"Disney's Hollywood Studios, originally Disney-MGM Studios, is the third of four theme parks built at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, opened on May 1, 1989. The park is represented by The Sorcerer's Hat, a stylized version of the magical hat from Fantasia. It replaced the Earful Tower as the park's icon in 2001. As of January 7, 2008, park was rebranded \"Disney's Hollywood Studios\" with the official announcement made by Disney officials on August 9, 2007, over 18 years of being branded as \"Disney-MGM Studios\". The park is dedicated to show business, drawing inspiration from the heyday of Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s, captured by the neon, chrome, art deco and modern architecture. The streets and sections of the park were blend together like a large, bustling movie set."@en . . . . . "El parque cambi\u00F3 de nombre el 7 de enero de 2008. La \u00FAnica relaci\u00F3n del parque con Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) es a trav\u00E9s de un contrato que permite a Disney utilizar el nombre y el logotipo de MGM para marketing y otros contratos separados."@es . . . . . "The only affiliation that Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), now under the ownership of Sony, had to the Disney park was via contracts which allowed Disney to use the MGM name and lion logo in marketing, and separate contracts that allowed for specific MGM content to be used in a ride called The Great Movie Ride. However, rights for the entire pre-1986 MGM library were purchased by Ted Turner to create Turner Network Television and later, Turner Classic Movies, which in turn has become part of Time Warner. Therefore, the end of the MGM affiliation has not affected the content of The Great Movie Ride. As of January 7, 2008, the park was rebranded \"Disney's Hollywood Studios\" with the official announcement made on August 9, 2007 by Disney officials. According to a news report, the park will have a n"@en . "Disney's Hollywood Studios is a third theme park located in the Walt Disney World Resort opened in 1989 as \"Disney MGM Studios\"."@en . "Disney's Hollywood Studios"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "High"@en . . . . "El parque cambi\u00F3 de nombre el 7 de enero de 2008. La \u00FAnica relaci\u00F3n del parque con Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) es a trav\u00E9s de un contrato que permite a Disney utilizar el nombre y el logotipo de MGM para marketing y otros contratos separados."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No"@en . . . "Kang fighting Peter Griffin on Disney's Hollywood Studios"@en . . . . . . . . "Disney's Hollywood Studios, originally Disney-MGM Studios, is the third of four theme parks built at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, opened on May 1, 1989. The park is represented by The Sorcerer's Hat, a stylized version of the magical hat from Fantasia. It replaced the Earful Tower as the park's icon in 2001."@en . . . . . . . "Disney's Hollywood Studios"@es . . . . . . . "No"@en . . . . . . "Disney's Hollywood Studios is a third theme park located in the Walt Disney World Resort opened in 1989 as \"Disney MGM Studios\"."@en . . . . . . "No"@en . . . . . . . "The only affiliation that Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), now under the ownership of Sony, had to the Disney park was via contracts which allowed Disney to use the MGM name and lion logo in marketing, and separate contracts that allowed for specific MGM content to be used in a ride called The Great Movie Ride. However, rights for the entire pre-1986 MGM library were purchased by Ted Turner to create Turner Network Television and later, Turner Classic Movies, which in turn has become part of Time Warner. Therefore, the end of the MGM affiliation has not affected the content of The Great Movie Ride. As of January 7, 2008, the park was rebranded \"Disney's Hollywood Studios\" with the official announcement made on August 9, 2007 by Disney officials. According to a news report, the park will have a new name yet again, which will be revealed soon."@en . . . . . . . .