"Galaxy"@en . "After the destruction of the USS Enterprise-D in 2371, the Challenger returned from a mission in the Gamma Quadrant to pick up her new first officer, Commander William T. Riker. Commander Riker invoked the official secrets regulation of stardate 7500, took command of the Challenger, and brought Doctor Julian Bashir, Commander Deanna Troi, and Captain James T. Kirk onboard. He ordered the ship from Deep Space 9 to Starbase 804, where Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Beverly Crusher, and Ambassador Spock were recovered. The Challenger engaged the Romulan warbird Avatar of Tomed, acting as a decoy so that the USS Monitor could defeat it. The Avatar took heavy damage, but was able to escape using its Borg transwarp drive. Commander Riker's stay on the Challenger was short-lived: within a matter of weeks, he transferred to the USS Enterprise-E. (ST novel: The Return, TNG novel: Ship of the Line, TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: A Sea of Troubles) In 2377, the Challenger was part of a fleet which destroyed Borg Sphere 634. (VOY episode: \"Endgame\") By 2383 the Challenger had been assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, and had become a personal project of her captain, Montgomery Scott. Late in that year, it was assigned to investigate the mystery of the Intrepid, and to restore the vessel to working order. It took on several mission specialists, including Geordi LaForge and Berlinghoff Rasmussen, to accomplish this task. Rasumussen had other plans. He had made arrangements with the Ferengi Bok, and the two arranged to take control over the Intrepid. While the Challenger engaged Bok's escorts, the Intrepid went to The Split Infinite in order to slingshot around it backwards to the year 2162. The Challenger crew was able to rescue the captured Starfleet crewmembers from the ship before it was sent back in time; however, the Intrepid was destroyed due to manipulations caused by the Challenger's transporter. During an engagement at this time, Captain Scott was severely injured, and deemed unfit for command. With his Executive Officer, Tyler Hunt, dead, Captain Scott recommended La Forge for the position; which Starfleet approved. Under Captain La Forge, the Challenger was assigned to investigate the recently discovered phenomenon of Trans-slipstream - which had played a part in the destruction of the Intrepid. While studying the source of the anomaly, the Challenger intercepted a distress call from the warbird IRW Stormcrow and rescued her crew following sabotage. Shortly after the rescue, however, the Challenger was intercepted by the same vessel which had caused the damage to the Stormcrow, and was transported to NGC 4414 with severe damage. After a study of the area, the Challenger found the derelict USS Hera in a nearby area, and was drawn to it, due to an immense gravitational field generated by the vessel. An away team was sent to the Hera, which located a group of 47 survivors aboard; however, it was soon discovered that the only way to return home would be to repair the damage to the region. With the assistance of the recently arrived IRW Tomalak's Fist, the crew of the Challenger sacrificed their ship in order to return home by using it to seal the rift and to create a M\u00F6bius strip. Captain Scott volunteered for the mission to the Challenger to repair the damage, stranding him on the derelict starship. At the time, it was declared destroyed due to the collapsing static warp shell that was produced by the Challenger's engines to seal the rift. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic) It was theorized by Ambassador Spock at the memorial service for Captain Scott that, if anyone could have found a way to survive the collapsing warp shell, it was Montgomery Scott. In 2397, the Challenger was given to Captain Geordi La Forge. His wife Mikaela became Challenger's new chief engineer. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many) In 2410, the Challenger was docked inside Earth Spacedock. (STO video game: Delta Rising) The Challenger's name and registry number are not visible on its model, but can be found on a display in Fleet Admiral Jorel Quinn's office"@en . . . "fed"@en . . . . . . . . . . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099)"@cs . . . "Explorer"@en . . "USS"@fr . . . . . . . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099)"@nl . . . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099)"@en . "2370"^^ . . . . "L'USS Challenger fut lanc\u00E9 entre les ann\u00E9es 2360 et 2370. Son nom est issu d'une grande lign\u00E9e de v\u00E9hicules terriens, navals et spatiaux, tel que l'USS Challenger NCC-2032. En 2378, l'USS Challenger \u00E9tait l'un des vaisseaux qui devait intercepter la Sph\u00E8re Borg lors du retour de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656. (VOY: \"Endgame\")"@fr . . . . . "The USS Challenger (NCC-71099) was a Galaxy-class starship that saw service during the latter half of the 24th century. Constructed sometime after the initial production run of Galaxy-class vessels, she was commissioned prior to 2371, under the command of Vulcan Captain Simm. During the early part of that year, the Challenger was on assignment in the Gamma Quadrant. (TNG novel: The Return) Following the destruction of the USS Enterprise-D, Commander William T. Riker was temporarily assigned as first officer of the Challenger. During a covert mission, Riker assumed command and brought the Challenger to Starbase 804, where Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Dr. Beverly Crusher, and Ambassador Spock were recovered. Shortly thereafter, the Challenger engaged the Romulan warbird Avatar of Tomed in order to allow the USS Monitor to escape. (TNG novel: The Return) In 2378, the Challenger was part of a fleet which destroyed Borg Sphere 634 as it emerged from a transwarp conduit near Earth. (VOY: \"Endgame\") By 2383, Challenger's mission profile had been changed to being a testbed for new technologies. Captain Montgomery Scott was her commanding officer. The officers and crew of the Challenger were instrumental in making the lost NX-class Intrepid spaceworthy. Geordi LaForge succeeded Captain Scott in command after he was disabled, and the ship's exec, Tyler Hunt, killed. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable From Magic) Geordi LaForge was promoted to Captain and given command of the Challenger in 2385. (Starfleet Command (RPG), Star Trek: Artemis)"@en . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099) je lod\u00ED t\u0159\u00EDdy Galaxy, kter\u00E1 byla za\u0159azena do slu\u017Eby kolem roku 2377. Challenger byl jednou z lod\u00ED, kter\u00E9 byly povol\u00E1ny, aby chr\u00E1nily prostor Federace p\u0159ed p\u0159\u00EDpadnou invaz\u00ED borgsk\u00FDch lod\u00ED. Z \u00FAst\u00ED transwarp tunelu, p\u0159ed kter\u00FDm flotila hl\u00EDdkovala pozd\u011Bji vyl\u00E9tla Borgsk\u00E1 koule. Lod\u011B zah\u00E1jily palbu, ale Koule sama od sebe explodovala a vyl\u00E9tl z n\u00ED USS Voyager, kter\u00FD se pomoc\u00ED tohoto tunelu vr\u00E1til z Delta kvadrantu (rok 2378). (VOY: Endgame)"@cs . . "Active"@en . . . . . . . "2360.0"^^ . . "De USS Challenger (NCC-71099) was een Galaxy-klasse Federatie sterrenschip dat ergens voor het jaar 2377 gelanceerd werd. De Challenger behoorde tot de sterrenschepen die de Borg bol, met aan boord de USS Voyager, in 2378 bij de ingang van het Alfa kwadrant onderschepten. (VOY: \"Endgame\")"@nl . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099)"@es . . . . "thumb|Die Challenger bindet den Delta Flyer mit dem Traktorstrahl an sich. Die USS Challenger (NCC-71099) ist ein Raumschiff der Galaxy-Klasse. Das Schiff ist 2378 Teil der Flotte, die die Borg-Sph\u00E4re erwartet, welche die USS Voyager zur Erde verfolgt. (VOY: )"@de . . "NCC-71099"@fr . . . . "NCC-71099"@en . "De USS Challenger (NCC-71099) was een Galaxy-klasse Federatie sterrenschip dat ergens voor het jaar 2377 gelanceerd werd. De Challenger behoorde tot de sterrenschepen die de Borg bol, met aan boord de USS Voyager, in 2378 bij de ingang van het Alfa kwadrant onderschepten. (VOY: \"Endgame\") In een alternatieve tijdlijn stond het schip in 2390 onder het commando van kapitein Geordi La Forge. De tijdlijn werd door de USS Voyager veranderd, omdat ze tijdens een test met een kwantum slipstream aandrijving neer zouden storten op een planeet. De Challenger werd door Starfleet aangesteld om de Delta Flyer te achtervolgen en gevangen te nemen. Voormalige Voyager bemanningsleden Chakotay en Harry Kim wilden de tijdlijn zo ombuigen dat hun oude schip niet zou crashen. De Challenger wist de Flyer zwaar te beschadigen, waardoor er een warpkernbreuk optrad. Harry wist echter een boodschap naar het verleden te sturen, zodat de Voyager voortijdig uit de slipstream gegooid werd en hierdoor niet neer zou storten. (VOY: \"Timeless\")"@nl . . . "De Challenger met de Delta Flyer"@nl . "NCC-71099"@en . . "La USS Challenger (NCC-71099), es una nave Clase Galaxy \n* Esta nave estaba presente en la Tierra cuando una Esfera (Sphere) Borg apareci\u00F3 desde un conducto TransWarp. El Challenger fue una de las primeras naves en interceptar a la esfera. Afortunadamente la Esfera fue destruida por la nave USS Voyager.(VOY: \"Endgame\") \n* En un Futuro Alterno, en el a\u00F1o 2390, el Challenger era enviada a interceptar a al Delta Flayer. En ese tiempo, la nave era comandada por el Capit\u00E1n Geordi LaForge.(VOY: \"Timeless\")"@es . "USS Challenger"@en . "The USS Challenger (NCC-71099) was a Galaxy-class starship that saw service during the latter half of the 24th century. Constructed sometime after the initial production run of Galaxy-class vessels, she was commissioned prior to 2371, under the command of Vulcan Captain Simm. During the early part of that year, the Challenger was on assignment in the Gamma Quadrant. (TNG novel: The Return) In 2378, the Challenger was part of a fleet which destroyed Borg Sphere 634 as it emerged from a transwarp conduit near Earth. (VOY: \"Endgame\")"@en . . . "220"^^ . . "La USS Challenger (NCC-71099), es una nave Clase Galaxy \n* Esta nave estaba presente en la Tierra cuando una Esfera (Sphere) Borg apareci\u00F3 desde un conducto TransWarp. El Challenger fue una de las primeras naves en interceptar a la esfera. Afortunadamente la Esfera fue destruida por la nave USS Voyager.(VOY: \"Endgame\") \n* En un Futuro Alterno, en el a\u00F1o 2390, el Challenger era enviada a interceptar a al Delta Flayer. En ese tiempo, la nave era comandada por el Capit\u00E1n Geordi LaForge.(VOY: \"Timeless\")"@es . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099)"@de . . "thumb|Die Challenger bindet den Delta Flyer mit dem Traktorstrahl an sich. Die USS Challenger (NCC-71099) ist ein Raumschiff der Galaxy-Klasse. Das Schiff ist 2378 Teil der Flotte, die die Borg-Sph\u00E4re erwartet, welche die USS Voyager zur Erde verfolgt. (VOY: )"@de . . . "destroyed"@en . . . "USS Challenger"@nl . . . . . . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099) je lod\u00ED t\u0159\u00EDdy Galaxy, kter\u00E1 byla za\u0159azena do slu\u017Eby kolem roku 2377. Challenger byl jednou z lod\u00ED, kter\u00E9 byly povol\u00E1ny, aby chr\u00E1nily prostor Federace p\u0159ed p\u0159\u00EDpadnou invaz\u00ED borgsk\u00FDch lod\u00ED. Z \u00FAst\u00ED transwarp tunelu, p\u0159ed kter\u00FDm flotila hl\u00EDdkovala pozd\u011Bji vyl\u00E9tla Borgsk\u00E1 koule. Lod\u011B zah\u00E1jily palbu, ale Koule sama od sebe explodovala a vyl\u00E9tl z n\u00ED USS Voyager, kter\u00FD se pomoc\u00ED tohoto tunelu vr\u00E1til z Delta kvadrantu (rok 2378). (VOY: Endgame) left|thumb|200px|USS Challanger pron\u00E1sleduje Deltapl\u00E1nV alternativn\u00ED \u010Dasov\u00E9 linii vytvo\u0159en\u00E9, kdy\u017E USS Voyager pou\u017Eil kvantov\u00FD proudov\u00FD pohon a lo\u010F byla zni\u010Dena dopadem na povrch ledov\u00E9 planety, byl kapit\u00E1nem Challengeru v roce 2390 Geordi La Forge . Plavidlo bylo povol\u00E1no ke sledov\u00E1n\u00ED zmizel\u00E9ho deltapl\u00E1nu, kter\u00FD byl ukraden b\u00FDval\u00FDmi \u010Dleny pos\u00E1dky USS Voyageru Chakotayem a Harry Kimem. Challenger pozd\u011Bji p\u00E1lil na deltapl\u00E1n phasery, co\u017E zp\u016Fsobilo protr\u017Een\u00ED izolace warp j\u00E1dra. Nicm\u00E9n\u011B Harry Kimovi se poda\u0159ilo poslat zpr\u00E1vu do minulosti, kter\u00E1 v kone\u010Dn\u00E9m d\u016Fsledku zp\u016Fsobila zhroucen\u00ED proudu, ve kter\u00E9m Voyager cestoval a lo\u010F byla zachr\u00E1n\u011Bna. Cel\u00E1 tato \u010Dasov\u00E1 linie tedy p\u0159estala existovat. (VOY: Timeless)"@cs . . . . "USS Challenger (NCC-71099)"@fr . . . . . "Uss challenger .jpg"@nl . "Challenger"@fr . . . . . "L'USS Challenger fut lanc\u00E9 entre les ann\u00E9es 2360 et 2370. Son nom est issu d'une grande lign\u00E9e de v\u00E9hicules terriens, navals et spatiaux, tel que l'USS Challenger NCC-2032. En 2378, l'USS Challenger \u00E9tait l'un des vaisseaux qui devait intercepter la Sph\u00E8re Borg lors du retour de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656. (VOY: \"Endgame\")"@fr . . . . . . "After the destruction of the USS Enterprise-D in 2371, the Challenger returned from a mission in the Gamma Quadrant to pick up her new first officer, Commander William T. Riker. Commander Riker invoked the official secrets regulation of stardate 7500, took command of the Challenger, and brought Doctor Julian Bashir, Commander Deanna Troi, and Captain James T. Kirk onboard. In 2377, the Challenger was part of a fleet which destroyed Borg Sphere 634. (VOY episode: \"Endgame\") In 2410, the Challenger was docked inside Earth Spacedock. (STO video game: Delta Rising)"@en . "NCC-71099"@nl . . "USS Challenger"@en . . "actif"@fr . . . . . . . . "2378"^^ .