. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mark Piper"@en . "Le docteur Mark Piper \u00E9tait le m\u00E9decin-chef de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701 en 2265, sous le commandement du capitaine James T. Kirk."@fr . . "Dokter Mark Piper was de hoofd der medische dienst van het sterrenschip USS Enterprise onder het commando van kapitein James T. Kirk in 2265. Dr. Piper diende als hoofd der medische dienst aan boord van de USS Enterprise na Dr. Phillip Boyce en voor de komst van Dr. Leonard McCoy. Hij was aanwezig op de brug toen de Enterprise de galactische barri\u00E8re tegenkwam. (TOS: \"Where No Man Has Gone Before\")"@nl . "Mark Piper"@nl . . . "Mark Piper"@nl . "Mark Piper"@es . . . . . . . . . . "159"^^ . . . "Mark Piper"@fr . . . . . "Dr. Mark Piper"@en . . . . . "Active"@en . . . . . . . . "2265"^^ . . "Brown/Grey"@en . . . . . "Doctor Mark Piper"@en . . . . "Mark Piper"@cs . "Dr. Mark Piper was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid-23rd century. He served in the sciences division aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, during his historic five-year mission. In 2265, Piper served as both the ship's chief medical officer and life sciences department head. Along with the rest of the landing party, Piper was knocked unconscious by Mitchell as he escaped with Dehner. After regaining consciousness, he revived Captain Kirk, who ordered the doctor not to revive Spock until after he had departed after Mitchell."@en . . . "Dr. Mark Piper was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid-23rd century. He served in the sciences division aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, during his historic five-year mission. In 2265, Piper served as both the ship's chief medical officer and life sciences department head. In the latter capacity, Piper was present on the bridge when the Enterprise crew embarked on an exploratory expedition outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. He also introduced the recently posted Doctor Elizabeth Dehner to the captain. After the ship's encounter with an exotic energy field at the galaxy's edge, Piper tended to lieutenant commander Gary Mitchell and Dr. Dehner, who were mysteriously affected by the barrier. Later, Piper accompanied Captain Kirk and a landing party to the surface of Delta Vega, where the crew was attempting to adapt the power packs of an automated lithium cracking station to regenerate the ship's warp engines. While there, Piper observed Lieutenant Mitchell, who had begun to manifest extremely powerful psychokinetic abilities as a result of his exposure to the energy barrier. Along with the rest of the landing party, Piper was knocked unconscious by Mitchell as he escaped with Dehner. After regaining consciousness, he revived Captain Kirk, who ordered the doctor not to revive Spock until after he had departed after Mitchell. Kirk further ordered Piper that should Kirk not report back within twelve hours, the Enterprise was to travel to the nearest Earth base at maximum warp with Kirk's recommendation that the entire planet be subjected to a lethal dose of neutron radiation. (TOS: \"Where No Man Has Gone Before\" )"@en . . "Federation Starfleet, retired 2265"@en . . "Chief Medical Officer,"@en . "Le docteur Mark Piper \u00E9tait le m\u00E9decin-chef de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701 en 2265, sous le commandement du capitaine James T. Kirk."@fr . "Unnamed spouse"@en . "2271"^^ . . . . "Officier de Starfleet"@fr . "310.0"^^ . "2191"^^ . . . "thumb|Doktor Mark Piper (2265) Doktor Mark Piper ist ein Sternenflottenoffizier im 23. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 2265 geh\u00F6rt Piper zur Besatzung der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) und ist dort der erste medizinische Offizier. Er verl\u00E4sst die Enterprise kurz nach deren Mission zum Rand der Galaxie. (TOS: )"@de . "Citoyen de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration"@fr . "thumb|Doktor Mark Piper (2265) Doktor Mark Piper ist ein Sternenflottenoffizier im 23. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 2265 geh\u00F6rt Piper zur Besatzung der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) und ist dort der erste medizinische Offizier. Er verl\u00E4sst die Enterprise kurz nach deren Mission zum Rand der Galaxie. (TOS: )"@de . . . "M\u00E9decin-chef"@fr . . "Brown"@en . . . "fed"@en . . . . . . . . . "Man"@nl . . . "Male"@en . . . "Mark Piper"@en . . "Dokter Mark Piper was de hoofd der medische dienst van het sterrenschip USS Enterprise onder het commando van kapitein James T. Kirk in 2265. Dr. Piper diende als hoofd der medische dienst aan boord van de USS Enterprise na Dr. Phillip Boyce en voor de komst van Dr. Leonard McCoy. Hij was aanwezig op de brug toen de Enterprise de galactische barri\u00E8re tegenkwam. (TOS: \"Where No Man Has Gone Before\")"@nl . . . . "Married"@en . . "Mark"@fr . "Piper"@fr . . "Five unnamed children"@en . . . "DrMarkPiper.jpg"@nl . . "Mark Piper"@de . "Masculin"@fr .