. . . "13"^^ . . "Associate's degree, John Muir College, 1951\nLaw degree, Washburn University, 1964"@en . . . . "Born"@en . . "Fred Waldron Phelps Sr. (1929-2014) was a \"minister\" from Topeka, Kansas who ran the Westboro Baptist Church. Phelps was the absolute perfect example of something both Conservatives and Liberals could agree on, (someone who got things wrong) though he looked like an ultra-conservative. Phelps seemed to exercise abusive cultlike control over his followers who were and still are mostly members of his family, married into his family, or both. Even young children from the Phelps family must take part in their evil demonstrations. The views Fred Phelps had of homosexuals, Canadians, and Americans are in some ways representative of most of the evangelical movement which also includes Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell but Fred Phelps hated British, Jewish, Irish, Swedish people and others "@en . . . . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps fue el l\u00EDder de la Iglesia Bautista de Westboro, un grupo religioso que tiene sede en la que fue su casa en Topeka, Kansas. Esta iglesia, de solo 100 miembros y casi todos familiares, se ha desligado de las propuestas y sentimientos religiosos de otras iglesias bautistas y denominaciones cristianas. Phelps es reconocido como el hombre que m\u00E1s destil\u00F3 odio contra los homosexuales y los pa\u00EDses que tienen consideraciones hacia este grupo de personas. Phelps llev\u00F3 el odio a los homosexuales a niveles que, incluso cristianos, consideraron rayaba en el extremismo. Siempre predic\u00F3 que el dios judeocristiano odia a los homosexuales y que Estados Unidos merece castigo divino por permitir que existan personas que amen a otras del mismo sexo. As\u00ED mismo, Phelps predic\u00F3 que Yahv\u00E9 castigar\u00E1 a cualquier persona (\"fag enabler\") que no est\u00E9 en contra de los homosexuales y sus pr\u00E1cticas. Su p\u00E1gina web principal godhatesfags.com se caracteriza por dar sus razones de por qu\u00E9 su odio hacia los homosexuales. Seg\u00FAn un mensaje, le dieron el nombre de la p\u00E1gina \"Dios odia a los maricones\" porque consideran que \"es una profunda declaraci\u00F3n teol\u00F3gica que el mundo necesita escuchar m\u00E1s de lo que necesita ox\u00EDgeno, agua y pan.\" Su Iglesia tambi\u00E9n posee p\u00E1ginas de odio que tienen como finalidad dar razones de por qu\u00E9 Dios odia a ciertos pa\u00EDses. Una en particular afirma que M\u00E9xico (llamado Tierra de los Sodomitas Malditos) es un pa\u00EDs sodomita que \"se est\u00E1 volviendo r\u00E1pidamente a las viles pr\u00E1cticas sat\u00E1nicas practicadas por los maricones y asquerosos Mayas y Aztecas, que fueron borrados por Dios Todopoderoso debido sus pecados.\" Los seguidores de esta iglesia fundamentalista han llegado a implicar que el vers\u00EDculo cristiano m\u00E1s famoso de la Biblia, Juan 3:16, en realidad no significa lo que todo cristiano cree. El vers\u00EDculo dice: \"Porque de tal manera am\u00F3 Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unig\u00E9nito, para que todo aquel que en \u00E9l cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.\" Sin embargo, en una de las p\u00E1ginas de la Iglesia de Phelps declara que la palabra traducida \"mundo\" en Juan 3:16 es la palabra griega \"kosmos\" y que tal palabra no significa \"todos los individuos de la humanidad que haya vivido.\" Y en base a eso, los homosexuales no est\u00E1n incluidos en el amor de Dios. thumb|Imagen que es un ejemplo del discurso y propaganda de odio hecha por ciertos grupos religiosos. Phelps fue el foco de atenci\u00F3n en los Estados Unidos por interrumpir funerales de militares que murieron en Irak, organizar protestas contra el gobierno estadounidense y desfiles de orgullo gay. Afirmaba que tales muertes, igual que otros sucesos tr\u00E1gicos como los atentados del 11 de septiembre, los tsunamis, el hurac\u00E1n Katrina son causados por la ira del dios de la Biblia dirigida los homosexuales. Phelps siempre pens\u00F3 que estaba ejerciendo su derecho a la libertad de expresi\u00F3n y que era su deber dar a conocer sus sagrados puntos de vista hom\u00F3fobos al mundo. No importando si era en reuniones pol\u00EDticas o inauguraciones de cafeter\u00EDas de la cadena Starbucks. Esto oblig\u00F3 al ex presidente George Bush a firmar, el 29 de mayo de 2006, el Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act (\"Acta de respeto por los h\u00E9roes fallecidos de Estados Unidos\") en respuesta a las continuas irrupciones de los seguidores de Phelps en funerales militares. thumb|right|335 px Adem\u00E1s, Phelps se gan\u00F3 el odio de muchas personas, religiosos y seculares al hablar mal de Matthew Wayne Shepard, estudiante homosexual de la Universidad de Wyoming que fue torturado y asesinado cerca de Laramie y fallecido el 12 de octubre de 1998. Shepard muri\u00F3 como resultado de severas lesiones craneales y Phelps organiz\u00F3 una manifestaci\u00F3n durante el funeral, as\u00ED como durante el juicio de sus asesinos, con pancartas con frases como \"Matt Shepard se pudre en el infierno\", \"El SIDA mata a los maricones\" y \"Dios odia a los maricones\". Phelps lleg\u00F3 a decir que Shepard no era una buena persona y que est\u00E1 en el Infierno. Una de las hijas de Phelps, Shirley Phelps-Roper, y bajo la influencia de las ense\u00F1anzas de su padre, coment\u00F3 en Fox News que la muerte de una chica de la comunidad Amish fue merecida por el tipo de vida que llevan en esa comunidad. Sus declaraciones, como \"Gracias a Dios por el 9/11\", llevaron a Sean Hannity, comentarista de noticias del canal a decir que Phelps-Roper es una persona enferma, cruel y desquiciada. Tras la muerte de Phelps, las redes sociales se llenaron de mensajes que mostraron su punto de vista. Dos de los m\u00E1s notables fueron, primero el del Terroja Lee \"TJ\" Kincaid (The Amazing Atheist) quien cre\u00F3 un video intitulado \"Fred Phelps Finally Does the World a Favor and Dies\" (Fred Phleps muere y al fin le hace un favor al mundo). Y el segundo proveniente de George Takei, quien declar\u00F3 que con tras su muerte, Phelps al fin podr\u00E1 saber que en verdad Dios no odia a nadie."@es . "Political Party"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. (born November 13, 1929) is an American pastor heading the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), an independent Baptist church based in Topeka, Kansas. Phelps is a disbarred lawyer, founder of the Phelps Chartered law firm, and a former civil rights activist. A member of the Democratic Party, he has occasionally run for political office. In the election for United States Senator for Kansas in 1992, he received 49,416 votes (30.8%) in the Democratic primary, coming in second after Gloria O'Dell (who subsequently lost to later presidential candidate Bob Dole). Phelps's followers frequently picket various events, such as military funerals, gay pride gatherings, high-profile political gatherings, university commencement ceremonies, performances of The Laramie Project, mainstream Christian gatherings and concerts with which he had no affiliation, arguing it is their sacred duty to warn others of God's anger. In response to Phelps' protests at military funerals, President George W. Bush signed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act into law in May 2006, and, in April 2007, Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius signed into law a bill establishing a 150-foot no-picketing buffer zone around funerals. As of April 2006, 8 other states have enacted similar laws and 10 more were considering it. On August 6, 2012, President Obama signed Pub.L. 112-154, the Honoring America\u2019s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 which, among other things, requires a 300-foot and 2-hour buffer zone around military funerals. He is known for the slogans that he and his ministry use against people he deems sinful; his church is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan \"God hates fags\", which is also the name of the group's main website. Gay rights supporters have denounced him as a producer of anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech. The church is considered a hate group and monitored by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center."@en . . . . "Mr. Phelps"@en . . . . . "Meridian, Mississippi"@es . . . . . . . . . . "2014-03-19"^^ . . . . . . "1929-11-13"^^ . . . . . . . . "Fred Phelps is a former Great American. Back when he picketed the funerals of godless homosexuals, he was loved by all right-thinking Americans. But then he started harassing military funerals, and Republicans realized he was in fact a liberal. However, if he goes back to picketing fags, or bears, he will again be loved by all. There has been only one miracle performed by a member of Phelps' church: making Sean Hannity seem reasonable."@en . . . . "Religion"@en . . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. (born November 13, 1929) is an American pastor heading the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), an independent Baptist church based in Topeka, Kansas. Phelps is a disbarred lawyer, founder of the Phelps Chartered law firm, and a former civil rights activist. A member of the Democratic Party, he has occasionally run for political office. In the election for United States Senator for Kansas in 1992, he received 49,416 votes (30.8%) in the Democratic primary, coming in second after Gloria O'Dell (who subsequently lost to later presidential candidate Bob Dole)."@en . . "Fred Phelps, Sr. (November 13, 1929 \u2013 March 19, 2014) was an eccentric old man and, incidentally, the head of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. He took charge of Westboro in 1978 after the church's founder, John Wayne Gacy, was arrested for abducting, sodomizing, and murdering young men. Phelps carried on Gacy's legacy by marrying his ex-wife and preaching Gacy's \"tough love\" message to homosexuals. Phelps relies on religious blackmail and mind control rather than murder to silence his victims, usually by appearing at high-profile events such as military funerals and holding signs reading \"God hates fags\" and \"If you tell, you'll burn in Hell\". Westboro Baptist church now has 13 members, all named Phelps, including his adopted daughter whose brainwashing was accomplished by da"@en . . . . . . . . "Fred Phelps"@es . "19"^^ . "Fred Waldron Phelps fue el l\u00EDder de la Iglesia Bautista de Westboro, un grupo religioso que tiene sede en la que fue su casa en Topeka, Kansas. Esta iglesia, de solo 100 miembros y casi todos familiares, se ha desligado de las propuestas y sentimientos religiosos de otras iglesias bautistas y denominaciones cristianas. Phelps es reconocido como el hombre que m\u00E1s destil\u00F3 odio contra los homosexuales y los pa\u00EDses que tienen consideraciones hacia este grupo de personas."@es . . . . . . "He was known for the slogans that he and his ministry used against people he deemed sinful, including \"God Hates Fags\", \"Thank God for Dead Soldiers\", \"America Is Doomed\" and \"Priests Rape Boys\". He claims that God will punish homosexuals as well as various public figures such as Bill O'Reilly, Coretta Scott King, Ronald Reagan, Howard Dean and anyone else whom his church considers \"fag-enablers\". Phelps said that he believed that homosexuality and social acceptance of it had doomed most of the world to eternal damnation. The WBC has 71 confirmed members, 60 of whom are related to Phelps."@en . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps"@es . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps Sr. (1929-2014) was a \"minister\" from Topeka, Kansas who ran the Westboro Baptist Church. Phelps was the absolute perfect example of something both Conservatives and Liberals could agree on, (someone who got things wrong) though he looked like an ultra-conservative. Phelps seemed to exercise abusive cultlike control over his followers who were and still are mostly members of his family, married into his family, or both. Even young children from the Phelps family must take part in their evil demonstrations. The views Fred Phelps had of homosexuals, Canadians, and Americans are in some ways representative of most of the evangelical movement which also includes Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell but Fred Phelps hated British, Jewish, Irish, Swedish people and others as well. Happily most British, Jewish, Irish, Swedish, etc. people haven't the faintest idea who Phelps was. In 2014 Fred Phelps finally died and few will mourn him."@en . . "He was known for the slogans that he and his ministry used against people he deemed sinful, including \"God Hates Fags\", \"Thank God for Dead Soldiers\", \"America Is Doomed\" and \"Priests Rape Boys\". He claims that God will punish homosexuals as well as various public figures such as Bill O'Reilly, Coretta Scott King, Ronald Reagan, Howard Dean and anyone else whom his church considers \"fag-enablers\". Phelps and his followers frequently picketed various events, especially military funerals, gay pride gatherings, high-profile political gatherings, and even Christian gatherings and concerts with which he had no affiliation, arguing it was their sacred duty to warn others of God's anger. When criticized, Phelps' followers said they were protected in doing so by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. In response to Phelps' protests at military funerals, President George W. Bush signed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act into law in May 2006, and, in April 2007, Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius signed into law a bill establishing a 150-foot no-picketing buffer zone around funerals. Phelps said that he believed that homosexuality and social acceptance of it had doomed most of the world to eternal damnation. The WBC has 71 confirmed members, 60 of whom are related to Phelps. The group is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan \"God hates fags\", which is also the name of the group's main website. Gay rights activists, as well as Christians of virtually every denomination, denounced him as a producer of anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech."@en . . "Fred Phelps, Sr. (November 13, 1929 \u2013 March 19, 2014) was an eccentric old man and, incidentally, the head of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. He took charge of Westboro in 1978 after the church's founder, John Wayne Gacy, was arrested for abducting, sodomizing, and murdering young men. Phelps carried on Gacy's legacy by marrying his ex-wife and preaching Gacy's \"tough love\" message to homosexuals. Phelps relies on religious blackmail and mind control rather than murder to silence his victims, usually by appearing at high-profile events such as military funerals and holding signs reading \"God hates fags\" and \"If you tell, you'll burn in Hell\". Westboro Baptist church now has 13 members, all named Phelps, including his adopted daughter whose brainwashing was accomplished by daily beatings; but she now smiles in a rather disturbing manner and has become a thespian. Phelps first achieved international notoriety when he picketed the crucifixion of Jesus, holding signs reading, \"Jesus is going to Hell\", \"God Hates Jesus\", and \"Jesus=Fag Enabler\". \"He's promoting tolerance of that filthy lifestyle,\" Phelps said at the picketing, \"With all this nonsense and hogwash about 'Love thy neighbour' and all that stuff. He's preaching the fag agenda, and we need to inject some Bible truth into these doomed Christians.\" He couldn't stay for the whole crucifixion, having to make an appointment to have semen pumped from his stomach. Fred Phelps was \"Super Fabulous\" and was loved so much in places like Kentuckistan that legislatures wrote laws ordering Phelps to be present at as many funerals is possible."@en . . "Bautista"@es . . . "www.godhatesfags.com"@es . "Fred Phelps was a supposedly conservative Christian pastor, whose vitrolic anti-homosexual rhetoric and actions, including the mantra \"God hates fags\", and the claim that \"God loves everybody\u2026 the greatest lie ever told!\" (in direct opposition to the basic tenets of Christianity) have gained him a huge negative response. Once upon a time, Fred Phelps was a good civil rights fighter. He helped remove Jim Crow laws in his hometown and elsewhere. However, later his whole life was devoted to homophobia, to the point of forcing many of his children out of his family for being \"pro-gay.\" Phelps is now dead but the church he founded lives on."@en . "Fred Phelps is a former Great American. Back when he picketed the funerals of godless homosexuals, he was loved by all right-thinking Americans. But then he started harassing military funerals, and Republicans realized he was in fact a liberal. However, if he goes back to picketing fags, or bears, he will again be loved by all. There has been only one miracle performed by a member of Phelps' church: making Sean Hannity seem reasonable."@en . . . . . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps (naski\u011Dis 1929, mortis la 19-an de marto 2014), brazila esperantisto, estis la gvidanto de la Baptista Eklezio de Vestboro (Westboro Baptist Church), religia grupo a\u016D sekto kies \u0109efa instruo estas la malamo de Dio al diversaj aferoj, la eklezio havas sian sidejon en la domo de Fred en Topeka, Kansaso kaj funkcias sendepende de iu ajn alia baptista eklezio a\u016D religia organiza\u0135o. Phelps estis konata pro lia predikado pri la malamo de Dio al la samseksemuloj kaj ke ili estos punataj same kiel tiuj kiuj apogas ilin (ene de la eklezio tiuj lastaj estas fikonataj kiel \"fag enabler\", t.e., \"permesanto de geja\u0109oj\"). Phelps gajnis atenton en Usono pro la interrompado de funebra\u0135oj al soldatoj kiuj forpasis en Irako, organizado de protestoj kontra\u016D la usona registaro, la forpasintaj soldatoj, kaj iliaj familioj. Li asertis ke tiuj mortoj, same kiel aliaj tragikaj okazinta\u0135oj estis ka\u016Dzataj de Dio pro lia malamo al la samseksemuloj kaj al la toleremo de Usono rilate la samseksemecon. Krom la interrompado de la funebra\u0135oj, li kaj liaj sekvantoj ofte organizis bojkotojn en diversaj eventoj, speciale dum la defilado de la Geja Fiero kaj renkonti\u011Doj de elstaraj politikistoj, inkluzive de la ina\u016Dguro de novaj kafejoj Starbucks, \u0109ar ili konsideris ke ilia devo estis la kundivido de ilia vidpunkto kun aliaj. Anta\u016D la kritikoj, la sekvantoj de Phelps asertis ke ilia agado estis justigataj la\u016D la unua amendo de la Konstitucio de Usono. Phelps sin priskribis kiel avida predikanto kiu kredis ke la samseksamo kaj \u011Dia akceptado destinadis la plimulton de la mondo al eterna kondamno. Lia grupo konsistis el malpli ol 100.000 membroj, 90% el ili estis familianoj de Phelps."@eo . . . . "Fred Phelps"@en . . . . . . "L\u00EDder religioso y hom\u00F3fobo extremo"@es . . . . "Fred Phelps was a supposedly conservative Christian pastor, whose vitrolic anti-homosexual rhetoric and actions, including the mantra \"God hates fags\", and the claim that \"God loves everybody\u2026 the greatest lie ever told!\" (in direct opposition to the basic tenets of Christianity) have gained him a huge negative response."@en . . "Education"@en . "Fred Phelps"@eo . . "Fred Waldron Phelps SR."@en . . . . "Fred Waldron Phelps (naski\u011Dis 1929, mortis la 19-an de marto 2014), brazila esperantisto, estis la gvidanto de la Baptista Eklezio de Vestboro (Westboro Baptist Church), religia grupo a\u016D sekto kies \u0109efa instruo estas la malamo de Dio al diversaj aferoj, la eklezio havas sian sidejon en la domo de Fred en Topeka, Kansaso kaj funkcias sendepende de iu ajn alia baptista eklezio a\u016D religia organiza\u0135o. Phelps estis konata pro lia predikado pri la malamo de Dio al la samseksemuloj kaj ke ili estos punataj same kiel tiuj kiuj apogas ilin (ene de la eklezio tiuj lastaj estas fikonataj kiel \"fag enabler\", t.e., \"permesanto de geja\u0109oj\")."@eo . . . . . . . "Died"@en . . . "Primitive Baptist"@en . . . . .