"Limmie Referee"@en . . . "Rule on limmie plays"@en . . "Match Master"@en . . . "The Match Master acted as the referee in games of limmie, working alongside two assistants. This person ruled on plays, deciding when shots were offside and validating scores. In 23 BBY, a Roonan was employed as a Match Master in the BlasTech Gikosphere on the planet of Coruscant. He interrupted a match held as part of the Galactic Cup of Limmie's opening round in which representatives from the planet of Fondor were competing against Coruscant's team. In 19 BBY, a woman named Parja Bralor served as Match Master during a game played between clone stormtroopers and Mandalorians."@en . . . "The Match Master acted as the referee in games of limmie, working alongside two assistants. This person ruled on plays, deciding when shots were offside and validating scores. In 23 BBY, a Roonan was employed as a Match Master in the BlasTech Gikosphere on the planet of Coruscant. He interrupted a match held as part of the Galactic Cup of Limmie's opening round in which representatives from the planet of Fondor were competing against Coruscant's team. In 19 BBY, a woman named Parja Bralor served as Match Master during a game played between clone stormtroopers and Mandalorians."@en . . . . "Match Master"@en .