. "23"^^ . . "90"^^ . "Calvin Rankin"@en . "Mimic is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series. This monster can sometimes be found disguised when opening a chest, or can be found in the wild."@en . . . . "Passaic, New Jersey, USA"@en . "Companion"@en . "They don't attack and you can't kill them either, so simply just watch them or ignore them."@en . "Thing"@en . "* Mimics can be dangerous at the beginning, as they are relatively powerful. Your Hero/ine doesn't get to use ranged weapons, or pick an advantageous position, unless your Hero/ine can activate them from a distance ."@en . "300"^^ . . "opened that treasure chest."@en . "When first approaching a mimic, the mimic will look exactly like a Chest. Upon opening the chest, a mimic will appear and the game will say \"This is a mimic!\". The mimic will then attack the Hero/ine using the standard melee AI. Every hit has a chance to make the Hero/ine drop some Gold from his/her Backpack."@en . . . "Those who weather the storm of these bedeviled boxes' Chilly Breath still have to worry about Whack and critical attacks.\n\nTheir appetites are insatiable, and the souls of those they swallow stay in their bottomless, boxy bellies forever."@en . . "Eating a mimic's corpse makes you \"imitate\" a pile of gold if you do not have unchanging (you are \"polymorphed\", but your armor and such is not affected, and you do not break polyself conduct. You will, however, fall off your steed if you are riding) for a few moments; if hallucinating, you will mimic an orange instead. A mimic is uncloaked when wearing a ring of protection from shape changers."@en . "Hace mucho tiempo, cuando la gente viv\u00EDa en poblados, exist\u00EDan unas criaturas fant\u00E1sticas que proteg\u00EDan las aguas submarinas endureciendo las rocas que las bordeaban. Estos seres eran peque\u00F1os como ratones, con apariencia humana de cintura para arriba y ten\u00EDan tent\u00E1culos de pulpo en vez de piernas, lo que les permit\u00EDa desplazarse con facilidad por el agua. Un d\u00EDa que estaban examinando las cuevas encontraron un agujero en una de ellas. De este sal\u00EDa luz, una cosa que nunca hab\u00EDan visto, y decidieron salir de la cavidad a ver a d\u00F3nde sal\u00EDa. Result\u00F3 que daba al mar. Estos seres se emocionaron viendo hasta donde llegaba el agua, la variedad de plantas marinas que hab\u00EDan, la libertad que sent\u00EDan al no estar encerrados ni limitados por paredes de roca. Llamaron a todos los de su especie para que lo vieran, y se concentraron en la costa. Por mala suerte, coincidi\u00F3 que hab\u00EDa un poblado muy numeroso cerca de ese sitio que estaba sufriendo una grave crisis porque el pez del que se alimentaban principalmente, no hab\u00EDa vuelto tras la \u00E9poca de desove. La gente del poblado, al verlos, creyeron que eran esp\u00EDritus malignos que estaban espantando a los peces as\u00ED que al d\u00EDa siguiente salieron con redes, los capturaron y los mataron, a todos menos uno. Una hembra hab\u00EDa conseguido escapar de las redes col\u00E1ndose por los huecos que las cuerdas dejaban. Vio con horror como sus familiares fueron asesinados cruelmente sin haber hecho nada malo. Entonces, llena de odio hacia la gente, plane\u00F3 su venganza. Esa noche fue al poblado andando costosamente sobre sus tent\u00E1culos y se dirigi\u00F3 a la caba\u00F1a del jefe. Entr\u00F3 silenciosamente y esper\u00F3 a que este roncara. Cuando lo hizo, se meti\u00F3 dentro de su boca para entrar en su cuerpo y apoderarse de \u00E9l como un par\u00E1sito. En ese momento, el jefe se despert\u00F3 pero ya era demasiado tarde. Lo \u00FAltimo que oy\u00F3 antes de perder el conocimiento fue a la criatura diciendo burl\u00F3namente: '\u00BFY ahora a qui\u00E9n han pescado?' Desde entonces ha ido yendo de cuerpo en cuerpo comi\u00E9ndose por dentro ha sus hu\u00E9spedes. Se sabe que a\u00FAn sigue viva y a lo largo del tiempo la han llamado M\u00EDmic (imitador) porque controla el cuerpo de sus hu\u00E9spedes e imita su forma de ser y comportarse. As\u00ED que ya sab\u00E9is, procurad no dormir con la boca abierta, podr\u00EDa ser cualquiera. Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . "Mimic is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series. This monster can sometimes be found disguised when opening a chest, or can be found in the wild."@en . "2592"^^ . "1024"^^ . "Demihume Slayer M"@en . . . "Shapeshift"@sv . "All Mimics in overworld mode resemble unopened treasure chests and are located in dungeons where other \"normal\" treasure chests are also normally found. When your party tries to open up a Mimic, it will sprout legs and attack, and a battle with the Mimic will ensue. All Mimics are visually identical in battle: they are treasure chests with eyes on their fronts and have sprouted a crablike set of limbs, with six legs and a pair of purple pincers."@en . "1037"^^ . "The Mimic is a hat in Wild Warfare. It is rare, and seems to be based on item crates."@en . . "403"^^ . "--"@sv . . "B\u00FCrgerlicher Name: Calvin Montgomery Rankinthumb Erster Auftritt: X-Men vol. 1 #19 (April 1966)"@de . . . . . "El Mimic es un Enemigo que imita a un Cofre de Munici\u00F3n. Son muy peligroso si no te fijas bien, \u00A1as\u00ED que ten cuidado! hay una probabilidad de 1/11 despu\u00E9s del Desierto de que un Cofre de Munici\u00F3n se convierta en un Mimic. Una vez que un Mimic es matado, dejara caer dos consumibles ya sea de Munici\u00F3n y / o Botiquines de vida y 6 Rads. Hay algunas formas de averiguar si un Cofre es real o no: \n* No tendr\u00E1 un efecto de ''brillo'' que tienen los Cofres normales. \n* Se podr\u00E1 ver una animaci\u00F3n en donde muestra la lengua de vez en cuando. \n* Hace un sonido de sorber que se puede o\u00EDr si tu Personaje esta lo suficientemente cerca para escucharlo. \n* Tambi\u00E9n hace una animaci\u00F3n de ataque cuando lo toca un Enemigo. \n* Al final, la manera mas viable de saber si un Cofre es real o no en el fragor de la batalla es disparandole. File:SprMimicFire strip4.gif Categor\u00EDa:Enemigos"@es . "Nothing, turns into a empty chest when killed."@sv . "Enemy"@en . . . "A single ally recovers 50% / 15% chance"@en . "Harper Hall"@en . . . . "Weird Dance"@en . "2014-09-01"^^ . "Cute"@en . . "Types"@en . . "8"^^ . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "Mimic (Calvin Rankin) is a mutant who can copy the knowledge, skills, and powers (if any) of every individual within a certain range of him."@en . . "X2: X-Men United"@en . . "The Mimic is a standard enemy that can be found in and. __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . "250"^^ . "; 440px-Mimic .jpeg"@en . . "Low"@en . "11052"^^ . . "Cheerful, Pushy"@en . "Beat"@en . "Neutral"@en . . . . "188.7"^^ . "Ninth Pass"@en . "0.0"^^ . "\u017Bywy"@pl . . "1"^^ . "10"^^ . . . "2800"^^ . "Common, Slime, Creepy"@en . . . "A Mimic is a monster encountered in Fate."@en . . "Base=File:1462.png"@en . . "Ghost Ship Extreme:"@en . . "0"^^ . . "*Mimics are derived from a Dungeons & Dragons creature of the same name."@en . "Status"@en . . "Play this card when a hero searches, before revealing the search token. Place a fatigue token on the search token. The search token is now treated as a minion Volucrix Reaver. Once defeated, the search token is immediately revealed and is considered searched by the closest hero."@en . "The Mimic is a slime unit you will be able to create after defeating 20 Mimic units. It is a defense-orientated unit with very good DEF and decent HP. While not proficient in any skill class it is reasonable with Vital and dabbles in all other fields. It's best given DEF-based attacks, as it's ATK isn't too impressive and its INT is even worse. With its focus on defense, it can be helpful to give it defense and HP orientated items to turn it into a tank."@en . "Mimic"@pl . "23"^^ . . "1"^^ . "A walking Mimic in Mega Man Legends 2"@en . "Los Mimic o Cofres Trampa son Reaverbots totalmente consistentes en un c\u00F3fre. Siendo totalmente igual a un cofre, el intruso de la ruina podr\u00E1 ilusionarse con encontrar algo dentro de \u00E9l, pero terminar\u00E1 siendo una trampa desfavorable para el intruso (en Mega Man Legends, al abrirlo lanzar\u00E1 bombas, pero en Mega Man Legends 2, adem\u00E1s de \u00E9sto tambi\u00E9n le aparecer\u00E1n un par de patas y huir\u00E1 de t\u00ED). Su nombre puede ser traducido del ingl\u00E9s al espa\u00F1ol como \"inmitador\"."@es . "2180"^^ . "Medium"@en . . "15"^^ . . "Dragon Quest IX"@en . "No"@en . "2800"^^ . "45"^^ . "Mimic"@ia . "Before opening a chest, always consider that it might be a Mimic; and check your health, your escape route, and your degradation status.\n* If the Hero/ine is standing on top of the chest when opening it, the Hero/ine will be pushed aside onto a free space tile, and the mimic will spawn. If there are no free floor tiles around the Hero/ine , the mimic will not spawn & the items will simply drop to the floor .\n* Mind Vision potions will not show Mimics, until after they have been activated.\n* Objects thrown at a dormant Mimic cannot be retrieved, until after the Mimic has been slain.\n* Challenge Scrolls & Alarm Traps will activate all Mimics at the depth.\n** Terror will not activate them.\n* A Wand of Reach will activate a Mimic.\n* A Potion of Frost or a Seed of Icecap will activate a Mimic.\n* Fire will activate a Mimic, unless it is on a water tile.\n** Igniting the Mimic with a Potion of Liquid Flame, igniting the grass underneath it, or using a Wand of Firebolt, to zap against the wall, adjacent to the Mimic, will reveal it.\n** Fire Darts, or a Blazing Boomerang, will not work , nor will firing a Wand of Firebolt across the Mimic .\n** However, if the Mimic drops a scroll when slain, the fire may burn it up.\n*** Throw a Seed of Icecap at it before it dies from Burning, so if it contains a scroll, the dropped scroll will trigger the Icecap plant & prevent itself from Burning."@en . "The Mimic(\u30DF\u30DF\u30AD\u30E5\u30EA\u30A2Mimikyuria) was a banned bioweapon that was once used by the Space Pirates in order to assassinate Chairman Keaton during his election ceremony. The Mimic appears to be capable of changing its shape (to an unknown degree) and used in assassination attempts where it would get as close to its target as possible before morphing into what is believed to be its true form. During Keaton's ceremony, it took on the form of a bouquet of flowers being delivered by an unknowing Damara, but when it was found out that it had been discovered by Pyonchi, it transformed into a giant organism with large claws with a large, armored, multi-limbed form. Though fearsome looking, it was taken down rather quickly by Samus, which may imply that the creature is not very strong and that its mission had been a suicidal one. Also, based upon what Samus said, there may be more than one Mimic (though no others are ever seen). The Mimic appeared to have some degree of sentience, as it was capable of speech. (\"Orders... kill... kill... Keaton...\")"@en . . "308"^^ . "0.0"^^ . "\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF"@es . . "2485"^^ . . . . . "Panic"@en . . . "Mimic"@en . "Sleep Air"@en . . . . . . "Los Mimic o Cofres Trampa son Reaverbots totalmente consistentes en un c\u00F3fre. Siendo totalmente igual a un cofre, el intruso de la ruina podr\u00E1 ilusionarse con encontrar algo dentro de \u00E9l, pero terminar\u00E1 siendo una trampa desfavorable para el intruso (en Mega Man Legends, al abrirlo lanzar\u00E1 bombas, pero en Mega Man Legends 2, adem\u00E1s de \u00E9sto tambi\u00E9n le aparecer\u00E1n un par de patas y huir\u00E1 de t\u00ED). Su nombre puede ser traducido del ingl\u00E9s al espa\u00F1ol como \"inmitador\"."@es . "Minimum of"@en . "--"@en . . "Creature that disguises itself as prized objects and devours passers-by. Keep your guard up!"@en . . "1336"^^ . . "Mimic may refer to: \n* Mimic (Breath of Fire) \n* Mimic (Breath of Fire II)"@en . "15"^^ . "0"^^ . "that! Come visit more often!"@en . "Yes"@en . . "Mimic"@es . . "A Mimic is a monster encountered in Fate."@en . . . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . . . "Mimics are monster girls that disguise themselves as treasure chests, waiting to leap out and rape unsuspecting adventurers. What seems no more complex than a rapist hiding in a box in fact disguises various substantial practical problems about ergonomics and locomotion, leading Wandering Scholar to propose that mimics have powerful illusion, teleportation, and pocket-dimension-hopping abilities. The basic mimic has two subspecies: the Jinn of the Jar, who just uses a different-shaped disguise, and (more esoterically) the Charybdis, who hides in a big barnacle on the sea floor."@en . . "956"^^ . "Deceptive Jaw"@en . . . . . "For quotes, see Steve's Quotes or Monster Quotes."@en . . . . "100"^^ . . . . . "250"^^ . "Mimic est une ennemie et un sbire du comte Niark dans Super Paper Mario. Elle est cruelle, violente et manipulatrice, usant de son charme pour leurrer les voyageurs et les asservir. Elle est capable de se m\u00E9tamorphoser, d'o\u00F9 son nom \"Mimic\", m\u00E9lange de \"imiter\" et \"mimique\". Sa v\u00E9ritable apparence est celle d'une araign\u00E9e robotique. Pour se transformer, sa t\u00EAte se met \u00E0 tourner fr\u00E9n\u00E9tiquement jusqu'\u00E0 s'arr\u00EAter \u00E0 l'envers, des pattes g\u00E9antes apparaissant sous son corps pour la soulever. N\u00E9e le 5 mai, elle adorerait avoir un petit d\u00E9mon en tant qu'animal de compagnie."@fr . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__ Mimic Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Mimic (\u3082\u306E\u307E\u306D Mimic) is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation I. It copies the enemy's last move until the user faints or is switched out."@en . "Overlord Card"@en . . "Follower: A mimic pet from Treasure Hunter!"@en . . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . "Hace mucho tiempo, cuando la gente viv\u00EDa en poblados, exist\u00EDan unas criaturas fant\u00E1sticas que proteg\u00EDan las aguas submarinas endureciendo las rocas que las bordeaban. Estos seres eran peque\u00F1os como ratones, con apariencia humana de cintura para arriba y ten\u00EDan tent\u00E1culos de pulpo en vez de piernas, lo que les permit\u00EDa desplazarse con facilidad por el agua. Por mala suerte, coincidi\u00F3 que hab\u00EDa un poblado muy numeroso cerca de ese sitio que estaba sufriendo una grave crisis porque el pez del que se alimentaban principalmente, no hab\u00EDa vuelto tras la \u00E9poca de desove. Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . . . "B\u00FCrgerlicher Name: Calvin Montgomery Rankinthumb Erster Auftritt: X-Men vol. 1 #19 (April 1966)"@de . . "Mimics can steal a random promotion from units they defeat in combat."@en . "|-| Chapter 9= |-| Chapter 10= |-|"@en . . . "23"^^ . "Masters of the art of ambush, mimics can assume the form of any object. Many slip into a shop unnoticed and hide among the wares, while others wait patiently in inaccessible locales masquerading as great treasures. Despite their outward appearance, all mimics have one or more long appendages covered in some sticky substance, with which they hold their prey while introducing them to their other distinguishing feature: razor-sharp teeth. If you're lucky, a young mimic might drop its ruse early if it hasn't fed in a while; if not, you might not realize the danger until it's too late..."@en . . "R"@en . . . "5423"^^ . "Metal"@en . . "Mimics are found in Elona+ mod of Elona. They do not belong to any class. Despite their low stats, mimics are dangerous enemies for the unprepared. A mimic's life purpose is to sit in one spot imitating some usable item (treasure ball when female and downstairs when male), watch adventurer's movement and explode (must be Suicide attack special action) right after he comes into melee range. A mimic might also explode when damaged. Decent perception and superb magic resistance help mimic to evade ranged and magical attacks. A critically hurt mimic (5 hp) will use the vanish special action. A blinded mimic will not explode until it can see again. Some things give mimic away: elliptic shadow under feet like all creatures have, slightly shifted upwards sprite and getting auto-targeted when fire button is pressed. A way to deal with mimics or any other exploding enemy is by hurling potions at them, as suicide attacks cannot be activated when wet. However, mimics' high speed will wear off any status effects inflicted very quickly, so caution is still needed if you aim to kill one. Mimics have high charisma. If given negotiation via gene engineering, a mimic could make good shopkeepers."@en . "9997"^^ . . "?"@sv . "21"^^ . "196"^^ . . . "3240"^^ . . "385"^^ . . . . . "0.0"^^ . "Mimics are a type of shapeshifting monster which assumes the guise of a stationary object, usually one which appears inviting to travellers or wildlife. Commonly, Mimics are limited in their size to imitating small objects like chests (the most common representation) and doors, but there are huge variants which imitate houses, clustering together to form wandering towns that lure adventurers in. Mimics can be differentiated from other beings that appear as inanimate objects but act on their own, such as magically-animated chests (or other objects), which do not shapeshift and are often used to safeguard valuables, and automatons in the form of these objects."@en . . . "El Mimic es un Enemigo que imita a un Cofre de Munici\u00F3n. Son muy peligroso si no te fijas bien, \u00A1as\u00ED que ten cuidado! hay una probabilidad de 1/11 despu\u00E9s del Desierto de que un Cofre de Munici\u00F3n se convierta en un Mimic. Una vez que un Mimic es matado, dejara caer dos consumibles ya sea de Munici\u00F3n y / o Botiquines de vida y 6 Rads. Hay algunas formas de averiguar si un Cofre es real o no:"@es . "275"^^ . . "1069"^^ . . "4120"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . "TH: A living treasure chest pet!"@en . "shapechanger"@en . . "2940"^^ . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . . "429"^^ . "Mimic was a mutant and member of the X-Men in the Age of Apocalypse timeline. It is unknown if there is a similar version in the normal timeline."@en . "The Mimics are a species of aliens from the 2014 film Edge of Tomorrow and the Japanese manga the film was based on, in which they serve as the main antagonists."@en . "39"^^ . "Cross Laser S"@en . "no"@es . . "12534"^^ . . "Low"@en . "Selected target"@en . . . . . "446"^^ . "Third dream in the Dream Realm"@es . . . "750"^^ . "12"^^ . . . "Mimic"@en . "2182"^^ . . "23"^^ . "File:1463.png"@en . "MIMIC (Rank 2): The user of this gift can alter his voice to reproduce any sound he has heard. The gift does not allow the creation of new sounds, so when simulating another person's voice he can only duplicate words he has heard spoken and cannot improvise new speech. The gift works flawlessly unless the audience suspects a ruse or knows the original sound very well; in that case, success is based on the Galliard's skill. NATIVE TO: Galliard"@en . "438"^^ . . "Borderlands 2"@en . . "Mimics are monster girls that disguise themselves as treasure chests, waiting to leap out and rape unsuspecting adventurers. What seems no more complex than a rapist hiding in a box in fact disguises various substantial practical problems about ergonomics and locomotion, leading Wandering Scholar to propose that mimics have powerful illusion, teleportation, and pocket-dimension-hopping abilities. The basic mimic has two subspecies: the Jinn of the Jar, who just uses a different-shaped disguise, and (more esoterically) the Charybdis, who hides in a big barnacle on the sea floor."@en . "Normal"@en . "I'm yours now! Me and the"@en . . . . . . "Alistia:"@en . "Mimic"@en . "Pami\u0119\u0107 fotograficzna"@pl . "0"^^ . . "455"^^ . . . . "95099"^^ . . . . "Normal"@en . "215"^^ . "-"@en . "19200"^^ . . "27"^^ . "Mimic"@en . "130"^^ . "0"^^ . "Normal"@en . "6"^^ . "490"^^ . "treasure now."@en . . . "35"^^ . "The Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF Mimikku?), also known as Trap Box (\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30D7\u30DC\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9 Torappu Bokkusu?), is a Reaverbot from the Mega Man Legends series disguised as a treasure chest. Most of them will shoot a barrage of bombs out to whoever opens it. The Mimic can be destroyed like a Reaverbot and Refractor shards can pop out of its wreckage."@en . . . "Attacks in a cross pattern with small elemental lasers."@en . . . "1988"^^ . . . "0.0"^^ . "?"@es . . "The Mimics are the lesser servants of Gargos that take on the shapes of other beings. They are the basic enemies that are most commonly faced in Shadow Lords mode. During the events of Shadow Lords, the Mimics run rampant across the Earth as their master begins to appear, taking the shapes of the fighters of the Killer Instinct universe and wreaking havoc. They appear as green-colored clones of existing beings that are surrounded with a green haze, and their name by their health bar that is also green."@en . . "132"^^ . . "56"^^ . "60000"^^ . "Mimics"@en . "Evolution: 3.0"@en . "94"^^ . "40"^^ . . "Ghost Ship:"@en . . . "Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF Mimikku) is an enemy from Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Mimics look like Treasure Chests that attack unsuspecting people. They trap some creatures inside, and release spirits at others. They are invincible when their lids are closed."@en . . "858"^^ . "54"^^ . "23"^^ . "3276"^^ . . . . . "5"^^ . "Miecz"@pl . "0.0"^^ . "23"^^ . "7"^^ . "208.3"^^ . . . . "\u62DF\u6001"@fr . "1"^^ . "30"^^ . . "m"@en . "All Mimics in overworld mode resemble unopened treasure chests and are located in dungeons where other \"normal\" treasure chests are also normally found. When your party tries to open up a Mimic, it will sprout legs and attack, and a battle with the Mimic will ensue. All Mimics are visually identical in battle: they are treasure chests with eyes on their fronts and have sprouted a crablike set of limbs, with six legs and a pair of purple pincers. Each Mimic has a unique setup of statistics and some differing moves between them, but they all share the following battle abilities: Physically attacking, casting the Sleep Psynergy to potentially put multiple targets to sleep, casting Debilitate to lower each Adept's Defense rating by 25%, and casting Psy Drain to siphon PP from a target to itself. They also share the limitation of only being able to act once per turn. In terms of resistance, each Mimic has a Jupiter Resistance rating of 152, a Mercury Resistance rating of 127, a Venus Resistance rating of 100, and a Mars Resistance rating of 25. Therefore, using your strongest Mars-based summon while the other three characters attack and defend normally is a completely sensible way of dealing with them. In regards to its abilities Mimics can uses its available Jupiter-based attacks with a power rating of 105, its available Mercury-based attacks with a power rating of 100, and its available Venus-based attacks with a power rating of 95. In The Lost Age is a similar type of monster called a Mad Plant, of which there are five separate individuals independently located and battled. While their attack methods are much different from the Mimic, they can be considered the same type of obstacle overall."@en . "Copies the enemy card your opponent is using once. Nothing happens if your opponent has no enemy card in play."@en . . . . . . "10000"^^ . . . "no"@en . . . "Sorry, no treasure here!"@en . . "Shapeshifters"@sv . "Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF) is an enemy present in all Boktai games. They are creatures shaped like treasure chests that bite the player when they try to open the chest, and will follow him with jumps until defeated. Most of them have the color of common orange chests, but a few are also green like special chests."@en . "283"^^ . "204"^^ . "Keeps moving around shapeshifting."@es . "Demihume Slayer"@en . "1"^^ . . "Steal"@en . "1462"^^ . . . . "None"@en . "1463"^^ . . . . . "503"^^ . "104"^^ . . . . . "18240"^^ . "8963"^^ . "Mimics are bags of Gold and Jewels which have come to life. They live in a desert village which was abandoned long ago due to a once-in-a-millennium sandstorm, burying three quarters of its residents under the sands for all time. Horrified, the rest dropped everything they had and scattered to the four winds. Some interesting theories about how Mimics exist have arisen - one in particular states that Mimics are simply a mirage, and the player is just attacking regular bags of Gold. The fact is, Mimics can do damage - and can easily catch people off-guard. They stay in place, however, and turn around every so often, so after a couple seconds, any facade will dissipate."@en . . . "--"@es . "0"^^ . . "Ta-dah! ...What!? You were"@en . "Special"@en . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . . "Magical Creatures"@sv . . "100"^^ . . . "Overlord"@en . "2014-02-04"^^ . . "99"^^ . "A mimic can have almost any dimensions, but usually is not more than 10 feet long. A typical mimic has a volume of 150 cubic feet (5 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet) and weighs about 4,500 pounds."@en . "0"^^ . . . . . . "0"^^ . "Mimikku"@en . . . "Mimic"@fr . . . "3080"^^ . . . . "23"^^ . . "(X-Ceptional); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "Random"@en . "0"^^ . "Mimic (Awareness) Mimic is the skill of those characters who have have learned to mimic the voices of others. This is a Low Skill."@en . . "10"^^ . . "Mimic (Calvin Rankin) is a mutant who can copy the knowledge, skills, and powers (if any) of every individual within a certain range of him."@en . . . "Light"@en . "3"^^ . . "156"^^ . "Back to the chest for me!"@en . . "Mimic; Ultimate Comics Avengers vs New Ultimates vol 1 1 Page 24 Mimic .jpg"@en . "No"@en . . . "Demon Lord's Lair"@en . . "3080"^^ . "90214"^^ . "2357"^^ . "151"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Eating a mimic's corpse makes you \"imitate\" a pile of gold if you do not have unchanging (you are \"polymorphed\", but your armor and such is not affected, and you do not break polyself conduct. You will, however, fall off your steed if you are riding) for a few moments; if hallucinating, you will mimic an orange instead. A mimic is uncloaked when wearing a ring of protection from shape changers."@en . "Any"@en . . "Treasure Hunter"@en . "Mimic dans Super Paper Mario"@fr . . "DJ04"@en . "Terrestrial"@en . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "Treasure Chompers - 12 Turns"@en . . . . . "Guard"@en . "Mimics are enemies found in small rooms. Mimics look like normal chests until you try to open it. They most commonly appear as brown chests (however, they occasionally take the form of blue chests). Mimics attack by firing multiple projectiles in all directions once or twice per turn. Both your character and the mimic can exit the room, but note that no attacks can go past room barriers. It seems to expire after some time and teleport away. An item drops once you kill it, but it's unclear whether drop rates are different from regular chests."@en . "385"^^ . . "A mimic can have almost any dimensions, but usually is not more than 10 feet long. A typical mimic has a volume of 150 cubic feet (5 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet) and weighs about 4,500 pounds."@en . . "Mimics are insidious predators that can imitate inanimate objects. Whatever shape it assumes, it generally takes up 150 cubic feet."@en . "Male"@en . . "23"^^ . . . . . "Mimic (\u64EC\u614B(\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF) Mimikku) is a Caster Magic involving copying an opponent's Magic."@en . "23"^^ . . . . "Bounce"@en . . "Been waitin' for ya...NOT!"@en . "315"^^ . "Mimic (\u30A4\u30DF\u30C6\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3 Imit\u0113shon) est une comp\u00E9tence apparaissant dans Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Elle permet d'imiter les effets de la Carte Malus utilis\u00E9e par l'ennemi."@fr . "Gittingham Palace, etc."@en . "Mimics are found in Elona+ mod of Elona. They do not belong to any class. Despite their low stats, mimics are dangerous enemies for the unprepared. A mimic's life purpose is to sit in one spot imitating some usable item (treasure ball when female and downstairs when male), watch adventurer's movement and explode (must be Suicide attack special action) right after he comes into melee range. A mimic might also explode when damaged. Decent perception and superb magic resistance help mimic to evade ranged and magical attacks. A critically hurt mimic (5 hp) will use the vanish special action. A blinded mimic will not explode until it can see again. Some things give mimic away: elliptic shadow under feet like all creatures have, slightly shifted upwards sprite and getting auto-targeted when fire"@en . . . . . "Usually neutral"@en . . "5700"^^ . "23"^^ . "Copies target's move in use."@en . "11"^^ . . "Mimic"@en . . . . . "10607"^^ . "Su nombre proviene de la palabra mimo"@es . "20800"^^ . "Drop"@en . "Mimic (\u30A4\u30DF\u30C6\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3 Imit\u0113shon) est une comp\u00E9tence apparaissant dans Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Elle permet d'imiter les effets de la Carte Malus utilis\u00E9e par l'ennemi."@fr . "2940"^^ . . "3.6"^^ . . "Mimic.gif"@es . . "25"^^ . . "Mimics are a type of enemy that look like wooden, frozen, golden or locked shadow chests. They will stay still initially, but will reveal themselves by jumping and biting the player if he/she moves within their attack range. Another way to reveal a Mimic is to shoot it from a distance. If the chest is a Mimic, it will take damage and move to attack the player, revealing itself in doing so."@en . . . . "Large"@en . "Normal"@en . "800"^^ . "Zerard:"@en . . "4"^^ . . "Il termine \"Mimic\" ( imitatore ) \u00E8 un termine non ufficiale per indicare una carta che pu\u00F2 copiare ATK, DEF, Livello, nome o effetto di un'altra carta. La maggior parte degli effetti che copiano il nome sono Effetti Continui che permettono di Evocare mostri pi\u00F9 forti, come nel caso di \"Proto Cyber Drago\" e \"Nuovo Neos EROE Elementale\". Carte Mimic \n* Un Oceano Leggendario \n* Alanera - Aurora l'Aurora Boreale \n* Clonazione \n* Copiatore \n* Cavaliere Copia \n* Cyber Drago Zwei \n* Cyber Lady Arpia \n* Rana Imbrogliona \n* Neo Bubbleman EROE Elementale \n* Nuovo Neos EROE Elementale \n* Prisma EROE Elementale \n* Cavaliere Drago Draco-Equiste \n* Genex Alleato Telecomando \n* Genex Riciclato \n* Gladiatore Bestia Lanista \n* Lady Arpia 1 \n* Lady Arpia 2 \n* Lady Arpia 3 \n* Drago dai Cento Occhi \n* Maschera dell'Eroe \n* Pantera Nera Neo-Spaziale \n* Delfino Marino Neo-Spaziale \n* Muschio Scintillante Neo-Spaziale \n* Pittore del Dolore \n* Fantasma del Chaos \n* Pistolero Synchron \n* Pseudo-Spazio \n* Proto Cyber Drago \n* Rospetto Ronin \n* Doppione \n* Regina Arpia \n* Genex Pezzo di Ricambio \n* Scanner \n* Vanadis degli Antenato Nordic \n* La Signora Spettrale \n* Spettro dell'Incubo \n* Il Tiranno Nettuno"@it . "Shapeshift"@es . . "Copies the enemy card your opponent is using once. Nothing happens if your opponent has no enemy card in play."@en . "*Mimics items\n*Paralyzing melee attack\n*Occasionally shrugs off bolts and other resistible magic"@en . "23"^^ . . . "40.0"^^ . . "; Mimic NEW!.jpg"@en . "< [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mimic]] mimicus < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mimic]] \u03BC\u03B9\u03BC\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2 (mimikos), \u201C\u2018belonging to mimes\u2019\u201D) < \u03BC\u1FD6\u03BC\u03BF\u03C2 (mimos), \u201C\u2018imitator, actor\u2019\u201D); see mime."@ia . . "Chilly Breath"@en . . "Mimics are enemies found in small rooms. Mimics look like normal chests until you try to open it. They most commonly appear as brown chests (however, they occasionally take the form of blue chests). Mimics attack by firing multiple projectiles in all directions once or twice per turn. Both your character and the mimic can exit the room, but note that no attacks can go past room barriers. It seems to expire after some time and teleport away. An item drops once you kill it, but it's unclear whether drop rates are different from regular chests."@en . "Elemental Attacks, Instant Death, Petrify"@en . . . . "Brown"@en . "23"^^ . "6890"^^ . "Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+13 Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d8+4) Full Attack: 2 slams +9 melee (1d8+4) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Adhesive, crush Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, mimic shape Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +9, Disguise +13, Listen +8, Spot +8 Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (slam) Environment: Underground Organization: Solitary"@en . "0"^^ . . "Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+13 Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d8+4) Full Attack: 2 slams +9 melee (1d8+4) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Adhesive, crush Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, mimic shape Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +9, Disguise +13, Listen +8, Spot +8 Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (slam) Environment: Underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: Treasure: 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items Alignment: Usually neutral Advancement: 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: -"@en . "16000"^^ . "They are shape shifters. Legends say they shapeshift into items that are of your inner-most desire. They were summonable for a short period."@es . . "Sapient"@en . . "5.9"^^ . . . . . . "Remove"@en . . . . . "10"^^ . "2"^^ . "Minimum level of 5"@en . . . "Kiith Somtaaw"@en . . "Calvin Rankin was accidentally given his mimicing abilities while looking around in his father's lab. He quickly put them to use excelling in school and sports, and began to become hotheaded because of it. \n\nWhen he overreacted to Vera Cantor dating Henry McCoy, he attacked them, and was surprised to find he had gained some of the powers of the then-infamous X-Men. \n\nEventually he became a temporary leader of their team, and over the years that followed, flip-flopped between official and criminal teams like Excalibur and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Norman Osborn found use for his abilities and recruited Calvin for his team of X-Men.\n\nMore recently, he joined the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning in order to help his teammate Omega."@en . "They don't attack and you can't kill them either, so simply just watch them or ignore them."@es . . . . . "Two Turns"@en . . . . . "11820"^^ . . "Mariglenn:"@en . "-"@en . "thumb|right|The Mimic looks exactly like a common loot chest before being opened.\n*Mimics usually drop a blue item and a green item as well as cash, Eridium, and ammo.\n*As long as it is non-hostile and remains in its chest disguise, it cannot be damaged, similar to a normal chest. An exception to this is if the Mimic has returned to chest form after being targeted by Maya's Thoughtlock . In this case, the Mimic's critical spot can be shot, forcing the chest open and vulnerable to further damage.\n*A massive Mimic can be seen fighting a similarly gargantuan Golem after defeating the Ancient Dragons of Destruction in the treasure room area. After witnessing the battle, three D20 chests will appear on the balcony."@en . . "0"^^ . . . "STRSeed"@en . "1000"^^ . "Attacks in a cross pattern with medium-sized elemental lasers."@en . . . "10005"^^ . . . . "148"^^ . "135"^^ . "An enemy found in the Chamber of Gold and Treasure Chamber deep within the Ancient Ruins, and in the Trial of Time - 5th floor."@en . "0"^^ . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Mimic is a treasure chest that has something in it. Be careful, it's very quick."@en . . . . "320"^^ . "168"^^ . . "A single ally recovers 70% / 20% chance"@en . "Jump"@en . "172"^^ . . . "The Mimic is a shape shifting enemy in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, and takes the guise of an unassuming chest. While undisturbed, the Mimic is visually indistinguishable from a common weapon chest, but when opened it will suddenly drop its disguise and reveal itself as a grotesque, multi-toothed predator. This clever disguise, along with the false sense of security often felt while looting objects in an enemy-cleared area, can make the Mimic a very unexpected foe."@en . "23"^^ . . "13"^^ . "28000"^^ . . "Calvin Rankin; Dark X-Men Vol 1 4 page 13 Calvin Rankin .jpg"@en . "--"@es . "33629"^^ . "Calvin Rankin; Mimic Disambiguation.png"@en . "Keeps moving around shapeshifting."@en . "wishing for something else!?"@en . . "Mimikku"@fr . "245"^^ . "817"^^ . "Nothing, turns into a empty chest when killed."@es . . . . "36000"^^ . "222"^^ . "1228"^^ . "Normal"@en . . "Don't leave me alone like"@en . "Forgotten Town, Area 6"@en . . . . "2728"^^ . . . . . "Mimics are bags of Gold and Jewels which have come to life. They live in a desert village which was abandoned long ago due to a once-in-a-millennium sandstorm, burying three quarters of its residents under the sands for all time. Horrified, the rest dropped everything they had and scattered to the four winds. Some interesting theories about how Mimics exist have arisen - one in particular states that Mimics are simply a mirage, and the player is just attacking regular bags of Gold. The fact is, Mimics can do damage - and can easily catch people off-guard. They stay in place, however, and turn around every so often, so after a couple seconds, any facade will dissipate."@en . . "Mimic is"@en . "0.0"^^ . "Unknown"@en . . "The Mimic is a standard enemy that can be found in and. __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Towers and caves, anywhere chests can be found"@en . . "PS"@en . "2946"^^ . "Mimic was a mutant and member of the X-Men in the Age of Apocalypse timeline. It is unknown if there is a similar version in the normal timeline."@en . "The Mimic is a slime unit you will be able to create after defeating 20 Mimic units. It is a defense-orientated unit with very good DEF and decent HP. While not proficient in any skill class it is reasonable with Vital and dabbles in all other fields. It's best given DEF-based attacks, as it's ATK isn't too impressive and its INT is even worse. With its focus on defense, it can be helpful to give it defense and HP orientated items to turn it into a tank. It has excellent confinement time and a low-average movement range, which can help immensely if using the Mimic as a physical shield. It also has great resistance to having items stolen from it."@en . "700"^^ . "Mega Man Legends 2:"@en . . . . . . "55"^^ . "243"^^ . . . . "Juraika:"@en . "Cataclysm Era"@en . . . . . "< [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mimic]] mimicus < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mimic]] \u03BC\u03B9\u03BC\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2 (mimikos), \u201C\u2018belonging to mimes\u2019\u201D) < \u03BC\u1FD6\u03BC\u03BF\u03C2 (mimos), \u201C\u2018imitator, actor\u2019\u201D); see mime."@ia . "No"@en . "Super Paper Mario"@fr . . "When a mimic drops its disguise, it surges forward, snapping at the closest foe. Ordinarily it tries to chase and chomp its prey, but is not a particularly fast creature, and sometimes stops to spit a volatile gob of spittle. Its main advantage lies simply in the element of surprise.\n\nPrior to opening a chest, players are well-advised to prepare for the possibility of it actually being a mimic. Those who open these chests also have a brief period in which to back away before the chest opens to reveal itself as a ravenous beast or an innocuous chest. It may also be beneficial to search other smaller chests nearby for health or ammo before opening these large chests first."@en . . "Mimic Heart"@en . "12"^^ . "23"^^ . . "1612"^^ . . "16"^^ . . "735"^^ . . . . "30"^^ . "Mimic"@it . . "Mimic is a brown Fire lizard that bonded with Menolly during the Ninth Pass."@en . . "Mimic is a type of monster in ADOM. Mimics can disguise themselves as items, until the PC (or non-hostile monster) steps on a square adjacent to one or disturbs it with ranged attacks. They are quite easy to spot in dungeons when an item appears in an unusual color and/or in a room the PC has already cleaned out; they are harder to spot in shops, which usually contain one mimic. Even if the PC identifies a mimic before it attacks, its more worrying power is that it can paralyze the PC upon damaging hits. Whilst (lesser) mimics themselves are not particularly strong, stronger monsters may arrive and attack the PC whilst (s)he is helplessly paralyzed. In their disguised state, mimics display themselves according to a cyclic diagonal pattern, in the same way herbs and traps do. Two disguised mimics on the same north-east to south-west diagonal would look exactly the same. This feature can help to tell a mimic threat room from a shop."@en . . "Normal"@en . . "A mimic disguised as a treasure chest."@en . . . "Dragonsong"@en . . . . "Mimic is a type of monster in ADOM. Mimics can disguise themselves as items, until the PC (or non-hostile monster) steps on a square adjacent to one or disturbs it with ranged attacks. They are quite easy to spot in dungeons when an item appears in an unusual color and/or in a room the PC has already cleaned out; they are harder to spot in shops, which usually contain one mimic."@en . . "DS"@en . "8"^^ . "None"@en . "12"^^ . . . . . "Mimic(unknown identity); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "Male"@en . . . "6"^^ . "(Symbiote War); Mimic 1862.png"@en . "250"^^ . . "Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF Mimikku) is an enemy from Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Mimics look like Treasure Chests that attack unsuspecting people. They trap some creatures inside, and release spirits at others. They are invincible when their lids are closed."@en . . . "Mimic (\u62DF\u6001 (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF), Mimikku) est une Magie Apte, li\u00E9e \u00E0 la copie de la Magie de l'adversaire."@fr . "I am not the loot you were looking for."@en . "None"@en . . . . . "472"^^ . "Mimics can steal a random promotion from units they defeat in combat."@en . "Normal"@en . "Mimic"@en . "23"^^ . . . "2015"^^ . "En Mega Man Legends:\n160\n\nEn Mega Man Legends 2:\n80-100-160"@es . "23200"^^ . . "?"@en . . "Infinite"@en . . . "Mimic fighter.gif"@en . . . "*Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep"@en . . . "mimic"@en . "{| border=\"1\" align=\"right\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" style=\"border:1px solid #7a7a7a; float:right; width:275px; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; border-collapse:collapse; background:;\" class=\"mobile-ibox\" |- !height=\"32\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"| |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Acceleration |valign=\"top\"| 1000 m/s2 |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Speed |valign=\"top\"| 750 m/s |- |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"|"@en . "90"^^ . "mimics"@en . . . . "|-| Chapter 9= |-| Chapter 10= |-|"@en . . "45"^^ . "mimic"@en . "Calvin Rankin was born in Passaic, New Jersey. After an accidental mixup of chemicals from his father Ronald's experiments, he gained the ability to temporarily copy the skills, physical traits, knowledge, and superpowers of any person within close range (approximately ten feet). When his father found out about this, he retreated with Calvin into a mine where he worked on a machine which, as he claimed, would make the abilities his son absorbed permanent. But his experiments with the device caused several power outages in the vicinity; in order to hold off the mob which was tracking these disturbances, Ronald Rankin blasted the mine entrance, but he was accidentally caught and killed in the explosion, and his device sealed deep inside the mine. Taking the name Mimic, Cal decided to seek ou"@en . "The Mimic is a peculiar FOE found solely on Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold."@en . . . "0.0"^^ . . "Rosa:"@en . "Copies target's move in use."@en . . . . "560"^^ . "400"^^ . "23"^^ . "37"^^ . "No"@en . "34"^^ . "Yes"@en . "Mimic is a brown Fire lizard that bonded with Menolly during the Ninth Pass."@en . . "18"^^ . "Shapeshifters"@es . "112"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Level: 1, DV: 14, PV: 6, Hits: 36, Attacks: 2, Damage: 2-12. Speed: 100."@en . "Fighter"@en . "The Mimics are a species of aliens from the 2014 film Edge of Tomorrow and the Japanese manga the film was based on, in which they serve as the main antagonists."@en . . . "Calvin Rankin was born in Passaic, New Jersey. After an accidental mixup of chemicals from his father Ronald's experiments, he gained the ability to temporarily copy the skills, physical traits, knowledge, and superpowers of any person within close range (approximately ten feet). When his father found out about this, he retreated with Calvin into a mine where he worked on a machine which, as he claimed, would make the abilities his son absorbed permanent. But his experiments with the device caused several power outages in the vicinity; in order to hold off the mob which was tracking these disturbances, Ronald Rankin blasted the mine entrance, but he was accidentally caught and killed in the explosion, and his device sealed deep inside the mine. Taking the name Mimic, Cal decided to seek out the X-Men in a plot to get to the machine and make their powers his permanently. Initially he gained the upper hand, but his powers were removed by Ronald Rankin's device, as Professor X had expected. Xavier then wiped his memory and let him go. It was while attending the same college as Jean Grey that his memory returned. In another attempt to gain the X-Men's abilities, Mimic set his sights on joining their ranks, becoming deputy leader in the process when he blackmailed his way into joining the X-Men. As a member of the team, he soon began to antagonize the other X-Men with his arrogant behavior and ended up expelled after a fight with Cyclops. He later realized his potential when he saved his team-mates from the Super-Adaptoid. This battle robbed him of his abilities, and he left powerless but a better person. Eventually he regained his powers, but they were enhanced to also absorb people's life forces, killing them. As the Beast tried to work out a solution, Calvin seemingly perished in a self-sacrificial fight against the Hulk after absorbing the Hulk's gamma radiation. For a long time the X-Men believed him to be dead. In actuality, Mimic was in a coma which lasted for years. This ended only when the regenerative mutant Wolverine came near him. Mimic's power copied Wolverine's healing ability and he woke up. Mimic's powers soon began to drain the life energy of those around him again. He fled to a remote Siberian village, where he soon encountered X-Force, who were investigating a distress call. X-Force arrived to find a number of dead scientists and an enraged Mimic, who illogically blamed X-Force for their deaths. During the fight, Mimic copied the power of Sunspot, and their identical charge caused a large explosion, after which Mimic was no where to be found."@en . . "160"^^ . "Dragon Quest VII"@en . "None"@en . "23"^^ . . "Mimic is a treasure chest that has something in it. Be careful, it's very quick."@en . "578"^^ . "6000"^^ . "Mimics have an ear for voices and accents and can reproduce them almost faultlessly. This skill may be combined with Acting, Disguise, Throw Voice, or Ventriloquism skills to enhance their effects. Precise results are left up to the gamesmaster, taking into account the exact circumstances, but in most cases a 10% modifier to Bluff tests should be the least benefit the character receives. Mimics should also have a +10% modifier to Busk tests."@en . . . . . "28"^^ . "Mimics have an ear for voices and accents and can reproduce them almost faultlessly. This skill may be combined with Acting, Disguise, Throw Voice, or Ventriloquism skills to enhance their effects. Precise results are left up to the gamesmaster, taking into account the exact circumstances, but in most cases a 10% modifier to Bluff tests should be the least benefit the character receives. Mimics should also have a +10% modifier to Busk tests."@en . "0"^^ . "Third dream in the Dream Realm"@sv . "Whack"@en . "58163"^^ . . "Menagerie: A mimic pet."@en . "\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF"@en . "0.0"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . "595"^^ . . "Strike Craft"@en . . "Demon"@en . "405"^^ . . . "The Mimic(\u30DF\u30DF\u30AD\u30E5\u30EA\u30A2Mimikyuria) was a banned bioweapon that was once used by the Space Pirates in order to assassinate Chairman Keaton during his election ceremony. The Mimic appears to be capable of changing its shape (to an unknown degree) and used in assassination attempts where it would get as close to its target as possible before morphing into what is believed to be its true form. During Keaton's ceremony, it took on the form of a bouquet of flowers being delivered by an unknowing Damara, but when it was found out that it had been discovered by Pyonchi, it transformed into a giant organism with large claws with a large, armored, multi-limbed form."@en . . . "23"^^ . . "250"^^ . "613"^^ . "210"^^ . "90"^^ . "Third dream in the Dream Realm"@en . "MIMIC (Rank 2): The user of this gift can alter his voice to reproduce any sound he has heard. The gift does not allow the creation of new sounds, so when simulating another person's voice he can only duplicate words he has heard spoken and cannot improvise new speech. The gift works flawlessly unless the audience suspects a ruse or knows the original sound very well; in that case, success is based on the Galliard's skill. NATIVE TO: Galliard"@en . . "Kl'rt; K'lrt .jpg"@en . "7.4"^^ . . "Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF) is an enemy present in all Boktai games. They are creatures shaped like treasure chests that bite the player when they try to open the chest, and will follow him with jumps until defeated. Most of them have the color of common orange chests, but a few are also green like special chests."@en . . "no"@sv . "445"^^ . . . . . "For quotes, see Steve's Quotes or Monster Quotes."@en . . . "Status"@en . "Trap"@en . "?"@en . . . . . "0"^^ . . . "I wanna be your cherished"@en . . . "3080"^^ . . . "The default name for the pet is Mimic, however it can be changed in the Pets interface."@en . "Move"@en . "1021"^^ . "420"^^ . . . "Superb"@en . "Mimic"@es . . "Men's Spirit Energy"@en . "472"^^ . "3824"^^ . . "10"^^ . . "70"^^ . "Normal"@en . "Mimic"@en . "Mimics are insidious predators that can imitate inanimate objects. Whatever shape it assumes, it generally takes up 150 cubic feet."@en . "4800"^^ . . . . . . "465"^^ . "synopsis"@en . "Material"@en . . . . . "Mimic (Awareness) Mimic is the skill of those characters who have have learned to mimic the voices of others. This is a Low Skill."@en . . . "Aberration"@en . . "Yes"@en . "459"^^ . . . "Aggressive"@en . . . "\"Mimic\" (pol. \"Imitator\") jest Mrocznym \u0141owc\u0105, kt\u00F3ry potrafi perfekcyjnie na\u015Bladowa\u0107 ruchy i fizyczne umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci innych."@pl . "276"^^ . "Dragon Quest IIIIII"@en . . . "Mimic may refer to: \n* Mimic (Breath of Fire) \n* Mimic (Breath of Fire II)"@en . "800"^^ . . . . "No"@en . "Mimic is a type of monster in ADOM. Mimics can disguise themselves as items, until the PC steps on a square adjacent to one or disturbs it with ranged attacks. They are quite easy to spot in dungeons when an item appears in an unusual color and/or in a room the PC has already cleaned out; they are harder to spot in shops, which usually contain one mimic. \n\nEven if the PC identifies a mimic before it attacks, its more worrying power is that it can paralyze the PC upon damaging hits. Whilst mimics themselves are not particularly strong, stronger monsters may arrive and attack the PC whilst he is helplessly paralyzed.\n\nIn their disguised state, mimics display themselves according to a cyclic diagonal pattern, in the same way herbs and traps do. Two disguised mimics on the same north-east to south-west diagonal would look exactly the same. This feature can help to tell a mimic threat room from a shop."@en . "Mimics are a type of shapeshifting monster which assumes the guise of a stationary object, usually one which appears inviting to travellers or wildlife. Commonly, Mimics are limited in their size to imitating small objects like chests (the most common representation) and doors, but there are huge variants which imitate houses, clustering together to form wandering towns that lure adventurers in. Mimics can be differentiated from other beings that appear as inanimate objects but act on their own, such as magically-animated chests (or other objects), which do not shapeshift and are often used to safeguard valuables, and automatons in the form of these objects."@en . "23"^^ . "Su nombre proviene de la palabra mimo"@es . "Rest of Menoy fair"@en . "Normal"@en . . . "When slain, the mimic will drop its contents. The contents can be any item that is spawned in the dungeon ."@en . . "Mimic"@es . . . . . . "2856"^^ . . . "Drone, Alpha, Omega"@en . "Striker, Engineer, and Heavy"@en . "The Mimic is a hat in Wild Warfare. It is rare, and seems to be based on item crates."@en . "\u2014%"@en . . "270"^^ . "Chests in standard rooms have a chance of being a mimic, except on the first depth, where no mimics will spawn in standard rooms. The only Special room that can have a mimic is the Treasury which will contain one mimic at most and can have a mimic even on the first depth. After the initial dungeon generation, no mimic will ever spawn again."@en . "Odd Dance"@en . "N/A"@en . "Mimic est une ennemie et un sbire du comte Niark dans Super Paper Mario. Elle est cruelle, violente et manipulatrice, usant de son charme pour leurrer les voyageurs et les asservir. Elle est capable de se m\u00E9tamorphoser, d'o\u00F9 son nom \"Mimic\", m\u00E9lange de \"imiter\" et \"mimique\". Sa v\u00E9ritable apparence est celle d'une araign\u00E9e robotique. Pour se transformer, sa t\u00EAte se met \u00E0 tourner fr\u00E9n\u00E9tiquement jusqu'\u00E0 s'arr\u00EAter \u00E0 l'envers, des pattes g\u00E9antes apparaissant sous son corps pour la soulever. Mimic a une personnalit\u00E9 effervescente et est tr\u00E8s attir\u00E9e par la gente masculine ; elle aimerait avoir un petit-ami. N\u00E9e le 5 mai, elle adorerait avoir un petit d\u00E9mon en tant qu'animal de compagnie. Mimic adore les rubis, et son plus grand r\u00EAve serait d'en avoir une piscine remplie avec de beaux gar\u00E7ons autour pour la servir. D'apr\u00E8s certains habitants de Recto, Mimic pourrait avoir plusieurs origines. Elle pourrait \u00EAtre un Pixel rat\u00E9, une exp\u00E9rience d'une sorci\u00E8re concernant une m\u00E9tamorphose rat\u00E9e ou un robot, puisque des rouages sont visibles sur elle sous sa forme d'arachnide, en utilisant le mode 3D. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Super Paper Mario Cat\u00E9gorie:Boss Cat\u00E9gorie:Boss de Super Paper Mario Cat\u00E9gorie:Super Paper Mario"@fr . . "9590"^^ . . "Scout: The Volucrix Reaver may perform an immediate Skirmish action."@en . "?"@en . "Cross Laser M"@en . . "8649"^^ . . . . "23"^^ . "Mimikku"@en . . "{| border=\"1\" align=\"right\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" style=\"border:1px solid #7a7a7a; float:right; width:275px; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; border-collapse:collapse; background:;\" class=\"mobile-ibox\" |- !height=\"32\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"| Mimic |- | colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center;\" | File:Mimic fighter.gif |- !colspan=\"2\"|Ship Information |- |height=\"32\" width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"| Classification |valign=\"top\"| Strike Craft |- |height=\"32\" width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"| Purpose |valign=\"top\"| |- |height=\"32\" width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"| Ship Type |valign=\"top\"| Fighter |- |height=\"32\" width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"| RU Cost |valign=\"top\"| 70 RUs |- !colspan=\"2\"|Technical Information |- |height=\"32\" width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"| Mass |valign=\"top\"| 55 tons |- |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Acceleration |valign=\"top\"| 1000 m/s2 |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Speed |valign=\"top\"| 750 m/s |- |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Armaments |valign=\"top\"| |- !colspan=\"2\"|Usage |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Eras |valign=\"top\"| |- |height=\"32\" Width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\"| Affiliation |valign=\"top\"| |- |} The Mimic is a Strike Craft unique to Kiith Somtaaw, equipped with a holographic projection system that allowed it to assume the guise of an enemy spacecraft or a small asteroid."@en . . . "3800"^^ . "2800"^^ . "Chaotic"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . . "--"@sv . . "Glutton"@en . . . "0.0"^^ . "7316"^^ . . "__NOWYSIWYG__ Mimic Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Mimic (\u3082\u306E\u307E\u306D Mimic) is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation I. It copies the enemy's last move until the user faints or is switched out."@en . "My world changed the day you"@en . "1462"^^ . . "1463"^^ . "Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF) is a low-level monster in The World with type of the same name that disguises itself as a treasure chest, often lying rigid on the ground. From time to time, or when it sees one or more PCs, it will stand up with six crab-like legs. To attack a target, it stretches its yellow head out of the treasure chest to bite. A Mimic will also use Ranki Lei to confuse the party."@en . . . . . . . "295"^^ . "Keeps moving around shapeshifting."@sv . . . "Mimic as seen in the Library"@en . . . . "18"^^ . . "Mimics are a type of enemy that look like wooden, frozen, golden or locked shadow chests. They will stay still initially, but will reveal themselves by jumping and biting the player if he/she moves within their attack range. Another way to reveal a Mimic is to shoot it from a distance. If the chest is a Mimic, it will take damage and move to attack the player, revealing itself in doing so. Unlike regular chests, Mimics will not glow while under the effects of a Spelunker Potion, making it easy to differentiate between a Mimic and a standard chest. They do, however, glow under the effects of the Hunter Potion. Similar to their passive counterparts, Mimics are usually found underground, but can rarely appear on the Surface in front of natural background walls. Mimics will also appear on maps for the console version of the game. The Mimic is a Hard Mode monster, so it cannot be encountered naturally before the Wall of Flesh is defeated. Mimics can be spawned by powering the Chest Statue, but they will only drop the Mimic Banner when spawned this way."@en . . "Dragonsong"@en . "1742"^^ . . . "\"Mimic\" (pol. \"Imitator\") jest Mrocznym \u0141owc\u0105, kt\u00F3ry potrafi perfekcyjnie na\u015Bladowa\u0107 ruchy i fizyczne umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci innych."@pl . . . "Normal"@en . . . . . . "treasure chest come as a set!"@en . . . "None"@en . "(Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg"@en . "An enemy found in the Chamber of Gold and Treasure Chamber deep within the Ancient Ruins, and in the Trial of Time - 5th floor."@en . . . "Medium"@en . . . . . "Archwitch 5x dmg"@en . "Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF) is a low-level monster in The World with type of the same name that disguises itself as a treasure chest, often lying rigid on the ground. From time to time, or when it sees one or more PCs, it will stand up with six crab-like legs. To attack a target, it stretches its yellow head out of the treasure chest to bite. A Mimic will also use Ranki Lei to confuse the party."@en . "Mimic"@de . "The Mimic is a peculiar FOE found solely on Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold."@en . "0"^^ . . . . . "Normal"@en . "Surprise Inside! - 18 Turns"@en . . . "\u3082\u306E\u307E\u306D Mimic"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Can appear starting at level 5. Although it mostly is found on depths of 8+."@en . "Mimic (\u64EC\u614B(\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF) Mimikku) is a Caster Magic involving copying an opponent's Magic."@en . "369"^^ . . "150"^^ . "0"^^ . "Basic II"@en . "371"^^ . . . "Mimics don't leave corpses."@en . "The Mimic (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF Mimikku?), also known as Trap Box (\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30D7\u30DC\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9 Torappu Bokkusu?), is a Reaverbot from the Mega Man Legends series disguised as a treasure chest. Most of them will shoot a barrage of bombs out to whoever opens it. The Mimic can be destroyed like a Reaverbot and Refractor shards can pop out of its wreckage."@en . "Mimic"@sv . "363"^^ . . . . "Formless"@en . "42413"^^ . "100"^^ . . "Increases Speed."@en . . "Mimic is"@en . "1394"^^ . . "Il termine \"Mimic\" ( imitatore ) \u00E8 un termine non ufficiale per indicare una carta che pu\u00F2 copiare ATK, DEF, Livello, nome o effetto di un'altra carta. La maggior parte degli effetti che copiano il nome sono Effetti Continui che permettono di Evocare mostri pi\u00F9 forti, come nel caso di \"Proto Cyber Drago\" e \"Nuovo Neos EROE Elementale\". Carte Mimic"@it . . "Balanced"@en . "18"^^ . . "100"^^ . . "10800"^^ . "3570"^^ . . "--"@en . "Holy"@en . . . "Mega Man Legends:"@en . "300"^^ . "Enemy"@en . "Shapeshift"@en . . "Medicine Chest"@en . . . "Fire Lizard"@en . "Imitates Powers of Others"@en . . . . "20"^^ . . "1680"^^ . "2940"^^ . "Mimic"@sv . "I"@en . . . "816"^^ . . "Vedan:"@en . "Infiltrate enemy defences"@en . "(Marvel Nexus); Calvino Rankin 2.jpg"@en . . "2"^^ . "23"^^ . "\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF"@en . "The default name for the pet is Mimic, however it can be changed in the Pets interface."@en . "Greedy humans must pay!"@en . "Treasure Chests"@en . "None"@en . "Normal"@en . "Not Mention in Books"@en . . . . . "Shapeshifters"@en . . . "None"@en . . . . . "\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF"@en . . . "Magical Creatures"@es . "Unknown"@en . "Single"@en . . . "Mimic"@fr . "This creature lurks in treasure chests, waiting to ambush her prey, but it's a lonely life."@en . "They are shape shifters. Legends say they shapeshift into items that are of your inner-most desire. They were summonable for a short period."@en . . "Increases Speed and Strength."@en . "Underground"@en . . . "none"@en . . . . "The Mimics are the lesser servants of Gargos that take on the shapes of other beings. They are the basic enemies that are most commonly faced in Shadow Lords mode. During the events of Shadow Lords, the Mimics run rampant across the Earth as their master begins to appear, taking the shapes of the fighters of the Killer Instinct universe and wreaking havoc. They appear as green-colored clones of existing beings that are surrounded with a green haze, and their name by their health bar that is also green. By defeating a Mimic, a fighter can earn prizes and buffs that will come in handy for the upcoming battle with Gargos."@en . "72"^^ . "Mimic (\u62DF\u6001 (\u30DF\u30DF\u30C3\u30AF), Mimikku) est une Magie Apte, li\u00E9e \u00E0 la copie de la Magie de l'adversaire."@fr . "a"@en . "10000"^^ . "They don't attack and you can't kill them either, so simply just watch them or ignore them."@sv . "1600"^^ . "\u2014"@en . "They are shape shifters. Legends say they shapeshift into items that are of your inner-most desire. They were summonable for a short period."@sv . "Moderate"@en . "175"^^ . . .