same class, the Office uses parenthetical information to indicate the specific basis for specific goods/services. When entering this information into Tradeups, the examining attorney or LIE must refer to \"use in commerce\" or \"intent to use\" rather than referring to the statutory citation. 806.03(c) Since a statement of use cannot be withdrawn, applicant may not amend from \u00A71(a) to \u00A71(b) after a statement of use has been filed for a particular product or service. 806.03(d) Case cite added. 806.03(h) Case cite added. 806.04(a) Sets forth new fax number for paper requests to delete a \u00A71(b) basis filed after publication and before issuance of notice of allowance. Added statement that \u00A71(b) basis can be deleted from a multiple-basis application between the filing date of the statement of use and the date on which the examining attorney approves the mark for registration. 807 Submitting a specimen as the drawing does not satisfy the requirement for a clear drawing of the mark. Language changes. 807.01 Added reference to requirement for single rendition of three-dimensional mark. 807.03(a) Standard character drawing must show mark in black on white background. 807.03(c) Language changes. 807.03(f) Language changes. 807.03(g) and (h) In \u00A766(a) application, if international registration does not indicate that the mark is in standard characters, and the applicant seeks to amend the \u00A766(a) application to add a standard character claim, the examining attorney must contact the Madrid Processing Unit (\"MPU\") for instructions on how to proceed. 807.05(a) Deleted reference to digitized images of standard character mark in TEAS application. TEAS applicant no longer has the option of submitting digitized image of the mark; applicant must enter the mark in the appropriate field on the TEAS form, and TEAS will automatically generate a standard character claim. Deleted references to \"unsupported characters.\" These no longer exist. 807.05(a)(i) Updated discussion of long marks in standard character drawings filed through TEAS. Deleted reference to digitized images of standard character mark in TEAS application, because these are no longer permitted. 807.05(c) Language changes. 807.07 If applicant does not claim color as a feature of the mark, applicant may not submit a description of the mark indicating use of color on the mark. 807.07(a) Language changes to clarify requirements for color drawings. 807.07(a)(i) If an applicant submits a description of the mark that indicates the use of color on the mark, the applicant must claim color as a feature of the mark (or amend to a black-and-white drawing, if amendment would not be material alteration). Color claim must include the generic name of the colors claimed. 807.07(a)(ii) Color location statement must include the generic name of the colors claimed. 807.07(b) In \u00A744 application, if foreign registration depicts the mark in color, but no claim of color is made in the foreign registration document, examining attorney must inquire whether the foreign registration includes the color(s) shown as claimed features of the mark. In \u00A766(a) application, if the drawing includes color but no color claim is made in the international registration, the examining attorney should require the applicant to submit a claim of the color(s) featured in the mark and describe their location, unless the applicant states for the record that no claim of color is made with respect to the international registration. 807.07(d) Old \u00A7807.07(d) renumbered 807.07(e); language changes. New \u00A7807.07(d) covers color drawings that contain black, white, or gray. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7II. 807.07(d)(i) New section - color drawings that contain black, white, or gray in \u00A71 applications. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7II.A 807.07(d)(ii) New section - color drawings that contain black, white, or gray in \u00A744 applications. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7II.C 807.07(d)(iii) New section - color drawings that contain black, white, or gray in \u00A766(a) applications. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7II.B 807.07(f) Old \u00A7807.07(f) renumbered 807.07(e); language changes. New \u00A7807.07(f) covers black-and-white drawings that contain gray, or black-and-white drawings with a mark description that refers to black, white or gray. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7I. 807.07(f)(i) New section - Black-and-white drawings in TEAS, TEAS Plus and \u00A766(a) applications that contain gray or are accompanied by a mark description that refers to black, white or gray. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7I.A. 807.07(f)(ii) New section - Black-and-white drawings in paper applications that contain gray or are accompanied by a mark description that refers to black, white or gray. Incorporates Exam Guide 2-06, \u00A7I.B. 807.08 Matter depicted in broken lines is not part of the mark and should not be considered in determining likelihood of confusion. 807.09 Rewritten to clarify procedures for submitting \"drawing\" and description of sound marks and other non-visual marks. Although a drawing is not required for completely non-visual matter, the applicant should submit an audio or video reproduction of a sound mark, to supplement and clarify the description of the mark. For TEAS filings, the reproduction must be in .wav, .mp3, .mpg, or .avi format, sent after the TEAS document is transmitted, as an attachment to an e-mail message directed to TEAS@uspto.gov. 807.12(a) Extraneous, non-distinctive punctuation appearing on the specimen that is not part of the mark may be omitted from the drawing. 807.12(b) In \u00A744 application, if the U.S. application has a black-and-white drawing, and color appears in the foreign registration, or color is claimed or described as a feature of the mark in the foreign registration, the mark in the U.S. drawing does not agree with the mark in the foreign registration. In general, the black-and-white drawing in the U.S. application should be amended to agree with the colored mark in the foreign registration. If the U.S. application has a color drawing, the same colors must be part of the mark in the foreign registration. 807.12(c) In \u00A766(a) application, if the drawing is in color and the international registration contains no color claim, the applicant must either: (1) make a color claim to clarify that the depicted color(s) is a feature of the mark and submit a description of the location of the color(s); or (2) submit a black-and-white reproduction of the mark. This is not considered an amendment to the mark, but rather a clarification of the ambiguity. Added discussion of notice from the IB of a correction to a mark in the International Register. 807.12(d) New case cites and summaries added. 807.14(d) Old \u00A7807.14(d) renumbered 807.14(e). New \u00A7807.14(d) covers amendments to color features of marks, incorporating Exam Guide 05-06, \u00A7I. 807.14(d)(i) New section - amendment of black-and-white drawings. Incorporates Exam Guide 05-06, \u00A7II. 807.14(d)(ii) New section - amendment of marks that include color and other elements. Incorporates Exam Guide 05-06, \u00A7III. 807.14(d)(iii) New section - amendment of color marks. Incorporates Exam Guide 05-06, \u00A7IV. 807.15 Language changes. 807.16 Examining attorney may create a new standard character drawing and upload the drawing to the TRAM database by using the Word Mark Imager. 807.17 Language changes. 808.01(a) In a TEAS Plus application, if the mark is not in standard characters, the application must include a description of the mark, even if the mark is composed of easily recognized letters or numerals. 808.01(b) In a TEAS Plus application, if the mark is not in standard characters, the application must include a description of the mark, even if the mark comprises designs or figurative elements that can be identified without explanation. 808.01(c) Statement that a term has no meaning should not be printed. 808.02 If the applicant has not made a color claim, the description of the mark may not mention color. 808.03 If description of the mark is deemed unnecessary, examining attorney should delete the description from TRAM database, but should not require the applicant to delete the description from the record. 809 Application for mark that comprises non-Latin characters must include both a statement transliterating the characters, and either a translation of the corresponding non-English word(s) or a statement that the transliterated term has no meaning in English. In a TEAS Plus application, translation of foreign wording or transliteration of non-Latin characters must appear in the initial application. 809.02 Statement that a term has no meaning in a foreign language should be printed in Official Gazette and on certificate of registration. 810 Discussion of TEAS Plus added. TEAS and TEAS Plus applicants who add classes by examiner's amendment are entitled to the lower fee. 810.01 Authorization to charge a fee to a deposit account cannot be entered by examiner's amendment unless the record already contains an authorization, signed by an authorized party. Action on the merits should be deferred pending receipt of the applicant's response to an Office action requiring payment of missing fees only in limited circumstances. In most cases, examining attorney should act on the merits and require the missing fees. 812 In a TEAS Plus application, if the applicant owns one or more registrations for the same mark, the initial application must include a claim of ownership. 812.01 To establish ownership of a registration that has been cited under \u00A72(d), an applicant may submit a verified statement that it is the owner of the cited registration. 813 If mark is comprised, in whole or in part, of the name of an individual, consent to register is implicit if the individual whose name appears in the mark personally signs the application. An applicant does not have to submit a new consent if a consent to register is already part of the record in the file of a valid registration for a mark comprised in whole or in part of the same name, portrait, or signature for the same goods/services. In this situation, the applicant only has to claim ownership of that existing registration, and advise the examining attorney that the consent is of record therein. The examining attorney must make an appropriate note to the file, and ensure that the consent statement is entered into the TRAM database. If an applicant has submitted a consent to register in an application that has not matured to registration, the applicant must submit a copy of the consent for each pending application. If the applicant is an individual and the record indicates that mark is comprised of his or her likeness, consent to register is implicit if the individual whose likeness appears in the mark personally signs the application. However, the examining attorney must ensure that a consent statement is entered into the TRAM database. In TEAS Plus application, if the mark includes an individual's name or portrait, the initial application must include either: (1) a statement that identifies the living individual whose name or likeness the mark comprises and a written consent of that individual; or (2) a statement that the name or portrait does not identify a living individual. 815.02 Language changes. 815.03 Deleted; substance moved to \u00A7815. 815.04 Renumbered 805.03. 815.05 Renumbered 805.04. 816.02 Language change. 817 It is not necessary to notify the applicant of an examining attorney's determination that information will not be printed. The information deleted from TRAM will remain of record for informational purposes. 819 et seq. New section - TEAS Plus. 903.04 Language change. 903.05 Language change. 903.07 Language change. 903.09 Language change. 904 When \u00A71(a) application is filed without a specimen, Office action must indicate that, pending submission of an acceptable specimen, registration is refused because the applicant has not provided evidence of use of the mark in commerce. 904.01, 904.01(b) If a single specimen supports multiple classes, the applicant may so indicate, and the examining attorney need not require multiple copies of the specimen. Examining attorney should make a note to the file indicating which classes the specimen supports. Interested parties may view specimens on the Trademark Document Retrieval (\"TDR\") portal on the USPTO website. 904.02(a) When filing specimens electronically, applicants are encouraged to submit small files, with a duration of two minutes or less. Added reference to TEAS attachments in .pdf form. 904.02(b) Added text from the old \u00A7\u00A7904.03 and 904.08. 904.02(c) Old \u00A7904.02(c) renumbered 904.02(c)(ii). 904.02(c)(i) New section - Added discussion of procedures for processing materials that do not meet the size requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.56(d)(1), previously in \u00A7904.03. 904.02(d) Renumbered 904.02(c)(iii). 904.03 Old \u00A7904.03 deleted; substance moved to \u00A7\u00A7904.02(b), 904.02(c)(i), and 904.03(d). Language changes. New \u00A7904.03 covers material appropriate as specimens for trademarks, previously in \u00A7904.04. 904.03(d) New section - Electronic and Digital Media Attachments to Paper Filings. Updated to set forth the formats of multimedia materials that can be submitted with paper filings. Such materials should contain small files, with a duration of two minutes or less. Includes some material previously covered in \u00A7904.03. 904.03(f) New section - Specimens for sound marks. Previously covered in \u00A7904.02(a). Rewritten to clarify requirements for submission of sound mark specimens. 904.03(j) New section - Manuals. Previously covered in \u00A7904.07. 904.03(k) New section - Specimens that are Impracticable to Place on Goods, Packaging, or Displays. Previously covered in \u00A7904.04. New case law incorporated. 904.04 Renumbered 904.03. Some text moved to 904.03(k). 904.04(a) Old 904.04(a) renumbered 904.03(a). New \u00A7904.04(a) covers drawing or picture of mark, previously in \u00A7904.04. 904.04(b) Old \u00A7904.04(b) renumbered 904.03(b). New \u00A7904.04(b) covers advertising material, previously in \u00A7904.05. 904.04(c) Renumbered 904.03(c). 904.04(d) Renumbered 904.03(e). New case law incorporated. 904.05 Renumbered 904.04. 904.06 Renumbered 904.03(g). 904.06(a) Renumbered 904.03(h). Language changes. 904.06(b) Renumbered 904.03(i). New case law incorporated. 904.07 Old \u00A7904.07 renumbered 904.04(c). Discussion of manuals moved to 904.03(j). New \u00A7904.07 covers specimens and statutory refusals, previously in \u00A7904.11. 904.07(a) New section - Whether the Specimen Shows the Mark Used in Commerce. 904.07(b) New section - Whether the Specimen Shows the Mark Functioning as a Mark. 904.08 Deleted. Text moved to \u00A7904.02(b). 904.09 Renumbered 904.05. 904.10 Renumbered 904.06. 904.11 Renumbered 904.07. Rewritten to clarify procedures for issuing requirements for specimens and related statutory refusals. Subsections added. 906.02 Language changes. 906.03 Language change. 906.04 Language change. 1002.02 Language changes. 1002.03 Added discussion of \u00A744 application based on an application filed in or registration issued by a \"common office of several states.\" 1002.04 New case law incorporated. 1002.05 Case cite added. 1003 Language changes. 1003.01 Language changes. 1003.02 Language changes. 1003.04 Suspension notice must include search clause. If applicant elects to rely on \u00A71 basis but retain claim of priority under \u00A744(d), examining attorney must make appropriate note to file. 1003.06 Added statement that where applicant claims priority under \u00A744(d) based upon a foreign application, and proceeds to registration under \u00A744(e) based upon a different foreign registration, both foreign countries must be parties to a treaty or agreement with the U.S., and the foreign registration must be from a country of origin of the applicant. 1003.07 Where application is based on more than one foreign application, the mark in each foreign application must be the same mark for which registration is sought in the U.S. 1004.01 \u00A744(e) applicant must submit a copy of a document that has been certified by the intellectual property office in the applicant's country of origin. A printout from the intellectual property office's website or a photocopy of the office's publications is not sufficient, nor is an English translation of a foreign registration without a copy of the underlying document. 1004.01(a) Language changes. 1006 New case law incorporated. Language changes. 1010 Language changes. 1011.01 First sentence moved to \u00A71011. Revised to clarify requirements for drawings of marks that include color. 1011.04 New section - Drawings, Descriptions of Three-Dimensional, and Non-Visual Marks. 1102.01 Examining attorney should search applicant's website to see if it provides information about the goods/services. 1102.03 Language changes. 1104.01(a) LIE will review amendment to allege use (\"AAU\") only to determine whether it bears a signed verification stating that the mark is in use in commerce; examining attorney will determine whether the amendment to allege use was filed in the name of the owner. 1104.01(c) If examining attorney determines that LIE erred in holding that an AAU did not meet minimum filing requirements, examining attorney will advise applicant accordingly and make a note to the file. 1104.09(c) If goods/services identified in the application are omitted from an AAU filed through TEAS, the examining attorney should not issue any inquiry with respect to the omitted goods/services. The applicant may not reinsert these goods/services. 1104.11 Language changes. 1107.01 Sets forth new procedures for issuance of examiner's amendments after the issuance of the notice of allowance but before the statement of use has been filed. 1108.01 Language changes. 1108.02(d) Where some goods/services are omitted from an extension request, applicant may not file a petition under Rule 2.66 claiming unintentional delay with respect to the omitted items. 1109.04 Language changes. 1109.08 Case cite added. 1109.13 When goods/services are omitted from statement of use (\"SOU\") filed through TEAS, examining attorney should not inquire as to whether applicant intended to delete the goods/services, and these goods/services may not be reinserted. 1110 Request to divide must be signed by a proper party. 1110.05 Fee for request to divide cannot be paid by examiner's amendment unless the record already contains a written authorization, signed by someone who is authorized to charge fees to the account. 1110.08 When the IB notifies the USPTO of the division of an international registration, the USPTO will construe the notice as a request to divide. To obtain a registration in the child application, the applicant must pay the fee for the request to divide. 1201.02(b) Case cite added. 1201.02(c) Application may be amended to correct the applicant's name if the party listed as the applicant did not exist as a matter of law on the application filing date, and the application was filed by the party who owned or was entitled to use mark, albeit under an incorrect name or with an incorrect entity designation. If the original application reflects an inconsistency between the owner name and the entity type, e.g., an individual and a corporation are each identified as the owner in different places in the application, the application may be amended to clarify the inconsistency. However, in view of the broad definition of a \"person properly authorized to sign on behalf of an applicant\" in 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.33(a), if the person signing an application refers to a different entity, the Office will presume that the person signing is merely an authorized signatory and will not issue an inquiry regarding the inconsistency, or question the signatory's authority to sign. If the applicant later requests correction to identify the party who signed the verification as the owner, the Office will not allow the amendment. If an application is filed in the name of corporation A, a wholly owned subsidiary, and the parent corporation (corporation B) owns the mark, the application is void as filed because the applicant is not the owner of the mark. 1201.03(c) Once the application has been filed in the name of either the parent or the wholly owned subsidiary, the Office will not permit the applicant to amend the applicant's name to specify the other party as the owner. Furthermore, once an application has been filed in the name of either the parent or the wholly owned subsidiary, the Office will not consider documents filed in the name of the other party to have been filed by the owner. 1202 Added statement that, generally, no refusal on the ground that a proposed mark does not function as a mark will be issued in a \u00A71(b) application until the applicant has submitted specimens with an allegation of use. 1202.01 Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that matter does not function as a service mark. 1202.02(a) Added definition of functionality. 1202.02(a)(ii) Language change. 1202.02(a)(iii) Title changed. 1202.02(a)(iii)(A) Discussion of competitive need revised. 1202.02(a)(iii)(C) Aesthetic functionality section renumbered 1202.02(a)(vi). 1202.02(a)(v) Rewritten. Detailed discussion of utility patents moved to new \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(A). New case law incorporated. 1202.02(a)(v)(A) Old \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(A) renumbered 1202.02(a)(v)(B). New \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(A) covers utility patents and design patents, which was previously in \u00A71202.02(a)(v); new case law incorporated. 1202.02(a)(v)(B) Old \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(B) renumbered 1202.02(a)(v)(C). New \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(B) covers advertising and promotional materials, previously in \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(A). Examining attorney should require any available advertising and promotional materials, and should check to see if applicant has a website on which the product is described. 1202.02(a)(v)(C) Old \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(C) renumbered 1202.02(a)(v)(D). New \u00A71202.02(a)(v)(C) covers availability of alternative designs, previously in 1202.02(a)(v)(B); discussion of competitive need revised; new case law incorporated. 1202.02(a)(vi) Aesthetic functionality, previously in \u00A71202.02(a)(iii)(C). Language changes. 1202.02(a)(vii) New section - Functionality and Service Marks. 1202.02(a)(viii) New section - Functionality and Non-Traditional Marks. 1202.02(b) Case cite added. 1202.02(b)(i) New case law incorporated. 1202.02(b)(ii) Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that the proposed mark is nondistinctive trade dress. 1202.02(e) Case cite added. 1202.02(f) Case cite added. 1202.03(d) Added statement that evidence of five years' use is not sufficient to show acquired distinctiveness of a mark that is mere ornamentation, for consistency with \u00A71212.05(a). 1202.04 Case cite added. 1202.05(a) Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that matter does not function as a service mark. 1202.05(e) Language changes. 1202.05(h) Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that matter does not function as a service mark. 1202.08 Section on title of a single creative work rewritten and expanded to incorporate Exam Guide 04-06, \u00A7IV. Subsections 1202.08(a) through (e) added to incorporate Exam Guide \u00A7\u00A7IV.1 through IV.5. Subsection 1202.08(f) covers title of a single work in intent-to-use applications. 1202.09 Section on names of artists and authors rewritten and expanded to incorporate Exam Guide 04-06, \u00A7\u00A7II and III. 1202.09(a) Rewritten to incorporate Exam Guide 04-06. This section now covers both authors and performing artists. Subsections 1202.09(a)(i) through 1202.09(a)(ii)(B) added to incorporate Exam Guide \u00A7\u00A7II through II.2.b. Subsection 1202.09(a)(iii) covers names of authors and performing artists in intent-to-use applications, previously in \u00A71202.09(a). Deleted statement that the identification of goods must specifically indicate that there is a series. Discussion of names of artists used on original works of art moved to new \u00A71202.09(b). 1202.09(b) New section covers names of artists used on original works of art, previously in \u00A71202.09. 1202.10 Old \u00A71202.10 renumbered 1202.16. New \u00A71202.10 added - Names and Designs of Characters in Creative Works. Incorporates Exam Guide 04-06, \u00A7V. 1202.12 Case cite added. 1202.13 Added discussion of registrability of flavors. Incorporates new case law. 1202.15 Rewritten to clarify procedures for submission of electronic sound files. 1203.01 New case law incorporated. 1203.02(a) New case law incorporated. 1203.02(b) Case cite added. 1203.03(c) Test for determining whether a proposed mark is disparaging clarified. New case law incorporated. 1203.03(d) Case cite added. 1203.03(e) Case cites added. 1203.03(f) Case cite added. 1205.01 Added reference to statute protecting the Red Crescent emblem, the Third Protocol Emblem, and the designations \"Red Crescent\" and \"Third Protocol Emblem.\" 1205.01(a) New section - Examination Procedures for Marks Comprising the Red Crescent emblem, the Third Protocol Emblem, or the designations \"Red Crescent\" and \"Third Protocol Emblem.\" Incorporates Exam Guide 1-07. 1205.02 Language changes. 1206.01 Case cite added. 1206.02 New case law incorporated. 1206.03(a) Case cite added. 1206.03(b) New case law incorporated. 1207.01(a)(iii) Case cite added. 1207.01(a)(iv) Case cite added. 1207.01(b) Case cite added. 1207.01(b)(ii) Case cite added. 1207.01(b)(iii) Case cite added. 1207.01(b)(iv) Case cite added. 1207.01(b)(vi) Case cite added. 1207.01(b)(ix) Case cite added. 1207.01(b)(x) Case cite added. 1207.01(c)(iv) New section - Matter depicted in broken lines is not part of the mark and should not be considered in determining likelihood of confusion. 1207.01(d)(ix) New case law incorporated. 1209.01(a) Case cites added. 1209.01(b) Case cites added. 1209.01(c)(i) New case law incorporated. 1209.01(c)(iii) Case cites added. 1209.02 New case law incorporated. 1209.03(d) Case cites added. 1209.03(e) Language changes. 1209.03(m) New case law incorporated. 1209.03(p) Case cites added. 1209.03(r) Case cite added. 1209.03(t) New section - Repetition of Descriptive Term. 1209.03(u) New section - Punctuation. 1209.04 New case law incorporated. Language changes. 1210.02(a) Case cite added. 1210.02(b)(iii) Case cite added. 1210.03 Case cite added. 1210.04 Case cite added. 1210.04(a) Case cite added. 1210.04(c) Case cite added. 1210.05(a) Examining attorney will initially refuse registration of geographically deceptive marks under both \u00A7\u00A72(a) and 2(e)(3). If the applicant is not seeking registration on the Supplemental Register with a claim of first use in commerce prior to December 8, 1993, or registration on the Principal Register under \u00A72(f) based on a claim that the mark had acquired distinctiveness prior to December 8, 1993, the examining attorney will withdraw the \u00A72(a) refusal. 1210.05(b)(i) New case law incorporated. 1210.08 Rewritten to incorporate Exam Guide 1-06 (Geographic Indications Used on Wines and Spirits). Subsections added. 1211.01(a)(i) Case cite added. 1211.01(a)(iv) New case law incorporated. 1211.01(a)(vii) New section - Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents. 1211.01(b)(iv) Case cite added. 1212.04(a) Prior registration may not be accepted as prima facie evidence of acquired distinctiveness if the term for which the applicant seeks to prove distinctiveness was disclaimed in the prior registration. 1212.06(d) Case cite added. 1212.09(a) In a \u00A72(f) claim based on related goods/services, the showing necessary to establish relatedness will vary from case to case, depending on the nature of the goods/services involved and the language used to identify them. There is no absolute rule that applicant must submit extrinsic evidence to support its contention that the goods are related in every case. 1213.01(b) Case cites added. 1213.05 Case cites added. 1213.05(a)(ii) If a mark includes a descriptive hyphenated term combined with registrable matter, the applicant must disclaim the words in the correct spelling. 1213.05(c) New case law incorporated. 1213.05(f) Case cite added. 1213.08(b) Separate disclaimers of adjacent components of a mark may be accepted where the components do not form a grammatically or otherwise unitary expression. 1213.08(d) Deleted erroneous example of disclaimer of non-Latin characters. Corrects error in 4th edition. 1215.02(a) Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that matter does not function as a service mark. 1215.02(d) Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that a top level domain name would not be perceived as a mark. 1215.04 New case law incorporated. 1215.05 New case law incorporated. 1216.01 Case cite added. 1217 Section on res judicata rewritten. Added discussion of collateral estoppel and stare decisis. 1301 Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that matter does not function as a service mark. 1301.01 Reference to \u00A72 added as basis for refusal of registration on the ground that an activity is not a service. 1301.02(f) New section - Computer Software. 1303.02(b) Collective mark specimen does not have to state explicitly that the product or service is provided by a member of a collective group and meets its standards for admission. If the mark is used on the specimen to indicate the source of the product or service, and the manner of use, or other information on the specimen, is not inconsistent with the applicant's averments in the application that the mark is a collective mark owned by a collective group and used by members of the group to indicate membership, the specimen should be accepted. 1304.09(c) Clothing authorized by the parent organization to be worn by members may be an acceptable specimen for a collective membership mark. 1306.02(a) Certification mark used to certify regional origin will be deemed to have become a generic term as applied to particular goods only if it has lost its significance as an indication of regional origin of those goods. 1306.03 Case cite added. 1306.06(a) Case cite added. 1306.06(c) Case cite added. 1306.06(f) Identification of goods/services in a certification mark application should not include the term \"certification.\" 1306.06(g)(i) Statement of what the mark certifies should indicate that the mark is used or intended to be used by authorized persons, and should appear separate from the identification of goods/services. 1306.06(g)(vi) In a TEAS Plus application, an additional TEAS Plus processing fee will be required if the mark is amended to a collective, collective membership, or certification mark. 1401.02(a) and (b) Language changes, to incorporate 9th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks Under the Nice Agreement (\"Nice Agreement\"). 1401.02(c) Case cite added. 1401.03(a) New case law incorporated. 1401.06(a) Deleted reference to classification of goods made of precious metal in Class 14. 1401.07 Added example of goods with plurality of uses. If a single specimen supports multiple classes, the applicant may so indicate, and the examining attorney need not require multiple copies of the specimen. 1401.09(b) Deleted. 1401.10-1401.10(c) New sections incorporate changes in the 9th edition of the Nice Agreement. 1401.10(a) New section - Legal Services Transferred to Class 45. 1401.10(b) New section - Goods Made of Precious Metal are Classified According to Their Function. 1401.10(c) New section - Transfer of Aquaria and Related Items. 1401.11 New section - Implementation of Changes to the Nice Agreement. 1402.01 New case law incorporated. 1402.01(a) Language changes. 1402.01(b) New case law incorporated. 1402.02 Application is denied a filing date if the goods/services are identified as \"business\" or \"business services.\" If the identification is \"advertising and business,\" the Office will disregard \"business,\" and the identification may only be amended to services within the scope of the term \"advertising.\" If an applicant claims use (or asserts a bona fide intention to use the mark on all goods/services) in a particular class and yet only uses (or has a bona fide intention to use) the mark on some of the goods/services, the resulting registration could be void. 1402.03 \"Sports equipment\" indefinite. New case law incorporated. 1402.03(c) The Office will accept an identification of goods that refers to \"a full line of\" a genre of products only if all the products are classifiable in one class. 1402.04 Any identification of goods/services in USPTO ID Manual that has a letter \"T\" in the Trilateral column indicates that the identification is acceptable in the USPTO, the Japanese Patent Office, and the European Trademark Office. 1402.07(a) Scope of the identification for purposes of permissible amendment is limited by class in \u00A766(a) applications. If the identification is merely a repetition of the entire general class heading for a given class, the Office will look to the ordinary meaning of the words for the purposes of determining the scope of the identification. The Office will not permit the applicant to amend to include any item that falls in the class, unless the item falls within the ordinary meaning of the words identified. 1402.07(b) Deleted \"Publishing of ...\" as an example of an ambiguous identification that can be amended to specify either goods or services. This is an acceptable identification of services that cannot be amended to specify goods. Deleted example indicating that \"computer systems\" could be amended to \"custom design of computer programs.\" 1402.09 If the examining attorney issues a nonfinal action requiring amendment of the identification because it is indefinite, and the applicant responds with an amended identification that is definite, but is unacceptable because it includes a registered trademark or service mark, this is not considered a new issue, and the examining attorney must issue a final requirement for amendment of the identification. However, if the examining attorney issues a final action requiring amendment of the identification because it is indefinite, and the applicant responds with an amended identification that is definite but includes a registered mark, the examining attorney should treat the response as incomplete. 1402.14 Title & language changes. Case cite added. 1403.01 If a single specimen supports multiple classes, the applicant may so indicate, and the examining attorney need not require multiple copies of the specimen. The examining attorney should make a note to the file indicating which classes the specimen supports. 1403.02(c) TEAS and TEAS Plus applicants who add classes by examiner's amendment are entitled to the lower fee. 1501 Appeal brief should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages. Added references to Electronic System for Trademark Trials and Appeals (\"ESTTA\"), certificates of mailing, requests for reconsideration filed in conjunction with notices of appeal, and petitions to revive applications abandoned for failure to file a notice of appeal. 1501.02 Appeal brief should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages. Language changes. 1501.03 Added reference to e-mail communications between applicant and examining attorney. 1501.05 Added reference to e-mail communications between applicant and examining attorney. Language changes. 1502.01 Updated procedures for requesting correction of errors in the Official Gazette. 1503.03 Added reference to procedure for processing registrations that issue inadvertently after the timely filing of a notice of opposition. 1503.04 Detailed information regarding request for extension of time to oppose replaced with references to relevant sections of Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Procedure. 1503.05 Deleted. 1503.06 Renumbered 1503.05. 1504.01 Language changes. 1504.04 Language changes. 1504.05 Added reference to evidence submitted with request for reconsideration. Language changes. 1505.01 Renumbered 1505.02; title changed. 1505.01(a) Renumbered 1505.02(a). 1505.01(b) Renumbered 1505.02(b). 1505.01(c) Renumbered 1505.02(c). 1505.01(d) Renumbered 1505.02(d). 1505.01(e) Renumbered 1505.02(e). 1505.01(f) Renumbered 1505.02(f). 1505.02 Renumbered 1505.01. 1505.02(a) Renumbered 1505.01(a). Rewritten to incorporate new procedures for processing amendments after publication. 1505.02(b) Renumbered 1505.01(b). Broken into subsections 1505.01(b)(i) through 1505.01(c)(ii). Rewritten to incorporate new procedures for processing amendments after publication. 1505.02(c) Renumbered 1505.01(e). 1505.02(d) Renumbered 1505.01(f). 1505.02(g) New section - Amendments to the Applicant's Name, Citizenship, or Entity Type (after publication) 1601.01(b) Procedures for issuing duplicate certificates of registration clarified. 1604.04 Added statement that Director has no authority to waive the deadline for filing \u00A78 affidavit. 1604.08(b) Added reference to e-mail. 1604.11 Owner who files affidavit of nonuse may not substitute affidavit of use after expiration of the statutory filing period. Case cite added. 1604.12(a) If a single specimen supports multiple classes, the owner may so indicate, and the examiner need not require multiple copies of the specimen. 1604.15 Language changes. 1604.16 Response to Office action must be properly signed. The same guidelines that govern the signature of responses to Office actions issued by examining attorneys during examination of applications for registration are applicable to the signature of responses to Office actions issue by Post Registration examiners. 1604.19 Language changes. 1605.02 Language changes. 1605.05 Language changes. 1606.03 Added statement that Director has no authority to waive the deadline for filing renewal application. Language changes. 1606.11 Language changes. 1606.12 Response to Office action must be properly signed. The same guidelines that govern the signature of responses to Office actions issued by examining attorneys during examination of applications for registration are applicable to the signature of responses to Office actions issue by Post Registration examiners. 1609.01(b) If a request to amend a registration that is the subject of an inter partes proceeding is filed with the Post Registration Section, the examiner will deny the request, and advise the owner to file a motion to amend with the Board. Original certificates of registration should not be submitted with \u00A77 requests. Any originals submitted will be scanned into the Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System (\"TICRS\") and destroyed. 1609.02(e) New section - Amendment of Black-and-White Drawing to Color Drawing. 1609.02(f) New section - Amendment to Special Form Drawing Containing Black, White and/or Gray. 1609.10 Original certificates of registration should not be submitted with requests for correction. Any originals submitted will be scanned into TICRS and destroyed. 1609.10(a) If a clerical error in a registered extension of protection occurred through the fault of the USPTO, the USPTO will correct the error without charge. 1612 Requests to withdraw as attorney can now be filed through TEAS after registration. 1615.02 When the IB notifies the USPTO of the division of an international registration, the USPTO will construe the notice as a request to divide. To obtain a registration in the child registration, the registrant must pay the fee for the request to divide for each new registration created. 1616 Abbreviated. Substance moved to \u00A71904.12. Chapter 1700 Title change. 1704 Question of who is a proper signatory of a verification of facts on behalf of an application may be reviewed by either petition or appeal. 1705.02 Petition fee will be waived only in an extraordinary situation. 1705.07 Petition under 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.146 must be signed by a practitioner authorized to practice before the Office pursuant to 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14 or by someone with legal authority to bind the petitioner. Petition may be accompanied by verification signed by someone who meets the requirements of 15 U.S.C. \u00A72.33, but the petition itself must be separately signed by a practitioner meeting the requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, or by someone with legal authority to bind the petitioner. Petitions to revive under 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.66 must include a statement that the delay was unintentional, signed by someone with firsthand knowledge. Where a petition to revive consists only of a statement that the delay was unintentional and/or that the applicant did not receive an Office action or notice of allowance, the petition may be signed by someone with firsthand knowledge, and no separate signature by an authorized practitioner or someone with legal authority to bind the petitioner is required. However, any response to Office action accompanying the petition must be properly signed. 1710 When petition to make special is granted, only initial examination is made special. 1711 Where the applicant believes a filing date was denied in error, the applicant should promptly refile the application, then fax a request to restore the original filing date to the Petitions Office, and include the new serial number in the request. 1712.01 Language changes. 1712.02 Language changes. 1713 If an applicant does not receive an action granting additional time to complete a response under 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.65(b), or if applicant is unable to respond to such an action due to some other extraordinary circumstance, applicant may file a petition to the Director under 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.146. If the petition is granted, the USPTO will send a notice to the applicant directing the applicant to view the action on TDR. 1714.01(a) On granting a petition to revive that states that applicant did not receive the Office action, the USPTO will either issue a new Office action with a new response period, or, if all issues previously raised remain the same, send a notice to the applicant directing the applicant to view the action on the TDR portal on the USPTO website. 1714.01(c) Language changes. 1714.01(e) The person signing the statement that the delay was unintentional must have firsthand knowledge of the facts, but it is not necessary to specifically state in the petition that the signatory has first hand knowledge. Generally, the Office will not question the signatory's authority to sign the statement. However, any response to an Office action accompanying the petition must be signed by a practitioner meeting the requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14, or by someone with legal authority to bind the applicant if the applicant is not represented by a practitioner meeting the requirements of 37 C.F.R. \u00A710.14. 1714.01(f)(ii) Where some goods/services are omitted from an extension request, applicant may not file a petition under 37 C.F.R. \u00A72.66 claiming unintentional delay with respect to the omitted items. 1715 New mailing address for letters of protests. 1715.01(a) Language change. 1715.02 Deleted statement that Administrator waits until examining attorney has taken a first action before deciding a letter of protest. This is no longer true. 1715.03 Deleted last sentence. 1715.04 Administrator no longer waits until examining attorney takes an action before deciding a letter of protest. 1715.07 Deleted reference to faxed requests for copies of letters of protest. 1801.01 Text of 37 C.F.R. \u00A7\u00A7104.2 and 104.3 updated. 1902.02(b) Basic application or registration number(s) required; if there are multiple basic applications or registrations, all numbers are required. If a basic application or registration has been divided, each serial number and/or registration number must be identified. 1902.02(c) Added reference to petition to review refusal to certify. 1902.02(d) Language changes. 1902.02(e) Language changes. 1902.02(f) If the basic application that has been amended during the course of its examination, the list of goods/services in the international application must be within the scope of the goods/services as amended. Language changes. 1902.02(h) Updated discussion of procedure for selecting European Community as a designated contracting party in an international application. 1902.02(i) Language change. 1902.02(k) If an international application is based on more than one basic application or registration, any description of the mark must be the same in each basic application and/or registration. If the basic application has been amended during the course of its examination, the description in the international application must be identical to the description as amended, and not as set forth in the original application. 1902.02(l) Type of mark may only be specified in an international application if it appears in the basic application or registration. 1902.03(a) Fee for petition to review denial of certification not refundable unless denial of certification was due to USPTO error or petition is withdrawn. 1902.05 Deleted reference to paper filers from note regarding priority claims that are based on the basic application. The note applies to all filers. Language changes. 1902.07 Irregularity notices can be viewed in TDR. Language changes. 1902.07(c)(i) MPU reviews responses to IB notices of irregularities in classification only to determine whether a proposed class change affects the scope of goods/services as identified in the basic application or registration. 1902.07(c)(ii) If the goods/services in a response to an IB irregularity notice exceed the scope of the goods/services in the basic application or registration, the response will not be forwarded to the IB. 1902.07(f) USPTO will not process any response filed after the IB response deadline. 1904.01(f) Additional filing fee in \u00A766(a) application collected only when ownership changes with respect to less than all of the goods/services. 1904.02(a) Language changes. 1904.02(b) Changes in classification not permitted in \u00A766(a) application. If they inadvertently occur during examination, MPU will correct the classification and notify the applicant and the IB. Language changes. 1904.02(d) Trademark database tracks 18-month period for refusal of \u00A766(a) application. 1904.02(e) Response deadline in \u00A766(a) application runs from date on which USPTO sends action to IB, not the date on which IB processes refusal. 1904.02(f) Address of representative of holder of international registration is considered correspondence address, unless USPTO receives a notice of change of correspondence address. 1904.02(h) Old \u00A71904.02(h) renumbered 1904.02(i). New \u00A71904.02(h) covers drawings and descriptions of the mark in \u00A766(a) applications. Amendment to mark prohibited in \u00A766(a) application, but applicant must comply with U.S. requirements for drawings, color claims, and descriptions of the mark. 1904.03(a) Second refusal raising new ground may be issued in \u00A766(a) application, but only so long as time remains in the 18-month refusal period. Examining attorney must notify MPU when a new refusal is issued in a second or subsequent action, so that MPU can notify IB. 1904.03(c) Language changes. 1904.03(f) New section - Notification of Correction in the International Register with Respect to a Pending Request for Extension of Protection. Section 66(a) application can be refused by USPTO if protection cannot be granted based on international registration as corrected, if there is ground(s) for refusal that did not apply to the international registration as originally notified. 1904.03(g) New section - Notification of Limitation in the List of Goods and Services with Respect to a Request for Extension of Protection. USPTO may declare that limitation has no effect. 1904.09(a) Requests for transformation should not be submitted through TEAS until a TEAS transformation form is available. 1904.09(b) When examining a transformed application, examining attorney must copy the search strategy from the cancelled extension of protection to the transformed application file record. The examining attorney must require the applicant to submit a verified statement in support of the application that relates back to the date of: (1) the international registration date, if the request for extension of protection to the United States was made in the international application; or (2) the date of recordal of the subsequent designation with the IB, if the request for extension of protection to the United States was made in a subsequent designation. 1904.12 Replacement - deleted previous section, transferred contents of old \u00A71616. 1904.14 New section - Notification of Correction in the International Register with Respect to Registered Extension of Protection. 1904.15 New section - Notification of Limitation of the List of Goods/Services with Respect to Registered Extension of Protection. Appendix D New appendix - lists acceptable foreign entity designations and abbreviations therefor. Replaces list previously in \u00A7803.03(i)."@en . "Changes"@en . . . "Changes"@en . . . . . "Changes is a three-part episode from the TV series, often aired as all three parts sequentially to make a \"movie\"."@en . . . . "You can choose!"@en . "Changes is the twelfth novel in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher, and was published in April 2010. It has forty-nine chapters."@en . "The Fix"@en . . . . "Craig McCracken and Paul Rudish"@en . "Profits of Doom"@de . "Art directors:"@en . . . . . "Note: a significantly more extensive 0.8.5 changelog is available here."@en . . . . "\"Changes\""@en . "\"Changes\" is a song by Moon Man, Star Man, and Cloud Man. The song, produced by Idiotska in 2015, is a remix of \"Changes\" by 2Pac. This is the first song (and Moon Man related media) to feature Cloud Man. It appears as track 6 on The Lunatic. It also appears on Grand Finale, Fresh White, and Greatest Hits, and a live version is on Live At the Reading Festival. Moon Man quotes Sun Man in the first verse, but Sun Man himself does not appear in this song. Moon Man claims to have killed him."@en . "\"Changes\" is a short-story by Listentothesilence; it was included in the 2009 Dobby Award-winning collaboration HPFF United."@en . . . . . "Changes to the rules can take four different forms: 1. \n* Cosmetic changes - changing the name of Bothwell's to the Fleur-de-lis club is inconsequential, and required of a game set in another setting. The Royal North Highland Border (a very English name) to something more french. 2. \n* Adjustments - Changing the values/costs of rules, e.g. changing the fees of Bothwell's to 40 per month from 30. These can have unexpected effects on the game, the less changed, the less likely an issue will arise. 3. \n* Extension - Adding new levels or extrapolating systems. Adding the Fleur-de-lis club as a club above Bothwell's, for example. Again this can cause disruptions, and in this case the fact that one thinks that a higher level club is required may mean that a game has become unbalanced in SL. 4. \n* Re-write - Changes to the basic structure. These should be avoided as their effects can be wide ranging. An example of this is retained status points. Changing the basic mechanisms of the game should be done warily, but are sometimes required. For example after adding a number of house rules it seems that it is too easy to climb socially, a new formula for SL advancement may be in order. Cosmetic and Adjustment changes are not listed here, as they are too numerous, and of limited value. To see many cosmetic changes, see the Games section. The rules do not treat Non-player characters (NPC) and player characters (PC) equally. While there is some argument to favoring PCs (such as war death to create openings, PC considered for promotion ahead of NPC), there are some areas where this causes too much differentiation. The following are the summaries of issues with the standard rules (and there must be an issue or there would be no reason to change the rule), following the link will detail the issue further and suggests House Rules to resolve the problem:"@en . . "Changes"@de . "Profits of Doom"@de . "Feb.27.2012"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . . "Ghost Story"@en . . "DAW"@en . . . . . "\"Changes\" is a song by Moon Man, Star Man, and Cloud Man. The song, produced by Idiotska in 2015, is a remix of \"Changes\" by 2Pac. This is the first song (and Moon Man related media) to feature Cloud Man. It appears as track 6 on The Lunatic. It also appears on The Ultimate Collection - Part 2: Grand Finale, and a live version is on Live At the Reading Festival. The chorus of the song is performed by Moon Man and Star Man, who alternate lines. Moon Man raps the first verse, focusing on killing niggers; Star Man raps the second verse, focusing on killing communists; and Cloud Man raps the third verse, focusing on killing jews (although Moon Man and Star Man come back in for that verse, too). Moon Man quotes Sun Man in the first verse, but Sun Man himself does not appear in this song. Moon Man claims to have killed him."@en . "Genndy Tartakovsky"@en . "Kate goes back to work when a strike sends Willie home."@en . . "\"Changes\" is an original Megurine Luka song. It is apol's first attempt at a VOCALOID dubstep song, one that inspired many to follow thanks to its resounding success."@en . .