. "Malik was the boyfriend of Jazmine Stokes and the father of Cornell Stokes."@en . "Krux's base in the Hakaba System. It is hidden by a dark force field. The only way that Rallen and Jeena could break through the shell was by making seven Dynaliums, light-based weapons, each charged with a separate color of light."@en . "LDE: Final Time"@en . "Malik is an album that was released in 1972 by The Lafatyette Afro Rock Band."@en . . "Malik var en manlig Satedaner och en medlem av Satedaner Planetariska Styrkor som var en del av Ronon Dexs enhet. Han d\u00F6dades n\u00E4r Wraith culled Sateda. (ATL: \"Sateda\") kategori:Satedaner kategori:En-g\u00E5ng Atlantis karakt\u00E4r"@sv . . . . . . . "Malik"@en . . . . "Although the early forms of the name were to be found among the Pre-Arab and Pre-Islamic Semites of The Levant, Canaan and Mesopotamia, it has since been adopted in various other, mainly Islamized or Arabized, Asian languages for their ruling princes and to render kings elsewhere. It is also sometimes used in derived meanings. 'Al-Malik' (literally 'The King') is one of the Names of Allah. The female version of Malik is Malikah () (or its Persian language equivalent Malekeh), meaning \"queen\". The name Malik originally found among various Semitic peoples such as Arabs, Jews, Mandeans, the indigenous ethnic Assyrian Christians of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey and Syriacs/Arameans, has since been spread among various predominantly Muslim peoples in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan, for example, in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Delhi."@en . "Dogs , Heights, Drowning, Dying"@en . "Young_Malik.jpg"@en . "TDA: TBA"@en . "Malik (AKA Galix) was an artist for Urban Rivals. The cards he drew are..."@en . . "Malik"@pl . "Violent Vultures"@en . . "Vampire/Werecat"@en . . . . . . . . "no"@en . "Malik, formerly known as ilz, is currently the Owner of the Kalphite King lootshare mass friend's chat LSKK247. He is also a Captain in the staking commision FC Elite Wagers. He started playing RuneScape in 2006 and is still currently playing. Malik achieved 99 in all skills on January 14, 2015. Malik was awarded the Completionist Cape on June 7th, 2016."@en . . . . . . . . . "Malik is an Afghan man sent by Stanford Wedeck as a guide to Aaron Stark. (\"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\") During the Global Blackout, Malik was in a car with his wife and daughter. The car went over an embankment, killing Malik's family, though Malik himself survived. (\"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\") Malik approaches Stark in a restaurant. They leave together to go search for Kahmir Dejan. They come across a roadblock with armed guards, who shoot and kill Malik, but Stark is saved by the arrival of Dejan. (\"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\")"@en . "Defenders of the Seal"@en . . "Malik"@sv . . . . . "Malik was a male Human who was an Augment created by Arik Soong. He was considered to be the strongest and smartest of Soong's Augments, and was also the most ruthless. Malik was killed by Captain Jonathan Archer with a particle rifle, after Malik tried to kill Arik Soong for betraying his children. (ENT episodes: \"Borderland\", \"Cold Station 12\", \"The Augments\")"@en . . "Malik was a male Human who was an Augment created by Arik Soong. He was considered to be the strongest and smartest of Soong's Augments, and was also the most ruthless. Malik was killed by Captain Jonathan Archer with a particle rifle, after Malik tried to kill Arik Soong for betraying his children. (ENT episodes: \"Borderland\", \"Cold Station 12\", \"The Augments\")"@en . "Malik is a hero featured in Might & Magic: Heroes VI and Might & Magic X: Legacy."@en . "2006"^^ . . . "thumb|Malik im Jahr 2143 thumb|Malik im Jahr 2154 Malik ist ein menschlicher Augment und somit ein Produkt der letzten genetischen Experimente des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er wird von Doktor Arik Soong im Jahr 2134 auf die Welt gebracht und sieht sich selbst als den st\u00E4rksten Augment von allen an. Malik und weitere 18 Augments werden von Arik Soong heimlich auf den Planeten Trialas IV gebracht, wo er sie auch unterrichtet. Mit der Zeit sehen die Augments Doktor Soong eher als Vater-Figur an, anstatt als Lehrer. Als Soong jedoch im Jahr 2144 aufgesp\u00FCrt und f\u00FCr das Stehlen der Embryos von der Forschungsstation Cold Station 12 verurteilt wird, m\u00FCssen Malik und die anderen nun ums eigene \u00DCberleben k\u00E4mpfen, wobei Raakin die Anf\u00FChrerrolle einnimmt. Dieser hat Malik in ihrer Jugend einmal das Leben gerettet, als er ihn aus einem rei\u00DFenden Fluss zieht. Im Laufe der Zeit f\u00FChlt er sich zu Persis hingezogen, die allerdings Raakins Gef\u00E4hrtin wird, da sie ihn f\u00FCr den St\u00E4rksten aller Augments h\u00E4lt. (ENT: , ) Im Jahr 2154 hat Malik das Leben auf Trialas IV endg\u00FCltig satt. Deswegen kapert er wenig sp\u00E4ter mit seinem \u201EBruder\u201C Saul erfolgreich einen klingonischen Bird-of-Prey und t\u00F6tet dabei die gesamte Besatzung. Wenig sp\u00E4ter hat das Klingonische Reich von dieser Bedrohung erfahren und droht der Erde mit Krieg. Daraufhin wird die gerade \u00FCberholte Enterprise (NX-01) ausgesandt, um die Augments aufzusp\u00FCren und anschlie\u00DFend zur Erde zur\u00FCckzubringen. (ENT: ) Obwohl durch Maliks erfolgreiche Operation nun ein Raumschiff zur Verf\u00FCgung steht, ist sein Bruder Raakin nicht mit dem Angriff auf die Klingonen einverstanden. Er bef\u00FCrchtet n\u00E4mlich, dass das Reich die Augments jagen w\u00FCrde, aber Malik versichert ihm, dass man sie niemals finden werde. Raakin befiehlt daraufhin das Schiff zu einem anderen Sternensystem zu fliegen, wo sie in Ruhe und Frieden leben k\u00F6nnten. Als Malik jedoch anf\u00E4ngt zu glauben, dass Raakin nicht mehr nach den W\u00FCnschen ihres Vaters handeln w\u00FCrde, verb\u00FCndet er sich mit Persis, um seinen Bruder als Anf\u00FChrer zu st\u00FCrzen. Als Raakin schlie\u00DFlich in die Falle geht, wird er von Malik erstochen, der anschlie\u00DFend das Kommando \u00FCbernimmt und Persis zu seiner neuen Gef\u00E4hrtin macht. (ENT: ) Nachdem die Augments ein geheimes Signal von Soong erhalten haben, der sich nun in einer Arrestzelle auf der Enterprise befindet, dockt Malik wenig sp\u00E4ter mit seinem Bird-of-Prey an das Sternenflottenschiff an. W\u00E4hrend Malik mit Captain Archer spricht, dringt Persis mit den anderen in das Schiff ein und befreit nach einem Feuergefecht ihren Vater aus der Haft. Anschlie\u00DFend nimmt Malik Archer als Geisel, um so sicherzustellen, dass er ohne Zwischenfall wieder zu seinem Schiff zur\u00FCckkehren kann. Nachdem er die Luftschleuse erreicht hat, kommt es zu einer Wiedervereinigung mit seinem \u201EVater\u201C. Danach gehen alle auf ihr Schiff zur\u00FCck und schalten die Enterprise aus, damit sie nicht die Verfolgung aufnehmen kann. Soong offenbart den anderen seinen Plan, nach Cold Station 12 zu fliegen, wo noch 1800 ihrer ungeborenen Schwester und Br\u00FCder auf sie warten w\u00FCrden. (ENT: ) Schlie\u00DFlich auf Cold Station 12 angekommen, gelingt es ihnen durch Gewaltanwendung die Station in ihre Gewalt zu bringen. Da der Stationsleiter Doktor Jeremy Lucas den Sicherheitscode nicht preisgeben will, droht Malik damit, einen von Lucas Mitarbeitern zu t\u00F6ten. Als Soong dies verhindern will, \u00FCbergeht er seinen Vater und macht seine Drohung war. Als der Versuch von Catapin Archer misslingt, die Augments auf der Station zu \u00FCberw\u00E4ltigen, werden er und einige seiner Leute daraufhin gefangen genommen. Nachdem Malik erkannt hat, dass zwischen Doktor Lucas und dem Schiffsarzt Dr. Phlox eine tiefe Freundschaft existiert, nutzt er Phlox als Druckmittel. Schlie\u00DFlich gibt Lucas nach und \u00FCbergibt den Sicherheitscode. Nachdem Soong die Embryonen eingesammelt hat, entwendet Malik mehrere Kanister, die t\u00F6dliche Viren enthalten. Er plant damit, eine biogene Waffe zu produzieren, um eine nahe gelegene Kolonie der Klingonen zu zerst\u00F6ren. Dadurch erhofft er sich, dass es zu einem Krieg zwischen der Erde und den Klingonen kommen w\u00FCrde. thumb|Malik zerst\u00F6rt den Bird-of-Prey Captain Archer versucht nochmals die Kontrolle zu erlangen, doch er ist Malik physisch weit unterlegen. Kurz bevor Malik und die anderen zu ihrem Schiff zur\u00FCckkehren, manipuliert er das Stasisfeld, hinter dem die Krankheitserreger gelagert werden. Durch diese Aktion will er Archer und die anderen endg\u00FCltig loswerden (ENT: ). Nachdem Malik und die anderen die Station verlassen haben, gelingt es Captain Archer sowie den anderen die Ausbreitung der Viren im letzten Moment zu verhindern. Als Soong von Maliks Plan, eine klingonische Kolonie zu zerst\u00F6ren, erfahren hat lehnt er diesen Plan jedoch ab. Allerdings \u00FCbergeht Malik ihn ein weiteres Mal und \u00FCbernimmt daraufhin wieder das Kommando und stellt seinen Vater unter Arrest. Obwohl Persis Angst davor hat, dass Malik sie eventuell daf\u00FCr t\u00F6ten w\u00FCrde, verhilft sie ihren Vater mit Hilfe einer Rettungskapsel zur Flucht. Wenig sp\u00E4ter kommt es zum Kampf zwischen den beiden, wobei Persis jedoch die Unterlegene ist. Als sie stirbt, k\u00FCsst Malik sie ein letztes Mal und sagt zu ihr, dass er sie vermissen werde. Als die Enterprise es im letzten Moment schafft, den Bird-of-Prey von seiner Mission, die Qu'Vat-Kolonie zu zerst\u00F6ren abzuhalten, wird das Schiff durch den Kampf mit dem Sternenflottenschiff stark besch\u00E4digt, wobei viele der Augments sterben. Malik aktiviert daraufhin die Selbstzerst\u00F6rung des Schiffes und stirbt scheinbar durch die Explosion. Jedoch beamt es sich in Wirklichkeit auf die Enterprise, um sich f\u00FCr den Verrat an seinem Vater zu r\u00E4chen. Allerdings ist Captain Archer rechtzeitig zur Stelle und erschie\u00DFt Malik mit einem MACO-Gewehr. (ENT: ) Malik wurde von Alec Newman gespielt und von Stefan G\u00FCnther synchronisiert. Der junge Malik wurde in der Episode von Jordan Orr gespielt."@de . "Sheogh"@en . "Malik (last name unrevealed), AKA \"Theseus\" and \"Theo Gamble\" was a serial killer responsible for the deaths of four boys from 1999 to 2007. When cornered by police after abducting a fifth boy, Malik committed suicide by slitting his throat."@en . . . "Wicked Fury"@en . . . . "Malik was a male Redwall Abbey resident responsible for guarding the wall. He was very protective of his midday meal, and required much strength to effectively complete his job."@en . . "Man"@sv . "Malik had a lively and exciteble personality. Arthur Denison said he reminded him of his old school-teacher."@en . "Villain Fighters"@en . . "Order of Aurelius"@en . "background:#ff8080"@en . . . . . . . . "Fighting Monkeys"@en . "2715"^^ . . "Malik was brought to life by Arik Soong in 2134. Along with eighteen other Augments, Malik was raised by Soong on planet Trialas IV. As children, Malik and his \"brothers\" and \"sisters\" participated in classroom-like lectures taught by Soong, whom Malik and the others called \"father\". In the final draft script of \"Cold Station 12\" , Malik was described as \"intense even at this age.\" When Soong was captured and incarcerated in 2144 for stealing the Augment embryos ten years earlier, Malik and the others were left to survive on their own, under the leadership of Raakin. Malik became attracted to Persis, but she chose to become Raakin's consort, believing him to be the strongest. Despite this, Persis fell in love with Malik, as well. (ENT: \"Borderland\", \"Cold Station 12\") By 2154, Malik had grown tired of hiding on Trialas IV. That year, he and his \"brother\", Saul, captured a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, killing its crew in the process. The Klingons responded by threatening war with Earth over the incident. Enterprise NX-01 was sent to capture Malik and the Augments in order to prevent further confrontation. Malik's success at acquiring a ship to escape the Trialas system enraged Raakin, as he had not sanctioned the attack against the Klingons. Though Raakin knew the Klingon Empire would be hunting for the Augments, Malik assured him that the Klingons would not find them. After Raakin then ordered the Bird-of-Prey to another star system where the Augments could live out their lives in peace, Malik, believing Raakin had gone against Soong's wishes, persuaded Persis to assist him in overthrowing Raakin as leader. With Raakin trapped by Malik and his followers, Malik killed Raakin, claiming it to be an \"act of mercy\". He then seized command of the Bird-of-Prey and took Persis as his consort. Having received a signal from Soong, who was being held in the brig aboard Enterprise, Malik had the Brid-of-Prey dock with the Starfleet ship. As Malik spoke with the ship's captain, Jonathan Archer, Persis led a group of Augments to free Soong. Malik himself took Archer as a hostage to ensure he returned to the docking bay without incident. Upon arriving at the bay, he released Archer and was reunited with his \"father\". Soong and the Augments then boarded the Bird-of-Prey and, leaving behind a disabled Enterprise, set a course for Cold Station 12 to retrieve the remaining 1,800 Augment embryos still in cold storage. (ENT: \"Borderland\") On Cold Station 12, station director Jeremy Lucas refused to give Soong the code which would open the stasis chamber containing the embryos despite a painful interrogation. Malik suggested they torture one of Lucas' colleagues to get the director to talk, an option Soong reluctantly accepted. Malik tortured the station's deputy director by infecting him with one of the station's many stored pathogens, Symbalene blood burn. When Lucas still refused to give up the code, Soong, unwilling to see anyone die, ordered Malik to release the anti-pathogen. Malik refused, forcing Soong to take over the station's controls, but by the time he was able to release the anti-pathogen, the deputy director had died. When Archer, Phlox, and other crewmembers were captured while attempting to infiltrate the station, Malik learned that Lucas and Phlox were friends and, again defying Soong's orders, he placed the Denobulan in the pathogen booth. Before releasing the pathogen, however, Lucas opted to input the code for the stasis chamber. As Soong collected the embryos, Malik stole several containers of infectious diseases without Soong's knowledge. He planned to use these infectious diseases as a bioweapon to destroy a nearby Klingon colony, thereby pitting Starfleet against the Klingon Empire. Before leaving, Archer made one final attempt at gaining control of the situation, but Malik was able to defeat him, although he remarked that Archer was a \"competent fighter\". Believing the attack to be a reasonable excuse to justify Archer's murder, Malik set every stasis field in the station to collapse, which would have released the hundreds of fatal pathogens stored there. After Malik left, however, Archer and the others were able to escape the pathogens. (ENT: \"Cold Station 12\", \"The Augments\") When Soong learned of Malik's plan to destroy a Klingon colony and refused to allow it, Malik reclaimed command of the Augments and imprisoned Soong in his quarters. Although she sided with Malik in imprisoning Soong for fear Malik would kill her, Persis later helped Soong escape. However, Malik knew Persis was responsible, and killed her. As she died, he proclaimed he would miss her, and stole her last breath with a kiss. Malik was ultimately successful in launching the torpedo carrying the diseases, but it was destroyed by Enterprise. Even though Malik disabled most of Enterprise's weapons, the aft phase cannon was still functional. Enterprise used it to disable the Bird-of-Prey. Refusing to be captured, Malik overloaded the dilithium matrix and destroyed the ship. However, he was able to transport himself to Enterprise before the Bird-of-Prey was destroyed. On Enterprise, Malik attacked Soong with the intent of killing his \"father\" for betraying his children, but was himself killed by Archer with a puncturing particle rifle blast through the torso. (ENT: \"The Augments\") Malik was played by Alec Newman. In the final draft script of \"Borderland\", Malik (in common with Saul) was initially described as being in his twenties, \"strikingly handsome, with [a] toned physique\" despite being \"average in height\". The third and fifth issues of the comic Star Trek: Khan shows Malik as one of alternate Khan's followers in 1996, and as part of his crew on the Botany Bay. It is not explained how Malik would have been present in 1996 and on the Botany Bay. He also appears in the comic Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds Issue 4."@en . . . "Malik is a Turkish guide who appears in the film Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece in The Adventures of Tintin series. He was seen where Captain Archibald Haddock was banging on the table causing the Middle Eastern pipe to leek. Apparently, he asks Tintin and Haddock about their trip to Istanbul. It reveals that he is the stranger, trying to trap and lock them in. Tintin heard gunshots and he escapes, and then interrogates Malik. Malik wants to prove he's innocent, but Haddock insists on trying to attack him. He give him the logo, and escapes, and haven't seen or heard the last of Malik."@en . "gypsy child"@en . . . "Human"@en . . . "Malik is the antagonist of the book series the zodiac legacy."@en . . . "Malik"@sv . . . "TDS: TBA"@en . . . . . "Moonglow"@en . . . . "TDFS: TBA"@en . . . . . . . "Black with dyed blue top"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jamil Walker"@en . . "Malik was brought to life by Arik Soong in 2134. Along with eighteen other Augments, Malik was raised by Soong on planet Trialas IV. As children, Malik and his \"brothers\" and \"sisters\" participated in classroom-like lectures taught by Soong, whom Malik and the others called \"father\". In the final draft script of \"Cold Station 12\" , Malik was described as \"intense even at this age.\""@en . . . "Malik is the antagonist of the book series the zodiac legacy."@en . . . . "Able to see deception, Can't be tricked, Can hear his name from a mile away Balance, Tricking others, Being loyal and honest"@en . . . "Ruler of Solomon's Kingdom , Prince"@en . . . "Ulvi Uraz"@en . "1998"^^ . . . "Guide"@en . . "Marco Polo"@en . "Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece"@en . . "Malik"@en . . . . . . . "Marco Polo"@de . . . . . "Erudite"@en . "200"^^ . . . "Male"@en . . "(Malik as he appears in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands)"@en . . "Persia"@en . . "TDRunway: TBA"@en . . . . . . . "Malik is an Afghan man sent by Stanford Wedeck as a guide to Aaron Stark. (\"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\") During the Global Blackout, Malik was in a car with his wife and daughter. The car went over an embankment, killing Malik's family, though Malik himself survived. (\"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\") Malik approaches Stark in a restaurant. They leave together to go search for Kahmir Dejan. They come across a roadblock with armed guards, who shoot and kill Malik, but Stark is saved by the arrival of Dejan. (\"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\")"@en . "Malik 1986.JPG"@en . "Malik in 2016"@en . "3637"^^ . "thumb|right|Malik wird mit Puddingbechern beladen ([[)]] Malik ist der alte Volvo 244 von Turk und J.D.."@de . "Malik"@en . . . . . "Malik"@en . "Malik"@en . . . . . . . . "Tynan \u2013 heretyk, cz\u0142owiek, bohater standardowy w Might and Magic: Heroes VI. Posiada specjalizacj\u0119 Kr\u00F3lewska sakwa, kt\u00F3ra zwi\u0119ksza doch\u00F3d pa\u0144stwa o 250 sztuk z\u0142ota dziennie. Jego podstawowymi jednostka s\u0105: maniacy, w liczbie 7, i piekielne brytany, w liczbie 6."@pl . "*DWYCK"@en . . "Malik (AKA Galix) was an artist for Urban Rivals. The cards he drew are..."@en . . . "male"@en . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "\"Sateda\""@en . . . . . "In Ultima V, Malik could refer the Avatar his mother for her skills as a fortune teller, although he would ask three gold coins to tell the hero where they lived. Spending most of his time playing games, he reported that he'd once met Saul, a man who could procure the rare reagents, nightshade and mandrake. He also had had a brush with an aspiring pirate who had tried to make glass weapons."@en . . . . "Blue"@en . "Malik ist ein mongolischer Bandit des 13. Jahrhunderts. Acomat und er arbeiten mit Tegana an einem Plan, um die Mitglieder der Marco-Polo-Karawane zu t\u00F6ten. Der Plan scheitert und Tegana t\u00F6tet Malik, weil er verhindern will, dass Polo von seinen Pl\u00E4nen erf\u00E4hrt. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (13. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Kriminelle Kategorie:Tot"@de . . "background:green"@en . . . . . "Malik, labeled The Psycho, was the winner of Total Drama Island: Redo on the Vicious Vultures team. He was a cast member on Total Drama Psychotic, and was placed on the Fighting Monkeys team. And on Total Drama Runway, he is placed on Team Bossman. He is back for Total Drama: Final Stand. (BTW yes this is me, the owner of Malik, Liklik2012! <3 gonna fix this up whenever I can.)"@en . "TDIRedo 2nd"@en . . . "Dartain's Fortress"@en . . . "TDP: TBA"@en . . "Everyone"@en . . "2154"^^ . "Time keeper"@en . "Malik"@en . "Malik is a hero featured in Might & Magic: Heroes VI and Might & Magic X: Legacy."@en . . . . . "Unbekannt_mann.jpg"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Charles Wade"@en . "LDE: 2nd"@en . "TDRunway: TBA"@en . . . . "thumb|right|Malik wird mit Puddingbechern beladen ([[)]] Malik ist der alte Volvo 244 von Turk und J.D.."@de . . . . "Team Bossman"@en . . . . "Palestinian"@en . . "2134"^^ . "thumb|Malik im Jahr 2143 thumb|Malik im Jahr 2154 Malik ist ein menschlicher Augment und somit ein Produkt der letzten genetischen Experimente des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er wird von Doktor Arik Soong im Jahr 2134 auf die Welt gebracht und sieht sich selbst als den st\u00E4rksten Augment von allen an. Malik und weitere 18 Augments werden von Arik Soong heimlich auf den Planeten Trialas IV gebracht, wo er sie auch unterrichtet. Mit der Zeit sehen die Augments Doktor Soong eher als Vater-Figur an, anstatt als Lehrer. Als Soong jedoch im Jahr 2144 aufgesp\u00FCrt und f\u00FCr das Stehlen der Embryos von der Forschungsstation Cold Station 12 verurteilt wird, m\u00FCssen Malik und die anderen nun ums eigene \u00DCberleben k\u00E4mpfen, wobei Raakin die Anf\u00FChrerrolle einnimmt. Dieser hat Malik in ihrer Jugend einmal das Leben gere"@de . . "Malik"@en . "Turkish"@en . . . "Prince"@en . . "*Manifest"@en . . "TDIRedo: TBA"@en . "ear"@en . . . . . . "Malik possessed the common powers and vulnerabilities of the vampires plus:\n* Strength, speed, stamina, and resistance greater than those of common vampires.\n* Shapeshifting\n* Teleportation."@en . . . "Malik ist ein mongolischer Bandit des 13. Jahrhunderts. Acomat und er arbeiten mit Tegana an einem Plan, um die Mitglieder der Marco-Polo-Karawane zu t\u00F6ten. Der Plan scheitert und Tegana t\u00F6tet Malik, weil er verhindern will, dass Polo von seinen Pl\u00E4nen erf\u00E4hrt. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (13. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Kriminelle Kategorie:Tot"@de . . . . "In Ultima V, Malik could refer the Avatar his mother for her skills as a fortune teller, although he would ask three gold coins to tell the hero where they lived. Spending most of his time playing games, he reported that he'd once met Saul, a man who could procure the rare reagents, nightshade and mandrake. He also had had a brush with an aspiring pirate who had tried to make glass weapons."@en . "406122"^^ . . . . . "TDS: TBA"@en . "Malik"@cs . . . "Sentinel's Fate"@en . . "Malik"@de . "1998"^^ . . . "Malik is an album that was released in 1972 by The Lafatyette Afro Rock Band."@en . "Malik had a lively and exciteble personality. Arthur Denison said he reminded him of his old school-teacher."@en . "Tynan \u2013 heretyk, cz\u0142owiek, bohater standardowy w Might and Magic: Heroes VI. Posiada specjalizacj\u0119 Kr\u00F3lewska sakwa, kt\u00F3ra zwi\u0119ksza doch\u00F3d pa\u0144stwa o 250 sztuk z\u0142ota dziennie. Jego podstawowymi jednostka s\u0105: maniacy, w liczbie 7, i piekielne brytany, w liczbie 6."@pl . "Malik in 2154."@en . . . . . "138"^^ . "Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece"@en . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Luke Cage"@en . . . . . . "Malik var en manlig Satedaner och en medlem av Satedaner Planetariska Styrkor som var en del av Ronon Dexs enhet. Han d\u00F6dades n\u00E4r Wraith culled Sateda. (ATL: \"Sateda\") kategori:Satedaner kategori:En-g\u00E5ng Atlantis karakt\u00E4r"@sv . "Malik was a male Redwall Abbey resident responsible for guarding the wall. He was very protective of his midday meal, and required much strength to effectively complete his job."@en . "|}"@en . "malikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalkilikmlikfkldsujigufoigiuuuugfdhuyuisyuifyuvigisfiuvufyuydisuyuqytuyetrytduyuysgtyersuytdeuhrijklagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggffffffffffffffffdddddddddddddddddssssssssssssaaaaaafdghjcvh fdc hdgscfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg5e5ghdfsghfgsfdfhgsrfdgasfgd"@en . "Mother, Father, Sister, Wanye, Jade"@en . "Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands"@en . "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"@en . "TBA"@en . "Malik is a Turkish guide who appears in the film Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece in The Adventures of Tintin series. He was seen where Captain Archibald Haddock was banging on the table causing the Middle Eastern pipe to leek. Apparently, he asks Tintin and Haddock about their trip to Istanbul. It reveals that he is the stranger, trying to trap and lock them in. Tintin heard gunshots and he escapes, and then interrogates Malik. Malik wants to prove he's innocent, but Haddock insists on trying to attack him. He give him the logo, and escapes, and haven't seen or heard the last of Malik."@en . . . . . "TDFS: TBA"@en . "Deceased"@en . "Malik, labeled The Psycho, was the winner of Total Drama Island: Redo on the Vicious Vultures team. He was a cast member on Total Drama Psychotic, and was placed on the Fighting Monkeys team. And on Total Drama Runway, he is placed on Team Bossman. He is back for Total Drama: Final Stand. (BTW yes this is me, the owner of Malik, Liklik2012! <3 gonna fix this up whenever I can.)"@en . . . "2154"^^ . . . . "Krux's base in the Hakaba System. It is hidden by a dark force field. The only way that Rallen and Jeena could break through the shell was by making seven Dynaliums, light-based weapons, each charged with a separate color of light."@en . . . . . . . "Malik was a Twi'lek male admiral in the Republic Navy during the Galactic War. He commanded the fleet attacking Dromund Kaas in 3,637 BBY, and was killed when his flagship was destroyed."@en . . . "|}"@en . "Malik was the boyfriend of Jazmine Stokes and the father of Cornell Stokes."@en . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "malikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalikmalkilikmlikfkldsujigufoigiuuuugfdhuyuisyuifyuvigisfiuvufyuydisuyuqytuyetrytduyuysgtyersuytdeuhrijklagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggffffffffffffffffdddddddddddddddddssssssssssssaaaaaafdghjcvh fdc hdgscfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg5e5ghdfsghfgsfdfhgsrfdgasfgd"@en . "TDIRedo 1st"@en . "tot"@de . . "Malik (last name unrevealed), AKA \"Theseus\" and \"Theo Gamble\" was a serial killer responsible for the deaths of four boys from 1999 to 2007. When cornered by police after abducting a fifth boy, Malik committed suicide by slitting his throat."@en . . "Malik, formerly known as ilz, is currently the Owner of the Kalphite King lootshare mass friend's chat LSKK247. He is also a Captain in the staking commision FC Elite Wagers. He started playing RuneScape in 2006 and is still currently playing. Malik achieved 99 in all skills on January 14, 2015. Malik was awarded the Completionist Cape on June 7th, 2016."@en . . . . "Although the early forms of the name were to be found among the Pre-Arab and Pre-Islamic Semites of The Levant, Canaan and Mesopotamia, it has since been adopted in various other, mainly Islamized or Arabized, Asian languages for their ruling princes and to render kings elsewhere. It is also sometimes used in derived meanings. 'Al-Malik' (literally 'The King') is one of the Names of Allah."@en . . "Black"@en . "TDA: TBA"@en . "Redwall AbbeyCraft: The Corsair's Last Treasure"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Image:.png"@en . . . . "Devaten\u00E1ct embry\u00ED ukradl ze stanice doktor Arik Soong, kter\u00FD vedl tamn\u00ED v\u00FDzkumn\u00FD l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00FD t\u00FDm. Ode\u0161el s nimi na planetu Trialas IV, kde je p\u0159ivedl k \u017Eivotu a vychov\u00E1val. Pot\u00E9, co je Soong roku 2143 opustil, musela se skupina Vylep\u0161en\u00FDch o sebe postarat sama. Jej\u00ED hlavou se stal Raakin, co\u017E Malik nesl t\u011B\u017Ece. Zvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B nech\u00E1pal Rakinovo odm\u00EDtnut\u00ED z\u00EDskat zbyl\u00E1 embrya z Kryostanice 12. V roce 2154 se Malik zmocnil klingonsk\u00E9ho dravce. Spolu s ostatn\u00EDmi, i p\u0159es Raakin\u016Fv nesouhlas let\u011Bl ke Kryostanici 12. Raakina zabil a stal se nov\u00FDm v\u016Fdcem skupiny."@cs . . . . . "Owner of LSKK247"@en . . "The Hole"@en . . . . "Augment"@en . "Might & Magic: Heroes VI"@en . "Malik was a Twi'lek male admiral in the Republic Navy during the Galactic War. He commanded the fleet attacking Dromund Kaas in 3,637 BBY, and was killed when his flagship was destroyed."@en . . . "no"@en . . . "Human"@en . . . . . . . "TDP: TBA"@en . "Malik in 1986"@en . . "Devaten\u00E1ct embry\u00ED ukradl ze stanice doktor Arik Soong, kter\u00FD vedl tamn\u00ED v\u00FDzkumn\u00FD l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00FD t\u00FDm. Ode\u0161el s nimi na planetu Trialas IV, kde je p\u0159ivedl k \u017Eivotu a vychov\u00E1val. Pot\u00E9, co je Soong roku 2143 opustil, musela se skupina Vylep\u0161en\u00FDch o sebe postarat sama. Jej\u00ED hlavou se stal Raakin, co\u017E Malik nesl t\u011B\u017Ece. Zvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B nech\u00E1pal Rakinovo odm\u00EDtnut\u00ED z\u00EDskat zbyl\u00E1 embrya z Kryostanice 12. V roce 2154 se Malik zmocnil klingonsk\u00E9ho dravce. Spolu s ostatn\u00EDmi, i p\u0159es Raakin\u016Fv nesouhlas let\u011Bl ke Kryostanici 12. Raakina zabil a stal se nov\u00FDm v\u016Fdcem skupiny. Osvobodil doktora Soonga, kter\u00FD byl p\u0159inucen po Vylep\u0161en\u00FDch p\u00E1trat z paluby Enterprise (NX-01), ale kdy\u017E mezi nimi do\u0161lo k neshod\u00E1m, Soonga uv\u011Bznil. Doktorovi pomohla uprchnout Malikova milenka Persis, co\u017E ji st\u00E1lo \u017Eivot. Kdy\u017E Malikovu lo\u010F na\u0161la Enterprise, p\u0159et\u00ED\u017Eil reaktor a v\u0161ichni Vylep\u0161en\u00ED, a\u017E na Malika, zem\u0159eli p\u0159i n\u00E1sledn\u00E9m v\u00FDbuchu. S\u00E1m Malik se transportoval na Enterprise, ale ne\u017E sta\u010Dil zab\u00EDt doktora Soonga, zast\u0159elil ho kapit\u00E1n Archer (ENT: \"Borderland\", \"Cold Station 12\", \"The Augments\")"@cs . . . . "Malik in 2007"@en . . "Malik 2007.JPG"@en . . .