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Fairy Tail Wiki:Anime Summary Guild
The Anime Summary Guild is a group of Fairy Tail Wiki users who have the task of correcting and updating the episode pages of our wiki, writing new and correct episode summaries as the episodes are released, and updating the character pages for anime-only events. These users are dedicated to the task of making sure the episode pages within the Wiki are correct! All users should read our Summary Guidelines before you start taking jobs.
Anime Summary
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-jabberjay Mamerge Umnei Relikz Prime Dispelling Mage LegendAqua Mint Zeref Vermillion Raven Glass Heart Mirasman3 Animaltamer None Carry
Member Roles Writing Manga & Anime Differences Writing Episode Summaries Writing Character Summaries
The contents of the episode pages should be set out in the following order: *Introduction *Summary *Characters in Order of Appearance *Fights *Magic, Spells and Abilities Used, and finally, *Navigation The Section: The first part of an episode summary is the actual summary itself. This is the section that describes what happens in the episode. Though it may seem simple to just type out exactly what occurs in the episode, there are a few important rules to remember: 1. Please keep in mind that this is a Wiki, so please do not speculate when writing an episode summary. Just describe things as they unfold, and when in doubt, go for neutral tone and wording. 2. The episode summary is not supposed to be a substitute for actually watching the episode. As such, there is no need to give minute details of everything that's happening. This includes battles. There is another Guild on the Wiki that handles fight pages in great detail, so every part of the fight does not need to be stated. Remember, it is a summary only. 3. Links - please consider providing one where you think the reader of the summary might want more information. These can be links to character pages, fights, location, Magic items, or any other page on the Fairy Tail Wiki. 4. In the summary, only events that happen within that specific episode should be included. Recaps and previews from the previous episode and for the next episode are not to be added. 6. The summaries should be written with in universe wording, meaning terms such as "the scene then switches" or "a flashback begins" or "the episode begins with" shouldn't be in the articles. 7. Summaries should also be written in the present tense, meaning that a statement such as "Natsu and Lucy went to Crocus and bought some flowers" should be written as "Natsu and Lucy go to Crocus and buy some flowers". Please make sure that you maintain the present tense through the entirety of your summary; do not switch between tenses. 8. The articles should have a picture every one or two paragraphs and the picture should correspond to the text that is directly next to it. The pictures should alternate, meaning that if a picture is on the left in a paragraph, it should be on the right in the next. Also make sure that the pictures correspond to the text they are next to. If you are writing about Natsu and Erza fighting, do not place a picture of Lucy in the bath next to it. 9. Episodes must have a one line introduction. This introduction is essentially a two to three sentence recap of the entire episode that goes at the top of the page before the summary. See Episode 1 for details. 10. A mistake made by many editors is that they include the littlest details in their summary. This is a reiteration of guideline #2, in case you did not read it. There is no need to create a summary stating each and every action of all the characters. Only the main idea and the major events that happen need to be written, because it is a summary. 11. The average episode contains about 3-4 paragraphs with 3-4 images. Episodes with a lot of events can reach up to 6, though non-OVA episodes reaching up to eight or more paragraphs long are probably far too detailed. 12. A fight episode usually has a very short summary, which contains only 2-3 paragraphs and 2-3 images. As mentioned before, the Wiki has various fight pages which give detail to the battles, and that is why the fights occurring in an episode have their own section after the summary. For an example of a summary of a general fighting episode, see The Man Without the Mark. Note that as the episode was primarily battles only, the summary is neither that long, nor that detailed. 14. It is not required for the summary of a newly-released episode to be finished within two days of the premiere, though it is more convenient to users if it is completed promptly. The Section: Every episode page should list the characters that appear in that specific episode. To list characters, use the wikitext #Character Name set out. For example... #Natsu Dragneel #Lucy Heartfilia #Mirajane :etc. Please do not forget that episodes with more than 8 appearing characters should have these names listed in a scrollbox. A scrollbox can be added by using the code: It is important that specific events that occur in anime-only episodes are added to the characters summary pages. If the character appears in an OVA, their role should be mentioned in the "Appearances in Other Media" section of their page . If a character appears in a filler episode, their role should be mentioned in their "Synopsis" under the appropriate arc section. Currently, jobs to help summarise characters appearances in "The Key of the Starry Sky arc" will be open. This particular arc should be put in a characters synopsis between the "X791 arc" and the "Grand Magic Games arc". Please make sure that directly under the heading of the arc, the following statement can be seen: (Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.) Also please ensure that this arc is collapsed on all character pages except those who are anime-only characters . This can be done by typing "" at the bottom of the arc summary. This hide command should be placed under the non-cannon disclaimer. There will also be OVA summary jobs up for completion. As stated above, make sure you are typing these summaries in the correct place, and adding pictures if necessary. No disclaimer needs to be added, and no collapse needs to be used. If the characters "Appearance in Other Media" section does not exist, you will need to create it on their page . What you type needs to be under another 2 headings. The first is a simple heading between 3 "=" marks that says "OVA", to separate this from other appearances the character may have. Finally, you will need to state the title of the OVA between 4 "=" marks and type your summary under that. The type of episode summary you will have to write for a character can be determined by the amount of Jewels the job is worth. All jobs will be worth one of three amounts: # 1,500 : This character plays a prominent role in this episode and requires a summary that is around 1-2 long paragraphs in length. # 1,000 : This character has at least one major appearance in the episode and requires a summary that is around 1 medium-length paragraph long. # 500 : This character has a minor appearance in the episode and requires a summary that is a few sentences long. There are a few important things to remember when writing these summaries: # What you write about the character should be in the present tense. # Make sure that the order of events in the arc are in the correct order. If somebody has stated something on a characters page that happens after the episode you are meant to be adding, make sure that you write what you are required to between the older and newer event. # As with summary writing, you do not need to include every detail about what happens to the character. Just as briefly as possible state where the character goes and what they do. Eg: If during an episode Lucy eats breakfast, heads to the guild, agrees to go on a job with Natsu, brushes her hair, plays chess with Levy and then captures a group of bandits with Natsu, you only need to state that she went to the guild, agreed to work with Natsu and defeated the bandits. All other information is not relevant to the arcs story, and therefore should not be included. # If you take a job and discover that somebody else has already written a summary for that particular character, still complete the job! You should look over what is there and extend/shorten it if necessary, as well as check the grammar, spelling and layout of what is written . # Pictures should be included, but only if they fit in with the layout of what is there and are relevant to what has been written. # As the jobs are divided into episodes, only summarise what happens in your chosen episode. If a certain event runs between two episodes, only state what occurs in the episode you have selected to summarise, and leave the rest of the summary to the person who takes the episode after you. To maybe counter this issue, take two or more episodes belonging to the character of your choice and complete them together. # Please do not forget to reference what you add, but as the jobs are divided by episode, this simply means adding one reference at the end of your paragraph, which can be done by typing: *Is the primary contact for the Guild *Has the right to add jobs to the request board. *Has the right to check completed jobs and move them to the completed list. *Has the right to remove inactive users. *Has the right to allow users to join the Guild and add their name to the registry. *Has the right to take and complete jobs. S-Class Mage *Has the right to promote and demote users. *Has the right to add jobs to the request board. *Has the right to allow users to join the Guild and add their name to the registry. *Has the right to check completed jobs and move them to the completed list. *Has the right to remove inactive users. *Has the right to take and complete jobs. Guild Master or *Has the right to add jobs to the request board. *Has the right to check completed jobs and move them to the completed list. *Has the right to report inactive users to the Guild Master. *Has the right to allow users to Join the Guild and add their name to the registry. *Has the right to take and complete jobs. Mage Supervisor *All users that go a month without completing at least 3 jobs will be tagged as "Inactive". *All users that go two months without completing at least 3 jobs will be excommunicated without warning. and placing the characters names between the = and *Has the right to take and complete jobs. Each episode that is not exclusive to the anime must have the "Manga & Anime Differences" section listed before the "Navigation" section. The differences must be listed chronologically in bullet form in mostly plain text. Links should be provided to locations, Magic items and spells, but characters do not need to be linked, as that is what the "Characters in Order of Appearance" section is for. Basically, anything the anime shows that varies from its manga counterpart should be listed. "Manga & Anime Differences" include, but are not limited to: #Fight differences #Minor variations in the sequence of events #Additional narrations/recaps besides the one usually provided at the beginning of an episode #Additional clips #New spells #Variations in how a scene is portrayed : *When Carla and Wendy find Jellal and Erza in the manga, Carla is walking beside Wendy. In the anime, she is flying. *The anime added a short clip of Erza wondering how much longer she must remain on the battlefield. *Erza's Robe of YĆ«en has a different appearance between the two media. *Hibiki's shirt is striped in the manga, however in the anime it is plain blue. *The anime changes the sequence of events surrounding Christina: **Manga: The team aboard Christina declares they are out of Magic Power and Christina falls. Hibiki then hurriedly informs those on Nirvana about the Lacrima and how to destroy them. **Anime: Hibiki explains to the people on Nirvana how to destroy the Lacrima. His connection is cut out due to Christina suddenly falling because those aboard have run out of Magic Power. *In the anime, Ren holds Sherry as Christina falls. In the manga, they have collapsed beside each other. *In the manga, Ren still has cuts on his face from his encounter with Midnight. These cuts are not seen in the anime. *The anime extended the scene in which Team Natsu is inspired to get up and continue fighting. *The Lacrima chamber in which Natsu finds Zero has a different appearance between the anime and the manga. #Try not to use the same phrase when opening each sentence as it makes it redundant and unappealing. Try to vary it by saying "In the manga..." instead or just by simply stating the difference such as "Scorpio says that he is on vacation with Aquarius." if appropriate. #Referencing is not needed, but do make sure that the information given is accurate. #Remember to place a full-stop at the end of each listed difference! #Naming differences are unnecessary if the differences are only in spelling. Online manga are fan translations and could vary from anime subs, which are also fan translations. The official/more accurate names are already present in the Wiki. For example, some online manga would refer to Moka as "Mocha" when anime subs spell it as "Moka". Listing this is unnecessary.
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User:LegendAqua User:Umnei User:Mirasman3 User:Ultraprime2 User:Relikz User:FairyRaven User:Mintaro Fairy Tail Wiki:Anime Summary Guild User:TheCarrotSaysYumYum User:Glass Heart User:Zeref Vermillion User:Animaltamer7 User:-jabberjay User:Dispelling Mage User:Mamerge
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The Anime Summary Guild is a group of Fairy Tail Wiki users who have the task of correcting and updating the episode pages of our wiki, writing new and correct episode summaries as the episodes are released, and updating the character pages for anime-only events. These users are dedicated to the task of making sure the episode pages within the Wiki are correct! All users should read our Summary Guidelines before you start taking jobs.