"The Second Battle of Chin'toka marked the entry of the Breen Confederacy into the Dominion War in late-2375, in a counter-attack against the Chin'toka system, a territory of the Cardassian Union held by the forces of the Federation Alliance. Aided by the energy-dampening weapon of the Breen warships, the Dominion inflicted the worst major tactical defeat upon the Federation Alliance; all but one of the 312 allied ships were destroyed in a rapid, but vicious engagement."@en . "unknown"@en . "The Second Battle of Chin'toka was an engagement between the Dominion and Federation Alliance in the Chin'toka system. The battle saw the almost complete destruction of the Alliance fleet due to the use of the Breen energy dampening weapon. (DS9: \"The Changing Face of Evil\")"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "≥4 attack cruisers"@en . "The Second Battle of Chin'toka was an engagement between the Dominion and Federation Alliance in the Chin'toka system. The battle saw the almost complete destruction of the Alliance fleet due to the use of the Breen energy dampening weapon. (DS9: \"The Changing Face of Evil\")"@en . . "Unknown, very light, at least 4-5 Breen warships destroyed"@en . . ""@en . "312"^^ . . "The Second Battle of Chin'toka marked the entry of the Breen Confederacy into the Dominion War in late-2375, in a counter-attack against the Chin'toka system, a territory of the Cardassian Union held by the forces of the Federation Alliance. Aided by the energy-dampening weapon of the Breen warships, the Dominion inflicted the worst major tactical defeat upon the Federation Alliance; all but one of the 312 allied ships were destroyed in a rapid, but vicious engagement. Though the defeat stunned the Federation Alliance, the Dominion could not follow up on their victory, as the Cardassian Rebellion occurred shortly thereafter, diverting vital Dominion resources from the front-lines."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . "≥5 warbirds"@en . "The Second Battle of Chin'toka marked the entry of the Breen Confederacy into the Dominion War in late 2375, in an attack against the Chin'toka system, a territory of the Cardassian Union held by the forces of the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. The battle was a major tactical defeat for the allies \u2014 and perhaps one of the most lopsided victories of the entire war, thanks to the use of the devastating and previously-unknown Breen energy dampening weapon. (DS9 \"The Changing Face of Evil\")"@en . . . "≥2 battle cruisers"@en . "Second Battle of Chin'toka"@en . "Chin'toka system retaken by Dominion"@en . . "The Second Battle of Chin'toka marked the entry of the Breen Confederacy into the Dominion War in late 2375, in an attack against the Chin'toka system, a territory of the Cardassian Union held by the forces of the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. The battle was a major tactical defeat for the allies \u2014 and perhaps one of the most lopsided victories of the entire war, thanks to the use of the devastating and previously-unknown Breen energy dampening weapon. (DS9 \"The Changing Face of Evil\")"@en . . "The Defiant being destroyed after it was disabled by the Breen Energy dampening weapon."@en . . "≥2 starships"@en . . . . . . . "Dominion/Cardassian/Breen Alliance"@en . "311"^^ . . . . "2375"^^ . . "Breen-Dominion Alliance\n:Dominion"@en . . "311"^^ . . . "Second Battle of Chin'toka"@en . "Chin'toka system lost to Dominion"@en . "Second Battle of Chin'toka"@en . "≥10 squadrons of Federation attack fighters"@en . . . . . "Federation Alliance\n:"@en . . . . . "Dominion victory"@en . . . . . "Decisive Dominion victory"@en . . . "the Dominion War"@en . . . "unknown"@en . . "Ever since the Allies captured the Chin'toka system in 2374 the Dominion had been launching furious counter-attacks in a determined effort to force them back out of Cardassian space. All these attempts were unsuccessful, until the alliance between the Dominion and the Breen in late 2375.The Breen forces were reasonably powerful in themselves, but they had never been considered one of the Alpha Quadrants major powers, and were not expected to alter the balance of war markedly in favour of the Dominion. However, the calculations made by the Allies failed to take one important factor into account; the Breen had developed a weapons system which would change the balance of power in the war."@en . "Ever since the Allies captured the Chin'toka system in 2374 the Dominion had been launching furious counter-attacks in a determined effort to force them back out of Cardassian space. All these attempts were unsuccessful, until the alliance between the Dominion and the Breen in late 2375.The Breen forces were reasonably powerful in themselves, but they had never been considered one of the Alpha Quadrants major powers, and were not expected to alter the balance of war markedly in favour of the Dominion. However, the calculations made by the Allies failed to take one important factor into account; the Breen had developed a weapons system which would change the balance of power in the war. Initially the battle went reasonably well for the Allies - the Breen ships were fast and agile, but proved to be highly vulnerable to heavy weaponry. Several Breen ships were destroyed in the opening volleys before they could even return a shot. However, when they did open fire the Breen weapon created a form of energy dampening field around their targets which rendered them completely without power. The Defiant was the first vessel hit - it immediately lost propulsion, shields, inertial dampers and weapons. Without the ability to defend itself the ship was a sitting duck, and the Breen used standard torpedoes to inflict massive damage within seconds. Captain Sisko ordered the crew to abandon ship shortly before the Defiant was destroyed. The rest of the Allied fleet fared little better - ship losses in the battle were almost 100%, although casualties were relatively light as the Dominion did not engage in its usual tactic of destroying the fleets escape pods; a measure apparently intended to allow the survivors to spread fear throughout the rest of the fleet. Although this engagement can only be considered to be a disaster, the seeds of yet another turnaround in the Allies fortunes were sown in the Chin'toka system. A single Klingon ship was struck by the Breen energy drainer, yet it not only survived but suffered no significant damage as a result. Investigation by the Allies showed that the only significant difference between this ship and the others was a recent modification to some of its onboard systems. The Klingons rapidly had over 1,500 ships repeat this modification, making them invulnerable to the Breen weapon. Unfortunately, the Federation and Romulan ships were not suitable for such changes. As a result, the Klingons bore the brunt of the war for several weeks. Ultimately, the Allies were able to mount a daring raid on a Dominion shipyard which allowed them to capture an example of the Breen weapon and work out how to circumvent it on all of their ships."@en . . "≥5 Klingon Birds-of-Prey"@en . "late 2375"@en . "≥1 starship"@en . . . . .