. . . . "Tim and Anna unhappily pack Miley's things. David accuses Nick of fancying Carla. Ken delivers the questions for the Rovers quiz. Liz fears they will be too highbrow and is pleased to hear that Deirdre supplied the questions on pop culture. Michael ignores Andy in the Street. Brian sends Julie flowers and presents her with the tour tickets and champagne outside the factory in front of the staff. She angrily turns him down and slaps him. Izzy tells Faye she nearly gave up Jake and she's glad she didn't. Anna tells her off. Nick admits to David that he and Carla kissed. Andy has a crash in the van and is in shock but otherwise unharmed. Tyrone gives Roy a driving lesson. Roy has to slam on the brakes when a distracted Cathy walks out in front of the car, dropping a load of bills. Alya wants to confess to Gary and tells Jason she's a mess. Jason warns her it wouldn't help anyone. Brian tells Julie he's sorry for hounding her and that he'll leave her alone. Eileen tells Michael about Andy's accident. He rushes to the bistro and is relieved to find out he's okay. The Rovers quiz night takes place. The team are: Norris, Mary, Roy and Cathy, Lloyd, Andrea, Eileen and Michael, and Nick, David and Gail. Carla joins the Platts after the first round, while Cathy doesn't show up. Erica suggests she and Nick buy a place together. Erica suddenly keels over in pain and is taken to hospital by Liz and Nick, while a guilty Carla looks on."@en . . . . . "Tim and Anna unhappily pack Miley's things. David accuses Nick of fancying Carla. Ken delivers the questions for the Rovers quiz. Liz fears they will be too highbrow and is pleased to hear that Deirdre supplied the questions on pop culture. Michael ignores Andy in the Street. Brian sends Julie flowers and presents her with the tour tickets and champagne outside the factory in front of the staff. She angrily turns him down and slaps him. Izzy tells Faye she nearly gave up Jake and she's glad she didn't. Anna tells her off. Nick admits to David that he and Carla kissed. Andy has a crash in the van and is in shock but otherwise unharmed. Tyrone gives Roy a driving lesson. Roy has to slam on the brakes when a distracted Cathy walks out in front of the car, dropping a load of bills. Alya wants "@en . . . . . . . "2015-06-26"^^ . . "Episode 8669 (26th June 2015)"@en . . . . . "8669"^^ . . . . . "2015-06-26"^^ . "2015-06-24"^^ . . . . . . . ""@en . . . .