. "This page requires more detailed information about the skill/ability, please help Lunia Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "|-|KMS 1.2.273= File:Skill Concentration.png \uD504\uB9AC\uD37C\uB808\uC774\uC158 \n* Class: Bowmaster \n* Type: Active \n* Level Requirement: 150 \n* Maximum Level: 1"@en . . . . "2"^^ . . . . "\"Blade of \"RYU\"~Mr.Tom mix~\""@en . . . . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +15%."@en . . . . . . "Comp\u00E9tence qui accro\u00EEt la probabilit\u00E9 d'attaque physique du joueur de 7% pendant 5min. \n* Niveau requis : 3 \n* Skill points : 2 \n* PM : 40 \n* PE : 5 \n* Recharge : /"@fr . . . . . . . . "Concentration allows resistence against ability activiation interupted by damage effects."@en . . . . "synopsis"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Non"@fr . . . . . . . "Bard"@en . "1"^^ . "Concentration"@en . "7.0"^^ . . "Concentration \u00E9tait un sort d'invocateur qui augmentait la puissance et la vitesse d'attaque de votre champion. Lors de la mise \u00E0 jour V1.0.0.152, Concentration a \u00E9t\u00E9 retir\u00E9 du jeu et sa fonctionnalit\u00E9 a \u00E9t\u00E9, en partie, incorpor\u00E9e \u00E0 ."@en . . "No"@en . . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +10%."@en . . . "5"^^ . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +35%."@en . . . "70"^^ . . . "177.0"^^ . . . "Prerequisites"@en . . . . "Reference No."@en . "A recurring mental challenge."@en . "Varov\u00E1n\u00ED: Element\u00E1ln\u00ED/neutr\u00E1ln\u00ED \u00FAtok je z\u00E1visl\u00FD na vlastnostech protivn\u00EDka. Tyto nejsou obecn\u011B zn\u00E1m\u00E9."@cs . "There are many ways to express the concentration of a solution. Following are some of the basic stoichiometric formulae for calculating concentration of a solution."@en . . . . . "As this increases, spell damage increased."@en . "Healer"@en . . . . "Dead or Alive 5 Soundtrack Vol.4"@en . . "\u00C9claircit l'esprit"@fr . "80"^^ . . "D\u00E1v\u00E1 nevelk\u00FD \u00FAtok za m\u00E1lo AP."@cs . . . "yes"@en . . . . . "90"^^ . . "Scattered in a challenge arena are numerous pairs of matching objects or symbols hidden under covers. One at a time, contestants will enter the field and uncover two items. If they match, they (or their tribe) score a point. If the items do not match, they are re-covered and the next contestant takes their turn. The first tribe/contestant to score a designated number of points, or the tribe/contestant with the most points when all covers have been unveiled wins the challenge. Additional rules have appeared season to season, such as the inclusion of items that do not have a matching pair. In Samoa, tribes could choose to forfeit a point in exchange for adding the uncovered item into a reward pool for the winning tribe."@en . . . . "100"^^ . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Concentration"@en . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +30%."@en . . . . . "-"@en . . . "Iop"@en . "Only one Aura can be active at a time"@en . . "Concentration affects the character's ability to resist being interrupted when casting spells. The higher the value of concentration, the less likely an interruption is. Casters such as Clerics, Chanters, Sorcerers, and Spiritmasters benefit more from higher concentration than other classes."@en . . . . . . . . "Lord Knight"@en . . "DJ07"@en . . . . . "Dead or Alive (PS Version) Original Sound Tracks"@en . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +45%."@en . "There are many ways to express the concentration of a solution. Following are some of the basic stoichiometric formulae for calculating concentration of a solution."@en . . . "Increasing this ability increases the recovery rate even more. Rate Increase: \n* Level 1 - 10% Faster \n* Level 2 - 20% Faster \n* Level 3 - 30% Faster \n* Level 4 - 40% Faster \n* Level 5 - 50% Faster"@en . . . . . "\"Concentration\" is a music track that appeared in the PlayStation remake of the original Dead or Alive as the character theme for Lei Fang in the Tournament Mode, and the stage theme for Lei Fang's stage in the Versus, Survival, and Team Battle modes. The theme is also optional in the Music Mode in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, and can be selectable for any character and gameplay mode."@en . . . . . "49"^^ . "-"@fr . . . "*\n*\n**"@en . . "37"^^ . . . "33"^^ . . "Skills"@en . "45"^^ . . . . "Concentration.gif"@en . "41"^^ . "55"^^ . . . "Increase HP Recovery Lv.1, Spear Mastery Lv.5, Pecopeco Riding Lv.1"@en . "Augmente le bonus en vitesse d'attaque \u00E0 40% le bonus de puissance de 10%."@en . . "Supportive"@en . "Earth Earth|15px"@en . "None"@en . "Increases magical accuracy."@en . . "Increase HP Recovery Lv. 5,"@en . "80"^^ . . . "3"^^ . . . . . "Renforce votre champion, augmentant de 35% sa vitesse d'attaque et de 6 sa puissance pendant 12 secondes."@fr . . . . "Augmente le bonus en vitesse d'attaque \u00E0 40% le bonus de puissance de 10%."@fr . . . . . "September 20, 1944 Dear Mom, Everyone says the war's ending soon. I don't know. We dropped into The Netherlands just yesterday, but those 24 hours seemed like an entire century. I write this letter to you in hopes that I can get this out to someone, anyone. You see, the Germans have built these things called concentration camps. We don't know the exact reasons yet, but they haul all these Jews, God rest their souls, to these camps and, well, I don't know. They kill them, I guess; we found one of those yesterday. I remember it all so clearly. Jeremy and I were the first ones out of the plane. We were dropped above a cloud bank, so we couldn't see the ground until it was too late to maneuver around. Jeremy saw it first: a sprawling square of gray buildings, gray everything. There were people on the ground walking in gray uniforms, and there were a bunch of gray watchtowers around, so I guess that's why Jeremy started screaming bloody murder, telling me that we were going to be killed by those Krauts down there. I looked down and the first thing that hit me was how slow those guys in gray uniforms were walking around. They were more like shambling around. Actually, I didn't realize it until now: almost all of them were standing still. They had already spotted us and slowly moved into a circle. Jeremy was screaming so loudly by now that I was wondering if his head was going to explode. I tried to calm him down, but most of my attention was focused on the ground below us. At that point I could see their uniforms clearly, and I knew that the people down there weren't soldiers. They were too thin, and they wore striped shirts and pants. They were prisoners. It was only a matter of seconds before we hit the ground, and Jeremy was trying to hug me. He was asking me to deliver something to his ma, tell his girl he loved her, and all that stuff. I kept on telling him that everything was going to be okay, that the people down there were just prisoners of war, but I was distracted by the people in the gray suits down there. They were almost in a perfect circle now, just standing. What really got to me, though, was how they looked at us: at first glance, I thought they were looking at us as if we were food. But it was the glint in their eyes, the special frown they had. It was pity. Jeremy started crying the minute we hit the ground. I removed my gear and had to get his off, too. It hit me then that no one else dropped out from our plane. It was no use getting the heavy paratrooper gear off of Jeremy \u2014 he just kept on sobbing on the ground, saying that the Krauts got us and that he didn't sign up for this. It was just me and the prisoners. I looked at them, and they looked back at me. None of them had any weapons, so I guess they weren't in the middle of an insurrection or anything. There weren't any Nazi corpses lying about, but there was something that I can recall very clearly: it was the smell of rotten flesh. \"Hello?\" I called to them. There was no response, only expressionless faces. This gave me the creeps, so I withdrew my pistol from its holster. \"W-w-what's going on?\" Jeremy whispered by my side. He had gotten up and finally accepted the fact that we were surrounded by prisoners of war. I motioned for him to stop. Suddenly, I heard a ripping sound. I turned around and saw that a prisoner's arm had fallen off. \"What\u2014\" Jeremy had barely a second to react before there were more of those noises coming from all around us. I swore that just a minute ago I saw human faces \u2014 human bodies \u2014 looking at me. Now I was staring into the face of death. There wasn't really any other way to explain it. The wind picked up and the sky above had darkened considerably. And all the while, the question of why this was happening to the prisoners ran through my head. The answer was obvious: We were surrounded by standing corpses. I saw it now. The eyeballs were withered, dirty. The faces' features fell off one by one. Cheeks had holes in them, foreheads had bullet wounds. The only thing consistent thing about them were their clothes, that shade of gray. I tell you, if I ever see that shade again, I'll vomit. Jeremy had already begun running, but we were still surrounded, and even though the prisoners' bodies were falling apart, it seemed that they were slowly closing in on us. For the first time in my life, I could see the effects of time: legs became femurs, and faces turned into skulls. In a few seconds, piles upon piles of bone and rotting flesh lay around us. Yet, there was still one prisoner who remained. Even though his brethren had all \"died,\" he still stood there, ever so slightly shaking back and forth. His head was fixated on the ground, but I swear he snapped it up in a quarter of a second when I aimed my pistol at him. \"Don't move!\" I yelled. Jeremy was probably running for his life by now, but I wasn't about to leave with this guy on our tail. He had to be dealt with. He stared at me, his eyelids pulled back all the way. I fired a warning shot at his feet. He merely smiled and laughed. It was an ear-piercing sound, but he cocked his head up and laughed. I turned around and began running towards Jeremy. The laughs got worse, and I think I know why it sounded so bad: his larynx was deteriorating. There were plopping noises behind me as his limbs fell off. I don't really remember what happened after that. Jeremy and I met up at HQ an hour apart, and even though neither of us had a map, we made our way through a forest that took a jeep 4 hours to get through in 30 minutes. We found our squad leader there and he told us that we were missing during roll call that morning. We told him our story and he told us about the concentration camps. Of course he didn't believe us, especially about certain parts of the story; how could a man rot in a matter of seconds? Perhaps more mysteriously: how did we end up in a place that could only be reached by paradropping out of a plane when we weren't even in a plane? Nobody agreed to trek through the forest to find the concentration camp when we asked to go back there. Of course, in the end, Jeremy and I decided against it. Oh, yes, there's one more thing. Today we captured a village. I'd tell you what it's called, but I don't remember the name. We were lucky enough to surprise and capture all of the German soldiers there without a fight. We even caught a high-ranking German officer. Our corpsman, Nate, took some German language classes when he was in University. Our squad leader told him to interrogate the officer about key defensive positions, the number of soldiers in the area, that type of thing. I realized this could be the chance to find out about something. I told Nate to ask the officer about the concentration camps in the area. Nate took some time to describe the camps to the officer, since I doubt German classes teach you how to say \"concentration camp\" in German. The officer shook his head, saying that they cleared out the camps a month ago when they retreated to Germany."@en . . . "45"^^ . . "Concentration grants the \"Endure Effect\", which stops flinching from being attacked (but not for the entire duration of Concentration, only until the hit charges are all used), while increasing ATK and Accuracy. Also lowers the defense of the caster. On iRO, this skill is known as Spear Dynamo for some reason."@en . . "Magic"@en . "Concentration checks are made whenever your character is hit during the act of casting a spell. Check: The DC to avoid casting failure is equal to 10 + damage received + spell level. The caster receives a -4 penalty to his check if casting within three meters of an enemy."@en . . . . . . . . . . "LEGO Harry Potter : Ann\u00E9es 5 \u00E0 7"@fr . . . "2"^^ . "September 20, 1944 Dear Mom, Everyone says the war's ending soon. I don't know. We dropped into The Netherlands just yesterday, but those 24 hours seemed like an entire century. I write this letter to you in hopes that I can get this out to someone, anyone. You see, the Germans have built these things called concentration camps. We don't know the exact reasons yet, but they haul all these Jews, God rest their souls, to these camps and, well, I don't know. They kill them, I guess; we found one of those yesterday. We were surrounded by standing corpses. Oh, yes, there's one more thing."@en . "None"@en . . "Yes"@en . "This page requires more detailed information about the skill/ability, please help Lunia Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "right|300px|thumb|Samus w\u00E4hrend einer Concentration Mithilfe der Concentraion-F\u00E4higkeit kann Samus einen Teil ihrer Energie herstellen, allerdings erst sobald sie unter einen bestimmten Punkt gesunken ist. In Metroid: Other M (dem einzigen Spiel, in dem sie vorkommt) muss man die Wii-Fernbedienung senkrecht halten, um einen Teil der Energie aufzuf\u00FCllen."@de . . "Concentration \u00E9tait un sort d'invocateur qui augmentait la puissance et la vitesse d'attaque de votre champion. Lors de la mise \u00E0 jour V1.0.0.152, Concentration a \u00E9t\u00E9 retir\u00E9 du jeu et sa fonctionnalit\u00E9 a \u00E9t\u00E9, en partie, incorpor\u00E9e \u00E0 1. \n* REDIRECTION ."@fr . "\"Subjugation\""@en . . . "Concentration is a Paladin Skill in Diablo II."@en . "As this increases, spell damage increased."@en . . . . . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +20%."@en . . . "5"^^ . . . . . "Supportive"@en . . "3"^^ . . "Back to Musketeer"@en . . . "Concentration comes into use during the training sequence at the beginning of the game, as the Head Quarantine Officer instructs Samus to use it before testing her Missiles out. It also appears in a cutscene during the Queen Metroid battle when she activates her Power Bombs. When Samus uses Concentration, her Arm Cannon glows green and her energy replenishes. If Samus is only replenishing her Missiles, the Arm Cannon will glow yellow. If Samus is hit during the procedure, it will cancel, so Samus can only use it effectively if she is not under attack."@en . "21"^^ . . "At the start of your turn, if both your song tokens are on different Class cards, you recover 1 and 1 ."@en . . . "Inflicts Earth-type damage. Damage is increased against summons."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"Blade of \"RYU\"\""@en . . . . . "85"^^ . . . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +40%."@en . . . "180"^^ . . . "Self buff that increases Acc for an extended duration."@en . "Concentration allows resistence against ability activiation interupted by damage effects."@en . . . . . "If a character takes damage while casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, they must make a concentration check versus a DC of ten plus the amount of damage dealt plus the level of the spell being cast in order not to get distracted and suffer spell failure. All spells cast while entangled or in defensive casting mode must pass a concentration check of DC 15 on cantrips, DC 16 on lvl1 spells etc up to a DC of 24 on lvl9 spells. A character may also take a concentration check to avoid the effects of the taunt skill."@en . "\"The Fist of TAIKYOKU Blows up\""@en . . . "right|300px|thumb|Samus w\u00E4hrend einer Concentration Mithilfe der Concentraion-F\u00E4higkeit kann Samus einen Teil ihrer Energie herstellen, allerdings erst sobald sie unter einen bestimmten Punkt gesunken ist. In Metroid: Other M (dem einzigen Spiel, in dem sie vorkommt) muss man die Wii-Fernbedienung senkrecht halten, um einen Teil der Energie aufzuf\u00FCllen."@de . "Concentration.png"@en . "Effect: When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative thoughts from her mind (or postive, in the case of Dark Jedi), feeling the Force flowing through the universe and her own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries."@en . "AttackBath.gif"@en . "Pro-Ego Buff"@en . . . . "Increases damage dealt and reduces the chance of being interrupted during an attack."@en . . . "Concentration checks are made whenever your character is hit during the act of casting a spell. Check: The DC to avoid casting failure is equal to 10 + damage received + spell level. The caster receives a -4 penalty to his check if casting within three meters of an enemy."@en . . . "65"^^ . "Automatic"@en . "The player with high concentration is particularly good at focusing their mind."@en . . "You must make a Concentration check whenever you might potentially be distracted (by taking damage, by harsh weather, and so on) while engaged in some action that requires your full attention. Such actions include casting a spell, concentrating on an active spell, directing a spell, using a spell-like ability, or using a skill that would provoke an attack of opportunity. In general, if an action wouldn\u2019t normally provoke an attack of opportunity, you need not make a Concentration check to avoid being distracted. If the Concentration check succeeds, you may continue with the action as normal. If the check fails, the action automatically fails and is wasted. If you were in the process of casting a spell, the spell is lost. If you were concentrating on an active spell, the spell ends as if you had ceased concentrating on it. If you were directing a spell, the direction fails but the spell remains active. If you were using a spell-like ability, that use of the ability is lost. A skill use also fails, and in some cases a failed skill check may have other ramifications as well. The table below summarizes various types of distractions that cause you to make a Concentration check. If the distraction occurs while you are trying to cast a spell, you must add the level of the spell you are trying to cast to the appropriate Concentration DC. If more than one type of distraction is present, make a check for each one; any failed Concentration check indicates that the task is not completed. 20|| Extraordinarily violent motion (earthquake)."@en . "75"^^ . . . . . . "Back to Musketeer"@en . . . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +60%."@en . . "Concentration \u00E9tait un sort d'invocateur qui augmentait la puissance et la vitesse d'attaque de votre champion. Lors de la mise \u00E0 jour V1.0.0.152, Concentration a \u00E9t\u00E9 retir\u00E9 du jeu et sa fonctionnalit\u00E9 a \u00E9t\u00E9, en partie, incorpor\u00E9e \u00E0 1. \n* REDIRECTION ."@fr . "ASPD based"@en . . . . . . "You must make a Concentration check whenever you might potentially be distracted (by taking damage, by harsh weather, and so on) while engaged in some action that requires your full attention. Such actions include casting a spell, concentrating on an active spell, directing a spell, using a spell-like ability, or using a skill that would provoke an attack of opportunity. In general, if an action wouldn\u2019t normally provoke an attack of opportunity, you need not make a Concentration check to avoid being distracted. 20|| Extraordinarily violent motion (earthquake)."@en . . "\"\""@en . . "CAN ANYONE TRANSLATE THIS?"@en . . . "Comp\u00E9tence qui accro\u00EEt la probabilit\u00E9 d'attaque physique du joueur de 7% pendant 5min. \n* Niveau requis : 3 \n* Skill points : 2 \n* PM : 40 \n* PE : 5 \n* Recharge : /"@fr . . . "No"@en . . "ASPD based"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Concentration comes into use during the training sequence at the beginning of the game, as the Head Quarantine Officer instructs Samus to use it before testing her Missiles out. It also appears in a cutscene during the Queen Metroid battle when she activates her Power Bombs. When Samus uses Concentration, her Arm Cannon glows green and her energy replenishes. If Samus is only replenishing her Missiles, the Arm Cannon will glow yellow. If Samus is hit during the procedure, it will cancel, so Samus can only use it effectively if she is not under attack."@en . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +50%."@en . . "600.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "No"@en . "Concentration is a card game, where a Deck of cards is scattered face-down across a table. Players take turns turning over two cards. If they get a matching pair, they keep them. If not, they return them to their original position face-down. Whoever turns over the most matching pairs in the end wins. The idea is that players try to remember where and what cards that have already been turned over are and use that to their advantage. In the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe a number of games have been based on this, including: \n* Concentration or Death \n* Sock Concentration \n* Concentration Duel"@en . "\"Preparation\""@en . . . . . . "Effect: When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative thoughts from her mind (or postive, in the case of Dark Jedi), feeling the Force flowing through the universe and her own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries. This power may be used in conjunction with boosts. This power is only in effect for one round and may not be kept \"up\". \n* Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace; \n* Difficult if the Jedi is filled with aggression, fear or other negative emotions; \n* Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions."@en . . . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . "Paladin"@en . . "7.03"^^ . . . . . . . "Exhaust this card when a hero within 3 spaces of you recovers 1 or more . That hero recovers 2 additional ."@en . . . . "Concentration.jpg"@en . . . . . "Varov\u00E1n\u00ED: Element\u00E1ln\u00ED/neutr\u00E1ln\u00ED \u00FAtok je z\u00E1visl\u00FD na vlastnostech protivn\u00EDka. Tyto nejsou obecn\u011B zn\u00E1m\u00E9."@cs . . . . . "A character with the Combat Casting feat gets a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made in defensive casting mode. Note that the Skill Focus feat for Concentration is arguably better since the +3 bonus it provides applies to all Concentration checks, not only those for defensive casting."@en . "None"@en . . "*\n**"@en . . . . "108.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Concentration is a Paladin Skill in Diablo II."@en . . "When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative thoughts from her mind (or postive, in the case of Dark Jedi), feeling the Force flowing through the universe and her own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries. This power may be used in conjunction with boosts. This power is only in effect for one round and may not be kept \"up\"."@en . . "Concentration"@en . . . . . . "Concentration"@de . . . . "Concentration was a Control-based Force power. Jedi employing Concentration focused on one specific task, clearing their mind of all negative thoughts, and felt the Force flow through themselves and the universe. If successful, the task attempted by the Jedi had a better chance of succeeding. However, if the Jedi attempted to do anything else while using this power, the attempt failed. Luke Skywalker used this Force power to steady himself to make the vital shot that destroyed the first Death Star. Jedi that were relaxed and at peace with themselves found entering into a state of Concentration easy; those filled with fear and aggression found it harder and those acting out of negative emotions found it very difficult."@en . "Active / Passive"@en . . "The player with high concentration is particularly good at focusing their mind. Modifying ability: Constitution Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored soul, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spirit shaman, Warlock, Wizard; Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Arcane trickster, Blackguard, Eldritch knight, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Red Wizard of Thay, Warpriest Requires training: No Check: If a character takes damage while casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, they must make a concentration check versus a DC of ten plus the amount of damage dealt plus the level of the spell (metamagic does not count) being cast in order not to get distracted and suffer spell failure. All spells cast while entangled or in defensive casting mode must pass a concentration check of DC 15 on cantrips, DC 16 on lvl1 spells etc up to a DC of 24 on lvl9 spells. A character may also take a concentration check to avoid the effects of the taunt skill. Special: A character with the Combat Casting feat gets a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made in defensive casting mode. Note that the Skill Focus feat for Concentration is arguably better since the +3 bonus it provides applies to all Concentration checks, not only those for defensive casting. Use: Automatic"@en . . . "Concentration was a feature that appeared only in Destroy all Humans! Concentration showed the player how much physic energy Crypto has left. If he runs out, he will not be able to extract DNA, holoblob humans, PK items and humans, or hypnotize people. The only way to recharge concentration is to wait for it to recharge by itself or scan minds. He loved PC patato chip."@en . "16.0"^^ . . . . . . . "See table"@en . . . . . . "Does not stack with Bright Eyes"@en . . . . . . . . "20.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "*\n*\n*\n*\n*Tobler Ceel\n*Porro Dolphe\n*\n*\n*\n*Simon Jabesq \n*\n*Kraken 114\n*Ian Lago\n*Kun Lago\n*\n*Asha Minnau\n*Rehtul Minnau\n*Rose Minnau \n*Thomas Minnau \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n*\n*\n*\n*"@en . "Concentration grants the \"Endure Effect\", which stops flinching from being attacked (but not for the entire duration of Concentration, only until the hit charges are all used), while increasing ATK and Accuracy. Also lowers the defense of the caster. On iRO, this skill is known as Spear Dynamo for some reason."@en . "Active"@en . . . "Concentration"@cs . . . . . . "*\n**Campaign of Naboo\n***Takeover on Naboo \n***Raid in the Naboo Concentration Camp"@en . . "Control"@en . . "Use Concentration to keep hold of a casting of a spell while being struck or otherwise taking damage, as well as to cast defensively or maintain a spell."@en . . . "5"^^ . "The player with high concentration is particularly good at focusing their mind. Modifying ability: Constitution Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored soul, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spirit shaman, Warlock, Wizard; Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Arcane trickster, Blackguard, Eldritch knight, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Red Wizard of Thay, Warpriest Requires training: No Use: Automatic"@en . . . . "When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative thoughts from her mind (or postive, in the case of Dark Jedi), feeling the Force flowing through the universe and her own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries."@en . . "A decent supportive skill. Concentration gives the \"Endure Effect\", which stops flinching effect from being attacked (but not for the entire duration of Concentration, only until the hit charges are all used), while increasing ATK and Accuracy. However, the defense of the user will be decreased for the skill's duration."@en . . . . "Non"@en . . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . . . . . . . . "Increasing this ability increases the recovery rate even more. Rate Increase: \n* Level 1 - 10% Faster \n* Level 2 - 20% Faster \n* Level 3 - 30% Faster \n* Level 4 - 40% Faster \n* Level 5 - 50% Faster"@en . . . "Self buff that increases Acc for an extended duration."@en . "Concentration was a TV game show based on the children's memory game of the same name. It aired on and off from 1958 to 1991, hosted by various hosts and played in various ways. The property has been seen in several different versions: A once-a-week nighttime version of the show appeared in two separate broadcast runs on NBC. The first edition appeared only for four weeks in Fall 1958 with Jack Barry as host. The second edition was on the air in 1961 with Hugh Downs as host."@en . . "|-|KMS 1.2.273= File:Skill Concentration.png \uD504\uB9AC\uD37C\uB808\uC774\uC158 \n* Class: Bowmaster \n* Type: Active \n* Level Requirement: 150 \n* Maximum Level: 1"@en . . . "When performing a pinpoint attack, damage +25%."@en . "Concentration"@en . "Scattered in a challenge arena are numerous pairs of matching objects or symbols hidden under covers. One at a time, contestants will enter the field and uncover two items. If they match, they (or their tribe) score a point. If the items do not match, they are re-covered and the next contestant takes their turn. The first tribe/contestant to score a designated number of points, or the tribe/contestant with the most points when all covers have been unveiled wins the challenge."@en . "Use Concentration to keep hold of a casting of a spell while being struck or otherwise taking damage, as well as to cast defensively or maintain a spell."@en . . "N/A"@en . . "Concentration was a Control-based Force power. Jedi employing Concentration focused on one specific task, clearing their mind of all negative thoughts, and felt the Force flow through themselves and the universe. If successful, the task attempted by the Jedi had a better chance of succeeding. However, if the Jedi attempted to do anything else while using this power, the attempt failed. Luke Skywalker used this Force power to steady himself to make the vital shot that destroyed the first Death Star. Jedi that were relaxed and at peace with themselves found entering into a state of Concentration easy; those filled with fear and aggression found it harder and those acting out of negative emotions found it very difficult."@en . "Concentration \u00E9tait un sort d'invocateur qui augmentait la puissance et la vitesse d'attaque de votre champion. Lors de la mise \u00E0 jour V1.0.0.152, Concentration a \u00E9t\u00E9 retir\u00E9 du jeu et sa fonctionnalit\u00E9 a \u00E9t\u00E9, en partie, incorpor\u00E9e \u00E0 ."@en . . . . . "Control"@en . . . . . "Concentration was a TV game show based on the children's memory game of the same name. It aired on and off from 1958 to 1991, hosted by various hosts and played in various ways. The property has been seen in several different versions: The original network daytime series, Concentration, aired on NBC for 14 years, 7 months, and 3,770 telecasts (1958-1973), the longest run of any game show on that network (Wheel of Fortune was a month shy of tying that record when the initial NBC run ended on June 30, 1989). This series was hosted by Hugh Downs and later by Bob Clayton. For a six-month period from March to September 1969, Ed McMahon hosted the series. The series began in the 11:30 a.m. (Eastern) time slot, then moved to 11:00 AM and finally to 10:30 AM. Nearly all episodes were produced at NBC's studios at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. A once-a-week nighttime version of the show appeared in two separate broadcast runs on NBC. The first edition appeared only for four weeks in Fall 1958 with Jack Barry as host. The second edition was on the air in 1961 with Hugh Downs as host. The second version of Concentration, which was the first to be played in southern California, ran in syndication from 1973 to 1978 with Jack Narz as host. A pilot for a third version of Concentration was attempted in 1985. The pilot was hosted by Orson Bean, but no network or syndicator bought the show. However, after some reformatting, a remake of the game called Classic Concentration, hosted by Alex Trebek, aired on NBC from 1987 to 1991 (with reruns airing through December 31, 1993). Despite numerous attempts to develop a new version in recent years, NBCUniversal (the rights holder) has not yet authorized a new version of the program."@en . "Concentration was a feature that appeared only in Destroy all Humans! Concentration showed the player how much physic energy Crypto has left. If he runs out, he will not be able to extract DNA, holoblob humans, PK items and humans, or hypnotize people. The only way to recharge concentration is to wait for it to recharge by itself or scan minds. He loved PC patato chip."@en . . . . . . . . "Concentration"@fr . . "None"@en . "Concentration is best summed up as \"spell interruption resistance\", which means the more the Concentration the less likely it is for an attack to interrupt the casting. Almost, if not all, Wands provide Concentration."@en . . "Constitution"@en . "Self buff"@en . . "Concentration is a card game, where a Deck of cards is scattered face-down across a table. Players take turns turning over two cards. If they get a matching pair, they keep them. If not, they return them to their original position face-down. Whoever turns over the most matching pairs in the end wins. The idea is that players try to remember where and what cards that have already been turned over are and use that to their advantage. In the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe a number of games have been based on this, including: \n* Concentration or Death \n* Sock Concentration \n* Concentration Duel"@en . . "Conscript, Scout"@en . "\"Heated Heartbeat\""@en . "10.0"^^ . . "Healer, Scholar"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "none"@en . . . . . "Renforce votre champion, augmentant de 35% sa vitesse d'attaque et de 6 sa puissance pendant 12 secondes."@en . "Concentration"@fr . . . . . . . "Concentration"@fr . "* \n** \n*\n**"@en . . "Massively increases PP regeneration"@en . . . . "\"Concentration\" is a music track that appeared in the PlayStation remake of the original Dead or Alive as the character theme for Lei Fang in the Tournament Mode, and the stage theme for Lei Fang's stage in the Versus, Survival, and Team Battle modes. The theme is also optional in the Music Mode in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, and can be selectable for any character and gameplay mode."@en . . . . "CAN ANYONE TRANSLATE THIS?"@en . . . "Concentration is best summed up as \"spell interruption resistance\", which means the more the Concentration the less likely it is for an attack to interrupt the casting. Almost, if not all, Wands provide Concentration."@en . . . . . . . . "Concentration affects the character's ability to resist being interrupted when casting spells. The higher the value of concentration, the less likely an interruption is. Casters such as Clerics, Chanters, Sorcerers, and Spiritmasters benefit more from higher concentration than other classes."@en . . "A decent supportive skill. Concentration gives the \"Endure Effect\", which stops flinching effect from being attacked (but not for the entire duration of Concentration, only until the hit charges are all used), while increasing ATK and Accuracy. However, the defense of the user will be decreased for the skill's duration."@en . . . . . "Skill"@en . "Self"@en . . . . "Riding Lv. 1, Spear Mastery Lv. 5"@en . . . . . . "13.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Massively increases PP regeneration"@en . . . . . .