"The Move"@en . . . . "The Move (\u79FB) is a mischievous spirit, capable of inhabiting objects and magically moving them by making them disappear from one place and appear in another, similar to teleportation. Move is not a very powerful card, as it can only move small objects (i.e. books or pencils) and only for a short distance. Move cannot move living creatures. The Move is under Windy."@en . "The_move.jpg"@en . "Rock band who became Electric Light Orchestra and performed the original version of Do Ya."@en . "Rock band who became Electric Light Orchestra and performed the original version of Do Ya."@en . . "SakuraMove.jpg"@en . . . . "It all started on the day after school started. It was in Mr.Caughey(pronounced ka-hee)'s Technology classroom. It was 5th period and Phineas had just left to go to the bathroom. The girl sitting next to Isabella poked her and said, \"You gonna do it?\" \"Yes. I'll do it when he comes back from the bathroom.\" Isabella replied, annoyed. It was the 9th time she had asked in the period. Matt butted into the conversation. \"What's Isabella gonna do?\" \"Nothi-\" Isabella started. \"She's gonna ask out Phineas when he comes back from the bathroom!\" The girl exclaimed. \"Thanks a lot, Trina!\" Isabella said. Just then, Phineas walked back into the room. \"Go.\" Trina whispered. \"Shut up. I'm going to.\" Isabella replied, whispering. Phineas sat down. Isabella turned toward him. \"Yes?\" He asked, taking his eyes off of his Google Sketch-Up project. \"I was wondering..\" Isabella started to say. \"Um, maybe you would want to go to the dance on Friday with me?\" Phineas thought. He thought really hard. He just didn't know what to say. He couldn't pretend that he never had had feelings for her, he just never put them to work. \"I'll think about it.\" Phineas finally answered. \"Ok.\" Isabella replied, and turned back to her computer. What did I just do? He wondered. Am I really that much of an idiot to turn down a date with Isabella? What's wrong with me? Bill and Bob walked up to him. \"Watcha' thinkin' about, Phin?\" Bill asked, snickering. \"Go away.\" Phineas replied. The last thing he needed is the kids that lived with him to tease him. He couldn't go home and have it stop. Bill and Bob lived with him, for God's sake! \"Okay. We'll leave you to think about your girlfriend!\" Bob said. He and Bill walked away, laughing. Look at those jerks! Phin thought. Laughing at my expense! Someone should teach them a lesson! \n* \n* \n* On the bus, Phineas finally came up with his answer. He walked up to Isabella and said, \"I've decided to go with you.\" \"Awesome! But, uh, why did it take you so long to come up with an answer?\" Isabella asked. \"I, uh, um, hm, needed time to process it.\" Phineas said, after he was done desperately searching for an answer. \"Did you really?\" Isabella asked. \"No, not really.\" Phineas replied. He sat down. Bill flicked his earlobe. \"So, how'd it go? \" off.\" Phineas said. \"Oooh, someone's got a potty mouth!\" Bob said, in mock suprise. \"Just go away.\" Phin said. \"Tell us what you said first.\" Bill said. \"Yes.\" Phineas muttered. Bill and Bob hi-fived. Then Bill stood up. \"Can I have everyone's attention please? Can I have everyone's attention please? Phineas Flynn has a girlfriend! Phineas Flynn is going out with Isabella Garcia-Shapiro! That is all.\" Bill sat down. \"What the did you just do?!\" Phineas yelled angrily. \"I made you popular.\" Bill replied smugly. \"How is that?\" Phineas asked, still fuming. \"Dude, seriously, how many 11 year-olds do you expect to have a girlfriend?\" \"Hmm, true. Go on.\" Phineas said, slightly less angry. \"You and Isabella and Ferb and all them are going to be the most popular kids in school!\" Bob said. \"Except for Baljeet, maybe.\" They all got off the bus. \"Are you mad at Bill and Bob right now?\" Isabella asked Phineas. \"Not really.\" Phineas replied. \"How?\" Isabella asked, suprised. \"By tomorrow, everyone in school will know we're going to the dance.\" \"Yeah, maybe.\" Phineas answered. \"But that can be a good thing.\" \"How?\" \"Well...\" TO BE CONTINUED DO NOT EDIT COPYRIGHT 2011 HIBY25 INCORPORATED"@en . "\u201CThe Move\u201D refers to a complex sexual technique invented by Jerry from \u201CThe Fusilli Jerry\u201D. Jerry shares this with George and promises that if George can master it, he'll \"never be alone again.\" Elaine's on/off boyfriend, Puddy, uses it on Elaine, leading Elaine to chastise Jerry for sharing intimate secrets with Puddy, a hallmark of male bonding. The entire technique of \"The Move\" is never shared with the audience, leaving the audience to fill in the gaps themselves. George attempts to use it on his own girlfriend at the time, but she catches him with \"crib notes\" detailing the maneuvers written on his hand."@en . . "The Move (\u79FB) is a mischievous spirit, capable of inhabiting objects and magically moving them by making them disappear from one place and appear in another, similar to teleportation. Move is not a very powerful card, as it can only move small objects (i.e. books or pencils) and only for a short distance. Move cannot move living creatures. The Move is under Windy."@en . "The Move has the ability to move small, non-living objects from one location to another. Though this Clow Card is weak, it's speed and unpredictablitiy makes it a challenge to catch. The main body of Move looks like a pair of pink wings sprouting out of whatever it is moving. It is under The Windy. The Move first appears in Episode 19. It awakened and started to reside in a library that Sakura and Syaoran were using to complete their summer book report. Move decided to play a prank on the duo and started moving the book they needed all around the library and even out in the nearby park. Relying only on her underdeveloped magical senses, Sakura is finally able to capture The Move and retrieve the book for her book report. The Move is transformed in the second episode of the OVA, Tomoyo's Video Diary. It was transformed to tantalizingly keep a lemon cake, made by The Create, from Kero."@en . . . . "The Move"@en . "The Move has the ability to move small, non-living objects from one location to another. Though this Clow Card is weak, it's speed and unpredictablitiy makes it a challenge to catch. The main body of Move looks like a pair of pink wings sprouting out of whatever it is moving. It is under The Windy. The Move is transformed in the second episode of the OVA, Tomoyo's Video Diary. It was transformed to tantalizingly keep a lemon cake, made by The Create, from Kero."@en . "The Move, from Birmingham, England, were one of the leading British rock bands of the 1960s. They scored nine Top 20 UK singles in five years, but were among the most popular British bands not to find any success in the United States. Although bassist-vocalist Chris \"Ace\" Kefford was the original leader, for most of their career The Move was led by guitarist, singer and songwriter Roy Wood. He composed all the group's UK singles and, from 1968, also sang lead vocals on many songs, althoughCarl Wayne was the main lead singer up to 1970. Initially the band had 4 main vocalists (Wayne, Wood, Trevor Burton and Kefford) who split the lead vocals on a number of their earlier songs. The group evolved from several mid-1960s Birmingham based groups, including Carl Wayne & the Vikings, the Nightriders and the Mayfair Set. The group's name referred to the move various members of these bands made to form the group. Beside Wood, the original five-piece line-up of The Move in 1965 was drummer Bev Bevan, bassist Kefford, vocalist Carl Wayne and guitarist Trevor Burton. The final line-up of 1972 was the trio of Wood, Bevan and Jeff Lynne, who transitioned the group into the Electric Light Orchestra. Since 2007, Burton and Bevan have been performing as 'The Move featuring Bev Bevan and Trevor Burton'."@en . . . "\u201CThe Move\u201D refers to a complex sexual technique invented by Jerry from \u201CThe Fusilli Jerry\u201D. Jerry shares this with George and promises that if George can master it, he'll \"never be alone again.\" Elaine's on/off boyfriend, Puddy, uses it on Elaine, leading Elaine to chastise Jerry for sharing intimate secrets with Puddy, a hallmark of male bonding. The entire technique of \"The Move\" is never shared with the audience, leaving the audience to fill in the gaps themselves. George attempts to use it on his own girlfriend at the time, but she catches him with \"crib notes\" detailing the maneuvers written on his hand."@en . "You're Wonderful, Sakura-chan! Tomoyo's Cardcaptor Sakura Video Diary 2!"@en . . . . "The Move, from Birmingham, England, were one of the leading British rock bands of the 1960s. They scored nine Top 20 UK singles in five years, but were among the most popular British bands not to find any success in the United States. Although bassist-vocalist Chris \"Ace\" Kefford was the original leader, for most of their career The Move was led by guitarist, singer and songwriter Roy Wood. He composed all the group's UK singles and, from 1968, also sang lead vocals on many songs, althoughCarl Wayne was the main lead singer up to 1970. Initially the band had 4 main vocalists (Wayne, Wood, Trevor Burton and Kefford) who split the lead vocals on a number of their earlier songs."@en . . . . . . . "It all started on the day after school started. It was in Mr.Caughey(pronounced ka-hee)'s Technology classroom. It was 5th period and Phineas had just left to go to the bathroom. The girl sitting next to Isabella poked her and said, \"You gonna do it?\" \"Yes. I'll do it when he comes back from the bathroom.\" Isabella replied, annoyed. It was the 9th time she had asked in the period. Matt butted into the conversation. \"What's Isabella gonna do?\" \"Nothi-\" Isabella started. \"She's gonna ask out Phineas when he comes back from the bathroom!\" The girl exclaimed. \"Thanks a lot, Trina!\" Isabella said."@en .