. . . "Born in 1886, Golightly was given to a church-run orphanage not long after his birth, and was raised there. As an adult, he found a post as the vicar of a sleepy English village near Eddison Manor. Some time after his fortieth birthday, in 1926, his church suffered a break in, during which he discovered that he was only half-human."@en . . . "209"^^ . . "tot"@de . "Reverend Arnold Golightly ist halb Mensch, halb Vespiform. Arnold wuchs als Waise in einem kirchlichen Kinderheim auf und erfuhr nie etwas \u00FCber seine Familie. Im Jahre 1926 betreut er als Reverend eine Gemeinde unweit von Eddison Manor. Als er zwei R\u00E4uber in seiner Kirche erwischt, wird er erstmals in seinem Leben wirklich w\u00FCtend, was dazu f\u00FChrt, dass er sich in eine au\u00DFerirdische Vespiform verwandelt und die R\u00E4uber t\u00F6tet."@de . . . . "Reverend Arnold Golightly ist halb Mensch, halb Vespiform. Arnold wuchs als Waise in einem kirchlichen Kinderheim auf und erfuhr nie etwas \u00FCber seine Familie. Im Jahre 1926 betreut er als Reverend eine Gemeinde unweit von Eddison Manor. Als er zwei R\u00E4uber in seiner Kirche erwischt, wird er erstmals in seinem Leben wirklich w\u00FCtend, was dazu f\u00FChrt, dass er sich in eine au\u00DFerirdische Vespiform verwandelt und die R\u00E4uber t\u00F6tet."@de . . "Arnold Golightly"@en . . . . "Clemency Eddison"@en . "Christopher Christopher"@en . "Born in 1886, Golightly was given to a church-run orphanage not long after his birth, and was raised there. As an adult, he found a post as the vicar of a sleepy English village near Eddison Manor. Some time after his fortieth birthday, in 1926, his church suffered a break in, during which he discovered that he was only half-human. He was, in fact, half-human, half-Vespiform and the illegitimate son of Lady Clemency Eddison and a Vespiform calling itself Christopher. The Vespiform side of his genetic make-up, dormant until then, asserted itself and its psychic bond to the Firestone. The nascent Vespiform used the Firestone to access the mind of Clemency Eddison, and since she was reading a book by Agatha Christie at the time, its personality moulded itself along the lines of an Agatha Christie plot."@en . . "Deadly Wasp Car Chase! - Doctor Who - The Unicorn and the Wasp - BBC"@en . "Arnold Golightly"@de . "Vespiform"@en . . . . . "halb Mensch, halb Vespiform"@de . . "Roger Curbishley"@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . "Tom Goodman Hill"@en . "The Unicorn and the Wasp"@de . "Human"@en . . "270"^^ . . "Arnold Golightly"@en . .