. "Beach Blanket Babies"@en . . . . "At Tommy\u2019s house, in the living room, Chuckie is showing Tommy his new pet Sea Monkeys (mispronounced by both Tommy and Chuckie as Sea \u201CMoneys\u201D) that his father, Chaz recently got for him. Tommy comments that they only look like a bunch of specks to him, and Chuckie replies that he\u2019d also look like a speck of he were that small. Chaz and Stu walk into the living room from the kitchen and Chaz points out to Stu out that he thinks it\u2019s wonderful to see the babies interested in the Sea Monkeys, and he also mentions that Sea Monkeys were also his first pet; Stu skeptically states that he doesn\u2019t think \u201Cfreeze dried brine shrimp\u201D falls in the pets category, and Chaz replies: \u201CWhat do you mean Stu? They\u2019re the perfect pet; you don\u2019t have to walk them, you barely have to feed them, and they don\u2019t"@en . . . "1992-11-01"^^ . "9"^^ . . . . "The Best of Season 2"@en . "2"^^ . . . . . . "At Tommy\u2019s house, in the living room, Chuckie is showing Tommy his new pet Sea Monkeys (mispronounced by both Tommy and Chuckie as Sea \u201CMoneys\u201D) that his father, Chaz recently got for him. Tommy comments that they only look like a bunch of specks to him, and Chuckie replies that he\u2019d also look like a speck of he were that small. Chaz and Stu walk into the living room from the kitchen and Chaz points out to Stu out that he thinks it\u2019s wonderful to see the babies interested in the Sea Monkeys, and he also mentions that Sea Monkeys were also his first pet; Stu skeptically states that he doesn\u2019t think \u201Cfreeze dried brine shrimp\u201D falls in the pets category, and Chaz replies: \u201CWhat do you mean Stu? They\u2019re the perfect pet; you don\u2019t have to walk them, you barely have to feed them, and they don\u2019t leave any nasty surprises in your slippers.\u201D Didi walks into the scene, carrying a blanket, flippers and a floating tube, and she interrupts her husband and Chaz and tells them: \u201CLess talking, more packing boys; you want to get to the beach before the crowds, don\u2019t you?\u201D Stu sarcastically replies \u201CHey deed, we are the crowds\u201D, and Didi just sighs and hands her husband the blanket and Chaz the flippers and floating tube. We then focus back on the babies, and Chuckie remarks to his best friend that the \u201CSea Moneys\u201D look happier on the box they came in, and Tommy adds in that they look a lot bigger too; Chuckie then states that he believes they\u2019re sad and want to go back to their castle at the bottom of the ocean (as depicted on the box), and Tommy adds in he\u2019d want to be at a castle down below the ocean if he had one. Chuckie then mentions that he wishes they could get the Sea Monkeys back there; Tommy mentions that perhaps they can, and Chuckie asks how and points out that they don\u2019t know where the ocean is. Tommy replies: \u201CSure we do Chuckie; I heard my mom and dad talking, and guess what: The ocean is right next to the beach.\u201D Chuckie adds in: \u201CReally? Well that means when we go to the beach today, we can take the \u2018Sea Moneys\u2019 with us.\u201D Chuckie then picks up the heavy fishbowl his Sea Monkeys are living in and begins to carry it over to the front door (presumably where the rest of the items the group is taking with them to the beach is waiting to get loaded into the van); but Lou, whose bringing over a plastic white \u201CCool Man\u201D cooler filled with ice and drinks the group is taking to the beach with them, stops Chuckie, puts the cooler down, takes the fishbowl from Chuckie and puts it back where it was before, telling Chuckie that he can\u2019t take his Sea Monkeys to the beach with him, and jokingly adds in: \u201CDon\u2019t want them to get sunburned, do ya\u2019?\u201D Chuckie then asks his best friend: \u201CNow what are we going to do Tommy? The grown-ups won\u2019t let us take the \u2018Sea Moneys\u2019 to the beach. This is so sad.\u201D Tommy tells his best friend not to worry and mentions that he has an idea; he takes Chuckie over to the cooler and takes off its top, and Chuckie tells Tommy that he understands his idea. While none of the adults are looking, Tommy brings Chuckie\u2019s fishbowl of Sea Monkeys over to the cooler (with Chuckie telling Tommy to be careful and not to spill them), and pours its contents into the cooler. Tommy then hands the empty fishbowl to Chuckie to take away, Tommy puts the lid back on the cooler just before anyone can see, and he and Chuckie then sit innocently on the floor as Stu comes into the scene, picks up the cooler and takes it out to the car, unaware of the extra passengers he\u2019s taking on-board; Tommy and Chuckie smile at each other. Eventually, the group is on the highway, in route to the beach; and in addition to Tommy and his family and Chuckie and his father, joined by them are Angelica and her father (who\u2019s driving the van they\u2019re all traveling in) and Didi\u2019s parents, Boris and Minka. As they drive down the highway, the adults all sing \u201CLow Bridge\u201D (with Lou enthusiastically singing \u201Cfifteen miles on the erie canal\u201D in solo). As the adults continue singing; we then focus on Tommy, Chuckie and Angelica, who are sitting in the very back on the van; Chuckie peaks inside the cooler that\u2019s in-between his and Tommy\u2019s car-seats and asks his Sea Monkeys is they\u2019re ok, and Tommy tells Chuckie not to worry and they\u2019ll be at the beach any minute. Angelica, who\u2019s sitting in a car-seat that\u2019s facing Tommy, Chuckie and the cooler in-between them, decides to have some fun with them and asks them: \u201CDo you babies know who lives at the beach?\u201D They both shake their heads as to rely no, and Angelica replies: \u201CThe Sandman!\u201D Tommy asks \u201CYou mean the man who comes when you go to sleep?\u201D and Angelica replies: \u201CNO, the other sandman.\u201D She describes him as someone who\u2019s real mean, who hides in the sand and eats babies for lunch; Tommy and Chuckie gulp nervously and ask \u201CBabies?\u201D Angelica replies \u201CLittle babies.. LIKE YOU!\u201D and laughs wickedly. At last, the group arrives at the beach, and Drew comments that it\u2019s not too crowded as he parks the van; the group then brings their things to a spot on the beach and gets everything set up. While this is happening, we focus on Tommy and Chuckie, and Chuckie complains about their beach-wear and their sun block lotion: \u201CGreat. We look silly, we\u2019re sticky and we smell like a coconut cream pie.\u201D Angelica then runs quickly by in her pink swimsuit and shouts out loud to no one in-particular \u201CLook at me! Look at me!\u201D; and Tommy replies to Chuckie\u2019s complaint (referring to Angelica) \u201CWell, at least we don\u2019t look like that.\u201D Chuckie then points out the cooler to Tommy (\u201CTommy look!\u201D); he and Tommy crawl over to it and Tommy states: \u201CAlls we gotta do is push this thing down in the water. Come on.\u201D Tommy and Chuckie get in position and push against the cooler as hard as they can; unfortunately, they\u2019re unable to budge the heavy cooler. They stop pushing and Chuckie states \u201COh great; now what?\u201D Lou then walks over and states to Tommy and Chuckie \u201CExcuse me scouts; gotta get something to \u2018wet my whistle\u2019\u201D as he opens the cooler, takes out a soda can for him to drink, closes the cooler and walks away whilst drinking from the can. Tommy then states to Chuckie that they just need to wait until the adults take more of the cans out so that the cooler gets easier to push; Chuckie sighs eagerly. As time passes, we see the adults take more and more of the cans out of the cooler; eventually we see Didi fix herself a drink in a glass (rather than drinking right from a can) and add ice cubes from the cooler to it. However, a few of Chuckie\u2019s sea monkeys also get into Didi\u2019s drink with the ice cubes! Didi notices this, but only thinks they\u2019re just dirt from the beach; and she pinches the helpless sea monkeys out of her drink and rubs them off her fingers and onto the hot, dry sand, and shouts out loud: \u201CSAY EVERYONE, LET\u2019S TRY AND KEEP THE LID CLOSED.\u201D Chuckie gasps in horror when he sees what Didi is inadvertently doing to his sea monkeys, and Tommy puts his hand of his best friend\u2019s shoulder and consoles him, stating: \u201CDon\u2019t worry Chuckie, we\u2019ll save the rest of them\u201D; Chuckie replies that they have to hurry before it\u2019s too late. Suddenly, the two babies are nearly hit by a folding table that Lou and Boris are setting down where the two babies are standing; Tommy and Chuckie run out of the way in the nick of time, and Lou tells them both: \u201CHey sports, be careful down there; you don\u2019t wanna get squashed, do ya\u2019?\u201D We then focus on Lou and Boris; Lou ask Boris if he\u2019s found a deck of cards that they\u2019re looking for, and Boris replies: \u201CI\u2019m looking, i\u2019m looking.\u201D Boris then asks his wife from afar \u201CMinka, where\u2019s the \u2018bicycle\u2019 bag?\u201D and she responds sarcastically \u201CWhat do I look like here, your servant girl?\u201D Tommy and Chuckie look at each other for a brief moment in response to what they\u2019re seeing, and they then run over to the cooler to try pushing it again; they push as hard as they can, and this time, they finally manage to get it moving towards the water. Just as the two are making progress, Angelica skips over, shouting \u201CLook at me! Look at me!\u201D; Tommy, not wanting Angelica to find out what they\u2019re doing and spoil their plan, tells Chuckie to pretend they\u2019re not doing anything. Angelica stops next to them, and Tommy tells her that her bathing suit looks very nice; Angelica replies: \u201CYou didn\u2019t see what I can do in it.\u201D Angelica then demonstrates how she can \u201Cswim\u201D by running out into the shallow water and wading in it for a brief moment, shouting \u201CI can swim! I can swim!\u201D; she then runs back to Tommy and Chuckie and states enthusiastically to them \u201CDid you see!? I can swim!\u201D Tommy, with an innocent look on his face, replies: \u201CThat was great Angelica.. we gotta be going.\u201D Angelica then suspiciously asks them \u201CHey, what are you babies doing anyway?\u201D; they both reply \u201CNothing.\u201D Angelica then asks \u201COh yeah. what\u2019s in here?\u201D and peaks inside the cooler, but she only sees water, ice and cans of soda and doesn\u2019t notice Chuckie\u2019s tiny sea monkeys; Angelica closes the cooler and looks back at Tommy and Chuckie. Tommy and Chuckie both stare back innocently with smiles on their faces, Angelica glares at them suspiciously and Tommy and Chuckie both continue to stare back innocently; Angelica, unable to think of what\u2019s important about what they\u2019re doing tells them \u201CYou babies are really weird\u201D and then runs off. Tommy and Chuckie sigh with relief that Angelica didn\u2019t figure it out and they get back to pushing. Meanwhile, we find that Chaz is sleeping on the sand, and Angelica walks over and decides to play a prank on him by burying him in the sand while he\u2019s sleeping and begins to do so. We then focus back on Tommy and Chuckie as they just manage to reach the edge of the water, but are unable to push it further and get it into the water; Chuckie stops to rest and states to Tommy (who also stops to rest): \u201CIt wont\u2019 move, it wont\u2019 move! What are we gonna do now Tommy?\u201D Tommy tells Chuckie to clam down and states he has an idea. He and Chuckie walk a few steps away from the cooler and Tommy states that they\u2019ll run at the cooler on \u201Cthree\u201D. They position themselves for a running start and Tommy shouts \u201CThree!\u201D; but before the two can start, Stu comes over in front of them (not minding the cooler), picks them up and takes them away to show them how to build \u201Ca good old-fashioned sandcastle.\u201D Didi then walks up to the cooler, asks herself how it got there, and then picks it up and takes it back to the group\u2019s spot in the beach. As Stu lectures Tommy and Chuckie and demonstrates by building a castle, Tommy and Chuckie then take their eyes off Stu and notice the cooler is under the table where Lou and Boris are playing a game of cards. Drew then comes over and asks his \u201Clittle bro\u201D what he\u2019s doing; Stu replies that he\u2019s showing Tommy and Chuckie \u201Cthe finer points of sandcastle construction\u201D. Drew briefly examines the castle that Stu was building and give an opinion: \u201CHmm; ya\u2019, well shouldn\u2019t this outer wall be further from the central courtyard?\u201D Stu, confident with his own judgement, replies: \u201CHeh, a lot you know; if you do that, they\u2019re won\u2019t be any room for the moat.\u201D Drew replies: \u201CMoat? Oh bother you are out of touch. What\u2019s current in sandcastles is more of a deconstructive treatment.\u201D Stu, fed up with his brother\u2019s judging brings back a sensitive memory: \u201CLike the \u2018deconstructive treatment\u2019 you gave my castle when I was 8?\u201D An intimidated Drew replies: \u201CWell you stomped all over mine first!\u201D An equally intimidated Stu adds in: \u201CWell you poured sand down my shorts!\u201D Drew replies: \u201CWell you dropped a crab on my stomach!\u201D Stu and Drew\u2019s conversation when devolves into a brotherly argument, and neither of them notice Tommy and Chuckie crawling away and back toward the cooler. As the babies approach the cooler, we briefly focus on Lou and Boris; Boris scoldingly asks Lou where the two of hearts is. Lou replies that he didn\u2019t take the two of hearts; Boris then angrily tells Lou that he has to play a card if he picks it up, and Lou angrily replies: \u201CWhere\u2019d you hear those rules; Budapest?\u201D The two grandfathers don\u2019t notice Tommy and Chuckie as they begin pushing the cooler toward the water again; as the two are pushing, Angelica decides to have some fun with them. She buries her left foot in the sand and pretends she\u2019s desperately struggling to free it from the sandman she mentioned earlier; she screams to Tommy and Chuckie: \u201CHELP! HELP! HE\u2019S GOT ME! THE SANDMAN\u2019S GOT ME!\u201D Tommy and Chuckie gasp in horror, but Angelica then effortlessly pulls her foot out of the sand and runs past the two babies, laughing wickedly. Chuckie asks Tommy \u201CDo you think the sandman really almost got her?\u201D, and Tommy replies \u201CI don\u2019t know; she might have made it up like the time she said your blanket was alive.\u201D Chuckie tells Tommy not to remind him of that; Tommy apologizes and then states: \u201CCome on, we gotta get the \u2018Sea Moneys\u2019 over that hill [pointing out a mound of sand in their path].\u201D The two then resume pushing the cooler and they manage to get it almost to the top of the mound before it gets stuck, and Tommy tells Chuckie to go around and pull; but as Chuckie walks to the other side, he suddenly sees his father\u2019s unconscious head sticking out of the side of the mound (as it\u2019s now apparent that the mound of sand is that Angelica buried Chaz in as part of the prank she pulled on him), and in horror, he shouts: \u201CDAAAAHHHHH!!! MY DAD\u2019S BEEN DECAFFEINATED [as if to say decapitated]!!!\u201D Chuckie then runs off screaming in sheer horror and Tommy asks \u201CChuckie, what happened?\u201D; but before he can get an answer, Chaz wakes up and rises out of the sand, and this frightens away Tommy (who thought he was the sandman Angelica was talking about), who screams: \u201CAAHHHHH!!! THE SANDMAN!\u201D Chaz doesn\u2019t notice the two frightened babies running off as he dusts himself off, but he then notices the cooler and asks himself what it\u2019s doing there; he takes a can of soda out and drinks it, and he picks up the cooler and carries it back to the groups spot. Meanwhile, Tommy catches up with Chuckie and they both stop and sit down near a wire mesh trash receptacle to catch their breath and get themselves together. Chuckie remarks that setting his \u201Csea moneys\u201D free sure isn\u2019t easy, and Tommy adds in that he\u2019s been thinking that perhaps the \u201Csea moneys\u201D aren\u2019t worth all the trouble they\u2019re going though, adding in that they\u2019re just little specks. Chuckie replies in disappointment \u201CJust little specks?\u201D and adds in \u201CWhen a grown-up walks past you and doesn\u2019t even know you\u2019re there; don\u2019t you feel like \u2018just little specks\u2019?\u201D Chuckie goes on: \u201CWhen you\u2019re not tall enough to open a door, or turn on a light, or get at the cookies, don\u2019t you feel like \u2018just little specks\u2019?\u201D Tommy tries to reply; but Chuckie continues before he can: \u201CI don\u2019t know about you Tommy; but for all the little specks out there, I\u2019m pushing that thing down in the water!\u201D Tommy, with his determination restored, adds in \u201CLet\u2019s go!\u201D and the two march back to their mission. While the babies are doing that, we focus back on Lou and Boris, and we find that their disagreement to the rules of the game has turned into a heated argument; Boris angrily tells Lou: \u201CFriendly game, shmendly game; I\u2019m telling you, when you pick up a card, you\u2019ve gotta play this card!\u201D Lou angrily replies: \u201COh you\u2019re off your nut! I\u2019ve played this game for over 15 years, and just because you pick up a card don\u2019t mean you gotta put it down!\u201D; and as he says this, we see Tommy and Chuckie get to the cooler (which is once again under the table) and push it out into the open without either grandfather noticing. The argument between Lou and Boris starts to get even more heated as the two stand up and lean in each other\u2019s faces with aggressive glares, and Didi comes over and tells the two that it\u2019s only a game and there\u2019s no reason to get upset; and as this is happening, Tommy and Chuckie stop pushing and think for a moment, though no one else takes notice of either of them. Didi\u2019s father replies as Chaz and Minka walk into the scene to help: \u201CUpset! Who\u2019s upset!? Just because this old schmender called me a nut!?\u201D; Lou aggressively rebuttals \u201Cschmenick \u2018eigh!? I\u2019ve got your schmenick!\u201D and he and Boris attempt to take each other on physically (though Didi and Chaz hold the two back)! We briefly focus on Tommy and Chuckie and Tommy states that he has an idea; we then focus back on the argument between Lou and Boris and Boris states to Lou as he puts up his fists: \u201CSO! YOU WANT TO PLAY DIRTY, \u2018EIGH!?\u201D Minka tells her husband to watch his blood pressure, and Boris then grabs the entire deck of cards and tells Lou that he's got a card game for him; Lou asks what, and Boris replies \u201C52 Pickup!\u201D and flicks the cards all over the sand. A horrified Lou rebuttals: \u201CAh! My cards!\u201D and proceeds to pick them up as the carnage and arguing only continues to pile up. We then focus back on Tommy and Chuckie and we see Tommy bring over his dog, Spike (though strangely, we didn\u2019t see Spike in the van with the group) and tie his leash to one of the cooler\u2019s handles. Chuckie asks Tommy is he\u2019s sure his idea will work, and Tommy replies that it\u2019s gotta work. Tommy then mounts his dog like a horse, shouts \u201Cyee-haw!\u201D and gives him \u201Cleg pressure\u201D as if he really were a horse, and the much stronger Spike begins to run and pull the cooler toward the water at a significant speed with Chuckie running behind to keep up; but just as Tommy and Spike reach the water, a huge and dangerous wave suddenly charges straight toward them and frightens them away with quite a rightful fright. But as the frightened Tommy and Spike turn back and dash to safety in the nick of time, Spike\u2019s leash comes loose from the cooler and they leave it behind; Tommy falls off his dog as he continues to run off and Chuckie catches up to him and helps him up. Chuckie then shouts \u201COh-No!\u201D as the large wave washes up onto the cooler and pulls it out into the water, where its remaining contents (including the remaining sea monkeys inside) are spilled out into the water and its lid is lost before another wave washes it back onto the beach; realizing that their mission is finally accomplished, Tommy shouts in excitement \u201CWe did it Chuckie! We did it!\u201D Chuckie however isn\u2019t excited like Tommy and begins to look kind of downhearted; Tommy asks his best friend what\u2019s wrong and states that he thought he wanted to free them. Chuckie replies: \u201CI know, but I\u2019m not sure they were ready; after all we\u2019ve been though together, I\u2019ll miss \u2018em [and he sniffles sadly].\u201D Tommy tells Chuckie that there\u2019s still time to say bye, and Chuckie shouts out to his freed sea monkeys: \u201CGOODBYE SPIFFY, GOODBYE SPOT, GOODBYE BINKY, GOODBYE OREO, GOODBYE LEFTY, GOODBYE MIKE!\u201D Tommy then consoles his best friend and tells him that he did a nice thing by freeing his sea monkeys; a slightly cheered up Chuckie asks: \u201CYou think so?\u201D Tommy replies: \u201CSure; \u2018sea moneys\u2019 belong in the sea. That\u2019s where their real castle is, along with all the \u2018sea bananas\u2019 they\u2019ll ever want.\u201D The camera then begins to pan away from Tommy and Chuckie as they face the sunset and Tommy continues: \u201CYou did the right thing Chuckie, and they\u2019ll never forget you for it.\u201D The episode then ends as Tommy and Chuckie share an emotionally appropriate view of the sunset."@en . . . . . . . . . .