"* Kurtisanen\n* Assassinen"@de . . "12"^^ . "Paola"@pl . . "Paola is a member of the Huntik Foundation who looks after a safehouse where Foundation Seekers may rest or take refuge."@en . . . . . . . . "Florence,"@en . . . "Female"@en . . "If talked to after Narine over the argument over who is better, Reyn or Shulk, the two will gain an Affinity Link."@en . . . . "0"^^ . . "3"^^ . . . . . . "1438"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "1438"^^ . . "Paola"@fr . . "Paola is a member of the Huntik Foundation who looks after a safehouse where Foundation Seekers may rest or take refuge."@en . . . "Assassin's Creed: Renaissance"@en . "* Annetta"@de . . . . "NC"@fr . . "Paol\u0119 poznajemy, gdy Anetta m\u00F3wi Ezio gdzie ukry\u0142a Mari\u0119 i Claudi\u0119. Okazuje si\u0119, \u017Ce Paola i Anetta s\u0105 siostrami. Paola uczy Ezia ukrywania si\u0119 i kradzie\u017Cy. Kiedy twierdzi, \u017Ce jest gotowy zleca zabicie Uberto Albertiego i m\u00F3wi gdzie jest. Po zab\u00F3jstwie ka\u017Ce obni\u017Cy\u0107 rozg\u0142os Ezia. Gdy asasyn pyta si\u0119 czemu mu pomog\u0142a, m\u00F3wi \u017Ce wie co to zemsta i pokazuje sw\u0105 poparzon\u0105 r\u0119k\u0119. Drugi raz spotykamy j\u0105 po do\u015B\u0107 d\u0142ugim czasie, podczas walki Ezia i Rodrigo. Hiszpan popycha Ezia, kt\u00F3ry upada na ziemi\u0119, a Borgia ucieka. Paola podnosi Ezia i m\u00F3wi, \u017Ceby go nie goni\u0107. P\u00F3\u017Aniej jest obecna podczas jego oficjalnego zostania asasynem. Trzeci raz spotykamy j\u0105, gdy po zabiciu jednego z pod\u017Cegaczy Savonaroli razem z Niccol\u00F2 Machiavellim i La Volpe zbieraj\u0105 ludzi przeciw Savonaroli. Nast\u0119pnie po jego \u015Bmierci s\u0142ucha mowy Ezio razem z Niccol\u00F2, La Volpe i Mario, po czym wracaj\u0105 do Monteriggioni. Czwarty raz Paol\u0119 widzimy podczas sk\u0142adania \u015Bciany ze stronami Kodeksu."@pl . "Paol\u0119 poznajemy, gdy Anetta m\u00F3wi Ezio gdzie ukry\u0142a Mari\u0119 i Claudi\u0119. Okazuje si\u0119, \u017Ce Paola i Anetta s\u0105 siostrami. Paola uczy Ezia ukrywania si\u0119 i kradzie\u017Cy. Kiedy twierdzi, \u017Ce jest gotowy zleca zabicie Uberto Albertiego i m\u00F3wi gdzie jest. Po zab\u00F3jstwie ka\u017Ce obni\u017Cy\u0107 rozg\u0142os Ezia. Gdy asasyn pyta si\u0119 czemu mu pomog\u0142a, m\u00F3wi \u017Ce wie co to zemsta i pokazuje sw\u0105 poparzon\u0105 r\u0119k\u0119. Drugi raz spotykamy j\u0105 po do\u015B\u0107 d\u0142ugim czasie, podczas walki Ezia i Rodrigo. Hiszpan popycha Ezia, kt\u00F3ry upada na ziemi\u0119, a Borgia ucieka. Paola podnosi Ezia i m\u00F3wi, \u017Ceby go nie goni\u0107. P\u00F3\u017Aniej jest obecna podczas jego oficjalnego zostania asasynem. Trzeci raz spotykamy j\u0105, gdy po zabiciu jednego z pod\u017Cegaczy Savonaroli razem z Niccol\u00F2 Machiavellim i La Volpe zbieraj\u0105 ludzi przeciw Savonaroli. Nast\u0119pnie po jego \u015Bmierci s\u0142ucha"@pl . "Paola war die Anf\u00FChrerin der Kurtisanen in Florenz. Sie war au\u00DFerdem die \u00E4ltere Schwester von Annetta, der Bediensteten der Familie Auditore."@de . "Assassin's Creed II"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Assassin's Creed II"@en . "AC2_CA_017_Paula.png"@de . . "nieznane"@pl . . . . . . "Humana"@es . . . "Caterpile Syrup"@en . . . . "Paola is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra."@en . . . . "Colony 9"@en . "Paola (1438 - unknown) was the leader of the Florentine courtesans, owner of La Rosa Colta and a member of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. Orphaned from an early age, Paola had known many hardships during her life, until she was finally charged with the murder of a city guard. With the help of Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, Paola managed to get out of trouble, after which she founded her brothel. After Giovanni's death at the hands of the Templars, Paola assisted the young Ezio Auditore da Firenze multiple times, teaching him how to blend and lower his notoriety. She also renewed his contact with Leonardo da Vinci, who was able to repair his Hidden Blade. Many years later, she was present at the claiming of the Apple of Eden from Rodrigo Borgia in Venice, along with many other Assassins that had helped Ezio during his travels. She also played an important part during the Bonfire of the Vanities, where she and La Volpe rallied the citizens against Girolamo Savonarola, hoping to free the city of his influence."@en . "Bunniv Paw"@en . . . . . "Xenosaga Episode III"@en . . . . . "Paola"@fr . . . . . "Ana Paola Hinojosa"@es . "Assassin's Creed: Renaissance"@fr . . . . . "Paola es una ni\u00F1a muy bonita, Cleo le tiene celos y esta enamorada de... Carlos, Gerardo o Ebrei \u00BFQui\u00E9n creen?"@es . . "zw-paola.png"@pl . "*Assassin's Creed II\n*Assassin's Creed: Renaissance"@de . "10"^^ . . "Light Brown"@en . . "Femenino"@es . . "Paola"@en . "nieznane"@pl . . . . "Paola"@pl . . "Paola is a character who appeared on \"Dora's Super Soccer Showdown\"."@en . "Paola"@en . . . . . "Narine"@en . "1438"^^ . . . "Paola"@en . . "Really likes Reyn"@en . . . . "Moon Flower"@en . "F\u00FChrerin der Kurtisanen"@de . . . . . "If talked to after Narine over the argument over who is better, Reyn or Shulk, the two will gain an Affinity Link."@en . "Rivals"@en . . "Paola"@de . "234"^^ . . "Paola"@de . . . "6"^^ . "orange"@en . . . "Prototype Helm"@en . "Paola es una ni\u00F1a muy bonita, Cleo le tiene celos y esta enamorada de... Carlos, Gerardo o Ebrei \u00BFQui\u00E9n creen?"@es . . . "1"^^ . "Paola war die Anf\u00FChrerin der Kurtisanen in Florenz. Sie war au\u00DFerdem die \u00E4ltere Schwester von Annetta, der Bediensteten der Familie Auditore."@de . "2"^^ . "Paola (1438 - unknown) was the leader of the Florentine courtesans, owner of La Rosa Colta and a member of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. Orphaned from an early age, Paola had known many hardships during her life, until she was finally charged with the murder of a city guard. With the help of Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, Paola managed to get out of trouble, after which she founded her brothel. Many years later, she was present at the claiming of the Apple of Eden from Rodrigo Borgia in Venice, along with many other Assassins that had helped Ezio during his travels."@en . . "5"^^ . . . "Tierra"@es . "None"@en . . . . "None"@en . . "Paola is a character who appeared on \"Dora's Super Soccer Showdown\"."@en . "Paola is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra."@en . . . . . . . . "Black Kiwi"@en . "Lightweight Driver"@en . "Paola"@es . "2700"^^ . .