. . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Douglas Noel Adams (11 marto 1952 \u2013 11 maio 2001) ia es un scrivor engles. El es la plu bon conoseda como la autor de La manual de autostopa galasial, cual ia comensa se vive en 1978 como un comedia de radio ante deveni un \"trilojia\" de sinco libros, un serie de televisa, alga teatrales, un jua de computador, e en 2005 un filma major. El ia scrive ance La ajenteria de deteta oliste de Dirk Gently (19876) e La ora de te longa e oscur de la spirito (1988), ia coscrive La sinifia de Liff (1993), La momento final per vide... (1990), e tre naras per la serie de televisa Dotor Ci. Pos se mori, on ia publici un colie de se labora, incluinte un novela nonfinida, como La salmon de duta en 2002. Adams ia deveni conoseda como un portavose per animales e la ambiente, e un amor de autos rapida, cameras, e la computadores Macintosh de Apple. El ia es un ateiste dedicada, e ia imajina famos un stangeta consensa ci velia a un matina e pensa: \"La buco en cual me es situada conveni multe bon a me, no? Es clar ce on ia crea el per conteni ultima me!\" La biolojiste Richard Dawkins ia dedica se libro La ilude de Dio a Adams, scrivente a se mori ce \"la siensa ia perde un ami, la leteratur ia perde un inspiror, la gorila de monte e la rinosero negra ia perde un defendor brava.\""@en . . . "Douglas Adams"@it . . . . . "Citoyen de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration"@fr . "Douglas N. Adams (Cambridge, 11 marzo 1952 \u2013 Sconsiglioso zeta, 11 maggio 2001) \u00E8 un famoso essere a base di carbonio discendente da una scimmia, autore della prima enciclopedia online aperta a contatti di primo, secondo, terzo, quarto, quinto sesto e millantesimo tipo, nonch\u00E9 diretto dai diretti interessati."@it . . . . . . "Ordre de mission"@fr . "Douglas No\u00EBl Adams (* 11. M\u00E4rz 1952 in Cambridge; \u2020 11. Mai 2001 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien) war ein britischer Schriftsteller. Er wurde vor allem mit der satirischen Science-Fiction-Reihe Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis bekannt. Adams wurde mehrfach f\u00FCr die Serie Doctor Who t\u00E4tig: Er schrieb die Drehb\u00FCcher zu den Episoden The Pirate Planet und Shada, war als Script Editor f\u00FCr die 17. Staffel der Serie t\u00E4tig und beteiligt am Drehbuch zu der Episode City of Death."@de . . . . . . "Along with Terry Pratchett and J.R.R. Tolkien, he is probably one of the most beloved authors of all time. Many of Adams' works enjoy a kind of celebrity status alongside Monty Python as classic humour material and an integral part of geek culture... for better or worse. Specifically of interest to the PPC, there is little badfic of his works, but many fans, especially young fans, quote him constantly. Sometimes quotes from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy find their way into badfic simply because the author likes the book rather than because they're appropriate for the story. In the PPC, May 25 is celebrated in part because it is Towel Day. This is a day where fans carry around towels to demonstrate how much they love the books and/or that they are hoopy froods who know where their towels are."@en . . . . . . . . "Douglas Adams"@de . . . "Toward the end of his life, he was a sought-after lecturer on topics including technology and the environment. Since his death at the age of 49, he is still widely revered in science fiction and fantasy fandom circles. Adams died of a heart attack at the age of 49 on Friday 11 May 2001, while working out at a private gym in Montecito, California. On May 25th, two weeks after his untimely death, Towel Day was created in his honour: all you need to do is carry a towel and love Douglas Adams!"@en . . . . . . . "Douglas Adams estis fama brita kosmona\u016Dto kiu verkis dum siaj voja\u011Doj La petveturistan gvidlibron pri la galaksio. Pro tio ke \u011Di estis mojosa, malne\u016Dtrala kaj plene malfidela de la vero, la petveturista gvidlibro estis multe pli populara ol ordinaraj enciklopedioj kiel ekzemple la Encyclopedia Galactica. Kiam ajn anglalingvano eklernas Esperanton, lia unua tasko nepre estas traduki La petveturistan gvidlibron pri la galaksio. Sed trovinte, ke verki kaj traduki literaturon estas malfacila afero nefarebla de komencantoj, li tuj fari\u011Das bonalingvano."@eo . . . "Douglas Adams, famous author of Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy is commonly refrenced in the strip."@en . "Douglas N. Adams (Cambridge, 11 marzo 1952 \u2013 Sconsiglioso zeta, 11 maggio 2001) \u00E8 un famoso essere a base di carbonio discendente da una scimmia, autore della prima enciclopedia online aperta a contatti di primo, secondo, terzo, quarto, quinto sesto e millantesimo tipo, nonch\u00E9 diretto dai diretti interessati."@it . . . "Douglas"@fr . "Douglas Adams \u00E9tait un officier de Starfleet au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "Douglas Adams"@hu . "Douglas Adams"@fr . . . "A Galaxis \u00FAtikalauz stopposoknak szerz\u0151je."@hu . "His style of humour has left a lasting impression on other writers. It can still be seen in the revived series, which included a reference to his creation Arthur Dent in The Christmas Invasion. He also inserted a reference to one of his characters, Oolon Colluphid, in the Season 17 story Destiny of the Daleks. In The Rings of Akhaten, when the Doctor was pointing out species to Clara, one of the species was the Hooloovoo, a species from his book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."@en . . . . . . . "He was also script editor of Doctor Who during Tom Baker's reign in the late 70's."@en . . . . . . . . "Toward the end of his life, he was a sought-after lecturer on topics including technology and the environment. Since his death at the age of 49, he is still widely revered in science fiction and fantasy fandom circles. Adams died of a heart attack at the age of 49 on Friday 11 May 2001, while working out at a private gym in Montecito, California. On May 25th, two weeks after his untimely death, Towel Day was created in his honour: all you need to do is carry a towel and love Douglas Adams!"@en . "In 2364, he was the commander of the USS Heart of Gold. Sometime in that year, he received an order about modifications to the Sector 500/32450 survey from Dent Arthur Dent of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. The captain was requested to send acknowledgement of the receipt of this order through subspace com net security code 045, code 100 alpha. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\" , okudagram) This character was only mentioned in writing. He was named after writer Douglas Adams."@en . "In 2364, he was the commander of the USS Heart of Gold. Sometime in that year, he received an order about modifications to the Sector 500/32450 survey from Dent Arthur Dent of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. The captain was requested to send acknowledgement of the receipt of this order through subspace com net security code 045, code 100 alpha. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\" , okudagram) This character was only mentioned in writing. He was named after writer Douglas Adams."@en . . "He was also script editor of Doctor Who during Tom Baker's reign in the late 70's."@en . . . "Douglas Adams was the person who created The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series of fiction. Most people know these as novels, though they also came as radio shows and in other formats. These stories chronicle the adventures of one Arthur Dent, who hitchhikes off our Earth and travels around the galaxy. The stories are not serious at all, but are filled with jokes, to the extent that the destruction of the Earth would not cause much concern. These jokes have become familiar to those people who know the importance of the number 42."@en . . . "His style of humour has left a lasting impression on other writers. It can still be seen in the revived series, which included a reference to his creation Arthur Dent in The Christmas Invasion. He also inserted a reference to one of his characters, Oolon Colluphid, in the Season 17 story Destiny of the Daleks. In The Rings of Akhaten, when the Doctor was pointing out species to Clara, one of the species was the Hooloovoo, a species from his book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Adams is implied to be a part of the Doctor Who universe when the Sixth Doctor said that \"my old friend Douglas\" once said the response to the question, \"What's wrong with getting drunk?\" was, \"You ask the glass of water.\" (AUDIO: The Wormery) Though the Doctor never gave this Douglas a surname, the line is clearly drawn from episode one of Hitchhiker's Guide, indirectly confirming Douglas Adams as a part of the DWU. Additionally, in the novelisation of Shada, Professor Chronotis claimed to have replaced the Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey with a copy of \"The Hitch-,\" at which point he is interrupted."@en . "Capitaine"@fr . . . "Douglas Adams, famous author of Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy is commonly refrenced in the strip."@en . . "Jane"@en . . . . "Douglas Noel Adams (11 marto 1952 \u2013 11 maio 2001) ia es un scrivor engles. El es la plu bon conoseda como la autor de La manual de autostopa galasial, cual ia comensa se vive en 1978 como un comedia de radio ante deveni un \"trilojia\" de sinco libros, un serie de televisa, alga teatrales, un jua de computador, e en 2005 un filma major. Adams ia deveni conoseda como un portavose per animales e la ambiente, e un amor de autos rapida, cameras, e la computadores Macintosh de Apple."@en . "Douglas Adams"@pl . . "Douglas Noel Adams (11 mars 1952 - 11 mai 2001) est l'auteur du Guide Galactique (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Il a \u00E9crit plusieurs \u00E9pisodes de Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet, Shada et City of Death (cosc\u00E9naris\u00E9 avec Graham Williams sous le pseudonyme de David Agnew). Plusieurs r\u00E9f\u00E9rences, encore aujourd'hui, se font dans Doctor Who sur les \u0153uvres de Douglas Adams."@fr . . . "Douglas Adams estis fama brita kosmona\u016Dto kiu verkis dum siaj voja\u011Doj La petveturistan gvidlibron pri la galaksio. Pro tio ke \u011Di estis mojosa, malne\u016Dtrala kaj plene malfidela de la vero, la petveturista gvidlibro estis multe pli populara ol ordinaraj enciklopedioj kiel ekzemple la Encyclopedia Galactica. Kiam ajn anglalingvano eklernas Esperanton, lia unua tasko nepre estas traduki La petveturistan gvidlibron pri la galaksio. Sed trovinte, ke verki kaj traduki literaturon estas malfacila afero nefarebla de komencantoj, li tuj fari\u011Das bonalingvano."@eo . . "Douglas Adams"@en . . . "Adams is known for his unique brand of science-fiction comedy, including the five-volume Hitchhiker's series and two books featuring the detective Dirk Gently. Adams also wrote passionately about natural science, evolution, endangered species, website design and new technology. He also worked as writer and script editor (for Season 17) of the BBC's popular science fiction series Doctor Who. The same year, Adams served as one of the writers of Labyrinth: The Computer Game."@en . . "Captain Douglas Adams ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte. Er hat das Kommando \u00FCber die USS Heart of Gold. 2364 erh\u00E4lt er einen Befehl von Arthur Dent von der Sirius Kybernetik Corporation. Diese Befehle sind sp\u00E4ter im selben Jahr Teil von Datas Ermittlungen, um eine Verschw\u00F6rung innerhalb des Sternenflottenkommandos aufzukl\u00E4ren. (TNG: ) Tats\u00E4chlich ist Douglas Adams der Autor der beliebten Romanreihe Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis. Im Buch taucht auch ein Raumschiff mit dem Namen Herz aus Gold vor. Arthur Dent ist die Hauptperson der B\u00FCcher. Siehe Douglas Adams in der Wikipedia"@de . "Along with Terry Pratchett and J.R.R. Tolkien, he is probably one of the most beloved authors of all time. Many of Adams' works enjoy a kind of celebrity status alongside Monty Python as classic humour material and an integral part of geek culture... for better or worse. Specifically of interest to the PPC, there is little badfic of his works, but many fans, especially young fans, quote him constantly. Sometimes quotes from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy find their way into badfic simply because the author likes the book rather than because they're appropriate for the story."@en . "Captain Douglas Adams ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte. Er hat das Kommando \u00FCber die USS Heart of Gold. 2364 erh\u00E4lt er einen Befehl von Arthur Dent von der Sirius Kybernetik Corporation. Diese Befehle sind sp\u00E4ter im selben Jahr Teil von Datas Ermittlungen, um eine Verschw\u00F6rung innerhalb des Sternenflottenkommandos aufzukl\u00E4ren. (TNG: ) Tats\u00E4chlich ist Douglas Adams der Autor der beliebten Romanreihe Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis. Im Buch taucht auch ein Raumschiff mit dem Namen Herz aus Gold vor. Arthur Dent ist die Hauptperson der B\u00FCcher. Siehe Douglas Adams in der Wikipedia"@de . . "Douglas Adams was the person who created The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series of fiction. Most people know these as novels, though they also came as radio shows and in other formats. These stories chronicle the adventures of one Arthur Dent, who hitchhikes off our Earth and travels around the galaxy. The stories are not serious at all, but are filled with jokes, to the extent that the destruction of the Earth would not cause much concern. These jokes have become familiar to those people who know the importance of the number 42. NetHack has an ancient fantasy setting, but does contain a few references to the works of Douglas Adams. The primary reference is the towel, a multipurpose generally useful item. The towel is not as useful in NetHack as the Hitchhiker's Guide would claim; the towel is actually the subject of a false rumor. When your NetHack character is hallucinating, you might meet the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal or a microscopic space fleet. If you meet one, then you could blind yourself with a towel, and let some other monster kill you."@en . . . . . . . . "Douglas Adams (ur. 11 marca 1952, zm. 11 maja 2001) - brytyjski pisarz science-fiction, dziennikarz, scenarzysta, tw\u00F3rca humorystycznej serii Autostopem przez galaktyk\u0119. 30pxUwaga! To jest tylko zal\u0105\u017Cek artyku\u0142u. Je\u015Bli mo\u017Cesz, [ rozbuduj go]. Kategoria:Zal\u0105\u017Cki artyku\u0142\u00F3w"@pl . "A Galaxis \u00FAtikalauz stopposoknak szerz\u0151je."@hu . . "Doctor Who"@en . . . . . . . "Douglas Noel Adams (11 March 1952 \u2013 11 May 2001) was a mildly interesting ape-descendant residing on a small blue-green but mostly harmless planet in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. He was also incredibly tall. While most of this is of no interest at all, one million clones of his clones working in tandem on typewriters randomly produced a series of successful novels, but if it wasn't for the activities of the Hellen Keller Society's memorial festival then Douglas Adams would never have ended up lying drunk in a field somewhere near Innsbruck then would he? Coincidentally, while he was lying drunk in that field somewhere near Innsbruck he rolled over on a small hallucinatory mushroom, which days later was eaten by a mongoose that ended its life when it attacked the tyre of a UPS delivery truck on its way to deliver a new suspension cord for a faulty exercise machine. This is not that story."@en . . "Douglas Noel Adams (11 March 1952 \u2013 11 May 2001) was a mildly interesting ape-descendant residing on a small blue-green but mostly harmless planet in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. He was also incredibly tall. While most of this is of no interest at all, one million clones of his clones working in tandem on typewriters randomly produced a series of successful novels, but if it wasn't for the activities of the Hellen Keller Society's memorial festival then Douglas Adams would never have ended up lying drunk in a field somewhere near Innsbruck then would he?"@en . . "Douglas No\u00EBl Adams (* 11. M\u00E4rz 1952 in Cambridge; \u2020 11. Mai 2001 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien) war ein britischer Schriftsteller. Er wurde vor allem mit der satirischen Science-Fiction-Reihe Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis bekannt. Adams wurde mehrfach f\u00FCr die Serie Doctor Who t\u00E4tig: Er schrieb die Drehb\u00FCcher zu den Episoden The Pirate Planet und Shada, war als Script Editor f\u00FCr die 17. Staffel der Serie t\u00E4tig und beteiligt am Drehbuch zu der Episode City of Death."@de . . . "Douglas Noel Adams (11 mars 1952 - 11 mai 2001) est l'auteur du Guide Galactique (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Il a \u00E9crit plusieurs \u00E9pisodes de Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet, Shada et City of Death (cosc\u00E9naris\u00E9 avec Graham Williams sous le pseudonyme de David Agnew). Plusieurs r\u00E9f\u00E9rences, encore aujourd'hui, se font dans Doctor Who sur les \u0153uvres de Douglas Adams."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Douglas Adams (1952-2001) was a British radio and television writer and author, best known for his radio series/television series/novels The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Along with Neil Innes, he is one of only two people to receive a writing credit on the original television series for the sketch Patient Abuse. He also appears briefly in two episodes, once behind a surgeon's mask as \"Dr. Emile Koning\", and in the Mr. Neutron sketch as a pepperpot carting around a missile. Adams also contributed to the writing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. File:AdamsAsKoning.jpg"@en . "Douglas Adams (1952-2001) was a British radio and television writer and author, best known for his radio series/television series/novels The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Along with Neil Innes, he is one of only two people to receive a writing credit on the original television series for the sketch Patient Abuse. He also appears briefly in two episodes, once behind a surgeon's mask as \"Dr. Emile Koning\", and in the Mr. Neutron sketch as a pepperpot carting around a missile. Adams also contributed to the writing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Adams also wrote for the fan favourite Doctor Who, writing three serials including The Pirate Planet. File:AdamsAsKoning.jpg"@en . . "Douglas Adams"@en . . . . "1979"^^ . "Douglas Adams"@en . . "Adams is known for his unique brand of science-fiction comedy, including the five-volume Hitchhiker's series and two books featuring the detective Dirk Gently. Adams also wrote passionately about natural science, evolution, endangered species, website design and new technology. He also worked as writer and script editor (for Season 17) of the BBC's popular science fiction series Doctor Who. In 1986, Adams was involved as a consultant on a proposed one hour Muppet TV special about computer literacy, The Muppet Institute of Technology. Adams flew out to New York City to meet with Jim Henson and twenty other consultants for discussions. Christopher Cerf was also involved in the production, which was ultimately never completed. The same year, Adams served as one of the writers of Labyrinth: The Computer Game. Adams once threw a party which Jim Henson attended. As Henson was leaving, he gave Adams a smoked salmon, in order to prompt Adams to say \"So long, and thanks for all the fish\" (a phrase from the Hitchhiker's series). Douglas Adams' sequel to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is referenced in the title of the Muppet Babies episode \"The Air Conditioner at the End of the Galaxy\"."@en . "Douglas Adams (ur. 11 marca 1952, zm. 11 maja 2001) - brytyjski pisarz science-fiction, dziennikarz, scenarzysta, tw\u00F3rca humorystycznej serii Autostopem przez galaktyk\u0119. 30pxUwaga! To jest tylko zal\u0105\u017Cek artyku\u0142u. Je\u015Bli mo\u017Cesz, [ rozbuduj go]. Kategoria:Zal\u0105\u017Cki artyku\u0142\u00F3w"@pl . "1952-03-11"^^ . . . . "Adams"@fr . . . "Douglas Adams \u00E9tait un officier de Starfleet au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . "Douglas Adams"@eo . . . . . . "Membre de Starfleet"@fr . . .