. . . "Believe trousers are unhealthy and prefer to wear robes in all situations"@en . . . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally"@pl . . . . . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally"@en . . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally (FART) \u2014 ruch, kt\u00F3rego prezesem i za\u0142o\u017Cycielem by\u0142 Archie Aymslowe. Jego cz\u0142onkowie g\u0142osili ide\u0119, wed\u0142ug kt\u00F3rej noszenie mugolskich spodni \"utrudnia przep\u0142yw mocy magicznej\" oraz ma niekorzystny wp\u0142yw na zdrowie. Cz\u0142onkowie ruchu FART \u015Bwiadomie naruszali Mi\u0119dzynarodowy Kodeks Tajno\u015Bci Czar\u00F3w przez co cz\u0119sto byli ostrzegani i karani grzywn\u0105 za noszenie czarodziejskich szat w miejscach publicznych oraz podczas przebywania w\u015Br\u00F3d mugoli."@pl . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally (FART) \u2014 ruch, kt\u00F3rego prezesem i za\u0142o\u017Cycielem by\u0142 Archie Aymslowe. Jego cz\u0142onkowie g\u0142osili ide\u0119, wed\u0142ug kt\u00F3rej noszenie mugolskich spodni \"utrudnia przep\u0142yw mocy magicznej\" oraz ma niekorzystny wp\u0142yw na zdrowie. Cz\u0142onkowie ruchu FART \u015Bwiadomie naruszali Mi\u0119dzynarodowy Kodeks Tajno\u015Bci Czar\u00F3w przez co cz\u0119sto byli ostrzegani i karani grzywn\u0105 za noszenie czarodziejskich szat w miejscach publicznych oraz podczas przebywania w\u015Br\u00F3d mugoli."@pl . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally (F.A.R.T.) was a fringe movement of wizards who preferred to wear robes at all times in public, even when in the vicinity of Muggles, because they believed that trousers \"stemmed the magical flow at source\" and that having a \"healthy breeze\" around one's \"privates\" was desirable. The movement's president was Archie Aymslowe. Members of the F.A.R.T. movement were repeatedly warned and fined for violating the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. The Statute laid out a code of dress that wizards and witches were supposed to follow when interacting with Muggles."@en . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally (F.A.R.T.) was a fringe movement of wizards who preferred to wear robes at all times in public, even when in the vicinity of Muggles, because they believed that trousers \"stemmed the magical flow at source\" and that having a \"healthy breeze\" around one's \"privates\" was desirable. The movement's president was Archie Aymslowe. Members of the F.A.R.T. movement were repeatedly warned and fined for violating the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. The Statute laid out a code of dress that wizards and witches were supposed to follow when interacting with Muggles. Muggles who encountered members of the F.A.R.T. movement apparently assumed they belonged to a cult."@en . . "Fresh Air Refreshes Totally"@en . . . . . . .