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Theme Theme
Theme! Theme is the canon setting, tone, atmosphere and general rules of the universe in which we role-play. It's essentially the lore of the Transformers 2005 universe. Transformers 2005 began in the (IC) year 2005 (1995, OOCly!), a month after the events in Transformers: The Movie. If you haven't seen it, it's a good idea to find a quick synopsis - your best bet is wikipedia. Many years have passed in the MUSH universe since then (), and many events have shaped the theme of the game. Just the same, there are a few topics that have remained constant and canon, and they're good to know for immersion! The only canon that's certain is the canon seen in this movie - other episodes of the cartoon may or may not have happened, often on a case by case basis. Of course the Grand Theme of the Parody Universe is that every piece of material within it is a Parody of some form, however there are some limits that prevent this definition from spreading ever wider into vagueity, meaning there is not a "Grander Theme" from the perspective of the Parody Universe, such as they are all media or some basic state of merely existing to do so would render any meaning to the word "Theme" useless. With the introduction of the minifigure-compatible System line in 1978, LEGO established the three major themes Town, Castle and Space, inside each of which were later added several new subthemes, that mostly consisted of new distinct factions of minifigures and were all related to the respective main theme's core subjects. An exception was the smaller Adventurers theme from 1998 that was complemented with different subthemes until its eventual discontinuation in 2004. Every level in Kid Chameleon is set in one of the ten different scenarios — this is what we call the level's theme. The theme decides: * What tileset and background the level should have * What color the diamonds and some blocks have * What music the level has (with exception of levels with a murder wall) * What splash screen displays when the level (re-)starts Each expansion/stuff pack for The Sims is centered around one or more themes. In order to colonize space as we want it as a humanity, we need a strong message, a message of love, a universal love message. A theme about love must be large and ambitious, fun. Here we don't know how perfect the message should be but we will try, by giving topics and choices. 1) Fun 2) Profitable 3) Strong 4) Helpful 5) Generous 6) Pro Active & positive 7) Infinite 8) Proud 9) Healthy & Easy 10) Loud & Silencious 11) Positive emotions 12) Acceptance 13) Peace, well-being and painlessness 14) Workable 15) Quick 16) Understandable & serious 17) Responsable 18) United 19) Intelligent 20) Take & Give 23) Optimist Various areas in Tibia have some theme. The mainland and Edron has a traditional (European) medieval, Lord of the Rings based theme. Some say Venore is based on Venice, though the only remarkable element is that it's built on swamps, just like Venice is built on water. A theme is an add-on which changes the look and feel of its host application. The theme determines the mood, place, and time of the MUX. TFU's theme is based on the original 80s cartoon, combined with the Marvel GI Joe comics. Imagine a world where only a few students have found training and refuge at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, and the Brotherhood is only just forming under Magneto. Where Jean Grey, and Scott Summers are embarking on young adulthood, learning to become teachers for the next generation of mutants that may find their way within the hallowed halls of the Institute. A world where Peter Parker has just been bitten by that radioactive spider. Where Captain America has only recently been unfrozen from the ice after more than fifty years... This is our world. And yet there is hope. A theme is a literary element. It describes the underlying message of the work. Sometimes this is a moral, like "hard work is always rewarded in the end". Sometimes it's not an ethical statement, but a piece of the author's world view. Many people confuse the theme with the plot. However, the plot describes the surface level of the action, not the underlying ideas or meanings as the theme does. The theme of a MUD is the world it is set in, its player culture, and the activities commonly engaged in by its players. For example a MUD may have a fantasy or science fiction theme; its players may be experienced, inclusive, and friendly, or not; there may be two "sides" who engage in perpetual player versus player conflict, or play may be peaceful and quest oriented. Clicking the top left icon on the Home screen brings up the customization menu. This is an optional In App Purchase that allows you to change the default Shopkeeper and Theme. This costs $2.99 USD and unlocks 9 additional Skins and 5 Themes. You can freely change both Skins and Themes after unlocking. Star Wars MUSH places great importance on theme, so not all forms of roleplay are acceptable. While players should not feel constricted by theme, IC actions and attitudes should remain consistent to the Star Wars universe to help maintain our IC environment. Original material from the players helps keep our perspective of Star Wars fresh and unique. To prevent out-of-place subject matter (e.g., blatant ripoffs from other sci-fi themes, factions named after Los Angeles street gangs), the RPAdmin reserves the right to screen original factions, races, and technology and to ensure that characters have names appropriate to the MUSH's Star Wars theme. Various areas in Tibia have some theme. The mainland and Edron has a traditional (European) medieval, Lord of the Rings based theme. Some say Venore is based on Venice, though the only remarkable element is that it's built on swamps, just like Venice is built on water. This track uses mostly strings, such as the violin and harp along side a choir and piano. It switches between solid melody lines, where violins or flutes play a harmonic melody with drums and another string instrument in the background along with complex sections with full countermelodies that include all of the instruments mentioned.
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This track unlocks at the Coal Trucks.
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Violin, harp, choir, piano, flutes, drums
RS2 Music player and fixes
Ian Taylor, Adam Bond Ian Taylor
n47: Coal truck mining site
Imagine a world where only a few students have found training and refuge at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, and the Brotherhood is only just forming under Magneto. Where Jean Grey, and Scott Summers are embarking on young adulthood, learning to become teachers for the next generation of mutants that may find their way within the hallowed halls of the Institute. A world where Peter Parker has just been bitten by that radioactive spider. Where Captain America has only recently been unfrozen from the ice after more than fifty years... This is our world. One where mutants are not known publicly for the most part. The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning is known as a privately funded institution, and it is only now that Professor Charles Xavier is starting to go out and bring other young mutants into a safe place of learning where there is no discrimination. But he is not the only one recruiting. Though Magneto may not have the benefit of Cerebro, he watches the news closely, following leads of his own to try and bring the elite into the fold of the Brotherhood of Mutants. He is always behind the scenes, manipulating and furthering his own cause, but has not shown himself as a great terrorist threat yet. The Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club are engaged in their own conspiracy to dominate the world; though while they are mutants, they choose to do this through the accumulation of monetary power and influence. The Black King, Sebastian Shaw, is trying to use his position within the Inner Circle to boost his corporation - Shaw Industries - in the eyes of the government, and manipulate them to work with him on several 'secret' projects for the future. (None of the Inner Circle members are known as mutants by either the government or the general public). More mundane things are of concern as well. The government has started to take an interest in mutants, discussing ways to deal with the strange phenomenon senators and representatives are seeing more and more in the world. And whether they should be investigating these events further, perhaps use these 'special' people for their own cause. In New York, rumors and fuzzy UFO-like photos are starting to appear. Tabloids are rife with rumors of a half-man half-devil terrorizing Hell's Kitchen. Daredevil's alter ego, Matt Murdock has his law practice established, he fights for good by day, and by night takes justice into his own hands. Tony Stark is a name being heard more and more. Though he has not accomplished his suit yet, he is known to be manufacturing weapons for the Iraq War. Some of his inventions have saved the lives of hundreds of soldiers, but his private life is what is splayed across every tabloid. He is still a young man and his charm is already becoming legendary. Also in New York, Peter Parker is trying to deal with his new abilities, apparently brought on by a spider bite. With the recent loss of his Uncle Ben, Parker is working hard to help support his Aunt May, while trying to find a way to use his abilities for the greater good. Uncle Ben's words haunting him, "With great power comes great responsibility". If the events from within were not enough, the tragedy of both the World Trade Center attacks and hurricane Katrina cast yet another shadow over the United States. New Orleans is still rebuilding their city, while construction of the WTC monument has begun. Even as people rebuild their lives, they now have to face an entirely new set of challenges. It is only a matter of time before people start figuring out that these are not random phenomenon. Only a matter of time before people start explaining away those who appear to have amazing abilities. If the world has ever been stable or normal, it is on the verge of being turned upside down for countless numbers of people. As more children are born with the X-gene, more will start manifesting, and they will find themselves in a world which is starting to hate and fear them. They will have to make a choice. Hide themselves away from the world and live in fear. Seek out others of their kind in order to understand, control and use their powers for the greater good of humanity. Or whether to allow their fear turn into hatred, and use their powers against human and mutants alike. It will be a difficult road for many, with multiple twists, turns, and unexpected ruts which will shake their resolve. There will be few havens, few shelters for those with extraordinary powers. And yet there is hope. Whispered in the shadows, a beacon which may guide many into the light, rumors about New York - that perhaps there they can find a meeting place, to find help and shelter among others of their own kind - no matter which decision they ultimately choose. Star Wars MUSH places great importance on theme, so not all forms of roleplay are acceptable. While players should not feel constricted by theme, IC actions and attitudes should remain consistent to the Star Wars universe to help maintain our IC environment. Original material from the players helps keep our perspective of Star Wars fresh and unique. To prevent out-of-place subject matter (e.g., blatant ripoffs from other sci-fi themes, factions named after Los Angeles street gangs), the RPAdmin reserves the right to screen original factions, races, and technology and to ensure that characters have names appropriate to the MUSH's Star Wars theme. The following soruces are considered canon to Star Wars MUSH: * The original Star Wars movie family (six films) * The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn * The Star Wars Roleplaying Game sourcebooks from West End Games that occur before the MUSH's Timeline. The MUSH administration, especially the RPAdmin, reserves the right to be selective about what is and is not included from source books — publication does not necessarily indicate acceptance for MUSH theme! Star Wars MUSH places great importance on theme, so not all forms of roleplay are acceptable. While players should not feel constricted by theme, IC actions and attitudes should remain consistent to the Star Wars universe to help maintain our IC environment. Original material from the players helps keep our perspective of Star Wars fresh and unique. To prevent out-of-place subject matter (e.g., blatant ripoffs from other sci-fi themes, factions named after Los Angeles street gangs), the RPAdmin reserves the right to screen original factions, races, and technology and to ensure that characters have names appropriate to the MUSH's Star Wars theme. The following soruces are considered canon to Star Wars MUSH: * The original Star Wars movie family (six films) * The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn * The Star Wars Roleplaying Game sourcebooks from West End Games that occur before the MUSH's Timeline. The MUSH administration, especially the RPAdmin, reserves the right to be selective about what is and is not included from source books — publication does not necessarily indicate acceptance for MUSH theme! From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki. With the introduction of the minifigure-compatible System line in 1978, LEGO established the three major themes Town, Castle and Space, inside each of which were later added several new subthemes, that mostly consisted of new distinct factions of minifigures and were all related to the respective main theme's core subjects. With Boats and Trains, two minor themes where introduced that complemented Town but were not counted as parts or subthemes of it. Another unique theme was Model Team from 1986, whose sets focussed on more or less accurate scale reproductions of real world vehicles and were not designed to be minifigure-compatible. Beginning with Pirates in 1989, LEGO added additional main themes to the LEGO System line that stood beside the three initial main themes. These four major theme made up the bulk of the LEGO System sets of that era and were also the most popular themes. Another minor System theme Belville was introduced in 1994, which contained larger figure and more specially-designed bricks. The next addition was Aquazone in 1995 followed by Western in 1996. The odd Time Cruisers line from the same year is considered a subtheme of Town. The, now six, major minifigure-themes (Town, Castle, Space, Pirates, Aquazone and Western) were subjected to bigger changes in 1999: Space, Pirates, Aquazone and Western were discontinued for the time being. Castle was rebranded to Knights' Kingdom. Town's core subjects were outsourced to Town Jr. and later City Center, while still being complemented by different subthemes which were in most cases only remotely related to city-life. An exception was the smaller Adventurers theme from 1998 that was complemented with different subthemes until its eventual discontinuation in 2004. A theme is an add-on which changes the look and feel of its host application. Various areas in Tibia have some theme. The mainland and Edron has a traditional (European) medieval, Lord of the Rings based theme. Some say Venore is based on Venice, though the only remarkable element is that it's built on swamps, just like Venice is built on water. The theme of a MUD is the world it is set in, its player culture, and the activities commonly engaged in by its players. For example a MUD may have a fantasy or science fiction theme; its players may be experienced, inclusive, and friendly, or not; there may be two "sides" who engage in perpetual player versus player conflict, or play may be peaceful and quest oriented. Of course the Grand Theme of the Parody Universe is that every piece of material within it is a Parody of some form, however there are some limits that prevent this definition from spreading ever wider into vagueity, meaning there is not a "Grander Theme" from the perspective of the Parody Universe, such as they are all media or some basic state of merely existing to do so would render any meaning to the word "Theme" useless. The theme determines the mood, place, and time of the MUX. TFU's theme is based on the original 80s cartoon, combined with the Marvel GI Joe comics. Each expansion/stuff pack for The Sims is centered around one or more themes. A theme is a literary element. It describes the underlying message of the work. Sometimes this is a moral, like "hard work is always rewarded in the end". Sometimes it's not an ethical statement, but a piece of the author's world view. Many people confuse the theme with the plot. However, the plot describes the surface level of the action, not the underlying ideas or meanings as the theme does. Clicking the top left icon on the Home screen brings up the customization menu. This is an optional In App Purchase that allows you to change the default Shopkeeper and Theme. This costs $2.99 USD and unlocks 9 additional Skins and 5 Themes. You can freely change both Skins and Themes after unlocking. This track uses mostly strings, such as the violin and harp along side a choir and piano. It switches between solid melody lines, where violins or flutes play a harmonic melody with drums and another string instrument in the background along with complex sections with full countermelodies that include all of the instruments mentioned. Every level in Kid Chameleon is set in one of the ten different scenarios — this is what we call the level's theme. The theme decides: * What tileset and background the level should have * What color the diamonds and some blocks have * What music the level has (with exception of levels with a murder wall) * What splash screen displays when the level (re-)starts Theme! Theme is the canon setting, tone, atmosphere and general rules of the universe in which we role-play. It's essentially the lore of the Transformers 2005 universe. Transformers 2005 began in the (IC) year 2005 (1995, OOCly!), a month after the events in Transformers: The Movie. If you haven't seen it, it's a good idea to find a quick synopsis - your best bet is wikipedia. Many years have passed in the MUSH universe since then (), and many events have shaped the theme of the game. Just the same, there are a few topics that have remained constant and canon, and they're good to know for immersion! The only canon that's certain is the canon seen in this movie - other episodes of the cartoon may or may not have happened, often on a case by case basis. The MUSH tends to center around the battle between the heroic Autobots and the would-be conquerors, the Decepticons, two warring factions of transforming robots from the planet of Cybertron. Usually, Rodimus Prime leads the Autobots while Galvatron leads the Decepticons, although there are occasional upsets. Human members of the Earth Defense Command aid the Autobots with the use of high-tech vehicles, while the Junkions, a semi-independent faction of Transformers from the planet Junk, also fight for the forces of good alongside their Autobot allies. Meanwhile, the Quintessons, an alliance of human villains called the MECH, and other assorted troublemakers tend to cause headaches for both factions. On Earth the Autobots and, of course, the humans have the strongest foothold, alongside Metroplex, although the Decepticons, with their powerful mobile base Trypticon, can still muster enough firepower on that planet to regularly endanger their opponents. On Cybertron, the forces are slightly more even, although the Decepticons usually have an edge on that planet. Cybertron itself has been moved into a new solar system, and has not one but two suns. Charr is held completely by the Decepticons without contest. In order to colonize space as we want it as a humanity, we need a strong message, a message of love, a universal love message. A theme about love must be large and ambitious, fun. Here we don't know how perfect the message should be but we will try, by giving topics and choices. 1) Fun 2) Profitable 3) Strong 4) Helpful 5) Generous 6) Pro Active & positive 7) Infinite 8) Proud 9) Healthy & Easy 10) Loud & Silencious 11) Positive emotions 12) Acceptance 13) Peace, well-being and painlessness 14) Workable 15) Quick 16) Understandable & serious 17) Responsable 18) United 19) Intelligent 20) Take & Give 21) Clean & Green 22) Unconditional Love 23) Optimist 24) Friendly 25) Sharing 26) Universal Loveland 27) Secure 28) Interested 29) Safe 30) Comfortable 31) Strategic 32) Love is a medicament What else ? Various areas in Tibia have some theme. The mainland and Edron has a traditional (European) medieval, Lord of the Rings based theme. Some say Venore is based on Venice, though the only remarkable element is that it's built on swamps, just like Venice is built on water.
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