. . "Walhalla-Grenze"@de . . "I've dreamed about you since I was a kit. Now that I met you for real, I can believe anything."@en . "Dumah est la seconde plan\u00E8te orbitant autour de l'\u00E9toile Micah. Article principal: Dumah"@fr . "It's not any cat's battle! I've got the bark. Moth Flight's taking it to Rocky. There's no point in fighting now."@en . . . . . "Micah"@en . . "Moth Flight and Acorn Fur about Micah"@en . "Micah"@en . "Gef\u00E4hrtin"@de . . "I had doubts about taking Micah in. When he cured Tiny Branch, I regretted my promise to let him stay. He was a farm cat, sleek from easy living, too sure of himself to be trusted. I didn't think he had any place in a Clan. But I was wrong. He devoted every thought and every moment to his Clanmates. All of us who doubted him came to respect his intelligence and value his kindness."@en . "Clear Sky"@en . "Viridian"@en . "3"^^ . . . . "Moth Flight. Thank you for letting me come with you to Highstones. And for bringing me to the Clans."@en . "Moth Flight's Vision, page 109"@en . . . "Micah"@de . . "149"^^ . "They have his spirit."@en . . "first"@en . "Kakabel"@de . "Micah becomes the leader of the cult after Isaacs death. He is posessed by the One who walks behind the rows, the demonic entity the cult worships, when John Garrett appears to investigate, what happened regarding Gaitlin. They begin to murder the townspeople one by one under his leadership driven by the corruption the people in Gaitlin also have. Finally they kill the rest of them and want John\u00B4s son to sacrifice his girlfriend to the demonic entity. John and Frank intervene and with his son\u00B4s help they stop him and the cult altogether."@en . "Single"@en . . . "Brown"@en . "Moth Flight to Clear Sky about Micah"@en . "StarClan Resident:"@en . . . . . . . "S\u00F6hne"@de . . . . . "It will be okay. I know you're sad. I miss you too. I love you. I'll always love you. Don't let sadness change you. You have to keep going!"@en . . . "Micah was a soldier at Fort Drell. He and Keel were on guard duty together one night. That night they along with Alanna of Trebond were captured by Tusaine soldiers. The only reason why Micah and Keel were taken prisoner, however, was to hide the fact that Alanna was the real target. Duke Hilam told them that they would be released after giving him enough information. Alanna picked their locks and they managed to escape from their prison to get help, not knowing that Prince Jonathan was already on his way with a few friends."@en . "Micah (1) (\u201CMicah Heslop\u201D (3), pseudonym: \u201CThomas Abney\u201D (6)). A farm girl, 16 years old. She has straight hair of no particular color (blonde/brown) in a bowl cut. Short, squarish, with a heavy face, Micah is physically awkward and androgynous. She takes advantage of that last to let people assume that she is a boy. This is because her family has told her that people will bother her a lot less if they believe she is a boy. But, Micah never directly claims to be anything other than what she is; she simply does not correct anyone who claims otherwise."@en . . . . . . "*Alex Karev\n*Meredith Grey\n*Stephanie Edwards\n*Jo Wilson"@en . "You were always braver and smarter than you thought. It's one of the reasons I loved you, and why I still miss you. But you have so much left to do. Making decisions is easy; living with them is the true courage of test. Only by being true to yourself and becoming the medicine cat you dream will you learn how truly special you are."@en . "Acorn Fur"@en . "Israfil"@de . . "2"^^ . . . "Blue"@en . . "Dumah"@de . . . "Sun Shadow to Moth Flight about Micah"@en . "No, but I see that our destinies were only ever meant to cross for a short time. Aren't we lucky they did? Now you have our kits."@en . . . . "Micah is a thick-furred, pale yellow tabby tom with bright green eyes, and a long tail."@en . "Dumah"@fr . "Hume"@de . . "Dapplepelt, Cloudspots"@en . "Micah is the young hospital employee who develops an interest in Chi Park in the Season 8 episode We Need the Eggs. He was portrayed by actor/musician Patrick Stump. Micah advertised a guitar for sale and got a message from Dr. Park. However, he had sold it in the meantime and when he ran into her in the pathology lab he took the opportunity to meet her. She was enthusiastic about the guitar until she found out it had been sold, but was understanding and thanked Micah for letting her know. When Micah left, Taub noted to Park that he thought Micah liked her. Park told him he was wrong, but Taub noted that Micah was returning. Micah stepped back into the lab and asked Park if she might like to jam with his band that evening. Park was noncommittal, but Micah invited her anyway. After Micah left again, Taub teased Park about having a boyfriend, at which point she threatened to hit him. Park didn't go to meet Micah, and when House found out he called out Park for being a coward about relationships in order to maintain her relationship with her demanding family. However, Park finally lied to her mother about having to stay late at work and instead invited Micah to \"jam\" in House's conference room."@en . . "Israfil"@en . . "Micah is a thick-furred, pale yellow tabby tom with bright green eyes, and a long tail."@en . . . "Micah"@fr . . . "Farlas"@fr . "Micah was a CTU Los Angeles field agent active during Day 3."@en . "244"^^ . "Elohi"@fr . "245"^^ . . "Dumah"@en . . "I'm glad I spent this time with you."@en . "I respected Micah. He stood up to me. He did what he thought was right, not what would please me. He died doing what he thought was right. He had to climb back into the tree; he was being true to himself. He died as he lived-caring about others, bravely and without hesitation. We were lucky to have known him, even for so short a while."@en . "I wish I'd known Micah better. Pebble Heart says he had the heart of a Tribe cat and the courage of a Clan cat."@en . . . "Willow Tail"@en . "So do I. It's not fair! Why did you have to die? In a dumb accident!"@en . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . "251"^^ . "Micah is a child from Gaitlin. He becomes the leader of the cult after Isaac\u00B4s death. He becomes posessed by The One Who Walks Behind The Rows, the demonic entity the cult worships, when John Garrett appears to investigate, what happened regarding Gaitlin. They begin to recruit among the children in Hemingford and also begin to murder the townspeople one by one under his leadership driven by the corruption the people in Gaitlin also have. Finally they kill the rest of them and want John\u00B4s son to sacrifice his girlfriend to the demonic entity. John and Frank intervene and with his son\u00B4s help they stop him and the cult altogether."@en . "248"^^ . . "I wish I were there."@en . . . "He was a SkyClan cat."@en . . . . "zweite"@de . "I love you."@en . . . "Micah talking to Moth Flight about his destiny"@en . "Adoulin"@de . . . . "Micah was a planet which was home to a species of psychic rocks that could receive and transmit the thoughts of anyone who came into contact with them. One of these living rocks somehow came to Earth, where it became known as the Stone of Scone. (PROSE: Set in Stone)"@en . "Moth Flight"@en . "Jagged Peak and Moth Flight about Micah"@en . "Acorn Fur"@en . . "Don't say that!"@en . . "2"^^ . . . "Micah"@fr . . . "Male"@en . . "Micah#legends"@en . . . "Foster Mother:"@en . . "Field agent, CTU Los Angeles"@en . . "2"^^ . . . "Micah came into the ER after falling off a ski lift."@en . "Medicine Cat:"@en . . "Micah is an elven hunter who went hunting with Colbert."@en . "Jagged Peak"@en . . "--10-30"^^ . "Moth Flight"@en . . "\"Day 3: 4:00pm-5:00pm\""@en . . "Streuner"@de . . "What do you know about Micah's spirit?"@en . . . . "Moth Flight"@en . . "StarClan"@en . "Star Flower"@en . . "Or\u00E9e du Valhalla"@fr . "Luminosity N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Vallhallan Threshold / Micah Micah is a small system with two and two asteroid . Prerequisite: Tali: Treason (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: The Citadel II (Mass Effect 3)"@en . "Ryan Bollmann"@en . . . "They remind me so much of Micah."@en . . . "261"^^ . . . "G"@de . "256"^^ . "Stay out of this. It's not your battle."@en . "I worked with him. He was my friend and I miss him."@en . "100"^^ . "Sons:"@en . "Deceased"@en . "Micah ist ein kleines Sonnensystem mit zwei und zwei Asteroideng\u00FCrtel. Voraussetzung: Tali: Verrat (Mass Effect 2) Voraussetzung: Priorit\u00E4t: Die Citadel II (Mass Effect 3)"@de . "279"^^ . . "Micah"@fr . . "Stop!"@en . "Micah"@en . . . . . . "Dweeb"@en . "Rogue, SkyClan"@en . . "Micah"@en . "Moth Flight's Vision"@en . . . "Dumah est la seconde plan\u00E8te orbitant autour de l'\u00E9toile Micah. Article principal: Dumah"@fr . "311"^^ . . "GA: 11"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "It was my destiny."@en . . "Micah"@en . . "Kit:"@en . . . "1970"^^ . "3"^^ . . "323"^^ . "Micah"@en . . . "*Exploratory laparotomy\n*Splenectomy"@en . . "Micah is the young hospital employee who develops an interest in Chi Park in the Season 8 episode We Need the Eggs. He was portrayed by actor/musician Patrick Stump. Micah advertised a guitar for sale and got a message from Dr. Park. However, he had sold it in the meantime and when he ran into her in the pathology lab he took the opportunity to meet her. She was enthusiastic about the guitar until she found out it had been sold, but was understanding and thanked Micah for letting her know."@en . . "331"^^ . "Micah is a child from Gaitlin. He becomes the leader of the cult after Isaac\u00B4s death. He becomes posessed by The One Who Walks Behind The Rows, the demonic entity the cult worships, when John Garrett appears to investigate, what happened regarding Gaitlin. They begin to recruit among the children in Hemingford and also begin to murder the townspeople one by one under his leadership driven by the corruption the people in Gaitlin also have. Finally they kill the rest of them and want John\u00B4s son to sacrifice his girlfriend to the demonic entity. John and Frank intervene and with his son\u00B4s help they stop him and the cult altogether."@en . . "Micah"@en . . "Mate:"@en . "Moth Flight"@en . . "This can't be your destiny! It's not fair!"@en . "Micah was a planet which was home to a species of psychic rocks that could receive and transmit the thoughts of anyone who came into contact with them. One of these living rocks somehow came to Earth, where it became known as the Stone of Scone. (PROSE: Set in Stone)"@en . . . . . "Micah to Moth Flight"@en . "Medical technician"@en . "Micah.jpg"@de . "\"It's pointless to mind your own destiny. You just have to face it. [...] One path is as good as another. It's not knowing which one to take that's scary. Now that I know where I'm meant to be going, there's nothing to fear.\""@en . "Micah ist ein kleines Sonnensystem mit zwei und zwei Asteroideng\u00FCrtel. Voraussetzung: Tali: Verrat (Mass Effect 2) Voraussetzung: Priorit\u00E4t: Die Citadel II (Mass Effect 3)"@de . . "erste"@de . "White"@en . "1"^^ . . . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . . "Luminosity N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Vallhallan Threshold / Micah Micah is a small system with two and two asteroid . Prerequisite: Tali: Treason (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: The Citadel II (Mass Effect 3)"@en . "second"@en . "Ziehmutter"@de . . "Unknown"@en . "No!"@en . . . "Moth Flight"@en . . "Farlas"@en . "Systemansicht"@de . . . "Elohi"@de . "*Tibia fracture\n*Fibula fracture\n*Grade IV splenic laceration"@en . . "He was a farm cat too! Does that make it better or worse?"@en . . . "Then don't leave me!"@en . "Micah was a soldier at Fort Drell. He and Keel were on guard duty together one night. That night they along with Alanna of Trebond were captured by Tusaine soldiers. The only reason why Micah and Keel were taken prisoner, however, was to hide the fact that Alanna was the real target. Duke Hilam told them that they would be released after giving him enough information. Alanna picked their locks and they managed to escape from their prison to get help, not knowing that Prince Jonathan was already on his way with a few friends. He only appears as a minor character in chapter six of In the Hand of the Goddess."@en . "Moth Flight's Vision"@en . "Micah and Willow Tail"@en . "Micah"@de . "WolkenClan"@de . . "Moth Flight's Vision"@en . . "Did you know all along?"@en . "Micah is a senior officer of the crew Azure Knights and lord of the flag Cervantes de Leon. He sails the Viridian Ocean. He is an admiral in the Lima Island Navy in the Jade Archipelago. Micah was hacked and no longer sails the Ocean. He now plays under the pirate name, Eruptive. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . . . . . . "Micah"@en . . "You're lucky to have a cat like Micah in your Clan! He's the bravest and cleverest cat in I've met!"@en . "Unbekannt"@de . . "Gray"@en . . "Micah"@en . . "StarClan"@en . . "Heiler"@de . "G"@en . "Elohi"@en . "I'm a medicine cat. It's my duty to cure cats."@en . . "Micah (1) (\u201CMicah Heslop\u201D (3), pseudonym: \u201CThomas Abney\u201D (6)). A farm girl, 16 years old. She has straight hair of no particular color (blonde/brown) in a bowl cut. Short, squarish, with a heavy face, Micah is physically awkward and androgynous. She takes advantage of that last to let people assume that she is a boy. This is because her family has told her that people will bother her a lot less if they believe she is a boy. But, Micah never directly claims to be anything other than what she is; she simply does not correct anyone who claims otherwise. In modern terms, Micah is asexual and has an autism spectrum disorder/Aspergers [ASD]. Her family, particularly her cousin Reuben, is supportive, even if they don't understand her. Micah is fascinated by patterns. She likes order and calm, but her rigidity about how things should work can get her into trouble. Micah comes into the City every week, with her cousin, Reuben, to help him sell produce. She constantly rearranges their goods into patterns she finds pleasing. She does not quite understand bargaining, and she does not allow either her cousin or his customers to be cheated, even accidentally. As Season 1 begins, Micah is in the city with Reuben. One of their customers has a culinary emergency, and Micah agrees to help him carry his purchases home. Taking his suggestion to get a hot drink at the Ink Pot as an instruction that must be followed, Micah finds herself lost despite her best efforts to keep a map of the City (or at least the parts that she and Reuben frequent) in her head. Finding herself at a lecture on mathematics, Micah becomes part of the University's academic and social world. Rafe Fenton becomes her guide, introducing her to taverns, card games, and tomato pie, and allowing her to stay in the rooms he shares with other students. He does not realize that Micah as a girl, and his roommates do not seem to realize it either. Micah is very literal-minded, and is used to being told what to do and not talking back. This can lead to people being surprised by how seriously she takes a flippant comment. They can also be surprised and dismayed by how tenatiously she holds onto an idea. Micah is often confused about what people really mean, and just tries to keep everyone happy so they don\u2019t get upset. Rules and fairness are important to her. Micah gets agitated when put on the spot, or when in an uncontrolled crowded and loud environment, or when someone is shouting at her. A friendly ally can often calm her down by having her concentrate on mathematical puzzles or formulae."@en . . "Kasabel"@fr . . "Micah's? Yes. And I'm proud of it."@en . "Kakabel"@en . . . "470"^^ . . "no"@en . "Micah came into the ER after falling off a ski lift."@en . . "premi\u00E8re"@fr . "Medicine Cat"@en . "Micah was the identity assumed by Chaim Rosenzweig in \"Desecration\" when he confronted the Antichrist during his defiling of the Temple and reasoned with the Jews in Jerusalem to flee to Petra to escape the wrath of the Antichrist that would be poured out on them for their refusal to acknowledge Nicolae Carpathia as God. Micah was dressed in the manner of an Old Testament prophet and had supernatural power from God to do signs and wonders, such as turning water into blood. He was also supernaturally protected by God from being killed, as Loren Hut attempted to kill Micah live on camera as a public example to any who would dare to oppose Carpathia."@en . . "Micah was a Witch Hunter that lived in the colonial Virginia village where Melinda Warren was born. However, Micah did not share the other villagers' hatred for witches and actually tried to protect good magic. It was also hinted that he was aware of the fact that Ruth Cobb was actually an evil witch herself."@en . . . "Are you carrying his kits?"@en . "Cybernetic legs"@en . . . . "I'll see you again."@en . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Acorn Fur"@en . . "1984"^^ . . . "Micah was a Witch Hunter that lived in the colonial Virginia village where Melinda Warren was born. However, Micah did not share the other villagers' hatred for witches and actually tried to protect good magic. It was also hinted that he was aware of the fact that Ruth Cobb was actually an evil witch herself."@en . "Unnamed she-cat"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "Hunter"@en . . . "Single"@en . "1"^^ . "Israfil"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Micah was the identity assumed by Chaim Rosenzweig in \"Desecration\" when he confronted the Antichrist during his defiling of the Temple and reasoned with the Jews in Jerusalem to flee to Petra to escape the wrath of the Antichrist that would be poured out on them for their refusal to acknowledge Nicolae Carpathia as God. Micah was dressed in the manner of an Old Testament prophet and had supernatural power from God to do signs and wonders, such as turning water into blood. He was also supernaturally protected by God from being killed, as Loren Hut attempted to kill Micah live on camera as a public example to any who would dare to oppose Carpathia."@en . . . "T\u00F6chter"@de . "Micah becomes the leader of the cult after Isaacs death. He is posessed by the One who walks behind the rows, the demonic entity the cult worships, when John Garrett appears to investigate, what happened regarding Gaitlin. They begin to murder the townspeople one by one under his leadership driven by the corruption the people in Gaitlin also have. Finally they kill the rest of them and want John\u00B4s son to sacrifice his girlfriend to the demonic entity. John and Frank intervene and with his son\u00B4s help they stop him and the cult altogether."@en . "Micah was a CTU Los Angeles field agent active during Day 3."@en . . . "Daughters:"@en . "Acorn Fur"@en . "Micah"@de . . . "Jagged Peak"@en . "Micah"@en . . . . . "Micah"@en . . "Rogue:"@en . . "Micah to Clear Sky"@en . . "Brown"@en . "You made sense of my life. You showed me my destiny."@en . "Clear Sky and Star Flower during Micah's burial"@en . "seconde"@fr . "Micah is an elven hunter who went hunting with Colbert."@en . . "hide"@en . . . "Micah"@en . "Crushed under a tree branch"@en . . "Micah"@de . . "Micah comforting Moth Flight when he's dying"@en . . "Micah is a senior officer of the crew Azure Knights and lord of the flag Cervantes de Leon. He sails the Viridian Ocean. He is an admiral in the Lima Island Navy in the Jade Archipelago. Micah was hacked and no longer sails the Ocean. He now plays under the pirate name, Eruptive. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "Heiler"@de . . "Von einem Ast erschlagen"@de . . . . "Junges"@de . . "Vallhallan Threshold"@en . . . . "System View"@en . "We all miss him."@en . "Farlas"@de . "G"@fr . . . . "Moth Flight"@en . . . . "yes"@en . "Mother:"@en . . "Moth Flight"@en . . . "Micah comforting Moth Flight"@en .