. . "*Spell Casting\n*Potion Making\n*Scrying\n*Mediumship"@en . "\"Oh, they're not threats. They're promises.\""@en . "Hembra"@es . "Misha was a Ra'Shari Trader."@en . . . "female"@en . . "yes"@en . . . . "Misha is a level 72 elite named bear that accompanied Rexxar through the Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace, and Feralas. In The Burning Crusade, Rexxar and Misha can be found in the Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains, an area in Outland."@en . "Misha"@es . . "Rogue"@en . "NPC"@ja . "Misha in Phase 43."@en . "Cywil"@pl . "Misha (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Miisha?) is a supporting character and Doctor Curia's cat-like, Gajuma assistant in Tales of Rebirth."@en . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesMisha (\u30DF\uFF0D\u30B7\u30E3, m\u012Bsha) es un personaje aparecido en el spin-off Saint Seiya Omega. Misha fue la primera esposa de Ludwig y madre de Sonia, ella viv\u00EDa una vida tranquila con su esposo y su hija hasta su muerte."@es . . . . . . "Misha is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon: Black & White."@en . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Blue"@en . . . . . "Misha (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Miisha) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. She is the daughter of Deet'var who is around twenty years of age. She is a pegasus knight and a general in Silesse's army."@en . "Misha is a cream-colored she-cat."@en . "m\u012Bsha"@es . "Misha is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She is very philosophical, and often tells several riddles or philosophies to Professor Layton and company. In \"London Life\" She has a non-required quest (Green) to find her an ancient rose. Before she asks you to find one, she tells you a poem of her own design."@en . . . "157"^^ . . "Misha is Rexxar's companion."@en . . "Beast"@en . "Misha in game"@en . . "M\u012Bsha"@en . "200"^^ . . . "Es una osa m\u00E1gica, amiga y compa\u00F1era de Rexxar"@es . "He gets his fame for being a meme. He also got bullied by LeafyIsHere. After the incident, he started roasting people who did nothing to him and become mentally insane. He then dissapears, and probably will never come back. hes also a hypocrite"@en . "Jeff Lumby"@en . "Misha (jap. \u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 M\u012Bsha) \u2013 posta\u0107 epizodyczna z anime Sailor Moon, pojawi\u0142 si\u0119 jedynie w 39 odcinku. Misha by\u0142 s\u0142ynnym \u0142y\u017Cwiarzem figurowym, kt\u00F3ry wraz ze swoj\u0105 partnerk\u0105 Janelyn zosta\u0142 op\u0119tany przez Kunzite'a i zmuszony do zostania cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 jego planu poznania prawdziwej to\u017Csamo\u015Bci Sailor Moon. Obaj \u0142y\u017Cwiarze mieli zwabi\u0107 ludzi na lodowisko i szuka\u0107 dziewczyny je\u017Cd\u017C\u0105cej na \u0142y\u017Cwach na tyle umiej\u0119tnie, aby by\u0107 obecnym wcieleniem Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki Serenity. Ich pu\u0142apka nie usid\u0142a jednak ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki, jako \u017Ce Misha uwa\u017Ca\u0142 Makoto za Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczk\u0119 i zamiast tego pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 j\u0105 oczarowa\u0107. Janelyn rozgniewa\u0142a si\u0119, kiedy zobaczy\u0142a, jak Misha zwraca swoj\u0105 uwag\u0119 na Makoto, a kiedy ich skonfrontowa\u0142a przemieni\u0142a si\u0119 w youm\u0119. Misha do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142 do niej i oboje zaatakowali Makoto, ale Sailor Moon przyby\u0142a i interweniowa\u0142a. Z pomoc\u0105 Tuxedo Mask i Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon mog\u0142a uzdrowi\u0107 par\u0119 i zwr\u00F3ci\u0107 ich do normy."@pl . . . . . . . "Ob ich hier wohne? H\u00F6r sich das einer an! Als empfindsames Wesen existiere ich \u00FCberall und nirgendwo."@de . . "En hund i kopplet Bandets b\u00E4sta v\u00E4n efter level 50. Magi: Framkalla_Misha"@sv . . "Misha is a minor character in the non-canonical novel, The Queen's Curse. She is the grandmother of Corinne Van Den Pelt and a witch."@en . "Horde"@en . . "Trusted companion of Rexxar"@en . . "Misha is a minor character in the non-canonical novel, The Queen's Curse. She is the grandmother of Corinne Van Den Pelt and a witch."@en . "male"@en . "Misha is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon: Black & White."@en . . . . "Skater"@en . "Ceremonial dagger"@en . "369000"^^ . "He and his partner Janelle were transformed into a Youma duo called \"Zoyrin Geller\" by Kunzite in episode 35, and hosted a new ice rink as a ploy to attack the Sailor Senshi. He was healed along with Janelle by Sailor Moon using Moon Healing Escalation."@en . "no"@en . . . . . "Pink"@en . "\u0141y\u017Cwiarz figurowy"@pl . "*Oktober Guard"@en . . "Misha"@en . . . . "Character"@en . . "How do we know we can trust her?"@en . "Misha (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Mischa?) was one of the female followers of the Starship Cult. Despite being added to the team's roster of combatants during the Tenth Zenith of Things Tournament (ZOTT) in ES 591, she became the only member of the Cult to survive its fight against the Space Angels after Sechs spared her."@en . "Misha is an inflecting language written in a logographic script and assorted syllabary. Its orthographic aesthetics are inspired by the oracle bone script, but its morphology is a bit more western Eurasian."@en . . "6"^^ . "16"^^ . . "Misha (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Miisha) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. She is the daughter of Deet'var who is around twenty years of age. She is a pegasus knight and a general in Silesse's army."@en . . . "Rogue:"@en . . "None"@en . . . "\u77E5\u7684\u751F\u7269"@ja . . "Misha , female, Chinese well-known cartoonist , illustrator. Hangzhou looking through animation company culture and the arts have signed veteran cartoonist . Since November 2004 Misha released debut, \" Air Girl\" after they officially started the comic career. Has been published after the \" next next \", \" primitive book quotient sheep \" and many short stories , are praised by readers . April 2009 Ming Xiaoxi 's popular works \"Summer \" as the writer of Misha , officially launched the comic version , and \"The Princess Chronicles \" officially began his serial . Comic quickly popular north and south , has thus laid the girl Mischa comics industry in the country irreplaceable seats. In 2010, at the Fourth China \"Rising Star Cup\" type original comic story contest , Misha with original short comic \"month under Beauty\" won the Silver Medal , along with other winners to Japan to attend the Japan Shueisha editorial department in-house training . After six months of effort , the fall in September , under Mischa brush away a thousand stories - \" Yanshi \" gorgeous curtain opened . Mischa 's style and delicate, full of Aura 's characters have their own unique style, people look like a drunk after a cup of tea , focus on the details of the deal , is the industry's high hopes , was praised as the most potential Chinese cartoon industry one girl cartoonist . 2011 \" Hidden Dragon Chak Yanshi \" won the Golden Dragon Award for best shojo manga award."@en . . "Misha est une ours de Berceau-de-l'Hiver, qui s'est li\u00E9e au plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bre des Mok'Nathal, Rexxar. Ce dernier est tr\u00E8s protecteur avec elle, s'assurant qu'elle reste bien \u00E0 ses c\u00F4t\u00E9s lorsqu'ils se trouvent tous les deux dans un lieu civilis\u00E9. Elle se bat farouchement \u00E0 ses c\u00F4t\u00E9s, et se montre comme \u00E9tant sa meilleure alli\u00E9e. On apprend dans le Cycle de la Haine que Misha est une ours du Berceau-de-l'Hiver, et que tous ces ours sont aussi puissants et endurants qu'elle. [[Fichier:Misha1.jpg|thumb|Misha dans Warcraft III]] Cat\u00E9gorie:B\u00EAte Cat\u00E9gorie:Warcraft III Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnage de Warcraft III Cat\u00E9gorie:Familier"@fr . . "yes"@en . "Misha"@fi . . "\u30D9\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9\u306E\u5B9A\u3081"@ja . . . "Misha threatening Red and Stick"@en . . "Misha (jap. \u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 M\u012Bsha) \u2013 posta\u0107 epizodyczna z anime Sailor Moon, pojawi\u0142 si\u0119 jedynie w 39 odcinku. Misha by\u0142 s\u0142ynnym \u0142y\u017Cwiarzem figurowym, kt\u00F3ry wraz ze swoj\u0105 partnerk\u0105 Janelyn zosta\u0142 op\u0119tany przez Kunzite'a i zmuszony do zostania cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 jego planu poznania prawdziwej to\u017Csamo\u015Bci Sailor Moon. Obaj \u0142y\u017Cwiarze mieli zwabi\u0107 ludzi na lodowisko i szuka\u0107 dziewczyny je\u017Cd\u017C\u0105cej na \u0142y\u017Cwach na tyle umiej\u0119tnie, aby by\u0107 obecnym wcieleniem Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki Serenity. Ich pu\u0142apka nie usid\u0142a jednak ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki, jako \u017Ce Misha uwa\u017Ca\u0142 Makoto za Ksi\u0119\u017Cniczk\u0119 i zamiast tego pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 j\u0105 oczarowa\u0107."@pl . "Medical Assistant"@en . "15"^^ . . "Talk with Karin* and then capture her"@en . . . . "-"@en . . "Starship Cult member"@en . . "Misha"@de . . "Sergeant"@en . "Cz\u0142owiek"@pl . . . "Misha"@de . "13"^^ . . "Narrator"@en . "B\u00EAte"@fr . . . "53851"^^ . . "2"^^ . . . . "x"@en . "\u6771\u306E\u8352\u91CE"@ja . "I've seen Red around a lot lately. Next time, it might be a tuft of her fur that's left beside a dead Twoleg pet."@en . . "Human"@en . . "Pok\u00E9mon: Black & White"@en . "Misha"@pl . . "Leave Red out of this. And don't make threats that you can't keep."@en . "Misha"@en . "Misha is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She is very philosophical, and often tells several riddles or philosophies to Professor Layton and company. In \"London Life\" She has a non-required quest (Green) to find her an ancient rose. Before she asks you to find one, she tells you a poem of her own design."@en . . . "Skipper and Misha to Harley"@en . "Trainer"@en . "Vivante"@fr . "Alive"@en . "fusional"@en . "dark"@en . . "yes"@en . . . "-"@en . . . . "Misha , female, Chinese well-known cartoonist , illustrator. Hangzhou looking through animation company culture and the arts have signed veteran cartoonist . Since November 2004 Misha released debut, \" Air Girl\" after they officially started the comic career. Has been published after the \" next next \", \" primitive book quotient sheep \" and many short stories , are praised by readers ."@en . . . . "1"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "\u30DF\uFF0D\u30B7\u30E3"@es . . . . . . "20"^^ . . "Civilian"@en . . . . . "Naomi Shind\u014D"@es . "None known"@en . . . . . "(Artwork from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.)"@en . "Misha (treue Begleiterin von [[]Rexxar]) taucht das erste mal in Warcraft 3, in einer extra Kampagne auf. Wie der Name es schon fast sagt, ist Misha eine B\u00E4rin und man kann annehmen, dass Rexxar sie in der Wildnis gefunden hat. Sie spielt keine wichtige Hauptrolle, doch ist sie nicht mehr von Rexxars Seite wegzudenken."@de . "Misha's Purrloin first appears when he steals some berries from a group of Tranquill, whom proceed to pursue the group. It is here that Meowth becomes infatuated with him, in the false belief that Purrloin was female. In turn, Ash's Oshawott also falls in love with Purrloin, causing a falling out between the two Pok\u00E9mon. Purrloin uses this event to his advantage in order to get them to win \"her\" affections, as well as to steal berries from Ash. When Purrloin encounters his trainer Misha, he proved that he still cared for his Trainer and apologized to Ash."@en . "Unova"@en . "Russian"@en . "Misha"@en . . "Misha (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Mischa?) was one of the female followers of the Starship Cult. Despite being added to the team's roster of combatants during the Tenth Zenith of Things Tournament (ZOTT) in ES 591, she became the only member of the Cult to survive its fight against the Space Angels after Sechs spared her."@en . . . . . . . . . "Misha was a Ra'Shari Trader."@en . . . . . "Naomi Shind\u014D"@en . . "450"^^ . . . . "yes"@en . . "Horde"@fr . "Skipper"@en . . . "#FFCC99"@pl . "Misha is a level 72 elite named bear that accompanied Rexxar through the Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace, and Feralas. In The Burning Crusade, Rexxar and Misha can be found in the Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains, an area in Outland."@en . . . . "6"^^ . "Misha"@ja . . . . . "Misha"@en . "Animal - Osa - Criatura de invocaci\u00F3n"@es . . . "Russian Mafia Lieutenant"@en . . "He is also rich; in one of his recent videos he had hired mercenaries to murder Maxmoefoe. Prior to that, he had made a diss track on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, which everyone watched and thus made him President of the United States of America, which may explain where he gets most of his money from now."@en . "\u306F\u3044"@ja . "Female"@en . . . . . . "9"^^ . "Misha"@en . . . "Misha ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft. Sie lebt in Chinatown im London der Zukunft."@de . . . . . . "397"^^ . "Es una osa m\u00E1gica, amiga y compa\u00F1era de Rexxar"@es . . "yes"@en . "|}"@ja . . . . "yes"@en . "Misha est une ours de Berceau-de-l'Hiver, qui s'est li\u00E9e au plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bre des Mok'Nathal, Rexxar. Ce dernier est tr\u00E8s protecteur avec elle, s'assurant qu'elle reste bien \u00E0 ses c\u00F4t\u00E9s lorsqu'ils se trouvent tous les deux dans un lieu civilis\u00E9. Elle se bat farouchement \u00E0 ses c\u00F4t\u00E9s, et se montre comme \u00E9tant sa meilleure alli\u00E9e. On apprend dans le Cycle de la Haine que Misha est une ours du Berceau-de-l'Hiver, et que tous ces ours sont aussi puissants et endurants qu'elle."@fr . "Misha is an agent of the KGB who is introduced in Spawn issue #19. Him and his partner are in charge of shadowing Yousef Volokhov and his associates, and are seen listening in during a drunken meeting at one of New York\u2019s many strip clubs. When Misha goes to contact Station Chief Ivanov to relay the information, Yousef and the others slip away (as the partner is \u2018pre-occupied\u2019 with one of the dancers). They both go after them, but are strangely never heard from again in the series."@en . "Misha (\u30DF\uFF0D\u30B7\u30E3 - m\u012Bsha) is the 1st wife of Ludwig and the mother of Sonia. She died in a terrorist attack while she waited for her husband to a concert. Her death provokes a thirst for revenge Ludwig and hatred towards the entire world which leads to awaken as Mars, the God of War."@en . "Misha"@fr . "|}"@ja . . "-"@en . . . "Misha"@sv . . . . . . "Bear"@en . "Minor character"@en . . . . "He is also rich; in one of his recent videos he had hired mercenaries to murder Maxmoefoe. Prior to that, he had made a diss track on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, which everyone watched and thus made him President of the United States of America, which may explain where he gets most of his money from now."@en . . . . "Deceased"@en . . "Ludwig"@es . . . . . . "\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3"@en . "BW046"@en . "0"^^ . . . "M\u00EC\u0161a; M\u00EC\u0161\u00EFm\u00EDr\u00EF"@en . . . . "Misha"@en . . . . . "SkyClan's Destiny, page 157"@en . "Misha is a cream-colored she-cat."@en . "Josef Yurinov's lieutenant"@en . "Misha is part of the Russian Mafia and Josef Yurinov's Lieutenant during the events of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction."@en . . "Misha"@en . . . . "Elite"@en . "Rexxar may give the following commands to Misha, so long as she remains alive:"@en . . . . "Skipper and Misha to Stick"@en . "8"^^ . . "10.0"^^ . "UF"@en . "Misha on suuri ja vahva karhu, Rexxarin uskollinen toveri ja taistelee t\u00E4m\u00E4n puolesta kuolemaan asti. Misha seuraa Rexxaria minne tahansa. Rexxar on hyvin suojeleva Mishaa kohtaan ja pit\u00E4\u00E4 t\u00E4m\u00E4n aina l\u00E4hell\u00E4\u00E4n ihmisten ilmoilla.thumb"@fi . "10204"^^ . . "Misha (treue Begleiterin von [[]Rexxar]) taucht das erste mal in Warcraft 3, in einer extra Kampagne auf. Wie der Name es schon fast sagt, ist Misha eine B\u00E4rin und man kann annehmen, dass Rexxar sie in der Wildnis gefunden hat. Sie spielt keine wichtige Hauptrolle, doch ist sie nicht mehr von Rexxars Seite wegzudenken."@de . . . "The SkyClan leader had no time to protect herself or the kit she carried. The cream-colored she-cat pounced on her and sank her teeth deep into Leafstar's neck."@en . . "11"^^ . "\u30E9\u30C8\u30F3\u30AC"@ja . . "72"^^ . . "Misha"@fr . "Misha"@en . "5"^^ . "SkyClan's Destiny"@en . . "Chapter 14x: Freedom"@en . "39"^^ . "Su amo Rexxar"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky?"@en . "M\u00F3nica Pav\u00F3n"@es . "He and his partner Janelle were transformed into a Youma duo called \"Zoyrin Geller\" by Kunzite in episode 35, and hosted a new ice rink as a ploy to attack the Sailor Senshi. He was healed along with Janelle by Sailor Moon using Moon Healing Escalation."@en . "213.9"^^ . "final"@en . . . . . "Misha (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Miisha?) is a supporting character and Doctor Curia's cat-like, Gajuma assistant in Tales of Rebirth."@en . "6"^^ . "Sonia"@es . . . "Viva"@es . "Compagnon de Rexxar"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Femelle"@fr . . . "Misha is part of the Russian Mafia and Josef Yurinov's Lieutenant during the events of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction."@en . "22"^^ . . . . "4"^^ . "Misha"@es . "Misha"@de . . "yes"@en . "-389"^^ . . "nominative"@en . . . "weiblich"@de . "None"@en . "Misha (\u30DF\uFF0D\u30B7\u30E3 - m\u012Bsha) is the 1st wife of Ludwig and the mother of Sonia. She died in a terrorist attack while she waited for her husband to a concert. Her death provokes a thirst for revenge Ludwig and hatred towards the entire world which leads to awaken as Mars, the God of War."@en . "Misha is an inflecting language written in a logographic script and assorted syllabary. Its orthographic aesthetics are inspired by the oracle bone script, but its morphology is a bit more western Eurasian."@en . "\u306F\u3044"@ja . . . . "Misha.png"@de . "You know who her father is!"@en . . . "Fully human"@en . "yes"@en . . "Passive"@en . . . . . . . "SkyClan's Destiny"@en . "Misha is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Misha is either standing to left of an arch when you enter Chinatown or is looking at the books in Maya's book shop. Misha has an interesting view on life when she talks with Professor Layton and Luke. She also feels indifferent about some other bits of information about Future London. She, like other residents, is evacuated to the surface of London after Clive operates the Mobile Fortress."@en . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesMisha (\u30DF\uFF0D\u30B7\u30E3, m\u012Bsha) es un personaje aparecido en el spin-off Saint Seiya Omega. Misha fue la primera esposa de Ludwig y madre de Sonia, ella viv\u00EDa una vida tranquila con su esposo y su hija hasta su muerte."@es . "yes"@en . "28"^^ . . "17.0"^^ . . "En hund i kopplet Bandets b\u00E4sta v\u00E4n efter level 50. Magi: Framkalla_Misha"@sv . "Sonia"@en . "yes"@en . "Unnamed son"@en . . . . "Stick"@en . "Misha is an agent of the KGB who is introduced in Spawn issue #19. Him and his partner are in charge of shadowing Yousef Volokhov and his associates, and are seen listening in during a drunken meeting at one of New York\u2019s many strip clubs. When Misha goes to contact Station Chief Ivanov to relay the information, Yousef and the others slip away (as the partner is \u2018pre-occupied\u2019 with one of the dancers). They both go after them, but are strangely never heard from again in the series."@en . . . . "Professor Layton and the Unwound Future"@en . . . . . . . "Misha"@de . "300"^^ . . "Misha on suuri ja vahva karhu, Rexxarin uskollinen toveri ja taistelee t\u00E4m\u00E4n puolesta kuolemaan asti. Misha seuraa Rexxaria minne tahansa. Rexxar on hyvin suojeleva Mishaa kohtaan ja pit\u00E4\u00E4 t\u00E4m\u00E4n aina l\u00E4hell\u00E4\u00E4n ihmisten ilmoilla.thumb"@fi . . "*"@en . . "Misha"@de . . . . . . . "Misha"@ja . "Misha is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Misha is either standing to left of an arch when you enter Chinatown or is looking at the books in Maya's book shop. Misha has an interesting view on life when she talks with Professor Layton and Luke. She also feels indifferent about some other bits of information about Future London. She, like other residents, is evacuated to the surface of London after Clive operates the Mobile Fortress."@en . . "Oh, they're not threats. They're promises."@en . . . . "yes"@en . . "\u30DF\u30FC\u30B7\u30E3 Miisha"@en . . "Misha"@pl . . . . . "Tenth Zenith of Things Tournament competitor"@en . . "Female"@en . "16"^^ . "yes"@en . . "Misha ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft. Sie lebt in Chinatown im London der Zukunft."@de . "Rexxar may give the following commands to Misha, so long as she remains alive:"@en . "English"@en . . "Misha Zubenkov"@en . "Widowed"@en . . "He gets his fame for being a meme. He also got bullied by LeafyIsHere. After the incident, he started roasting people who did nothing to him and become mentally insane. He then dissapears, and probably will never come back. hes also a hypocrite"@en . "Misha.jpg"@pl . . "72"^^ . . "Male"@en . "Good"@en . "fe5"@en . . . .