. "Krell was a male Klingon who held the rank of Admiral within the Klingon Defense Force in the 22nd century."@en . . "White"@en . . "yes"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "*Enhanced Senses\n*High Resistance"@en . . . . . . . "Criminal"@en . . "Krell"@de . . "The name Krell might refer to: \n* Krell (22nd century), Klingon admiral \n* Krell (23rd century), Klingon operative on Neural You might also be looking for: \n* Crell Moset, a Cardassian doctor \n* Krall, the alias of Balthazar Edison"@en . . "A Krell is a large, ancient crustacean life form. The Krell is intelligent also, and can converse in the tongues of Men, but merely regards them as more food. It is an enemy of the Sea Sprites of the Inland Sea, where it too dwells."@en . "The Krell were an ancient civilization that had apparently long since died off and gone extinct. They were said to have lived on the planets Altair VI and Altair IV. (FASA RPG module: The Federation; ST reference: Star Trek Maps)"@en . . "Krell's followers carried away his body and buried it in a barrow tomb. Nearly 1,500 years later, Nagash came upon the tomb when he was searching for the Crown of Sorcery. Easily translating the runic inscriptions on the tomb walls, Nagash realised that this barrow held the remains of a mighty champion. Nagash was much pleased, and instantly set about raising this prized hero to fight in his armies.[1a]"@en . . . . . "Krell was a Zotar, a breed of Demonic Bounty Hunters. He was sent after Belthazor after he had betrayed and vanquished the Triad."@en . "8"^^ . . . . . "Die Krell ist der erste von den Kiowan im Alleingang gebaute Raumj\u00E4ger, erste Sichtungen dieser Maschine sollen bis ins Jahr 140 TST zur\u00FCck reichen, best\u00E4tigte Meldungen gibt es aber erst seit 169 TST. Im Gegensatz zur Leighat gibt es f\u00FCr die Krell kein ziviles Vorbild, man geht heute davon aus, dass Kiowan einzelne erbeutete Raumj\u00E4ger Schraube f\u00FCr Schraube demontierten und die so gewonnenen Erkenntnis zum Bau der Krell (und sp\u00E4ter der Vector) verwendeten. Die Bezeichnung \u201Eschwerer J\u00E4ger\u201C mag auf den ersten Blick befremdlich anmuten, tats\u00E4chlich aber machen die Triebwerke allein fast 78% der gesamten Masse der Konstruktion aus und ja \u2013 die Krell hat sogar ein h\u00F6heres Eigengewicht als eine Karnenan. Die Triebwerke haben sich zwar als sehr robust, aber auch als wahre Treibstofffresser erwiesen. W\u00E4hrend andere J\u00E4ger zus\u00E4tzliche Kleinsttriebwerke f\u00FCr den Atmosph\u00E4renflug besitzen, wird bei der Krell das Antriebsplasma aus den beiden Hauptmaschinen hierf\u00FCr eingesetzt. Als direkte Folge ist die Flugstabilit\u00E4t der Krell im Atmosph\u00E4renflug sehr stark eingeschr\u00E4nkt. Die Bewaffnung wurde \u00FCber die Jahre hin immer wieder aktualisiert, allerdings erreichte das Schiff nie die Kapazit\u00E4ten vergleichbarer Einheiten der Papago oder Jincilla."@de . . . "Krell was a Zotar, a breed of Demonic Bounty Hunters. He was sent after Belthazor after he had betrayed and vanquished the Triad."@en . "Himself"@en . . "hide"@en . . . . "6"^^ . "Aucun humain n'a encore officiellement pos\u00E9 les pieds dans le syst\u00E8me Krell. Situ\u00E9 de l'autre c\u00F4t\u00E9 du territoire Xi'An, Krell est le monde d'origine et le nom d'une esp\u00E8ce nomade avec laquelle l'UEE n'a officiellement jamais \u00E9t\u00E9 en contact : les Kr\u2019Thak. Toutefois, les Xi'An ont eu une relation tumultueuse avec ceux-ci au cours des sept cent derni\u00E8res ann\u00E9es dont le point culminant fut un conflit d\u00E9vastateur qui dura plus d'un si\u00E8cle et dont la signification approximative est \u00AB les Guerres de l'Esprit \u00BB. Rares sont les conseils \u00E0 donner aux voyageurs cherchant \u00E0 \u00E9tablir le contact avec les Kr\u2019Thak. Personne ne sait quels produits seraient susceptibles de les int\u00E9resser, ni ce qu'ils fabriquent localement ou encore ce qu'ils pourraient m\u00EAme consid\u00E9rer comme des marchandises issues du march\u00E9 noir. La fa\u00E7on de les atteindre est \u00E9galement inconnue, de m\u00EAme que la r\u00E9action qu'auraient les patrouilles Xi'An si elles trouvaient un humain voyageant sur leur territoire avec l'intention de commercer avec leurs ennemis ancestraux. Une seule chose \u00E0 dire : Prudence. Jusqu\u2019ici, il n\u2019a jamais \u00E9t\u00E9 envisag\u00E9 de prendre contact avec cette race potentiellement hostile. Mais toute chose \u00E0 une fin \u2026 et engendre un d\u00E9but."@fr . "The Krell are a species of highly advanced amphibians that went extinct approximately 200,000 years ago, they were natives of Altair IV."@en . "Syst\u00E8me Krell"@fr . . "Krell"@de . "The Krell are a species of highly advanced amphibians that went extinct approximately 200,000 years ago, they were natives of Altair IV."@en . "2000"^^ . . . "schwerer J\u00E4ger"@de . . . . "Kiowan"@de . . . . . "7"^^ . . "7"^^ . "*Electrokinesis\n*Glistening\n*Super Strength\n*Sensing"@en . . . . . . "5"^^ . "A Krell is a large, ancient crustacean life form. The Krell is intelligent also, and can converse in the tongues of Men, but merely regards them as more food. It is an enemy of the Sea Sprites of the Inland Sea, where it too dwells."@en . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . . "4"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . "Krell"@en . "PRHB"@de . . . . "Krell"@de . . "Krell"@fr . "Aucun humain n'a encore officiellement pos\u00E9 les pieds dans le syst\u00E8me Krell. Situ\u00E9 de l'autre c\u00F4t\u00E9 du territoire Xi'An, Krell est le monde d'origine et le nom d'une esp\u00E8ce nomade avec laquelle l'UEE n'a officiellement jamais \u00E9t\u00E9 en contact : les Kr\u2019Thak. Toutefois, les Xi'An ont eu une relation tumultueuse avec ceux-ci au cours des sept cent derni\u00E8res ann\u00E9es dont le point culminant fut un conflit d\u00E9vastateur qui dura plus d'un si\u00E8cle et dont la signification approximative est \u00AB les Guerres de l'Esprit \u00BB."@fr . "\u25CF"@fr . . . "Krell was a male Klingon who held the rank of Admiral within the Klingon Defense Force in the 22nd century."@en . "Black"@en . . "The name Krell might refer to: \n* Krell (22nd century), Klingon admiral \n* Krell (23rd century), Klingon operative on Neural You might also be looking for: \n* Crell Moset, a Cardassian doctor \n* Krall, the alias of Balthazar Edison"@en . . . "Krell's followers carried away his body and buried it in a barrow tomb. Nearly 1,500 years later, Nagash came upon the tomb when he was searching for the Crown of Sorcery. Easily translating the runic inscriptions on the tomb walls, Nagash realised that this barrow held the remains of a mighty champion. Nagash was much pleased, and instantly set about raising this prized hero to fight in his armies.[1a] Krell was placed in command of one of Nagash's Undead legions when he fought against Sigmar at the Battle of the River Reik. Leading from the front, Krell's forces attacked the Empire's Dwarf allies. The battle raged furiously, the Dwarfs stubbornly refusing to give ground against the endless ranks of Undead troops. Just as it seemed the Dwarf line would crumble, Sigmar cut down Nagash. In moments, the Undead army was all but destroyed as units withered and turned to dust. Only Krell and his Grave Guard survived Nagash's defeat. At the head of his troops, he was able to battle his way through the Dwarf lines and escape. Sigmar's forces were exhausted and did not pursue Krell immediately. This proved a costly mistake. Marching night and day, Krell led what remained of his forces on a dance of destruction that cut a bloody swathe across the lands. Entire communities were destroyed, towns sacked, and castles burnt to the ground. To this day, stories of Krell and his Doomed Legion are told across the Empire.[1a] Krell was finally cornered by Sigmar and defeated at the Battle of Glacier Lake, and his body was imprisoned in a magically constructed tomb. Centuries later, Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster, came upon the tomb of Krell and freed the ancient Wight. Kemmler believes Krell to be in his thrall, but the servants of Nagash are not so easily enslaved...[1a]"@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "The Krell were an ancient civilization that had apparently long since died off and gone extinct. They were said to have lived on the planets Altair VI and Altair IV. (FASA RPG module: The Federation; ST reference: Star Trek Maps)"@en . "Krell"@en . . "Die Krell ist der erste von den Kiowan im Alleingang gebaute Raumj\u00E4ger, erste Sichtungen dieser Maschine sollen bis ins Jahr 140 TST zur\u00FCck reichen, best\u00E4tigte Meldungen gibt es aber erst seit 169 TST. Im Gegensatz zur Leighat gibt es f\u00FCr die Krell kein ziviles Vorbild, man geht heute davon aus, dass Kiowan einzelne erbeutete Raumj\u00E4ger Schraube f\u00FCr Schraube demontierten und die so gewonnenen Erkenntnis zum Bau der Krell (und sp\u00E4ter der Vector) verwendeten."@de . . .