. . "19"^^ . "Darth Mino'taurus II"@en . "male"@en . . . "Darth Mino'taurus II"@en . "103"^^ . . "right arm"@en . . . . "Darth Mino'taurus, previously known as Ninofar, was a Shreinotaur Sith Lord at the time of the Galactic Civil War. Born on Kharek, he was the son of the Sith Lord Enderikkonnn. He took his Sith title from his father's own when he was a Sith himself: Darth Mino'taurus. He had a very rough childhood, with his family being killed by a criminial at large, Treseus Claan. After a month of living on the streets of Kharek, he fled to Dantooine to consult the Sith Council of the Free Runners to ask them to take him in. They did, and he passed through the Free Runner Sith Trials with little difficulty. The name Darth Mino'taurus was passed on to him."@en . "Rise of the Empire era, Rebellion era, New Republic era, New Jedi Order era"@en . "Darth Mino'taurus, previously known as Ninofar, was a Shreinotaur Sith Lord at the time of the Galactic Civil War. Born on Kharek, he was the son of the Sith Lord Enderikkonnn. He took his Sith title from his father's own when he was a Sith himself: Darth Mino'taurus. He had a very rough childhood, with his family being killed by a criminial at large, Treseus Claan. After a month of living on the streets of Kharek, he fled to Dantooine to consult the Sith Council of the Free Runners to ask them to take him in. They did, and he passed through the Free Runner Sith Trials with little difficulty. The name Darth Mino'taurus was passed on to him. As time went on, Mino'taurus grew tired of the complaints of the Council of Free Runners, and, being a great Sith Lord at the time, he seceded from the Organization with two of his followers, one of them being Alectasus, the other Darth Narnon and formed the Trio Colossi. Mino'taurus, later visiting his ruined home on Kharek, found a mate, Nirah. Ninofar then soon had a son, Nakh. He also got himself into a conflict with the ancient Mandalorian warrior Eddfreddf Winston, which drove him to complete insanity when Eddfreddf killed Alectasus. After a long, grueling duel, Mino'taurus became allies with Winston, offering to fight with him, whenever asked to. The two had no conflicts for a couple of months before Mino'taurus's insanity took temporary control of his mind and body. He slew his acquaintance, then, realizing what he had done, traveled to the Shreinotaur homeworld of Deren to make the best of himself by rebuilding Fallonica from ruins. After a long time of hardships and endurance, the great city was whole once again, and Ninofar thought that his lifelong insanity blasts would finally subside. Days later, Ninofar's insanity came in an apocalyptic boom of intensity. Ninofar grew more and more in touch with his Sith Lord self. He constantly grew even more frenzied, and thirsted for battle. Ninofar savagely attacked the Sith Master Darth Desmarin, who was greatly feared at the time. Sadly, during the battle, Nirah interfered, attempting to save Ninofar, and she was mercilessly cut down by the relentless cerulean blade of Darth Desmarin. The great Mino'taurus then fought Desmarin severely until the Sith fled. He flew himself to Valdosia and mercilessly attacked Eddfreddf Winston. The following duel was long and harsh to both participants, and in the end, Winston suffered an injury to his left arm, and Ninofar, the last Mino'taurus, died, bringing a never-ending legacy to life. After his death, songs were sang about his legendary strength, bravery, and endurance. Darth Mino'taurus II would always be remembered in the Galaxy's history as the one who was so great, he almost conquered Winston, who was often called Death Itself."@en . . "3.17"^^ . . . "green, yellow"@en . .