. . . "+1"@en . "Laura (\u30ED\u30FC\u30E9 R\u014Dra) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. She is a priestess who joins the Dawn Brigade because the Begnion Occupational Army's soldiers have stolen her Abbot's medicine, which she must get back."@en . . "Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu, with some unique arranges of her own included"@en . . "Laura is the primary caretaker in the preserve Obsidian Waste. She is a minor character."@en . "asmodian"@en . . "X-23"@fr . "Kinney"@fr . . . . . "Kristen was a medical student who lived with a group of other girls at the Pi Kappa Sig sorority house. On Halloween, 1988, Neil Gallagher gained access to the house and pretended that his car had broken down and that he needed to use their phone. Neil would then command the puppets to kill all of the girls in the house so that he could use their corpses as test subjects. While Laura was taking a shower Jester waked in and wore a sheet over his body to look like a ghost to frighten her but it did not work."@en . "Human"@en . . "[year, designer, language availablity, etc]"@en . "Laura is a Daeva who likes animals and has many pets."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "laura"@en . . "Human"@en . . . . "R\u014Dra"@en . "K\u00F6nigin"@de . "Whatever you want goes here \n* AIM: lifeofrandom \n* Personal Journal: Fortuitous \n* Plurk: plurkname \n* Timezone: \n* Character(s): Ariadne"@en . . . . . "+0"@en . "None."@en . "-Artes marciales"@es . "Laura es una sirviente de la vampiresa Carmilla. Ella posa como una damisela en apuros inofensiva, pero cuando es atacada dejar\u00E1 caer esa fachada y tomara represalias mediante el empleo de artes marciales."@es . "20"^^ . "3"^^ . "Laura is a character in Fable III who is involved in the quest Missing Child. The Hero meets Laura as she is standing by the bridge to Brightwall, looking for her daughter, Eve. Eve has been missing for hours, and Laura is frantic with worry. She mentions that Eve's father is always filling the little girl's head with tales of gold to be found in the caves in nearby Mistpeak Valley, and believes that's where Eve has gone. She asks the Hero to find Eve and bring her home. Once the Hero finds Eve in the Chillbreath Caverns and kills the wolves inhabiting it, the Hero guides Laura's daughter back home, venturing through the dangerous Mistpeak Valley and defending the girl from the creatures that inhabit Mistpeak. Once the Hero returns to Laura, Eve rushes into Laura's arms, who tightly embraces her daughter and thanks the Hero, declaring herself a follower of the Hero."@en . "Unbekannte Junge"@de . "IMG_0715.png"@en . "Princess of Castele"@en . . "Laura was a witch and a member of the Warren Line. Nothing is known about her, though her name was used in the To Call Upon Our Ancestors spell written by Phoebe Halliwell."@en . "O"@en . "Laura is one of Rob's neighbors. She is very kind and good intentioned. Rob thinks she is \"cute\". She thinks Bucky is cute and doesn't understand the way he acts, often thinking he is mistreated."@en . "Laura invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . "2000"^^ . . "Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu"@en . . "20"^^ . . "Laura \u00FCber ihre Jungen"@de . . . . . . . "Aber heute habe ich gesehen, wie zerbrechlich eure Freiheit ist. Um alles m\u00FCsst ihr k\u00E4mpfen - um eure Nahrung, selbst um eure Unterkunft. Ich m\u00F6chte gerne wissen, wo ich jede Nacht schlafe und dass es immer etwas zu essen gibt, wenn mein Magen leer ist. Und ich mag meine Hausleute. Nicht alle Zweibeiner sind so schlecht wie diejenigen, die euer Zuhause zerst\u00F6ren."@de . . . "Laura"@nl . "\"Walk-Alone\""@en . . . "Borg drone, formerly Human"@en . "Water"@en . . . "Desconocido"@es . "Laura can be found in the Orobas Fjords, on the cliff between the Primordial Cave and Sinister Cavern entrances. She starts the quest Grave Robbers. If you mind read Laura she gives you 3,200xp."@en . "Caucasian"@en . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 87"@de . . "Laura"@de . "Laura is one of the persons involved in the Meeting History quest. A player may visit her in the past when the quest is started or completed. She is married to Roger, and both of them have 2 children: Sarah and Jack. Although she may seem mean, she is much nicer when players complete the quest."@en . . "Laura is the social worker that reviews how suitable Chandler and Monica will be as parents. After spending a few minutes in their apartment, she realizes that she has been in the building before and that she had a one night stand with Joey, who never called her back. Chandler and Monica pretend to not know or like Joey, but before long he comes over. Chandler lies that it is their neighbor, Bert (who he also says has a brother named Ernie), but Joey, thinking \"Bert\" is their word for danger, climbs up the fire escape to see what is happening. Laura sees Joey and begins to confront him, but he turns the story around and makes her think that she is the one who never called him back. She apologizes, but he rejects her. A now embarrassed Laura apologizes to Chandler and Monica and gives them a great report."@en . . "Die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh Laura lebt seit 1994 im Parque de la Naturaleza Cab\u00E1rceno bei Santander in Kantabrien (Spanien). Laura wurde etwa 1983 geboren. \u00DCber ihre Herkunft gibt es keine Angaben. Sie wurde wohl wild geboren und als Kalb im Jahr 1987 nach Spanien gebracht. Dort lebte sie zun\u00E4chst im Zoo Fuengirola in der Provinz M\u00E1laga (Region Andalusien), wo sie auch ihrer Gef\u00E4hrtin Celia begegnete, deren Ankunftsdatum in Fuengirola nicht \u00FCberliefert ist. Die beiden gleichaltrigen Jungtiere wuchsen dort heran. 1994 wurden beide jungen K\u00FChe in die Parque de la Naturaleza \u00FCberf\u00FChrt. Sie trafen am 18.05.1994 (nach anderen Angaben am 15.05.1994 im Park ein, wo sie mit anderen Afrikanern auf einer Anlage von 20 ha zusammenkamen. Neben vier K\u00FChen aus dem Longleat Safaripark in England, von denen heute nur noch Penny am Leben ist, waren dies der k\u00FCnftige Zuchtbulle Chisco und weitere Elefanten, die heute nicht mehr im Park leben (darunter Estrella, die 1997 in den schottischen Blair Drummond Safari Park abgegeben wurde). Laura und Celia haben sich gut in die Gruppe integriert und wurden auch von Chisco akzeptiert (was bei der Kuh Aurelia nicht der Fall war, die er 2001 t\u00F6tete). Er deckte neben anderen auch Laura und Celia. Im Fr\u00FChjahr 1998 gebaren beide K\u00FChe ein Kalb. Celias Sohn Pepe wurde von ihr nicht angenommen und starb einige Jahre sp\u00E4ter nach Handaufzucht. Lauras Tochter, die 22.04.1998 geboren wurde, verendete im Badebecken der Anlage, aus der sie einige Tage sp\u00E4ter tot geborgen wurde. Da die Geburt nicht beobachtet wurde, ist der Hergang von Geburt und Tod unbekannt. Erfolgreicher waren die sp\u00E4teren Geburten. So brachte Laura am 14.06.2000 ihren \u00E4lteren Sohn Coco zur Welt, den sie gut annahm. Im Folgejahr gebar Celia dann ihre Tochter Hilda, die ebenfalls gut angenommen wurde. Allerdings kam es als Folge einer Kolik am 19.07.2002 zum Tod von Celia, so dass deren Tochter ohne Mutter zur\u00FCckblieb. In diesem Fall nahm Laura dieses verwaiste Kalb an und sorgte sich neben Coco auch um diese, die seitdem mit ihr im Familienverbund lebt. Laura selbst gebar nach 21 Monaten und 18 Tagen Tragzeit am 29.03.2004 ein weiteres, etwa 90 kg schweres Bullkalb, ihren j\u00FCngeren Sohn Yambo, der derzeit noch mit ihr und ihrer Gruppe in Cab\u00E1rceno lebt, ebenso wie Coco, der sich aber zunehmend abgesetzt hat. Ihre gro\u00DFen \"m\u00FCtterlichen Instinkte\", die sie wohl bei Hilda und ihren S\u00F6hnen erwiesen hat, setzte sie auch ein, als die selbst im Park in Cab\u00E1rceno geborene Kira, eine Tochter von Penny, ihrerseits am 07.10.2011 eine (zweite) Tochter gebar (\u00C1frica). Laura k\u00FCmmerte sich als \"Tante\" neben deren Mutter und Gro\u00DFmutter gut um sie. Dasselbe ist zu vermuten bei der Geburt eines Sohnes ihrer \"Adoptivtochter\" Hilda, der am 12.05.2012 zur Welt kam (Mart\u00EDn. Laura hat sich der Leitkuh Penny angeschlossen, die eine der beiden Kuhgruppen auf der weitl\u00E4ufigen Anlage f\u00FChrt. Diese besteht neben Penny und ihrem Nachwuchs aus Laura mit ihrem Sohn Yambo und Hilda mit ihrem Sohn Mart\u00EDn. Ende 2015 wurde Laura auch Gro\u00DFmutter. Das Jungtier ihres \u00E4lteren Sohnes Coco wurde in der von Zambi gef\u00FChrten Kuhgruppe von der jungen Kuh Infinita geboren. Das Geschlecht dieses Jungtieres war weiblich. Cantabria starb allerdings nach mehr als zwei Monaten, nachdem ihre Mutter Infinita sie nicht angenommen und sogar angegriffen hatte."@de . . . "Laura was the Human name of a Borg drone who was assimilated at Wolf 359. She was a friend of Seven of Nine via Unimatrix Zero during her Borg regeneration cycles. Laura had a recessive gene mutation that allowed her to experience individuality in Unimatrix Zero while regenerating. She participated in a plan where she and the rest of the drones in Unimatrix Zero would retain their memories and individuality while awake as drones. She was a part of the Borg resistance movement against the collective. (VOY: \"Unimatrix Zero\") Laura was played by Joanna Heimbold. Laura claimed to have been assimilated at Wolf 359, and while she never stated it specifically, it is safe to assume she was referring to the Battle of Wolf 359 in TNG: \"The Best of Both Worlds, Part II\" . If this is the case, it seems odd that Laura was able to join the collective and live out a life of servitude considering that the Borg cube involved in that battle was destroyed, killing all the drones aboard, and there is no on-screen evidence of any Federation ships being assimilated."@en . . . . . "Alive"@en . "Laura"@en . . "[-3,-6]"@en . . . . . . . . . "Yelling Wombats/ Growing Flowers/ Alpha Males and Females"@en . "Deceased"@en . . . . "Es n\u00FCtzt dir nichts und auch keiner anderen Katze, wenn du nur Tr\u00FCbsal bl\u00E4st."@de . . . . . "Resident Evil the Umbrella Chronicles"@en . . . . "\"Erection Day\""@en . . "8"^^ . . "9.0"^^ . . "ec7475"@en . "Laura"@es . "Resident Evil Outbreak"@en . "3"^^ . "Desconocida"@es . . . . "1"^^ . "Laura, played by Carla Gugino, was a love interest of Jake's. She lives at 111 Hick St. (2 blocks and 13 feet from the Tanner residence). She likes L.A. Law, she is writing an essay entitled \"Harriet Tubman: Runaway Slave,\" and she takes piano lessons. Her dad is a policeman and she has a pet named Fluffy. Jake was at first too shy to even speak to her. When ALF learns of his shyness, he helps Jake out by writing love poems on his behalf. She is impressed with the poems and thinks he's cute, so they go on a date together. Jake is uncertain if he is going to continue going out with her because she has a high-pitched, whiny, and annoying laugh. (Episode: Standing in the Shadows of Love)"@en . "6"^^ . . "She wears a lilac scarf, two wristbands, one pink and one blue, both with a purple dot, and has a cas on her left foot. She walks around on the cast anyway."@en . "250"^^ . . . "Laura is a Lab Tech at the Miami-Dade Crime Lab. She only appeared in a few episodes of season 1 and seemed to be flirting with Eric Delko every time they met. She was portrayed by Salli Richardson Whitfield."@en . . . . . "Aber mit ihr hat es so viel Spa\u00DF gemacht!"@de . "50"^^ . . . . . . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 134-135"@de . . . "\"She\""@en . . "Laura was a character that appeared from Season 9-11. She was portrayed by Julia Nicholson."@en . "Laura sometimes disguises herself as a boy when she sneaks out of the castle to go on adventures. She has a secret treasure room built into the right side of her bedroom behind a wall where she keeps all of her adventure souvenirs. She also has a rope ladder leading down from the window in it. Although she can exit whenever she pleases, she prefers to use the ladder, saying that it feels more exciting that way."@en . . "[[Datei:Laura.jpg|thumb| Laura Spiele: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Erster Auftritt: Kapitel 2 (Radiant Dawn, Teil 1) Anfangsklasse:Priester]] Laura (R\u00F6ra) ist eine Priesterin aus Daein, welche sich dem \"Bund der Morgenr\u00F6te\" anschlie\u00DFt, nachdem diese ihr halfen ihren kranken Abt zu heilen."@de . . . "Laura is the sister of Callum Richards."@en . . "Laura, Oversized Blue Cap Girboy, Girboy"@en . "10"^^ . . "GA: 3, 4, 5, and 6"@en . "To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Laura."@en . . "200"^^ . "Carmilla"@es . . . . . . "thumb Laura est une cha\u00EEne canadienne de magasins de v\u00EAtements, qui op\u00E8re 14 magasins sous plusieurs enseignes diff\u00E9rentes : \n* Laura \n* Laura Petites \n* Laura Plus \n* Laura Superstore"@fr . "Weak"@en . . "Within the community, Laura is the co-administrator on Creatures Caves and the resident agony aunt for the Ask Laura advice column. Previously, she was a moderator at Albia2000, before it succumbed to spam bots. She was also regular in JRChat and in response to its shutdown, has created CC Chat, a new chat for community members to talk about the Creatures series, share game-play tips and experiences, reminisce, ask for assistance, or just have a good natter! Laura has recently been elected as a Creatures 4 Community Ambassador, along with ChosenPredator, Don, Jessica (Discover Albia) and Rascii. The role will involve her helping to moderate the Official Creatures 4 Forum and communicating the latest development updates between Fishing Cactus and the rest of the community. Outside of the community, Laura enjoys music, gaming, drinking copious amounts of tea and is currently working towards her chosen career as a funeral director."@en . . . . . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 236"@de . . . . "+4"@en . . . "Azul"@es . "Femenina"@es . "Blue"@en . . "Human"@en . . "TBA"@en . . "Brown"@en . "Lady"@en . "20"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 155"@de . "hide"@en . . . . . . "The title character is a mischievous woman who believes in reincarnation. Laura thinks she will be reborn into a lower life form in her next incarnation because she has misbehaved in this life. She discusses her belief with Amanda whose husband has been an unfortunate victim of Laura's antics. After Laura's death, Amanda quickly becomes a firm believer in reincarnation."@en . "Laura es una ni\u00F1a de ocho a\u00F1os de edad que aparece en Silent Hill 2. A menudo es vista deambulando por el pueblo. Es el \u00FAnico personaje humano inocente en el pueblo que no tiene ning\u00FAn tipo de oscuridad en su coraz\u00F3n, a diferencia de James Sunderland, Angela Orosco y Eddie Dombrowski, y por lo tanto no ve a ning\u00FAn monstruo o anomal\u00EDa en el pueblo de Silent Hill, incluyendo a Mar\u00EDa. Ella es infame en la saga y para todos los jugadores, ya que ella es (como el propio James comenta), una mocosa, con poco o ning\u00FAn respeto hacia sus mayores."@es . "Laura is a Daeva who likes animals and has many pets."@en . "Laura in the Saints Hideout in Saints Row 2."@en . . . "Laura is a character in EarthBound Beginnings, and one of the residents of Canary Village. She is a female bird who can speak, and is missing her baby chick. For this reason, Laura and her kind will refuse to talk to Ninten. If Ninten takes the chick in the Podunk department store and brings it to her, her sorrow will dissipate and out of gratitude, she will sing the second part of Eight Melodies. Laura is the only Canary that is separate from all the others; the only way she can be accessed is a passage behind the white monolith in the Canary Village (the monolith can be identified if a \"?\" appears after checking if one is not sure where to look)."@en . . . . "150"^^ . . . . . "Past B"@en . . . "Meeting History"@en . "Desconocida"@es . . . . . "+3"@en . . . . . . . . . . "4th Member of the Nugs. Goes to Oxford or some shit now."@en . . . . . "Desconocidas"@es . . "Female"@en . "Laura es una sirviente de la vampiresa Carmilla. Ella posa como una damisela en apuros inofensiva, pero cuando es atacada dejar\u00E1 caer esa fachada y tomara represalias mediante el empleo de artes marciales."@es . . . . . . ""@en . . "22"^^ . . . . . "Fable III - Missing Child"@en . "Character on Newport soap The Wealthy and the Depraved."@en . . . . . . "Lab Tech"@en . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . "Lauraprofile.png"@en . "thumb Laura est une cha\u00EEne canadienne de magasins de v\u00EAtements, qui op\u00E8re 14 magasins sous plusieurs enseignes diff\u00E9rentes : \n* Laura \n* Laura Petites \n* Laura Plus \n* Laura Superstore"@fr . . . . . . . . "Laura is a surgical resident at Seattle Grace Hospital."@en . "Kristen was a medical student who lived with a group of other girls at the Pi Kappa Sig sorority house. On Halloween, 1988, Neil Gallagher gained access to the house and pretended that his car had broken down and that he needed to use their phone. Neil would then command the puppets to kill all of the girls in the house so that he could use their corpses as test subjects. While Laura was taking a shower Jester waked in and wore a sheet over his body to look like a ghost to frighten her but it did not work. Later that night while she was putting on her nurse costume, Pinhead came out from under her bed and grabbed her by the leg and pushed her onto the floor. She then grabbed a pair of novelty handcuffs and restrained him to the bed while she escaped. She was eventually killed by Kahn who had jumped onto her and repeatedly cut her with his two swords. After the puppets had killed all of the other girls Neil decided not to use them as his test subjects after all as he was disappointed in the way the puppets carried out the murders, meaning that their deaths had all been a waste."@en . "etc"@en . . . . "Laura, played by Carla Gugino, was a love interest of Jake's. She lives at 111 Hick St. (2 blocks and 13 feet from the Tanner residence). She likes L.A. Law, she is writing an essay entitled \"Harriet Tubman: Runaway Slave,\" and she takes piano lessons."@en . . . . . . "+1"@en . . . "Terre 20993"@fr . . . . . "Laura is a character in Saints Row and Saints Row 2. Don't worry sweetie, when it comes to drugs or [ snicker doodles] I'm the best. \u2014 LauraBroken {{ref}} (youtube link)"@en . . . "Waitress"@en . "Wir werden einen Fluchtweg finden. Wenn du nicht aufstehst, deine Muskeln streckst und etwas isst und trinkst, kommst du nicht mit. Und ich werde keine Katze hier zur\u00FCcklassen, wenn ich es verhindern kann!"@de . . "Name Riley Tei Laura Grissmen Date of Birth February 11 2124 Sex-Female Race-Cat Colour-Dark Blue (ALL) Eye Colour Dark Brown Rank-LV-2 Engineer Homeship-USCSS Nostradamus Relatives - Lyra Amy Laura Lynx (Mother) Cody Maverick Mordecai. Lynx (Father) Status (Deceased as of 2186) __________________________________________________________________ Riley Tei Darren Laura at the age of 10 was Left by her mother on the Pivastapol Station and Ship After they have Seekend Refugee on it because of a meteorite had crashed onto her mothers ship having things in the back Receive too much pressure and start a trail of explosions and disasters luckily it didn't destroy all 'With the ship slowly falling from the sky the crew had no choice but to call a nearby ship you Which happened to be Pivastapol station to their luck it was public which meant that they didn't need an account card but they had to sign up for their keycard after the meteor Lynx and the rest of the crew were separated. After trying out hypersleep for the first time along with her mother while being asleep for 3 years in order to skip the time of having it repaired Lynx was called back but was warned about dangerous creature let loose from one of her mates chest She thought this was too frightening and dangerous for Laura And urged her to stay on Pivastapol while she left she promised to be back on Laura's 11th birthday After things began to get worse she never returned as in abandoning Laura luckily Laura was taken care of by the toons on the ship for 14 years ____________________________________ After for long years on Pivastapol unable to contact her mother Laura became worried asking questions research and searches until the scientist Nim Had told her about them retrieving the Nostradmus flight recorder which urged her to search even deeper for her mother. Pivastapol Aftermath ____________________________________ The ship became very unbearable death unavoidable Toons turning on each other fighting killing and more luckily it all stopped until the same threat from Nostradmus came aboard The Killer ____________________________________ She thought it was safe and normal until she came across toons going psychotic this went on for months work was barely even done the ship got messier and more destroyed which made her worry about her mother Until a unknown species came aboard and wiped toons on the public ship out one by one nonstop the news spread across the ship until it got worse Laura had begun seeing a black figure but only for half a second. Damen Crates ____________________________________ Laura came across a hostile survivor by the name of crates who has killed some before they were doing a great job until he was throat impaled right in front of her as she now knew what the toons meant about what they call it The Killer. Marriage ___________________________________ Riley Laura was married taking the name Grissmen Death and Legacy ____________________________________ Laura Passed away at the age of 62 on Feburary 14 2186 from Rapid Brain Cancer while her mother was still in hypersleep."@en . "Brak udzia\u0142u"@pl . "Yoko Hikasa"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Vampiresa"@es . . "Literatura"@es . . "Unknown"@en . "Black"@en . "200"^^ . "Laura is a Lab Tech at the Miami-Dade Crime Lab. She only appeared in a few episodes of season 1 and seemed to be flirting with Eric Delko every time they met. She was portrayed by Salli Richardson Whitfield."@en . . "+2"@en . . . . . "250"^^ . "W\u00E4hrend der ganzen Zeit hier haben sie die Ger\u00FCche des Waldes niemals aus der Sicherheit des Lagers gelockt. Sie ist aus dem h\u00F6lzernen Nest geflohen, weil die Gefahr dort gr\u00F6\u00DFer war als das Leben bei uns. Ich wei\u00DF, was Hausk\u00E4tzchen von den Katzen denken, die im Wald leben. Sie wird bei ihren Hausleuten gl\u00FCcklicher sein."@de . . . . "Silent Hill: Downpour"@en . . . . "Laura"@en . . "Saints RowSaints Row 2"@en . "Das ist Laura. Sie hat mich davon abgebracht, mich selbst zu bemitleiden, und meinen Glauben gest\u00E4rkt, dass wir gerettet werden."@de . . . "Not specified"@en . "Blonde"@en . . . . . "Lauraprofile.png"@es . . . "14614"^^ . . "Syerra i Laurin"@pl . "Junge"@de . "Hausk\u00E4tzchen"@de . "No"@en . "Laura is the primary caretaker in the preserve Obsidian Waste. She is a minor character."@en . . . . . . "Laura (en Japon\u00E9s es Loa) es la nieta del Dr. Zeta y es la hermana menor de Rod.Es buena para controlar a los dinosaurios Alpha, y junto a su hermano son unos grandes rivales del Equipo D. Tambi\u00E9n es la que maneja el dinero de la Pandilla Alpha, le gusta invertir en la bolsa de valores. Al igual que su hermano, tiene una mentalidad un tanto perversa y traviesa. Ella vio a Seth experimentando con la carta de Terry y para que no dijera nada le dijo que si decia algo la lesion del Doctor Z en la espalda seria peor. Por otras palabras, lastimaria al doctor si decia algo.. Ella sentia afecto como otro hermano hacia Seth por prometerle llevarla con sus padres. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Femenino Categor\u00EDa:Miembros de la Pandilla Alpha"@es . . "Laura is one of the persons involved in the Meeting History quest. A player may visit her in the past when the quest is started or completed. She is married to Roger, and both of them have 2 children: Sarah and Jack. Although she may seem mean, she is much nicer when players complete the quest."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Laura"@de . . . . . . "fe10"@en . . "Laura is the deaf girlfriend of similarly deaf Seth Miller in the Season 5 episode House Divided. She was portrayed by actress Treshelle Edmond. Laura is at the wrestling match providing encouragement to Seth at the beginning of the episode, communicating with him in American sign language. She later moves into the stands so she can wave her hands to cheer for him. She spends as much time with Seth at the hospital as possible."@en . . "Caucasian"@en . . "230"^^ . . "Americana"@es . "66.0"^^ . . "Played by Carly Street in Resonance."@en . "She wears a lilac scarf, two wristbands, one pink and one blue, both with a purple dot, and has a cas on her left foot. She walks around on the cast anyway."@en . . . "Laura"@pl . . "1"^^ . . . . "Szpieg Uczni\u00F3w Apokalipsy"@pl . . . . . . "Laura is a town in central Saskatchewan. It is located southwest of Saskatoon."@en . "Hauskaetzchen"@de . . . "250"^^ . . . . "[year, designer, language availablity, etc]"@en . "Laura is Chris' little sister and a member of Xaq's Team."@en . "daeva"@en . . . "Laura is a waitress in a restaurant, in a hot romance with Vice detective Ricardo \"Rico\" Tubbs. She called Tubbs to alert him to a drug deal between Carlo Amati and Bolton Prison guard Ralph Pink, and when the deal goes down, Amati and Pink have a shootout, Pink and Amati's heavy are killed, Amati is wounded, but Pink shot wildly and Laura was killed. Laura's death weighs heavily on Tubbs, to the point he volunteers to go into Bolton Prison to end the situation there."@en . . . . "3"^^ . . "Hausk\u00E4tzchen"@de . . "Daeva"@en . "Yes"@en . . . "Slow"@en . "Laura is the youngest member of the and is Rod's younger sister. Like her brother, she is shown to be a better dinosaur battler than the A-Team, despite her young age. In the English dub, she is voiced by Rachael Lillis."@en . "Chapter 1-2: The Dispossessed"@en . "Laura was a mourner seen at Marine Major Jim Kidwell's \"funeral\"."@en . . "Furniture Shopkeeper"@en . . "3"^^ . . "A part focused on firearms at the cost of missile handling. A somewhat decent longrange FCS, but it's tracking and missile lock are poor, making it hard to use. It has very low drain however, but in almost all occasions you'd find the Hogire to be superior."@en . . "F"@en . . . . . . "Gdy otrzyma\u0142a has\u0142o \u201ERed Rider od Przybysza z Krypty, wtajemniczonego przez Nicole, dostarczy\u0142a mu cenne informacje na temat dzia\u0142a\u0144 Dzieci Katedry oraz otworzy\u0142a mu drzwi do sanktuarium. Podczas wykonywania swoich obowi\u0105zk\u00F3w odkry\u0142a prawdziwe plany sekty, polegaj\u0105ce na \u201Eoczyszczeniu ziemi z niewiernych. Cel ten mieli osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 poprzez zak\u0142adanie punkt\u00F3w wypadowych zorganizowanych w ich szpitalach mieszcz\u0105cych sie w wielu miastach, a s\u0142u\u017C\u0105cych jako magazyny broni i materia\u0142\u00F3w wybuchowych. Nie wiadomo r\u00F3wnie\u017C czy Laura prze\u017Cy\u0142a zniszczenie Katedry."@pl . "Dating Seth Miller"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "2011-03-11"^^ . . . . . "A part focused on firearms at the cost of missile handling. A somewhat decent longrange FCS, but it's tracking and missile lock are poor, making it hard to use. It has very low drain however, but in almost all occasions you'd find the Hogire to be superior."@en . . . . . . . "+1"@en . "laura"@en . . "hide"@en . "Viva"@es . . "Szkic koncepcyjny Laury"@pl . . . "Kelli Cousins"@en . "Edad G\u00E9nero Compa\u00F1ero Emblema Digi-Egg Digispirit Ocupaci\u00F3n Parientes Conocidos Nacionalidad Aparece en Primera Aparici\u00F3n Ultima Aparici\u00F3n Laura (Tatiana en la versi\u00F3n espa\u00F1ola) es una ni\u00F1a elegida rusa, su compa\u00F1ero es Snimon. Aparece por primera vez junto a Anna y Yuri present\u00E1ndose a Sora y Yolei. Al principio no pod\u00EDan entenderse bien por el idioma, pero luego trabajan en equipo y env\u00EDan a los Flymon al Digimundo. Es vista m\u00E1s tarde en la batalla contra MaloMyotismon. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Digimon Adventure 02 Categor\u00EDa:Ni\u00F1os elegidos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Humanos"@es . . . . . . "LAURA"@en . "Laura is the deaf girlfriend of similarly deaf Seth Miller in the Season 5 episode House Divided. She was portrayed by actress Treshelle Edmond. Laura is at the wrestling match providing encouragement to Seth at the beginning of the episode, communicating with him in American sign language. She later moves into the stands so she can wave her hands to cheer for him. She spends as much time with Seth at the hospital as possible. After Seth gets a cochlear implant against his will, Laura comes to visit him again. To find out where the bathroom is, she has to speak to Thirteen. Seth hears her voice for the first time and realizes he never knew what she sounded like."@en . . . . . "Laura is a contestant in Total Drama Mania. She is always texting and when asked a question she mostly resonds, \"Yeah, whatever.\" She joined Total Drama Mania so she could win the money and make some friends"@en . "8"^^ . . . "Edad G\u00E9nero Compa\u00F1ero Emblema Digi-Egg Digispirit Ocupaci\u00F3n Parientes Conocidos Nacionalidad Aparece en Primera Aparici\u00F3n Ultima Aparici\u00F3n Laura (Tatiana en la versi\u00F3n espa\u00F1ola) es una ni\u00F1a elegida rusa, su compa\u00F1ero es Snimon. Aparece por primera vez junto a Anna y Yuri present\u00E1ndose a Sora y Yolei. Al principio no pod\u00EDan entenderse bien por el idioma, pero luego trabajan en equipo y env\u00EDan a los Flymon al Digimundo. Es vista m\u00E1s tarde en la batalla contra MaloMyotismon. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Digimon Adventure 02 Categor\u00EDa:Ni\u00F1os elegidos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Humanos"@es . . "Laura"@en . "Laura was a girl Jean-Luc Picard knew in his youth. She enjoyed reading long poems and epics. Picard signed up for the same literature class she attended just so he could walk Laura there every other day. In 2364, Picard thought of Laura for the first time in years when he placed himself in sensory deprivation. (TNG novel: Ghost Ship)"@en . . . "Laura is the sister of Callum Richards."@en . . "Although she may seem mean, she is much nicer when players complete the quest."@en . . . . "(edit needed)"@en . "The title character is a mischievous woman who believes in reincarnation. Laura thinks she will be reborn into a lower life form in her next incarnation because she has misbehaved in this life. She discusses her belief with Amanda whose husband has been an unfortunate victim of Laura's antics. After Laura's death, Amanda quickly becomes a firm believer in reincarnation."@en . . . . . . . . . "normal"@en . . . "1"^^ . "A hard-working mother."@en . . "+2"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Green"@en . . . . . "Laura was an individual mentioned in a book kept in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library by the 1990s."@en . . . "*Amy\n*Tobias"@en . . "+5"@en . . . "Przyjaci\u00F3\u0142ki"@pl . . . "300"^^ . . . . "Castele's Princess and Erik and Ophelia's only child. As just as her father, and as gentle as her mother. / A mysterious and secretive young man. He is exceptionally well groomed."@en . . "Laura is a 3rd Grade student at South Park Elementary. She first appeared in the Season Nine episode, \"Erection Day\"."@en . . "+1"@en . . "Laura (ur. 30 sierpie\u0144 1988 r.) - esto\u0144ska piosenkarka."@pl . . "[-3,-6]"@de . . . "+3"@en . . . . "Conqueria"@en . "30"^^ . . . "25"^^ . "Gullible Laura"@en . . . . "91011"^^ . . . "Within the community, Laura is the co-administrator on Creatures Caves and the resident agony aunt for the Ask Laura advice column. Previously, she was a moderator at Albia2000, before it succumbed to spam bots. She was also regular in JRChat and in response to its shutdown, has created CC Chat, a new chat for community members to talk about the Creatures series, share game-play tips and experiences, reminisce, ask for assistance, or just have a good natter!"@en . . . . "Incarnam"@en . . . "5"^^ . . "Uncommon"@en . . . "Laura is a 3rd Grade student at South Park Elementary. She first appeared in the Season Nine episode, \"Erection Day\"."@en . . . . "Any good commando needs a tracker, something of which La Junta were all too well aware. Laura ran into them by chance after following fresh tracks smack bang into the middle of their encampment. In doing so she showed them that not only did she know how to track but that she somewhat lacked discretion. Ever since she's been cultivating her talents and putting them to the test in an urban environment."@en . "Laura is a character in Silent Hill 2. A young girl, she is often seen wandering around Silent Hill, Maine. Like James Sunderland, she is also searching for Mary Shepherd-Sunderland and is unaware of her death because Laura misinterpreted Mary's \"I'm far away now. In a quiet, beautiful place.\" in Mary's letter not as Heaven, but Silent Hill."@en . . "Birkenjunges zu Blattpfote \u00FCber Laura, als diese den DonnerClan wieder verlassen hat"@de . . . "Cr\u00E9er sur le mod\u00E8le g\u00E9n\u00E9tique de Wolverine, X-23 fut entra\u00EEn\u00E9 des \u00E7a plus jeune enfance comme une arme humaine m\u00EAme si sa m\u00E8re porteuse essayait de lui inculqu\u00E9 un semblant d'humanit\u00E9. Son pr\u00E9nom lui a \u00E9t\u00E9 donn\u00E9 par sa m\u00E8re, la g\u00E9n\u00E9ticienne Sarah Kinney, avant qu'elle ne meure des griffes de la jeune mutante qui agissait sous l'effet d'un agent biologique. Apr\u00E8s de nombreux \u00E9v\u00E9nement elle rejoindra les X-men plus pour approcher Wolverine qu'autre chose. Etant assez proche du mutant, elle aime \u00E0 le taquiner en l'appellent \u00AB papa \u00BB."@fr . "To be added soon..."@en . "E C*"@en . "Laura is Chris' little sister and a member of Xaq's Team."@en . "X-Men"@fr . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 37-38"@de . . . "Laura is a town in central Saskatchewan. It is located southwest of Saskatoon."@en . . "Laura is one of the main protagonists of Unlimited Saga. However, she is considered the main character of the game by many people, especially as her story follows a more traditional RPG approach."@en . "Cartoon Show"@en . . "*Spell Casting\n*Potion Making\n*Scrying\n*Mediumship"@en . . "Laura"@en . "Mutante"@fr . . "laura was the daughter of cheryl. She appeared at the ferry with cheryl. She and cheryl did not make it on the ferry and was most likely either abducted or vaporized."@en . . . . . "16"^^ . . . . . . . "Whatever you want goes here \n* AIM: lifeofrandom \n* Personal Journal: Fortuitous \n* Plurk: plurkname \n* Timezone: \n* Character(s): Ariadne"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Main Character-"@en . . . . . "5"^^ . "Au\u00DFen"@de . . . . "2008-08-05"^^ . . . "Status"@en . . . . "Laura is a character in Fable III who is involved in the quest Missing Child. The Hero meets Laura as she is standing by the bridge to Brightwall, looking for her daughter, Eve. Eve has been missing for hours, and Laura is frantic with worry. She mentions that Eve's father is always filling the little girl's head with tales of gold to be found in the caves in nearby Mistpeak Valley, and believes that's where Eve has gone. She asks the Hero to find Eve and bring her home."@en . . "Unnamed husband"@en . "Cr\u00E9er sur le mod\u00E8le g\u00E9n\u00E9tique de Wolverine, X-23 fut entra\u00EEn\u00E9 des \u00E7a plus jeune enfance comme une arme humaine m\u00EAme si sa m\u00E8re porteuse essayait de lui inculqu\u00E9 un semblant d'humanit\u00E9. Son pr\u00E9nom lui a \u00E9t\u00E9 donn\u00E9 par sa m\u00E8re, la g\u00E9n\u00E9ticienne Sarah Kinney, avant qu'elle ne meure des griffes de la jeune mutante qui agissait sous l'effet d'un agent biologique. Apr\u00E8s de nombreux \u00E9v\u00E9nement elle rejoindra les X-men plus pour approcher Wolverine qu'autre chose. Etant assez proche du mutant, elle aime \u00E0 le taquiner en l'appellent \u00AB papa \u00BB."@fr . "Laura"@de . "thumb|left japanischer Name: Sonya deutscher Name: Laura Sprecherin: Laura Summer Herkunft: Moskau/Russland Laura ist ein russischer Digiritter. Sie war einer der Digiritter, die, zusammen mit Yolei und Sora, Moskau vor einem Schwarm Flymon besch\u00FCtzten. Danach brachten sie auch noch eine Herde Mammothmon zur\u00FCck in die Digiwelt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Digimon Adventure 02 Charaktere"@de . . . . "e44348"@en . . . . . . "Laura"@ru . "Laura invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . "+0"@en . . . "Laura is an NPC. Formerly known as Laura Theist."@en . "Laura Matsuda"@en . "Alyssa"@en . . . . . "Incarnam"@de . "Laura was an individual mentioned in a book kept in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library by the 1990s."@en . . "Laura is Angel-Face and Rosie's girlfriend. She loves to book in the library. She skip her leg in the playground. She voiced by Emma Tate in the UK and Ashleigh Ball in the US."@en . "Episode Appeared In"@en . "Laura (ur. 30 sierpie\u0144 1988 r.) - esto\u0144ska piosenkarka."@pl . . "?"@en . . . "Laura is an anime-only character and a baobhan sith, (pronounced baa'-van shee), employed by Incognito, who infiltrated the Hellsing Organization and tried to turn Integra into a ghoul. Possessing great hypnotic powers, she infiltrated without suspicion by mentally convincing everyone (except Alucard and Seras Victoria) that she was Integra's non-existant sister. In what is widely considered the most risqu\u00E9 scene in the series, she hyponitises, partially undresses, and bites Integra on her right breast. Integra partially breaks free of Laura's hold and realizes then that she has no sister. Laura then stabs Integra in the stomach with a knife to begin drinking her blood, but is soon dispatched by Alucard, who had been delayed in an encounter with Incognito."@en . . . . . . "\u30ED\u30FC\u30E9"@en . . . "5"^^ . "Sinine & Sandra Nurmsalu"@pl . . . "Laura"@fr . "Affiliation"@en . "30"^^ . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 146"@de . . . . . "Mein Name ist Laura Brei, auch genannt Lauri und ich habe viele Haustiere. Schildkr\u00F6ten, Barbiepuppen und einen Panter. Ich bin 12 1/2 Jahre alt und habe im September Geburtstag und f\u00FChle mich aber viel j\u00FCnger und jugendlicher. In meiner Freizeit treffe ich mich gern mit meinen Omas und Tanten. Au\u00DFerdem bin ich sehr sportlich und gehe gerne Eiskunstlaufen und Ballett und Schwimmen. Ich liebe die Schule, es gibt nur ein Fach, das mir \u00FCberhaupt nicht gef\u00E4llt: Religion, wegen Mittermayer. Mein Lieblingsfach ist GW, weil die Lehrerin wirklich gut unterrichtet und uns alles mit den einfachsten W\u00F6rtern und Erkl\u00E4rungen beibringt. Da ich so ein gro\u00DFer Sportfan bin, hab ich auch einen Lieblingssportler: Boris Becker, der mir vor allem beim Eiskunstlaufen gut gefallen hat und Britney Spears. Diesen Sommer war mein aufregendstes Erlebnis, als ich mit einem Elektroscooter auf dem Weg zur Bibelstunde bei 10 km/h einen Unfall gebaut habe. Ich habe keine wirkliche Lieblingsmusik, da ich eigentlich alles m\u00F6gliche h\u00F6re, vorallem Mozart. Ich hasse Wasser und alles, was damit zu tun hat und die Sonne. Regentage sind mir viel lieber. K\u00FCsschens und 1000 Herzchen euer Brei."@de . "Gender"@en . "Laura is the youngest member of the and is Rod's younger sister. Like her brother, she is shown to be a better dinosaur battler than the A-Team, despite her young age. In the English dub, she is voiced by Rachael Lillis."@en . "Laura(\u30E9\u30E9\u30FB\u30DE\u30C4\u30C0Rara) also known by her full name Laura Matsuda(\u30E9\u30E9\u30FB\u30DE\u30C4\u30C0Rara Matsuda), is a character from the Street Fighter series of fighting games. She first appeared in Street Fighter V, she was originally first seen in Famitsu as well as being leaked on Twitter. She was the third of the first four new fighters confirmed for Street Fighter V, the first new female fighter revealed in the game and the third Brazilian fighter to appear in the main game series following Blanka and her younger brother Sean."@en . "1999-10-18"^^ . . "Laura was a civilian living in Raccoon City at the time of the viral outbreak. She died at some point and reanimated as a Zombie."@en . "Good"@en . . . . "8"^^ . . "Laura es una ni\u00F1a de ocho a\u00F1os de edad que aparece en Silent Hill 2. A menudo es vista deambulando por el pueblo. Es el \u00FAnico personaje humano inocente en el pueblo que no tiene ning\u00FAn tipo de oscuridad en su coraz\u00F3n, a diferencia de James Sunderland, Angela Orosco y Eddie Dombrowski, y por lo tanto no ve a ning\u00FAn monstruo o anomal\u00EDa en el pueblo de Silent Hill, incluyendo a Mar\u00EDa. Ella es infame en la saga y para todos los jugadores, ya que ella es (como el propio James comenta), una mocosa, con poco o ning\u00FAn respeto hacia sus mayores."@es . "Vegetables, boredom"@en . . . "5"^^ . . . . "Laura is the social worker that reviews how suitable Chandler and Monica will be as parents. After spending a few minutes in their apartment, she realizes that she has been in the building before and that she had a one night stand with Joey, who never called her back. Chandler and Monica pretend to not know or like Joey, but before long he comes over. Chandler lies that it is their neighbor, Bert (who he also says has a brother named Ernie), but Joey, thinking \"Bert\" is their word for danger, climbs up the fire escape to see what is happening. Laura sees Joey and begins to confront him, but he turns the story around and makes her think that she is the one who never called him back. She apologizes, but he rejects her. A now embarrassed Laura apologizes to Chandler and Monica and gives them "@en . . "6"^^ . "Laura to relacja mi\u0119dzy Syerr\u0105 a Laurin. S\u0105 to piosenkarki, kt\u00F3re nale\u017C\u0105 do zespo\u0142u Trifecta. Wyst\u0119puj\u0105 epizodycznie w odcinku ChANTs of a Lifetime."@pl . "Morgenr\u00F6te Seite 305"@de . . . . "Laura in the Season 1 episode, \"Marine Down\"."@en . . . "Fields"@en . . "Laura is a member of SALF And the Protagonist of Cillian Darcy 2: World Duel Grand Prix & Cillian Darcy the Boy as the Drop of Water"@en . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 37"@de . . "Female"@en . . "hide"@en . "Deceased, shot dead during drug deal on wild shot"@en . . "Laura"@en . "Laura (en Japon\u00E9s es Loa) es la nieta del Dr. Zeta y es la hermana menor de Rod.Es buena para controlar a los dinosaurios Alpha, y junto a su hermano son unos grandes rivales del Equipo D. Tambi\u00E9n es la que maneja el dinero de la Pandilla Alpha, le gusta invertir en la bolsa de valores. Al igual que su hermano, tiene una mentalidad un tanto perversa y traviesa. Ella vio a Seth experimentando con la carta de Terry y para que no dijera nada le dijo que si decia algo la lesion del Doctor Z en la espalda seria peor. Por otras palabras, lastimaria al doctor si decia algo.. Ella sentia afecto como otro hermano hacia Seth por prometerle llevarla con sus padres. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Femenino Categor\u00EDa:Miembros de la Pandilla Alpha"@es . "Character on Newport soap The Wealthy and the Depraved."@en . . "Laura zu Blattpfote"@de . "Laura"@es . . "Laura was a civilian living in Raccoon City at the time of the viral outbreak. She died at some point and reanimated as a Zombie."@en . "Ninguna"@es . "Silent Hill 2"@en . . . . . "Morgenr\u00F6te, Seite 229"@de . "Blattpfote \u00FCber Laura"@de . "Fallout"@pl . "Tobias3rd Street Saints"@en . . "Street Fighter V"@en . . "Laura (Original: Cody) ist eine rundliche, braune, makrelengestreifte K\u00E4tzin mit blauen Augen, weichem Fell und Muskeln."@de . "78"^^ . . . "Laura is a character in Silent Hill 2. A young girl, she is often seen wandering around Silent Hill, Maine. Like James Sunderland, she is also searching for Mary Shepherd-Sunderland and is unaware of her death because Laura misinterpreted Mary's \"I'm far away now. In a quiet, beautiful place.\" in Mary's letter not as Heaven, but Silent Hill. She is the only innocent human character in the town who does not hold any darkness in her heart, in contrast to James Sunderland, Angela Orosco and Eddie Dombrowski. Because of her innocence and purity, she does not see any monsters or serious abnormalities in the town, including Maria."@en . "+1"@en . . "Past A"@en . "Laura was a witch and a member of the Warren Line. Nothing is known about her, though her name was used in the To Call Upon Our Ancestors spell written by Phoebe Halliwell."@en . "Yes"@en . . "Laura, as she appears in Street Fighter V."@en . "Laura (Original: Cody) ist eine rundliche, braune, makrelengestreifte K\u00E4tzin mit blauen Augen, weichem Fell und Muskeln."@de . . "Laura is a member of SALF And the Protagonist of Cillian Darcy 2: World Duel Grand Prix & Cillian Darcy the Boy as the Drop of Water"@en . . . "Laura was a girl Jean-Luc Picard knew in his youth. She enjoyed reading long poems and epics. Picard signed up for the same literature class she attended just so he could walk Laura there every other day. In 2364, Picard thought of Laura for the first time in years when he placed himself in sensory deprivation. (TNG novel: Ghost Ship)"@en . "Laura is one of Rob's neighbors. She is very kind and good intentioned. Rob thinks she is \"cute\". She thinks Bucky is cute and doesn't understand the way he acts, often thinking he is mistreated."@en . "Laura is a surgical resident at Seattle Grace Hospital."@en . "Die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh Laura lebt seit 1994 im Parque de la Naturaleza Cab\u00E1rceno bei Santander in Kantabrien (Spanien). Laura wurde etwa 1983 geboren. \u00DCber ihre Herkunft gibt es keine Angaben. Sie wurde wohl wild geboren und als Kalb im Jahr 1987 nach Spanien gebracht. Dort lebte sie zun\u00E4chst im Zoo Fuengirola in der Provinz M\u00E1laga (Region Andalusien), wo sie auch ihrer Gef\u00E4hrtin Celia begegnete, deren Ankunftsdatum in Fuengirola nicht \u00FCberliefert ist. Die beiden gleichaltrigen Jungtiere wuchsen dort heran."@de . . . . . "Laura is a playable magic user in SSS. She is of the saint class like she is in Radiant Dawn and can also use the Rexaura. She can also put an opponent to sleep to buy herself time with a sleep staff. Some Daein personnel do not know she is in a secret relationship with Micaiah."@en . . . . . . "Good"@en . . "Girlfriend of Ricardo \"Rico\" Tubbs"@en . "Laura in Unimatrix Zero"@en . . "Reden"@de . "thumb|Laura in Unimatrix Zero (2376) Laura wird 2367 von den Borg bei der Schlacht von Wolf 359 assimiliert. Sie geh\u00F6rt zu den Borg-Drohnen, die durch eine Irregularit\u00E4t w\u00E4hrend der Assimilation mit der F\u00E4higkeit ausgestattet wird, w\u00E4hrend der Regeneration nach Unimatrix Zero zu kommen. Dort erscheint sie in ihrer menschlichen Form. Wie alle der dort anwesenden kann sich sich an ihrer Borgzeit erinnern, aber w\u00E4hrend ihrer Borgphase nicht an Unimatrix Zero. In Unimatrix Zero ist Laura mit Seven of Nine befreundet."@de . . . . . . "--07-30"^^ . "thumb|Laura in Unimatrix Zero (2376) Laura wird 2367 von den Borg bei der Schlacht von Wolf 359 assimiliert. Sie geh\u00F6rt zu den Borg-Drohnen, die durch eine Irregularit\u00E4t w\u00E4hrend der Assimilation mit der F\u00E4higkeit ausgestattet wird, w\u00E4hrend der Regeneration nach Unimatrix Zero zu kommen. Dort erscheint sie in ihrer menschlichen Form. Wie alle der dort anwesenden kann sich sich an ihrer Borgzeit erinnern, aber w\u00E4hrend ihrer Borgphase nicht an Unimatrix Zero. In Unimatrix Zero ist Laura mit Seven of Nine befreundet. Nachdem Seven of Nine zur\u00FCckkehrt und von Korok angefeindet wird, verteidigt sie Seven und meint zu Korok, er solle seine Z\u00E4hne sch\u00E4rfen. Als die Borg in Unimatrix Zero einfallen, hilft sie die Schutzr\u00E4ume zu befestigen. Sie meldet auch das Eindringen von elf weiteren Drohnen in die Unimatrix. (VOY: , ) Laura wurde von Joanna Heimbold gespielt und von Susanne Schwab () sowie von Angela Ringer (VOY: ) synchronisiert."@de . . . . "200"^^ . . . . "Laura is a playable magic user in SSS. She is of the saint class like she is in Radiant Dawn and can also use the Rexaura. She can also put an opponent to sleep to buy herself time with a sleep staff. Some Daein personnel do not know she is in a secret relationship with Micaiah."@en . "Mein Name ist Laura Brei, auch genannt Lauri und ich habe viele Haustiere. Schildkr\u00F6ten, Barbiepuppen und einen Panter. Ich bin 12 1/2 Jahre alt und habe im September Geburtstag und f\u00FChle mich aber viel j\u00FCnger und jugendlicher. In meiner Freizeit treffe ich mich gern mit meinen Omas und Tanten. Au\u00DFerdem bin ich sehr sportlich und gehe gerne Eiskunstlaufen und Ballett und Schwimmen. Da ich so ein gro\u00DFer Sportfan bin, hab ich auch einen Lieblingssportler: Boris Becker, der mir vor allem beim Eiskunstlaufen gut gefallen hat und Britney Spears. K\u00FCsschens und 1000 Herzchen euer Brei."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Played by Carly Street in Resonance."@en . . "Student"@en . . "Rubio"@es . "La Junta"@en . "Feuerstern zu Blattpfote \u00FCber Laura"@de . . . . "Laura Matsuda"@en . . . "Desconocida"@es . . . "Sie sah zuerst so \u00E4ngstlich aus, und ich h\u00E4tte niemals geglaubt, dass sie sich so schnell eingew\u00F6hnen k\u00F6nnte. Aber sie scheint hier gut zurechtzukommen - jedenfalls f\u00FCr eine Weile."@de . "show"@en . . "Silent Hill: Downpour"@es . "Laura is a contestant in Total Drama Mania. She is always texting and when asked a question she mostly resonds, \"Yeah, whatever.\" She joined Total Drama Mania so she could win the money and make some friends"@en . . . "Social Worker"@en . . . "Season 2"@en . . "Inoue Kikuko"@en . "Pink"@en . . . "[[Datei:Laura.jpg|thumb| Laura Spiele: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Erster Auftritt: Kapitel 2 (Radiant Dawn, Teil 1) Anfangsklasse:Priester]] Laura (R\u00F6ra) ist eine Priesterin aus Daein, welche sich dem \"Bund der Morgenr\u00F6te\" anschlie\u00DFt, nachdem diese ihr halfen ihren kranken Abt zu heilen."@de . . "Terry"@en . "Laura is a waitress in a restaurant, in a hot romance with Vice detective Ricardo \"Rico\" Tubbs. She called Tubbs to alert him to a drug deal between Carlo Amati and Bolton Prison guard Ralph Pink, and when the deal goes down, Amati and Pink have a shootout, Pink and Amati's heavy are killed, Amati is wounded, but Pink shot wildly and Laura was killed. Laura's death weighs heavily on Tubbs, to the point he volunteers to go into Bolton Prison to end the situation there."@en . . "Her younger brother, meat dishes, fighting"@en . . "Fallecida"@es . . . . "Seventh"@en . "Incarnam"@de . . . . "+5"@en . "laura was the daughter of cheryl. She appeared at the ferry with cheryl. She and cheryl did not make it on the ferry and was most likely either abducted or vaporized."@en . . "Desconocido"@es . "Dies ist kein Leben f\u00FCr mich, immer Tod und das Blut und die Unsicherheit. Ich bin bei meinen Hausleuten gl\u00FCcklich und sie werden mich vermissen."@de . . "Years of family service seem to have gotten the better of her."@en . . . "M.D"@en . "Mausefell \u00FCber Laura"@de . "Laura is a female customer who made her first appearance in Papa's Cheeseria 2. She is the female chef in Papa's Fry Mia!."@en . "Nancy Drew"@en . . . . . "Zander"@en . . . . . . "Russi Taylor"@en . "Laura was the Human name of a Borg drone who was assimilated at Wolf 359. She was a friend of Seven of Nine via Unimatrix Zero during her Borg regeneration cycles. Laura had a recessive gene mutation that allowed her to experience individuality in Unimatrix Zero while regenerating. She participated in a plan where she and the rest of the drones in Unimatrix Zero would retain their memories and individuality while awake as drones. She was a part of the Borg resistance movement against the collective. (VOY: \"Unimatrix Zero\")"@en . "None"@en . . . . "(edit needed)"@en . . . "132.0"^^ . "159.0"^^ . "\u30E9\u30A6\u30E9"@es . . . "Aparici\u00F3n en Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles."@es . . . . . . . . . "Laura, Mythe"@en . "Laura(\u30E9\u30E9\u30FB\u30DE\u30C4\u30C0Rara) also known by her full name Laura Matsuda(\u30E9\u30E9\u30FB\u30DE\u30C4\u30C0Rara Matsuda), is a character from the Street Fighter series of fighting games. She first appeared in Street Fighter V, she was originally first seen in Famitsu as well as being leaked on Twitter. She was the third of the first four new fighters confirmed for Street Fighter V, the first new female fighter revealed in the game and the third Brazilian fighter to appear in the main game series following Blanka and her younger brother Sean."@en . "Although she may seem mean, she is much nicer when players complete the quest."@en . . "Laura was a mourner seen at Marine Major Jim Kidwell's \"funeral\"."@en . "Laura is the name of a human girl who befriends Smurfette in the episode Sister Smurf. She has two brothers (Norman, her older brother, voiced by Dana Hill, and Henry, her younger brother, voiced by Nancy Cartwright) a father, and invented an imaginary friend who is an elf princess (it is unknown if she has a mother or any sisters). In the story, Laura and Smurfette become prisoners of an old hag who lives in the forest, and the other Smurfs as well as Laura's brothers (and father) come to their rescue. Although the episode has a happy ending, she is never seen or mentioned again. She was voiced by Russi Taylor."@en . . . . "She is located in the safehouse on the top floor of the Union City South Hospital, alongside Shenice Johnson. She tells players that they have been hiding there since it started. She was on break when trucks pulled up and soldiers poured out into the hospital. They heard gunfire, so they sought cover in a storage cupboard. When the soldiers left, they found dead bodies everywhere. With no other place to go, they decided to barricade themselves into one of the hospital's rooms."@en . "Fire"@en . "Laura was a character that appeared from Season 9-11. She was portrayed by Julia Nicholson."@en . "Laura is a character in EarthBound Beginnings, and one of the residents of Canary Village. She is a female bird who can speak, and is missing her baby chick. For this reason, Laura and her kind will refuse to talk to Ninten. If Ninten takes the chick in the Podunk department store and brings it to her, her sorrow will dissipate and out of gratitude, she will sing the second part of Eight Melodies. Laura is the only Canary that is separate from all the others; the only way she can be accessed is a passage behind the white monolith in the Canary Village (the monolith can be identified if a \"?\" appears after checking if one is not sure where to look). Image:SlimyLittlePile.gifThis article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "Tracey Costello\n\nA1"@en . . . . . . "+2"@en . "270"^^ . . . . . "Deceased"@en . . "Laura to relacja mi\u0119dzy Syerr\u0105 a Laurin. S\u0105 to piosenkarki, kt\u00F3re nale\u017C\u0105 do zespo\u0142u Trifecta. Wyst\u0119puj\u0105 epizodycznie w odcinku ChANTs of a Lifetime."@pl . . . . . "8"^^ . . . . "Laura is a character in Saints Row and Saints Row 2. Don't worry sweetie, when it comes to drugs or [ snicker doodles] I'm the best. \u2014 LauraBroken {{ref}} (youtube link)"@en . . "Laura is a female customer who made her first appearance in Papa's Cheeseria 2. She is the female chef in Papa's Fry Mia!."@en . "Any good commando needs a tracker, something of which La Junta were all too well aware. Laura ran into them by chance after following fresh tracks smack bang into the middle of their encampment. In doing so she showed them that not only did she know how to track but that she somewhat lacked discretion. Ever since she's been cultivating her talents and putting them to the test in an urban environment."@en . . . . . "Laura is the name of a human girl who befriends Smurfette in the episode Sister Smurf. She has two brothers (Norman, her older brother, voiced by Dana Hill, and Henry, her younger brother, voiced by Nancy Cartwright) a father, and invented an imaginary friend who is an elf princess (it is unknown if she has a mother or any sisters). In the story, Laura and Smurfette become prisoners of an old hag who lives in the forest, and the other Smurfs as well as Laura's brothers (and father) come to their rescue. Although the episode has a happy ending, she is never seen or mentioned again. She was voiced by Russi Taylor."@en . . . "Femenino"@es . . . . "Appearances"@en . "To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Laura."@en . . . . . . "30"^^ . . . "20"^^ . "+2"@en . . "Laura was a character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was a Guardian Angel from Heaven. She was the Guardian Angel of Xena. When Xena gave up her place in Heaven to save Callisto from Hell, Laura looked after a reformed Callisto. She was played by Angela Gribben."@en . . . . . "Laura"@fr . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Active"@en . . "Laura is Angel-Face and Rosie's girlfriend. She loves to book in the library. She skip her leg in the playground. She voiced by Emma Tate in the UK and Ashleigh Ball in the US."@en . "Laura is the name of two different characters who appeared in two different seasons of Seinfeld: \n* Laura (The Seinfeld Chronicles) \n* Laura (The Lip Reader)"@en . . "20"^^ . "8"^^ . "laura.PNG"@en . . . "Diesen Leuten sind Katzen egal - seien es Clan-Katzen oder Einzell\u00E4ufer oder Hausk\u00E4tzchen. Glaubt mir ich kenne die Art von - wie nennt ihr sie? - Zweibeinern, die gute Hausleute abgeben. Die hier wollen uns nur loswerden."@de . . . . . . . . "2377"^^ . "200"^^ . . "Silent Hill 2"@es . "Laura"@en . "TBA"@en . . . . . . "hide"@en . . "4th Member of the Nugs. Goes to Oxford or some shit now."@en . "\u30ED\u30A2"@en . . "thumb|left japanischer Name: Sonya deutscher Name: Laura Sprecherin: Laura Summer Herkunft: Moskau/Russland Laura ist ein russischer Digiritter. Sie war einer der Digiritter, die, zusammen mit Yolei und Sora, Moskau vor einem Schwarm Flymon besch\u00FCtzten. Danach brachten sie auch noch eine Herde Mammothmon zur\u00FCck in die Digiwelt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Digimon Adventure 02 Charaktere"@de . "Student"@en . . "Name Riley Tei Laura Grissmen Date of Birth February 11 2124 Sex-Female Race-Cat Colour-Dark Blue (ALL) Eye Colour Dark Brown Rank-LV-2 Engineer Homeship-USCSS Nostradamus Relatives - Lyra Amy Laura Lynx (Mother) Cody Maverick Mordecai. Lynx (Father) Status (Deceased as of 2186) __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Pivastapol Aftermath ____________________________________ The Killer ____________________________________ Laura had begun seeing a black figure but only for half a second. Marriage"@en . "The Past"@en . . "250"^^ . . . "Sierra Aylina McClain i Lauryn Alisa McClain"@pl . . "+2"@en . . . "2"^^ . . . "September 1998"@en . . "Action Lab Comics"@en . . "Sie sind nicht gestorben. Meine Hausleute haben sie weggegeben, in ein neues Zuhause. Aber ich habe den Verlust genauso schwer empfunden."@de . "G.K. Bowes"@en . . . . . "3"^^ . "Brown"@en . . "Laura"@de . . "3"^^ . . "300"^^ . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "+1"@en . "Skydiving."@en . . "Laura is an NPC. Formerly known as Laura Theist."@en . "Septiembre de 1998"@es . "Unnamed parents"@en . "EarthBound Beginnings"@en . "Laura was a character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was a Guardian Angel from Heaven. She was the Guardian Angel of Xena. When Xena gave up her place in Heaven to save Callisto from Hell, Laura looked after a reformed Callisto. She was played by Angela Gribben."@en . "Raura"@es . . . . "Earth"@en . . . "Laura is one of the main protagonists of Unlimited Saga. However, she is considered the main character of the game by many people, especially as her story follows a more traditional RPG approach."@en . "Laura (\u30ED\u30FC\u30E9 R\u014Dra) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. She is a priestess who joins the Dawn Brigade because the Begnion Occupational Army's soldiers have stolen her Abbot's medicine, which she must get back."@en . . . "Producing static electricity"@en . "Gdy otrzyma\u0142a has\u0142o \u201ERed Rider od Przybysza z Krypty, wtajemniczonego przez Nicole, dostarczy\u0142a mu cenne informacje na temat dzia\u0142a\u0144 Dzieci Katedry oraz otworzy\u0142a mu drzwi do sanktuarium. Podczas wykonywania swoich obowi\u0105zk\u00F3w odkry\u0142a prawdziwe plany sekty, polegaj\u0105ce na \u201Eoczyszczeniu ziemi z niewiernych. Cel ten mieli osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 poprzez zak\u0142adanie punkt\u00F3w wypadowych zorganizowanych w ich szpitalach mieszcz\u0105cych sie w wielu miastach, a s\u0142u\u017C\u0105cych jako magazyny broni i materia\u0142\u00F3w wybuchowych. Swoj\u0105 relacj\u0119 z odkrycia zrelacjonowa\u0142a Nicole, b\u0119d\u0105cej nies\u0142ychanie lojaln\u0105 osob\u0105 wobec swojej organizacji. Nie wiadomo jak d\u0142ugo Laura zajmowa\u0142a sie sw\u0105 profesj\u0105, zanim zjawi\u0142 si\u0119 Przybysz z Krypty. Nie wiadomo r\u00F3wnie\u017C czy Laura prze\u017Cy\u0142a zniszczenie Katedry."@pl . . "2"^^ . . . . "Laura sometimes disguises herself as a boy when she sneaks out of the castle to go on adventures. She has a secret treasure room built into the right side of her bedroom behind a wall where she keeps all of her adventure souvenirs. She also has a rope ladder leading down from the window in it. Although she can exit whenever she pleases, she prefers to use the ladder, saying that it feels more exciting that way."@en . "She is located in the safehouse on the top floor of the Union City South Hospital, alongside Shenice Johnson. She tells players that they have been hiding there since it started. She was on break when trucks pulled up and soldiers poured out into the hospital. They heard gunfire, so they sought cover in a storage cupboard. When the soldiers left, they found dead bodies everywhere. With no other place to go, they decided to barricade themselves into one of the hospital's rooms."@en . . . . "Laura is the name of two different characters who appeared in two different seasons of Seinfeld: \n* Laura (The Seinfeld Chronicles) \n* Laura (The Lip Reader)"@en . . "Laura can be found in the Orobas Fjords, on the cliff between the Primordial Cave and Sinister Cavern entrances. She starts the quest Grave Robbers. If you mind read Laura she gives you 3,200xp."@en . . . . "Fable III"@en . "C A*"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . "Laura is an anime-only character and a baobhan sith, (pronounced baa'-van shee), employed by Incognito, who infiltrated the Hellsing Organization and tried to turn Integra into a ghoul. Possessing great hypnotic powers, she infiltrated without suspicion by mentally convincing everyone (except Alucard and Seras Victoria) that she was Integra's non-existant sister. In what is widely considered the most risqu\u00E9 scene in the series, she hyponitises, partially undresses, and bites Integra on her right breast. Integra partially breaks free of Laura's hold and realizes then that she has no sister. Laura then stabs Integra in the stomach with a knife to begin drinking her blood, but is soon dispatched by Alucard, who had been delayed in an encounter with Incognito."@en . . "Minneapolis, Minnesota"@en . . . . . . . .