. "The player character is the character that you use when you play the game."@en . . "???"@en . . . "* Varies \n* This feels somewhat like an out-of-body experience."@en . "A player character (PC) is a character controlled by a player other than a Dungeon Master, as opposed to a non-player character."@en . . "A player character is a character in a video game or role playing game who is controlled or controllable by a player, and is typically a protagonist of the story told in the course of the game. This principle has been applied to the StarCraft series in various manners."@en . "Player, Adventurer, World Guardian, Portmaster, Goblin name, Fremennik name, Vampyre name"@en . . "The game takes place at Eden, a peaceful, utopic world without the need for gods. When a kid goes to a beach and runs to the shark-infested waters however, his desperate parents pray to the heavens for help. That sole prayer creates the player's character, which travels at blinding speed to Eden, saving their son just in time. The grateful family invites the player to their village, where they will be worshipped as a god. The player is then introduced to their conscience: two entities that represent good and evil and help the player learning about their powers and making important decisions. Upon reaching the village, the player is asked for help in finish building their temple, which is the center of a god's power. Once the temple has been completed, the player is introcuced to Sable, an elder villager that is also a trainer of creatures. Since every god must have a creature, Sable offers the player to choose one, provided they can open big wooden gate in the village. The player accomplishes this after a few small tasks and claims a creature. Sable instructs the player on basic creature training and departs telling the story of a giant creature that supposedly roams the land, hiding from humans and living alone. The player finds this creature, who introduces himself as \"The Guide\" and tells his tale: he once belonged to Nemesis, the most powerful god on Eden, but was abandoned for \"not being good enough for him\" and had been living alone ever since. He decides to help the player and their creature in return of their friendship. The creature teaches the player what he knows, leaving the most important (and most dangerous) lesson for last: the secret of the Creeds. Nemesis shows up before The Guide can explain this secret to the player, so he urges the player to find three aligned parts of the creed as well as an ally to help in the battle against Nemesis, who wants to be the one true god by destroying every other god and creature on Eden. Nemesis kills The Guide for his betrayal and proceeds to destroy the player's village, who is forced to escape with his creature and remaining followers through a mysterious vortex. The vortex takes the player to a new land of Eden, where they are greeted by Khazar: another god who created the vortex to save the player from Nemesis. He helps the player rebuild their realm and teaches them about woshipping, gestures and miracles, among other things in return for help in his own fight against Lethys: yet another god and an ally of Nemesis. The player starts to gain a clear advantage on this war, converting villages to their cause and approaching Lethys' realm, when Nemesis returns: This time he berates Lethys for his failure, and uses the power of three combined creeds to destroy Khazar and his creature, which is revealed to contain a part of the creed, which Lethys' own creature steals. The player then realizes what must be done: they must obtain three parts of the creed to destroy Nemesis before he does the same to the player. The player tries to attack Lethys to recover the lost part of the creed, but he steals the player's creature and escape through a vortex. The player follows him to his land, where they find out that Lethys has used some sort of power to bind the creature to three magical pillars, where it is being tortured by Lethys' own creature. The player attacks and converts Lethys' villages one by one; each removing one of the pillars until the creature is freed. Faced with imminent destruction, Lethys has no choice but to surrender: in return for his own safety, he returns the stolen creed and opens a vortex to a land that contains yet another part of the creed. The player is then given the choice of destroying or sparing Lethys. Regardless of the outcome, the player travels to the new land. Upon arriving at this land, the player realizes that this is their old realm, the one they were forced to flee from when Nemesis attacked. The land is now in ruins, with fireballs and lightning raining down from the blood red sky. A villager explains that all these troubles were caused by Nemesis, who abandoned this land, but left guardian stones behind: these powerful artifacts keep the land forever cursed. The player is asked to destroy these artifacts. The player complies, but the villager says that one more area must be saved from Nemesis' curse: a lone village that refused to bow to Nemesis, and were punished with a curse of undeath. After the player heals the village back to normal, the grateful villagers reveal the location of the second part of the creed, which is within the remains of The Guide. Nemesis returns yet again, telling the player that the parts of the creed are useless without the third one, and challenges them to a duel on his realm, as they and Nemesis are the only gods left on Eden. The player travels through the vortex to Nemesis' realm, where he immediately curses the player's creature, making its alignment the opposite of that of the player, shrinking it and sapping its strength. With the help of an informant, the player is able to decurse his creature as well as take all of Nemesis' villages. The enraged god then mocks the player's creature, calling it weak, and makes his own creature the opposite of that of the player. The player's creature battles and defeats Nemesis' creature, allowing its owner to use the power of three creeds (the third one revealed to be inside the player's own creature) to destroy Nemesis once and for all, becoming the one true god."@en . "A Player character (PC) in Dragonica (DGN) is an in-game character controlled by you or another person (also known as a Player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a player or a character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@en . . . . "A player character (PC) in World of Warcraft (WoW) is an in-game Alliance or Horde character controlled by you or another person (also known as a player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a player or a character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@el . "Sacrifice - Deceased"@en . . . . . . . . "The Player Character is the main hero of MechQuest and was an university student studying abroad at G.E.A.R.S Unversity located in Soluna City. The player customises the Player Character to have any hair colour or name available and can even choose their Mecha. Their achievements of note now include helping Captain Sys-Zero fight an alien virus and assisting Mysterious Johnson in fighting the mysterious Gummi-Bear Ghost during Ghost-hunting missions. Later on in the Asteroid, a Dragonoid (robotic dragon) met up with them. They also saved planet Zargon from being decimated by Dr. Boltavolt by helping the superheroine Starstorm (Codename: Selina) ascend to great power. They are also considered to be the Chosen One of prophecy during the great Westion War, both stated by the Priestesses Tikala and Celestia, mainly because they had the Dragon Box. Their main enemy is The Shadowsycthe Leader, Valoth, who commands a fleet of Starships to attack. While they were fighting Valoth, the Player Character made a crucial mistake and The Reset started."@en . . "A player character (PC) in World of Warcraft (WoW) is an in-game Alliance or Horde character controlled by you or another person (also known as a player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a player or a character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@el . . . "A player character or PC is a character whose actions are controlled by a player rather than the Dungeon Master."@en . "???"@en . . "At the start of the Sixth Age, they were made one of the Guardians of Guthix - known as the World Guardian - and were tasked by Guthix himself with protecting Gielinor from the gods, and granted a degree of immunity to god magic to make doing so possible."@en . . "A player character, commonly abbreviated as PC, is a character controlled by a player, as opposed to an NPC, or non-player character, which is controlled by the game system."@en . "A player character (PC) is a character controlled by a player other than a Dungeon Master, as opposed to a non-player character."@en . . . . . . . . "Silk Fox - Adopted cousin"@en . . "???"@en . "Varies"@en . "A player character is a persona adopted by a player in a role-playing game. The player makes decisions for that character and defines their personality. In most cases, they are also the author of that character and designer of their traits."@en . . "Either"@en . . . . . "This feels somewhat like an out-of-body experience."@en . "The Player Character is the protagonist of Star Wars: The Old Republic and depending on the person's class, will have their own unique storyline. In Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire, the Player Character will be known as The Outlander. The Outlander, also later known as the Commander, was a hero of the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, and was previously involved in the hunt for the former Sith Emperor after his revival at Yavin 4. After the Eternal Empire of Zakuul conquered much of the known galaxy in 3637 BBY, the Outlander famously built up a faction known as the Alliance to oppose it and its oppression."@en . "Early 20's"@en . . "No"@en . . "Alive and Active"@en . . "A player character or playable character (PC) is a character in a video game or role playing game who is controlled or controllable by a player, and is typically a protagonist of the story told in the course of the game. A player character is a persona of the player who controls it. Player characters are often also metonymically called players. Some video games only have one player character, others, especially two player games have two, or another small number of player characters to choose from, one for each player. Where more than one player character is available, the characters may have slightly or completely different abilities, strengths and weaknesses to make the game play style different. Games such as fighting games typically have a larger amount of player characters to choose from, with some basic moves available to all or most characters and some unique moves only available to one or a few characters. Fighting games often have no unique levels to travel through only combat, so having many different characters to play with and against, that possess different moves and abilities is necessary to create a larger gameplay variety that other games may get with different levels. A player character may sometimes be based on a real person, or non-fictional character especially in sports games that use the names and likenesses of real sports people. Historical people and leaders may sometimes appear as characters too, particularly in strategy or empire building games such as in Sid Meier's Civilization series. Curiously, in the case of Civilization, a player's chosen historical character is the same throughout the course of the game despite the fact that a campaign can last several hundred years before and after the lifetime of the real historical persona. Such a player character is more properly an avatar as the player character's name and image typically have little bearing on the game itself. Avatars are also commonly seen in casino game simulations. In role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons or Final Fantasy, a player typically creates or takes on the identity of a character that may have nothing in common with the player. The character is usually of a certain (often fictional) race and class (such as warrior or magic user), each with strengths and weaknesses. The attributes of the characters (such as magic and fighting ability) are given as numerical values which can be increased as the gamer progresses and gains rank and experience points through accomplishing goals or fighting enemies. In many computer adventure games, and especially in first-person shooter games, the player character is an anonymous person with no character history or backstory. Typically, this is intentionally done by the game creators so that the player may simply imagine himself in the adventure without being required to play a character who is of a different age, race, gender, or background. The Stranger in the Myst franchise is such a character. In most such games, the player character has no onscreen dialogue and Non-Player Characters will typically address the player as though they don't expect a verbal response. They will never call the player character by name and will always address the player in a gender-neutral form. This is also frequently found in real-time strategy games such as Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle for Dune. In such games, the only real indication that the player has a character (instead of an omnipresent status), is from the cutscenes during which the character is being given a mission briefing or debriefing; the player is usually addressed as \"general\", \"commander\", or another military rank. In gaming culture, such a character was called Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person, abbreviated as AFGNCAAP (pronounced \"afgan-cap\"); a term that originated in Zork: Grand Inquisitor where it is used satirically to refer to the player. Such games are also known for lacking mirrors that a player may directly look into. By contrast, a Non-Player Character (often shortened to NPC) is a character in a game whose actions are not under the player's control. Non-playable characters may be bystanders, competitors, Bosses, or may exist to aid the player's progress in the game. A secret character may be a playable character in a video game available after completing the game or meeting other requirements. In some video games, characters that are not secret but appear only as non-player characters like bosses or enemies become playable characters, after completing certain requirements, or sometimes using cheat codes."@en . . "Two Rivers School - formerly"@en . "A player character (PC) is a character run by a player, who directly decides the character's actions. They are distinguished from Dungeon Master avatars (who are not considered actual characters in the story) and non-player characters, who are run by the computer if not possessed by a Dungeon Master."@en . . . . "See Support style"@en . "Unknown parents - deceased"@en . . . "A player character is a character that is controlled by a player in Earthrise, as opposed to NPCs or Mobs, which are controlled by the server."@en . "A Player Character (or PC) is a fictional persona controlled by a Player, normally in a group called a party. and the story usually follows them making them the protagonists. In a traditional Mystery campaign for example, the PCs are the detectives uncovering clues and trying to find the bad guy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "[name]"@en . "Player characters are characters that are always played by a certain player. For example, Kazumi is Darkstar-Dracon's character, and always played by him."@en . "'''Player Determinrd"@en . "A player character may sometimes be based on a real person, especially in sports games that use the names and likenesses of real sports people. Historical people and leaders may sometimes appear as characters too, particularly in strategy or empire building games such as in Sid Meier's Civilization series. Curiously, in the case of Civilization, a player's chosen historical character is the same throughout the course of the game despite the fact that a campaign can last several hundred years before and after the lifetime of the real historical persona. Such a player character is more properly an avatar as the player character's name and image typically have little bearing on the game itself. Avatars are also commonly seen in casino game simulations."@en . "N/A"@en . . . "A player character may sometimes be based on a real person, especially in sports games that use the names and likenesses of real sports people. Historical people and leaders may sometimes appear as characters too, particularly in strategy or empire building games such as in Sid Meier's Civilization series. Curiously, in the case of Civilization, a player's chosen historical character is the same throughout the course of the game despite the fact that a campaign can last several hundred years before and after the lifetime of the real historical persona. Such a player character is more properly an avatar as the player character's name and image typically have little bearing on the game itself. Avatars are also commonly seen in casino game simulations."@en . . "An NPC resembling a player character is sometimes called a Player spoof."@en . . . "Dawn Star -Adopted sister"@en . . "Umbrella Security Services operative"@en . . . "3"^^ . "See Fighting styles"@en . "Abbreviation: PC Definition: Player Characters are all the people that you play the game with. They are the characters that are controlled by other people around the world. Players can currently pick one of five races: Mithra, Tarutaru, Elvaan, Galka, or Hume. All player characters play the role of adventurer. Each races has their own special qualities to them. Considering your race in advance can prove to be a benefit to your future adventuring."@en . "Abbreviation: PC Definition: Player Characters are all the people that you play the game with. They are the characters that are controlled by other people around the world. Players can currently pick one of five races: Mithra, Tarutaru, Elvaan, Galka, or Hume. All player characters play the role of adventurer. Each races has their own special qualities to them. Considering your race in advance can prove to be a benefit to your future adventuring."@en . . . . . . "???"@en . "Player Character (PC) refers to an active, participating character controlled by a person (or player, hence the name) sitting at a keyboard typing storyline, content, dialog, commands, etc. They have infused a personality into the character, and are acting through the character. The Player Character is also the embodiment of the player's \"account\" on the MUSH server."@en . . "The player character is a Pok\u00E9mon trainer beginning their Pok\u00E9mon journey. They start their journey in their hometown by getting a starter Pok\u00E9mon, a Pok\u00E9mon that appears very early in their native region's Pok\u00E9dex, and is of the Grass-, Fire- or Water-type. The region's native Pok\u00E9mon Professor will give them this, as well as a Pok\u00E9dex. Players can choose which of two available characters to play as. They have a rival who begins their journey at the same time. Players take part in several events, and meet a great number of Pok\u00E9mon and people during their adventure. A common target is to conquer the Pok\u00E9mon League's eight Gym Leaders and Elite Four, and become the Champion. Several additional sidequests occur during and after the game's main plot."@en . . . . "Sun Kin - Adopted uncle"@en . "Runescape beta is now online!"@en . . "A player character or playable character (PC) is a character in a video game or role playing game who is controlled or controllable by a player, and is typically a protagonist of the story told in the course of the game. A player character is a persona of the player who controls it. Player characters are often also metonymically called players. Some video games only have one player character, others, especially two player games have two, or another small number of player characters to choose from, one for each player. Where more than one player character is available, the characters may have slightly or completely different abilities, strengths and weaknesses to make the game play style different. Games such as fighting games typically have a larger amount of player characters to choose fr"@en . . . . "Varies"@en . . . "A player character is a character that is controlled by a player in Earthrise, as opposed to NPCs or Mobs, which are controlled by the server."@en . . . . . . "A player character is a character in a video game or role playing game who is controlled or controllable by a player, and is typically a protagonist of the story told in the course of the game. This principle has been applied to the StarCraft series in various manners."@en . . . . . "Human"@en . "2001-01-04"^^ . . . . "Player character"@el . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Male"@en . . "A player character (PC) is a character run by a player, who directly decides the character's actions. They are distinguished from Dungeon Master avatars (who are not considered actual characters in the story) and non-player characters, who are run by the computer if not possessed by a Dungeon Master. PCs have a greater persistence than an individual game, and for the most part, PCs can carry over items and experience between modules. A PC's progression is independently tracked and maintained over the course of his or her adventuring life. However, for story and game play reasons, some modules will disallow certain types of items, and some are directed towards characters of certain levels. Some modules will take this to the point of removing all items from entering PCs (perhaps allowing those items to be recovered as the module ends) and possibly forcing an entering PC to a certain level. The files tracking player characters between modules (not in saved games) have the .bic extension and are stored in the local vault or server vault as appropriate. Server vault applies only to multiplayer, and the characters in a server vault are further categorized by player name (meaning that each player name becomes a subdirectory of the server vault directory)."@en . . . . "A Player Character (PC) in Dragonica (DGN) is an in-game character controlled by you or another person (also known as a Player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a Player or a Character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player Characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@en . . "Yes"@en . . "A Player Character (PC) in Dragonica (DGN) is an in-game character controlled by you or another person (also known as a Player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a Player or a Character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player Characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@en . . "Open Palm/Closed Fist - Alive"@en . . . . "Player Character"@en . . "Male/Female"@en . . "The Player Character is the main hero of MechQuest and was an university student studying abroad at G.E.A.R.S Unversity located in Soluna City. The player customises the Player Character to have any hair colour or name available and can even choose their Mecha. Their achievements of note now include helping Captain Sys-Zero fight an alien virus and assisting Mysterious Johnson in fighting the mysterious Gummi-Bear Ghost during Ghost-hunting missions. Later on in the Asteroid, a Dragonoid (robotic dragon) met up with them."@en . . "At the start of the Sixth Age, they were made one of the Guardians of Guthix - known as the World Guardian - and were tasked by Guthix himself with protecting Gielinor from the gods, and granted a degree of immunity to god magic to make doing so possible."@en . "A player character (PC) in World of Warcraft (WoW) is an in-game Alliance or Horde character controlled by you or another person (also known as a player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a player or a character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@en . . . . . "An NPC resembling a player character is sometimes called a Player spoof."@en . "A Player Character (or PC) is a fictional persona controlled by a Player, normally in a group called a party. and the story usually follows them making them the protagonists. In a traditional Mystery campaign for example, the PCs are the detectives uncovering clues and trying to find the bad guy."@en . . "The player character is a Pok\u00E9mon trainer beginning their Pok\u00E9mon journey. They start their journey in their hometown by getting a starter Pok\u00E9mon, a Pok\u00E9mon that appears very early in their native region's Pok\u00E9dex, and is of the Grass-, Fire- or Water-type. The region's native Pok\u00E9mon Professor will give them this, as well as a Pok\u00E9dex. Players can choose which of two available characters to play as. They have a rival who begins their journey at the same time."@en . "A player character is a persona adopted by a player in a role-playing game. The player makes decisions for that character and defines their personality. In most cases, they are also the author of that character and designer of their traits."@en . . . . . . "The Player character, aka The Last Spirit Monk, is the main protagonist of the game Jade Empire. The character is defined not only by a physical model, but by choice of martial arts styles, allocation of skills gained through leveling, and choice of philosophy."@en . "Player characters are characters that are always played by a certain player. For example, Kazumi is Darkstar-Dracon's character, and always played by him."@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Player character"@en . . . "A player character or PC is a character whose actions are controlled by a player rather than the Dungeon Master."@en . . "Sun Hai - Adopted uncle"@en . . . . . . "Player Character (PC) refers to an active, participating character controlled by a person (or player, hence the name) sitting at a keyboard typing storyline, content, dialog, commands, etc. They have infused a personality into the character, and are acting through the character. The Player Character is also the embodiment of the player's \"account\" on the MUSH server."@en . . "The game takes place at Eden, a peaceful, utopic world without the need for gods. When a kid goes to a beach and runs to the shark-infested waters however, his desperate parents pray to the heavens for help. That sole prayer creates the player's character, which travels at blinding speed to Eden, saving their son just in time. Sable instructs the player on basic creature training and departs telling the story of a giant creature that supposedly roams the land, hiding from humans and living alone."@en . "The player character is the character that you use when you play the game."@en . . "???"@en . "The Player character, aka The Last Spirit Monk, is the main protagonist of the game Jade Empire. The character is defined not only by a physical model, but by choice of martial arts styles, allocation of skills gained through leveling, and choice of philosophy."@en . . "The Player Character is the protagonist of Star Wars: The Old Republic and depending on the person's class, will have their own unique storyline. In Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire, the Player Character will be known as The Outlander. The Outlander, also later known as the Commander, was a hero of the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, and was previously involved in the hunt for the former Sith Emperor after his revival at Yavin 4. After the Eternal Empire of Zakuul conquered much of the known galaxy in 3637 BBY, the Outlander famously built up a faction known as the Alliance to oppose it and its oppression."@en . . "Sun Li - Adopted father"@en . "A player character, commonly abbreviated as PC, is a character controlled by a player, as opposed to an NPC, or non-player character, which is controlled by the game system."@en . . . . . . . . . "''"@en . . "A Player character (PC) in Dragonica (DGN) is an in-game character controlled by you or another person (also known as a Player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a player or a character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP)."@en . "x"@en . . . . . . . . "A player character (PC) in World of Warcraft (WoW) is an in-game Alliance or Horde character controlled by you or another person (also known as a player). When you first start playing the game, you create a character for yourself, and you play the game as that character. Also referred to as just a player or a character. Some other names used: \n* Alt or Main \n* Avatar \n* Toon NOTE: Player characters are just one type of in-game character; see Non-Player characters (NPCs). Fighting another player character is called Player versus Player (PvP). In many role-playing games, a strict division is made between the player (the human being that plays the game) and the fictitious character that the player controls in the game (i.e., the player character or short: character). However, in World of Warcraft and its associated official internet sites, this distinction is not strictly made. Tooltips and other texts refer to the fictitous player character as \"the player\", thus blurring the line between player and player character. Whether Blizzard does this intentionally (e.g. to increase identification with the game world) or not is unknown."@en .