"Galaxia"@ro . "N/A"@es . . . . "Espada legendaria."@es . "Galaxie/Legendy"@ro . "El Vac\u00EDo Intergal\u00E1ctico fue el espacio que hab\u00EDa entre las galaxias.thumb|rigth|350px|La Galaxia de Star Wars"@es . . . . "Galaxia es la espada de Meta Knight, y la espada m\u00E1s fuerte de todas. En los videojuegos Kirby la obtiene s\u00F3lo en Kirby y el Laberinto de los Espejos, llam\u00E1ndose la Espada Master. Tiene el poder de destruir todo tipo de cosas, y apareci\u00F3 tambi\u00E9n en Kirby: Right Back at Ya!."@es . "Galaxis"@ro . . . "Galaxia is Meta Knight's sword. It appears in Kirby's Super Smash and Kirby's Super Smash II."@en . "U.S. broadcast and cable television: Galaxia The GS"@en . "Galaxia (called GALAXIA.WAD (The Ultimate Czech Level) in its text file) is a PWAD created by Pavel Hodek. As part of their 10 Years of Doom feature, Doomworld named it one of the ten best WADs of 1994. It is notable for an extensive storyline (presented in a separate file, STORY.TXT) which serves as the basis of the WAD's design and progression, in an era when most designers did not care about story or theme. It also features a few new sound effects and two replacement music tracks. Galaxia was originally released July 28, 1994. A Doom II conversion appears on Maximum Doom as GALAXIA2.WAD. There is also an older version with no new music. [1]"@en . . . . . "from \"Galaxia\""@en . . "thumb|Galaxia im Anime Galaxia ist der Name von Meta-Knights Schwert. In den Kirby-Spielen sieht es wie ein normales, goldenes Schwert aus. In Super Smah Bros. Brawl und im Anime hat es jedoch Widerhaken. In Kirby & die wundersame Spiegelwelt kann Kirby die Meister-F\u00E4higkeit erlangen, in der er Galaxia als Waffe hat. Meta-Knight ist in der Lage mit Galaxia in \u00DCberschalltempo zu schlagen."@de . . "\u039F \u0393\u03B1\u03BB\u03B1\u03BE\u03AF\u03B1\u03C2/Legends"@ro . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430"@ro . "Espada de Meta Knight."@es . "\uC740\uD558\uACC4"@ro . "Television production/distribution: Galaxia Television Studios Galaxia Television Distribution"@en . . "Galaxia's name sounds masculine in Japanese pronunciation, and feminine in English. This coincides with the fact that the sword's voice is male in the original, and female in the 4Kids dub."@en . . "N/A"@es . "Galaxia"@de . . "Galaxia es la espada de Meta Knight, y la espada m\u00E1s fuerte de todas. En los videojuegos Kirby la obtiene s\u00F3lo en Kirby y el Laberinto de los Espejos, llam\u00E1ndose la Espada Master. Tiene el poder de destruir todo tipo de cosas, y apareci\u00F3 tambi\u00E9n en Kirby: Right Back at Ya!."@es . . "Galaxia is Meta Knight's sword. It appears in Kirby's Super Smash and Kirby's Super Smash II."@en . "Galaxie"@ro . . . . "Galaxia f. (plural Galaxias) 1. \n* galaxy"@ia . "El Vac\u00EDo Intergal\u00E1ctico fue el espacio que hab\u00EDa entre las galaxias.thumb|rigth|350px|La Galaxia de Star Wars"@es . . "Kirby: Right Back at Ya! screenshot"@en . "Galaxia (\u30AE\u30E3\u30E9\u30AF\u30B7\u30A2 Gyarakushia) is a galactic Bakugan in the Age Vestroia who created the five other Bakugan in some places in the universe. He sabotaged the experiences of the amazing Dr. Rorman since Druddigoh's creation was completely insane due to the NEX-DNA. Galaxia was responsible to make two Vestroias unbalanced which is why he want to make his own image by evolutions. It was revealed Galaxia is the Bakugan who has no attribute and was defeat in hands by the original Dragonoid and original Dharaknoid with the help of the powerful and legendary Perfect Bakugan."@en . "GALAXIA.WAD"@en . . . . "Galaxy"@es . . "La Galaxia"@ro . "A Gal\u00E1xia"@ro . "Galaxia"@es . "When Isaac Asimov decided to link the Foundation series to the Robot series there were profound implications for galactic civilization not touched upon in the original Foundation trilogy. In particular, R. Daneel Olivaw, a telepathic robot, was secretly manipulating humanity according to the dictates of the Laws Of Robotics. Daneel had also adopted the Zeroth Law of Robotics which says, \"A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm\". The Zeroth Law was a problem for Daneel because it was too difficult to know what best serves the interests of humanity. Daneel found it necessary to try to shape humanity into a more easily understood phenomenon, a type of collective super-organism with a single more unified group mind. This fantastic project, growing ever more complex as humans spread through the entire galaxy, stretched over 20,000 years.....the ultimate goal was Galaxia. If every human in the galaxy could become part of a single \"organism\", Galaxia, then Daneel would find it much easier to judge how to follow the Zeroth Law and keep humanity from harm. Working towards that goal, Daneel first had to create Gaia, an entire planet that could serve as an experimental prototype for the kind of trans-galactic group mind that was the ultimate goal. A key part of creating the Gaia super-organism was how to make humans give up their individuality and accept a role within the Gaia collective. In order to accomplish that, Daneel had to (genetically?) engineer humans so as to give them a set of innate behaviors similar to the Laws Of Robotics. According to Daneel (at the end of Foundation and Earth) a key part of this fundamental change to human nature was the need to make a (genetically modified?) type of human who would value life as a whole more than their own selfish needs. However, even that fundamental change to human nature was not enough for Daneel. With all of Daneel's claimed worries over making the wrong decisions about how to protect humanity, Daneel decided to also endow the humans of Gaia with telepathic abilities similar to his own. This was required in order to make Gaia a single organism with a group mind that could be understood according to the Laws Of Robotics. At the end of Foundation and Earth Daneel's great plan is nearing completion after 20,000 years of effort. However, one problem remains: Daneel is dying. In order to have time to complete the formation of Galaxia, Daneel must merge his memories into the mind of a humanios, Fallom. Clearly, such a process would be a major technological achievement, but just another subtask for Daneel's 20,000 year long Galaxia project. This ability suggests the possibility that it may not have been necessary to genetically modify humans in order to give them an \"innate\" respect for life that was stronger than the instinct for individualism and independence. Maybe Daneel found a way to impress robotic behavioral patterns on humans by way of a type of partial mind transfer. In the end, creation of Galaxia also depended on Golan Trevize and his recognition that Galaxia would provide a better defense (better than what would be possible with just the Second Foundation) of humanity against aliens from other galaxies. Asimov left the Foundation series dangling upon the threat of confrontation between humans and aliens and with all hope for completion of Galaxia apparently still resting on a fusion of minds between Daneel and the Solarian, Fallon: \"hermaphroditic, transducive, different\"."@en . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30E9\u30AF\u30B7\u30A2"@en . "627"^^ . . . "thumb Una galaxia es un sistema masivo de nubes de gas, planetas, polvo c\u00F3smico, y quiz\u00E1 materia oscura, y energ\u00EDa oscura, unido gravitatoriamente. La cantidad de estrellas que forman una galaxia es contable, desde las enanas, con 107, hasta las gigantes, con 1012 estrellas (seg\u00FAn datos de la NASA del \u00FAltimo trimestre del 2009). Formando parte de una galaxia existen subestructuras como las nebulosas, los c\u00FAmulos estelares y los sistemas estelares m\u00FAltiples."@es . "N/A"@es . "\u9280\u6CB3"@ro . . . "The sword itself is used in every game that Meta Knight appears in. It's his most prominent blade and Kirby can come in possession of it by copying Meta Knight after he defeats him."@en . . . "La galaxia es el espacio en el que Warhammer 40,000 tiene lugar. Es una vasta espiral, de 90000 a\u00F1os luz de ancho y 15000 de espesor, que contiene cientos de miles de millones de estrellas. Se trata de la galaxia de la V\u00EDa L\u00E1ctea en un muy lejano futuro, pues tiene la misma forma espiral, y la Tierra (Terra) se encuentra en la misma posici\u00F3n que en la V\u00EDa L\u00E1ctea real."@es . "Galaxia Broadcasting Inc:"@en . . "Galaxia a fost una din miliardele de galaxii care au existat \u00EEn univers. Aceasta a fost important\u0103 \u00EEn particular pentru c\u0103 a fost locul de desf\u0103\u015Furare a istoriilor Republicii Galactice, R\u0103zboiului Civil Galactic, R\u0103zboiului Yuuzhan Vong, al cavalerilor Jedi \u015Fi lorzilor Sith. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@ro . . . "\u06A9\u0647\u06A9\u0634\u0627\u0646 \u062C\u0646\u06AF \u0633\u062A\u0627\u0631\u06AF\u0627\u0646"@ro . . . . . . . "La Galassia"@ro . . . . . "Galaxia"@en . "Las galaxias son la unidad b\u00E1sica de cada universo de Ogame. Los universos normales tienen 9 galaxias, aunque algunos universos especiales (como Kassiopeia de Ogame.com.es) tienen distinto n\u00FAmero de galaxias. Se suele abreviar por G. As\u00ED, la galaxia 1 se denomina G1."@es . . "Film production/distribution: Galaxia Motion Pictures"@en . "The galaxy/Legends"@ro . . . "thumb|Galaxia im Anime Galaxia ist der Name von Meta-Knights Schwert. In den Kirby-Spielen sieht es wie ein normales, goldenes Schwert aus. In Super Smah Bros. Brawl und im Anime hat es jedoch Widerhaken. In Kirby & die wundersame Spiegelwelt kann Kirby die Meister-F\u00E4higkeit erlangen, in der er Galaxia als Waffe hat. Meta-Knight ist in der Lage mit Galaxia in \u00DCberschalltempo zu schlagen. Galaxia taucht zus\u00E4tzlich als ein Bonus-Boss im Minispiel Kirby Quest in Kirby Mass Attack auf, sofern alle Attacken von den Kirbys den jeweiligen Gegner getroffen haben. Nachdem Galaxia besiegt ist erhalten die Kirbys das legend\u00E4re Schwert f\u00FCr den Kampf gegen Dark Matter. Landen Sie hierbei einen kritischen Treffer wird die jeweilige Form von Dark Matter direkt besiegt, da ein kritischer Treffer mit Galaxia 9999 Punkte Schaden zuf\u00FCgt, ein Wert, den Dark Matter, genau wie jeder andere Gegner im Spiel, nicht besitzt."@de . "Galaxia f. (plural Galaxias) 1. \n* galaxy"@ia . "Galaksija"@ro . . "Galaxia."@es . "The Galaxy"@ro . . . "Galaxia's name sounds masculine in Japanese pronunciation, and feminine in English. This coincides with the fact that the sword's voice is male in the original, and female in the 4Kids dub."@en . . "La galaxia es el espacio en el que Warhammer 40,000 tiene lugar. Es una vasta espiral, de 90000 a\u00F1os luz de ancho y 15000 de espesor, que contiene cientos de miles de millones de estrellas. Se trata de la galaxia de la V\u00EDa L\u00E1ctea en un muy lejano futuro, pues tiene la misma forma espiral, y la Tierra (Terra) se encuentra en la misma posici\u00F3n que en la V\u00EDa L\u00E1ctea real."@es . "Galaxia"@fr . . . . "Home Entertainment: Galaxia Video"@en . . "The sword itself is used in every game that Meta Knight appears in. It's his most prominent blade and Kirby can come in possession of it by copying Meta Knight after he defeats him."@en . . . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0442\u0430"@ro . . "\u9280\u6CB3"@es . . . "Item"@en . "Las galaxias son la unidad b\u00E1sica de cada universo de Ogame. Los universos normales tienen 9 galaxias, aunque algunos universos especiales (como Kassiopeia de Ogame.com.es) tienen distinto n\u00FAmero de galaxias. Se suele abreviar por G. As\u00ED, la galaxia 1 se denomina G1."@es . "Galaktyka"@ro . . . . . "Galaxia a fost una din miliardele de galaxii care au existat \u00EEn univers. Aceasta a fost important\u0103 \u00EEn particular pentru c\u0103 a fost locul de desf\u0103\u015Furare a istoriilor Republicii Galactice, R\u0103zboiului Civil Galactic, R\u0103zboiului Yuuzhan Vong, al cavalerilor Jedi \u015Fi lorzilor Sith. Potrivit unor surse, galaxia avea diametrul de 120.000 de ani-lumin\u0103 sau 37.000 parseci (1 parsec este 3,258 ani-lumin\u0103) \u015Fi avea o v\u00E2rst\u0103 de aproximativ 13 miliarde de ani. \u00CEn centrul galaxiei exista o gaur\u0103 neagr\u0103. Galaxia era orbitat\u0103 de alte 7 satelite: Companion Aurek (cunoscut\u0103 \u015Fi ca Labirintul Rishi), Firefist \u015Fi and Companionii Cresh p\u00E2n\u0103 la Grek. Cu toate acestea, multe din cele 7 galaxii-satelit aveau stele vechi, s\u0103race \u00EEn metal \u015Fi cu prea pu\u0163in\u0103 via\u0163\u0103. Exista de asemenea o turbulen\u0163\u0103 \u00EEn hiperspa\u0163iu dincolo de marginea galaxiei care oprea rutele hiperspa\u0163iale \u00EEn afara acesteia. Galaxia avea aproape 200 de roiuri globulare. \u00CEn ciuda turbulen\u0163ei de la margine, hiperspa\u0163iul a f\u0103cut posibil\u0103 existen\u0163a \u00EEn interiorul galaxiei a unei civiliza\u0163ii enorme \u015Fi diverse. Existau aproximativ 400 de miliarde de stele \u015Fi aproximativ jum\u0103tate din acestea aveau planete ce puteau sus\u0163ine via\u0163a. 10% din acestea au \u015Fi avut via\u0163\u0103, \u00EEn timp ce formele con\u015Ftiente de via\u0163\u0103 nu au ap\u0103rut dec\u00E2t \u00EEn 1/1000 din acestea (aproximativ 20 de milioane). Galaxia a fost populat\u0103 de aproximativ 100 cvadrilioane de forme de via\u0163\u0103 diferite. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@ro . . . . "Defunct: Galaxia/Duncan Television\n\ncenter|125px"@en . "Galaxia (called GALAXIA.WAD (The Ultimate Czech Level) in its text file) is a PWAD created by Pavel Hodek. As part of their 10 Years of Doom feature, Doomworld named it one of the ten best WADs of 1994. It is notable for an extensive storyline (presented in a separate file, STORY.TXT) which serves as the basis of the WAD's design and progression, in an era when most designers did not care about story or theme. It also features a few new sound effects and two replacement music tracks."@en . "A Galaxis"@ro . "Other assets: Galaxia Digital Entertainment Galaxia Records"@en . "Galaxia"@ia . . . "Sentient sword"@en . . . "1"^^ . . "Espada Galaxia."@es . . . "Galaxia"@es . . "Kirby portando Galaxia en Kirby: Right Back at Ya!."@es . "Galaxen"@ro . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30E9\u30AF\u30B7\u30A2 ."@es . . "N/A"@es . "When Isaac Asimov decided to link the Foundation series to the Robot series there were profound implications for galactic civilization not touched upon in the original Foundation trilogy. In particular, R. Daneel Olivaw, a telepathic robot, was secretly manipulating humanity according to the dictates of the Laws Of Robotics. Daneel had also adopted the Zeroth Law of Robotics which says, \"A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm\". The Zeroth Law was a problem for Daneel because it was too difficult to know what best serves the interests of humanity. Daneel found it necessary to try to shape humanity into a more easily understood phenomenon, a type of collective super-organism with a single more unified group mind. This fantastic project, growing ever mo"@en . "thumb Una galaxia es un sistema masivo de nubes de gas, planetas, polvo c\u00F3smico, y quiz\u00E1 materia oscura, y energ\u00EDa oscura, unido gravitatoriamente. La cantidad de estrellas que forman una galaxia es contable, desde las enanas, con 107, hasta las gigantes, con 1012 estrellas (seg\u00FAn datos de la NASA del \u00FAltimo trimestre del 2009). Formando parte de una galaxia existen subestructuras como las nebulosas, los c\u00FAmulos estelares y los sistemas estelares m\u00FAltiples. Hist\u00F3ricamente, las galaxias han sido clasificadas de acuerdo a su forma aparente (morfolog\u00EDa visual, como se le suele nombrar). Una forma com\u00FAn es la de galaxia el\u00EDptica, que, como lo indica su nombre, tiene el perfil luminoso de una elipse. Las galaxias espirales tienen forma circular pero con estructura de brazos curvos envueltos en polvo. Galaxias con formas irregulares o inusuales se llaman galaxias irregulares, y son, t\u00EDpicamente, el resultado de perturbaciones provocadas por la atracci\u00F3n gravitacional de galaxias vecinas. Estas interacciones entre galaxias vecinas (que pueden provocar la fusi\u00F3n de galaxias) pueden inducir el intenso nacimiento de estrellas. Finalmente tenemos las galaxias peque\u00F1as que carecen de una estructura coherente y a las que tambi\u00E9n se les llama galaxias irregulares. Se estima que existen m\u00E1s de cien mil millones ( de galaxias en el universo observable. La mayor\u00EDa de las galaxias tienen un di\u00E1metro entre cien y cien mil parsecs y est\u00E1n usualmente separadas por distancias del orden de un mill\u00F3n de parsecs. El espacio intergal\u00E1ctico est\u00E1 compuesto por un tenue gas, cuya densidad media no supera un \u00E1tomo por metro c\u00FAbico. La mayor\u00EDa de las galaxias est\u00E1n dispuestas en una jerarqu\u00EDa de agregados, llamados c\u00FAmulos, que a su vez pueden formar agregados m\u00E1s grandes, llamados superc\u00FAmulos. Estas estructuras mayores est\u00E1n dispuestas en hojas o en filamentos rodeados de inmensas zonas de vac\u00EDo en el universo. Se especula que la materia oscura constituye el 90% de la masa en la mayor\u00EDa de las galaxias. La naturaleza de este componente no est\u00E1 demostrado que verdaderamente existe, ya que te\u00F3ricamente es una materia extra\u00F1a que no se puede encontrar nada m\u00E1s que en el universo."@es . "Galaxia (\u30AE\u30E3\u30E9\u30AF\u30B7\u30A2 Gyarakushia) is a galactic Bakugan in the Age Vestroia who created the five other Bakugan in some places in the universe. He sabotaged the experiences of the amazing Dr. Rorman since Druddigoh's creation was completely insane due to the NEX-DNA. Galaxia was responsible to make two Vestroias unbalanced which is why he want to make his own image by evolutions. It was revealed Galaxia is the Bakugan who has no attribute and was defeat in hands by the original Dragonoid and original Dharaknoid with the help of the powerful and legendary Perfect Bakugan."@en . . . . "Galaksi"@ro .