. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jun.13.2010"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet was a celestial body that was in orbit around a star, was neither a star nor a moon, and had cleared out the area around its orbit as it formed by causing all other smaller bodies in its orbit to accrete with it. As a consequence, it would not share its orbital region with any other bodies of significant size, except for moons or those collected later under its gravitational influence. Depending on the tilt of the planet's axis, planets also had varied seasons with ranging temperatures and weather. Planets were extremely varied in terms of environmental conditions and landscape, ranging from completely oceanic (such as Manaan and Kamino) to thick arboreal rainforests (such as Kashyyyk and Felucia). Some planets, such as Hoth, were completely frozen, while other planets, such as Nelvaan, were experiencing an ice age. Some planets, like Geonosis, Korriban, and Tatooine, were completely barren and desolate, covered in little more than rock and sand; while others (such as Coruscant and Taris) became an ecumenopolis, in which the entire planetary surface was covered by one gigantic city. Many planets, like Dantooine, Naboo, Alderaan, and Corellia, contained a mix of landscapes, with various continents, oceans, and mountains. Most life-bearing planets had primarily nitrogen and oxygen-based Type I atmospheres; though some (such as Dorin, Gand, and Skako) had unique atmospheres to which their native life forms had adapted. Gas giants, planets made up of primarily gaseous layers, were rarely inhabited, though they were sometimes used for resource collection (such as the Tibanna Gas operations on Bespin)."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planet"@da . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The term planet (sometimes referred to as world) is a geographical category. Planets exist in the Great Dark Beyond, which is apparently the term for what we would call \"outer space\". The term \"world\" generally refers to Azeroth itself, other worlds are generally referred to by their names in context to Azeroth. In geographical hierarchy, worlds contain continents."@en . . . . . . "Planet"@de . . . "Ein Planet ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, der im Orbit eines Sterns existiert und diesen Himmelsk\u00F6rper umkreist. Er geh\u00F6rt einem System an, das wiederum einen Teil eines Sektors darstellt."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u041F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0442\u0430/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ich blickte aus dem Fenster. Dort vorne, der kleine Lichtpunkt, das war unser Ziel. Wir waren die ersten, die diesen Planeten betreten w\u00FCrden. Er war noch kaum zu sehen, anders als die Sterne ringsum, die hell wie immer leuchteten. Selbst der Stern, um den dieser Planet kreiste, war von hier aus nur ein Lichtpunkt unter vielen. Auch vom Planeten aus w\u00FCrde er nicht viel heller aussehen. Das lag nicht nur daran, dass er extrem schwach war \u2013 ein roter Zwerg \u2013, sondern auch daran, dass der Planet ziemlich weit vom Stern entfernt seine Bahn zog. Auf dem Planeten herrschte ewige Nacht, mit einem Sternenhimmel, der niemals im Tageslicht verblasste, und der auch niemals von Wolken verdeckt werden w\u00FCrde, denn der Planet hatte auch keine nennenswerte Atmosph\u00E4re. Insofern war es nicht gerade ein Paradies, das wir da besuchen w\u00FCrden, aber dennoch: Es war der erste Planet, den ich je betreten w\u00FCrde. Der Lichtpunkt wurde qu\u00E4lend langsam heller. Raumfl\u00FCge dauerten eben selbst mit modernster Technik immer noch extrem lange. Seit f\u00FCnfhundert Tagen waren wir jetzt schon unterwegs. F\u00FCnfhundert Tage, seit wir das Mutterschiff verlassen hatten. F\u00FCnfhundert Tage, in denen wir uns zu dritt auf der Pelle sa\u00DFen. F\u00FCnfhundert Tage, die vor allem mit Langeweile gef\u00FCllt waren. Und es sollte noch weitere f\u00FCnfzig Tage dauern, bis wir den Planeten erreichten, falls alles nach Plan lief. F\u00FCnfzig weitere Tage. F\u00FCnfzig weitere Tage Routine. Aufstehen, waschen, anziehen. Den vorgeschriebenen Fr\u00FChsport in der Zentrifuge. Jeden Tag wurde die Zentrifuge etwas h\u00F6her gestellt, bis die Zentrifugalkraft der Gravitation auf der Oberfl\u00E4che des Planeten entspr\u00E4che. Noch zehn Tage, dann sollte dieser Wert erreicht sein. Anfangs hatte sich das noch etwas merkw\u00FCrdig angef\u00FChlt, dieses merkw\u00FCrdige Ziehen an allen Teilen des K\u00F6rpers in der Zentrifuge, aber mittlerweile hatte ich mich daran gew\u00F6hnt. Ob sich echte Gravitation wirklich genauso anf\u00FChlte? Nun, in f\u00FCnfzig Tagen w\u00FCrde ich es wissen. Nach dem Zentrifugentraining war Zeit f\u00FCr die erste Mahlzeit des Tages. Jedenfalls f\u00FCr mich, f\u00FCr Frasef war es schon die dritte. Unser Tagesablauf war jeweils um acht Stunden versetzt, so dass zu jeder Zeit zwei Leute einsatzbereit waren. au\u00DFerdem konnten so die Einrichtungen des Raumschiffs bestm\u00F6glich ausgenutzt werden. Beispielsweise brauchten wir nur eine Schlafkoje, da ja immer nur einer von uns schlief. Nach mir war Korna an der Reihe, und dann Frasef, und dann wieder ich. Nach dem Fr\u00FChst\u00FCck, das wir auch zum Austausch von Neuigkeiten \u2013 beziehungsweise normalerweise zum Austausch der Tatsache, dass es nichts Neues zu berichten gab \u2013 nutzten, \u00FCbernahm ich die Kontrolle im Steuerraum. Die Aufgabe dort bestand im Wesentlichen darin, zu \u00FCberwachen, dass der Computer den richtigen Kurs hielt \u2013 was er ohnehin immer tat \u2013 und dass alle Systeme ordentlich arbeiteten \u2013 auch hier hatte es noch nie ein Problem gegeben. Diese Zeit war stets die langweiligste des Tages. Aber immerhin hatte man durch das Fenster des Steuerraums einen guten Blick nach drau\u00DFen. Der aber auch mit der Zeit langweilig wurde, wenn man jeden Tag praktisch dieselbe Sicht hatte. Aber zumindest das sollte sich bald \u00E4ndern: Nicht lange, und der Planet sollte nahe genug sein, um nicht mehr nur als ein Punkt zu erscheinen. Dann w\u00FCrde er sich dem Auge zun\u00E4chst als kleine Scheibe pr\u00E4sentieren, die langsam gr\u00F6\u00DFer w\u00FCrde, um nach und nach immer mehr Details zu zeigen. Schlie\u00DFlich w\u00FCrde man in der Lage sein, ihn als Kugel wahrzunehmen. Ich konnte diesen Moment kaum erwarten. Ich w\u00FCrde einer der wenigen Menschen sein, die je einen Planeten mit eigenen Augen gesehen hatten, ja, sogar auf einem herumgelaufen sind! Noch f\u00FCnfzig Tage \u2026 Nach dem Dienst im Steuerraum folgte die zweite Mahlzeit mit Frasef. W\u00E4hrend ich mich im Steuerraum gelangweilt hatte, hatte er seinen Nachmittagssport erledigt und die Lektionen zur Landung auf dem Planeten wiederholt. Das war das Programm an jedem Nachmittag. Jeden Tag war eine andere Lektion dran; ich w\u00FCrde heute das Auffinden von Uranreserven wiederholen. Denn das war der eigentliche Grund f\u00FCr den Besuch des Planeten: Neues Uran f\u00FCr die Schiffsreaktoren zu besorgen. Nach dem Essen hatten wir ein wenig freie Zeit, die wir uns mit Spielen vertrieben, bis es f\u00FCr Frasef an der Zeit war, schlafen zu gehen. Meine Aufgabe war es nun, die Logbucheintr\u00E4ge f\u00FCr die letzten acht Stunden vorzunehmen und noch ein paar andere Routinearbeiten zu erledigen, bis es Zeit wurde f\u00FCr die dritte Mahlzeit des Tages, diesmal mit Korna, die gerade von ihrem Fr\u00FChsport kam. Noch f\u00FCnfzig Tage w\u00FCrde diese Routine weitergehen. F\u00FCnfzig lange Tage, bis wir endlich den Planeten erreicht haben w\u00FCrden. Aber dennoch, es lohnte sich. W\u00FCrde ich doch einen echten Planeten zu sehen bekommen. Kategorie:Prosa"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The term planet means \"Wandering Star\". These objects are celestial bodies that exist in our solar system. In astronomy, planets only refers to eight of these objects, however, here it is used in its original term."@en . . . "A planet is an object that is usually found orbiting a star, though some planets may not. Further, planets often have moons orbiting them and can have life develop on them. Planets can often be categorized in a variety of ways."@en . . . . . . "3"^^ . "A planet is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion in its core, and has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals (smaller bodies such as asteroids). Planets are naturally occurring bodies, as opposed to artificial objects such as spacedocks and hypergates."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planet"@en . . . . . . . . . . "A planet was a stellar object massive enough to generate sufficient gravity to form a spherical shape. Planets orbited nearly every star in the known galaxy. Larger than moons and asteroids, they ranged from airless rocks balls of ice to gas giants and terrestrial worlds teeming with life. Planets often had natural satellites, called moons. A common military philosophy held by most factions was that to control space, they had to control the planets. See Category:Planets for a full list of planets."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, der im Orbit eines Sterns existiert und diesen Himmelsk\u00F6rper umkreist. Er geh\u00F6rt einem System an, das wiederum einen Teil eines Sektors darstellt."@en . . . . . "A planet was a stellar object massive enough to generate sufficient gravity to form a spherical shape. Planets orbited nearly every star in the known galaxy. Larger than moons and asteroids, they ranged from airless rocks balls of ice to gas giants and terrestrial worlds teeming with life. Planets often had natural satellites, called moons. A common military philosophy held by most factions was that to control space, they had to control the planets. See Category:Planets for a full list of planets."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet is a world that can be (but doesnt have to) be inhabited. Our main planet is Avden.Other important planets are: \n* The Red Planet, \n* Eratha \n* Xanqwe"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Aerial Beauty"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In Galaxy on Fire 3D, not every planet had a space station nor did each space station orbit around a planet. Each planet, alongside with space stations, had a place to acquire new missions and view the map to travel to another space station or planet. Some, but not all, planets/space stations had a shop where the pilot could trade items including loot, and . However, when a mercenary earns 1 million credits, each one of them gains a shop."@en . . . "#0F142D; color: #FEB8F1"@en . . . "Planets are celestial bodies that almost always have an orbit around a sun (those few which don't are referred to as \"rogue planets\"). They can be any distance from a sun, from almost touching the corona of a sun, to being so far away from the star that they orbit that the sun is just like another small speck in the sky. Planets also have many different forms, such as gas giants that are hundreds of times larger than smaller, rocky planets. There are also planets that are not much bigger than asteroids, but meet varying criteria for being a planet. Moons orbit planets which in turn orbit suns."@en . . "-- frequent sentiment of many individuals returning to a home planet"@en . . . . "Planets were celestial bodies of varying size, large enough to be rounded into a spherical shape by their own gravity, but not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion. Most planets existed as part of a star system. Some planets possessed an atmosphere and could support life."@en . . . . . . . . . . "95.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet, as defined by the International Astronomical Union, is a celestial body meeting the following requirements: For a body in the solar system: \n* is in orbit around the Sun \n* has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape \n* has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit For a body within another planetary system: \n* Telluric planet \n* Jovian planet \n* Extrasolar planet \n* Interstellar planetary mass object \n* Dwarf planet \n* Hot Jupiter"@en . . . . "I3lackSmith"@tr . . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/07/24/know-your-lore-worlds-lost-worlds-unknown/|desc=Know Your Lore: Worlds lost, worlds unknown"@en . . "Medium"@en . . . "Planet is a character in Pok\u00E9mon Star and Planet versions."@en . . . . . . . . "In Codename: Sailor V, online seriess and the manga comic, it tells you that / Minako Is from the planet Venus, and that it is her mother star. Venus is said to be the fiery planet of love and beauty. Which explains alot why Mina is so lovely and beautifull."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Inds\u00E6t tekst her som ikke skal wikiformateres"@da . . . . . "A planet is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion in its core, and has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals (smaller bodies such as asteroids). Planets are naturally occurring bodies, as opposed to artificial objects such as spacedocks and hypergates."@en . . . . . "Planets are one of the most costly part of Stargate Wars, but are almost essential to achieve Ascended status. Planets provide either one or two of various bonuses, including Unit Production (UP), Income per Day, Defence, Attack, or Covert/Anti-Covert skill. The bonus is 'tacked on\" to your appropriate statistic. It does not get bonuses based on race, ascended status, etc. The addition is a raw number, not a percent of anything else. The only stipulation on your bonus is that it can only add up to 50% of your natural scores. You can build defences on each of your planets to protect them, and to destroy attacking enemy fleets. You can have up to 10 planets."@en . . . "A planet (from the Greek for \"wandering star\") is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion at it core, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetismals."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Decoration"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2011/05/22/know-your-lore-the-warcraft-cosmos-part-one-the-material-plan/|desc=Know Your Lore: The Warcraft cosmos, part one: The Material Plane"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "En planet er et objekt som g\u00E5r i bane rundt en stjerne og har nok masse til \u00E5 holde seg rund."@no . . "Medium"@en . . . "Planets are celestial bodies that almost always have an orbit around a sun (those few which don't are referred to as \"rogue planets\"). They can be any distance from a sun, from almost touching the corona of a sun, to being so far away from the star that they orbit that the sun is just like another small speck in the sky. Habitable planets, such as ones that support advanced civilizations such as the Vedrans and various other species, often lie in a temperate zone, which is band a certain distance away from the sun that makes conditions for life ideal. Planets can also have different diameters and atmospheric conditions, from oxygen atmospheres with tepid temperatures to frozen ones that are inhospitable for any kind of life. Planets also have many different forms, such as gas giants that are hundreds of times larger than smaller, rocky planets. There are also planets that are not much bigger than asteroids, but meet varying criteria for being a planet. Moons orbit planets which in turn orbit suns."@en . "Planet"@hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planets are one of the most costly part of Stargate Wars, but are almost essential to achieve Ascended status. Planets provide either one or two of various bonuses, including Unit Production (UP), Income per Day, Defence, Attack, or Covert/Anti-Covert skill. The bonus is 'tacked on\" to your appropriate statistic. It does not get bonuses based on race, ascended status, etc. The addition is a raw number, not a percent of anything else. The only stipulation on your bonus is that it can only add up to 50% of your natural scores. You can build defences on each of your planets to protect them, and to destroy attacking enemy fleets. You can have up to 10 planets."@en . . "N/A"@en . . "A planet is a celestial body typically found in orbit around a star. Planets are typically spheroid and may have other bodies in orbit of themselves such as moons, rings or artificial satellites which can include communications or defense technology or orbital facilities such as starbases and shipyards. There are two basic types of planets, small solid rocky planets which may have a thin atmosphere and gas giants which are almost entirely atmosphere. Small planet-like bodies are planetoids or dwarf planets and smaller bodies still are asteroids."@en . . . . . . "Planet"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet is a type of spheroid celestial body orbiting a star."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "right|250px Planeten sind enorme Himmelsk\u00F6rper, deren Masse gro\u00DF genug ist, dass sie sich im hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht befinden und somit eine n\u00E4herungsweise kugel\u00E4hnliche Gestalt besitzen. Ihre genaue Gr\u00F6\u00DFe variiert \u00FCberdies stark. Planeten sind \u00FCblicherweise das dominierende Objekt ihrer Umlaufbahn, das hei\u00DFt, dass sie diese \u00FCber die Zeit durch ihr Gravitationsfeld von weiteren Objekten \u201Eger\u00E4umt\u201C haben. Obwohl Objekte, die einen anderen Stern als die Sonne umlaufen, nicht unter die obige Definition fallen, werden diese manchmal auch als \u201EPlaneten\u201C bezeichnet. Zur Abgrenzung von den Planeten des Sonnensystems, werden diese K\u00F6rper \u201Eextrasolare Planeten\u201C oder \u201EExoplaneten\u201C genannt."@de . . "A planet is a \"moon\" or a satellite for a star. Planets can have their own satellites. The planets that we know of today are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Dwarf planets are just smaller versions of planets. Pluto, a Dwarf Planet was once classified as a planet."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet is a celestial body that is usually in orbit around a star. Planets generally have varying levels of atmosphere and gravity and sometimes there will be life on the planet. Most of the planets are associated with the Democratic Order of Planets."@en . . . . . . . . . "by Jul 24th 2013 1:00PM"@en . . . "Variable"@en . . . . . . . . . "Planet (2001) is a short Super-8mm movie created by Jeff Kasper."@en . . . . "Planet"@tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Design Prompt"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, (a) der sich auf einer Umlaufbahn um eine Sonne bewegt, (b) dessen Masse gro\u00DF genug ist, dass sich das Objekt im hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht befindet \u2013 und somit eine n\u00E4herungsweise kugel\u00E4hnliche Gestalt besitzt \u2013 und (c) der das dominierende Objekt seiner Umlaufbahn ist, das hei\u00DFt, diese \u00FCber die Zeit durch sein Gravitationsfeld von weiteren Objekten \u201Eger\u00E4umt\u201C hat. (Definition der Internationalen Astronomischen Union (IAU) vom August 2006). Liste mit Planeten des Doctor Who-Universums"@de . . . . . . . "Variable"@en . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|Ein Planet mit Mond Ein Planet ist ein stellares Objekt, welches in der Regel einen Stern auf einer Umlaufbahn umkreist. Manche Planeten haben zus\u00E4tzlich einen oder mehrere Monde, die wiederum den Planeten umkreisen."@de . . "To be added...."@en . . . "En planet er en stor \"kugle\" i et solsystem. I Warcraft-verdenen findes der en masse forskellige planeter. Her er en liste: - Azeroth (Den mest kendte. Det er her Alliance og Horde holder til) - Draenor (Blev knust, og nu eksisterer der kun en lille del af planeten. Nemlig Outland) - Argus (Dette er planeten hvor Draenei'erne oprindeligt kommer fra) - K'aresh (Etherals planet) - Xoroth (Planeten hvor Nathrezim og Dreadsteeds kommer fra)"@da . . . . "A planet is an object that is usually found orbiting a star, though some planets may not. Further, planets often have moons orbiting them and can have life develop on them. Planets can often be categorized in a variety of ways."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Planet is a large ball of gunk orbiting a star"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "En planet er en stor \"kugle\" i et solsystem. I Warcraft-verdenen findes der en masse forskellige planeter. Her er en liste: - Azeroth (Den mest kendte. Det er her Alliance og Horde holder til) - Draenor (Blev knust, og nu eksisterer der kun en lille del af planeten. Nemlig Outland) - Argus (Dette er planeten hvor Draenei'erne oprindeligt kommer fra) - K'aresh (Etherals planet) - Xoroth (Planeten hvor Nathrezim og Dreadsteeds kommer fra)"@da . . . . . . . . "A planet is a large celestial body usually -- but not necessarily -- orbiting a star and not orbiting another planet, thus distinguishing planets from moons. As a general rule, planets are roughly spherical and have features like a core, crust and sometimes an atmosphere. However, the lack of a strong definition makes it hard to say what a planet is."@en . . . . "One cellular cell is one planet. A planet is either neutral or it is owned by one of the players. A neutral planet always have 5 crystals on it."@en . "Planet"@no . . . "Planet is an Aerial Beauty robo that only appears in Custom Robo V2. It is a Jumper Style robo that is primarily used by Yurie."@en . . . . . . . . . "By scientific definition, a planet is any object orbiting a sun with an empty path and sufficient gravity to not tear apart or deform. However, the definition of \"planet\" used in Transformers context is a bit different. ANYTHING with gravity can be a planet, and oddly, they all seem to be about the same."@en . . . . . . . . . "A planet is a large celestial body usually -- but not necessarily -- orbiting a star and not orbiting another planet, thus distinguishing planets from moons. As a general rule, planets are roughly spherical and have features like a core, crust and sometimes an atmosphere. However, the lack of a strong definition makes it hard to say what a planet is. There are two primary classifications of planets. The first and most familiar to us is solid rocky bodies such as Earth and Mars. These planets are composed mostly of metals and siliconate materials. The other category of planets is gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn. Such planets not totally made of gas, but most of their volume is made of gaseous elements like Hydrogen even if the tremendous pressure in their cores compress these gases into solid form. There is no formal definition for what constitutes a planet at this time. The recent declassification of Pluto as a planet has shown the need for one and also how the lines can be fuzzy between a planet and smaller celestial bodies. Planets have been discovered orbiting stars other than our own. Some are far larger than Jupiter and thus seem to blur the line between planets and brown dwarf stars, thus further complicating the process of producing an official definition."@en . . "To be added...."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "120"^^ . "Planets have tiles in which planetary improvements can be built. The tiles are also determined by the planet quality. Some of the tiles may contain special tile resources that can make the improvements build in that tile more effective. Planets also have special bonus that come as a result of having a moon or a ring. The moon gives 10% manufacturing bonus and the ring 10% research bonus."@en . . . . "[[Datei:Erdnuss Planet.jpg|thumb|200 px|Ein Planet aus Super Mario Galaxy]] Der Begriff Planet umschreibt alle Planeten in den Spielen Super Mario Galaxy und Super Mario Galaxy 2. Planeten haben dort verschiedenste und komplexe Designs, die die Aufgabe des Spielers stark beeinflussen. Das Verhalten der Schwerkraft ist bei den Planeten gleich. Runde Planeten sind an allen Seiten begehbar, auf kubischen Planeten variiert das Verhalten (Manchmal sind alle Seiten begehbar, manchmal nur die Oberseite). Mario und Luigi bereisen Planeten, um ihrem Ziel, das Retten der Prinzessin Peach, n\u00E4her zu kommen."@de . . . . "Several Continents, Various material"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planets actually doesn't exist. They are just an mathematical abstraction with no direct physical meaning or value. As such, they are used to perform very good approximations when calculating with worlds and higher spheres, while sparing a great deal of time. This mages them very useful in astronomical predictions of global power-cosmic weather, as well as within some fields of non-euclidean magnetohydrodynamics."@en . . . . "A planet, as defined by the International Astronomical Union, is a celestial body meeting the following requirements: For a body in the solar system: \n* is in orbit around the Sun \n* has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape \n* has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit For a body within another planetary system: \n* is in orbit around a star or the remnants of one \n* has a mass below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium \n* is above the minimum mass/size requirement for planetary status in the Solar System. Therefore, the solar system counts 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In addition to these eight, three dwarf planets are also known: Ceres, Pluto and Eris. As for extrasolar planets, 241 are known as of September 2007. \n* Telluric planet \n* Jovian planet \n* Extrasolar planet \n* Interstellar planetary mass object \n* Dwarf planet \n* Hot Jupiter"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "right|250px Planeten sind enorme Himmelsk\u00F6rper, deren Masse gro\u00DF genug ist, dass sie sich im hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht befinden und somit eine n\u00E4herungsweise kugel\u00E4hnliche Gestalt besitzen. Ihre genaue Gr\u00F6\u00DFe variiert \u00FCberdies stark. Planeten sind \u00FCblicherweise das dominierende Objekt ihrer Umlaufbahn, das hei\u00DFt, dass sie diese \u00FCber die Zeit durch ihr Gravitationsfeld von weiteren Objekten \u201Eger\u00E4umt\u201C haben."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|Ein Planet mit Mond Ein Planet ist ein stellares Objekt, welches in der Regel einen Stern auf einer Umlaufbahn umkreist. Manche Planeten haben zus\u00E4tzlich einen oder mehrere Monde, die wiederum den Planeten umkreisen."@de . . . . . . "By scientific definition, a planet is any object orbiting a sun with an empty path and sufficient gravity to not tear apart or deform. However, the definition of \"planet\" used in Transformers context is a bit different. ANYTHING with gravity can be a planet, and oddly, they all seem to be about the same."@en . . . . . . "A planet was a celestial body that was in orbit around a star, had sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumed a nearly round shape, was neither a star nor a moon of a planet, and had cleared out the area around its orbit as it formed by causing all other smaller bodies in its orbit to accrete with it. As a consequence, it would not share its orbital region with any other bodies of significant size, except for moons or those collected later under its gravitational influence. Depending on the tilt of the planet's axis, planets also had varied seasons with ranging temperatures and weather. Planets were extremely varied in terms of environmental conditions and landscape, ranging from completely oceanic (such as Manaan and Kamino) to thick arboreal rainforests (such as Kashyyyk and Felucia). Some planets, like Geonosis, Korriban, and Tatooine, were completely barren and desolate, covered in little more than rock and sand; while others (such as Coruscant and Taris) became ecumenopoleis, in which the entire planetary surface was covered by one gigantic city. Many planets, like Dantooine, Naboo, Alderaan, and Corellia, contained a mix of landscapes, with various continents, oceans, and mountains. Most life-bearing planets had primarily nitrogen and oxygen-based Type I atmospheres; though some (such as Dorin, Gand, and Skako) had unique atmospheres to which their native life forms had adapted. Gas giants, planets made up of primarily gaseous layers, were rarely inhabited, though they were sometimes used for resource collection (such as the Tibanna gas operations on Bespin)."@en . "A planet (from Ancient Greek \u1F00\u03C3\u03C4\u1F74\u03C1 \u03C0\u03BB\u03B1\u03BD\u03AE\u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 (ast\u0113r plan\u0113t\u0113s), meaning \"wandering star\") is an astronomical object orbiting a star or stellar remnant that *is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, *is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and *has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals. (from Wikipedia) Planets are the primary locations for life to evolve and live, although some terraformed (or similar) moons and planetoids can all sustain life. The Twelve Colonies were each founded on a different planet in a single solar system."@en . "In Codename: Sailor V, online seriess and the manga comic, it tells you that / Minako Is from the planet Venus, and that it is her mother star. Venus is said to be the fiery planet of love and beauty. Which explains alot why Mina is so lovely and beautifull."@en . . . "Milky Way planets are usually designated with P??-???, Pegasus planets are M??-???, planets in NGC 3109 are designated O??-???, whilst planets in the Vennix Galaxy are usually designated with V??-???. (Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Olympus, VEN: \"Alpha Site\")"@en . . . "These are the Planets of Glorantha. \n* Blue Moon \n* Blue Planet \n* Broken Planet \n* Gray Planet \n* Pale Planet \n* Red Moon \n* Red Planet \n* Sun \n* Twin Planets \n* Yellow Planet \n* White Planet Sources: Guide to Glorantha, Glorious ReAscent of Yelm"@en . . . . . . "A planet is a \"moon\" or a satellite for a star. Planets can have their own satellites. The planets that we know of today are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Dwarf planets are just smaller versions of planets. Pluto, a Dwarf Planet was once classified as a planet."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|right|Die Erde Ein Planet ist ein stellares Objekt, welches in der Regel einen Stern auf einer Umlaufbahn umkreist. Manche Planeten haben zus\u00E4tzlich einen oder mehrere Monde, die wiederum den Planeten umkreisen."@de . . "A planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around a Star, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a nearly round shape, has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and is neither a star nor a moon of a planet. A pair of objects are considered a double planet system if they independently satisfy the definition of a planet, and the common center of gravity of the system (known as the barycenter) lies outside either body."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planet is one of the Biggest kinds of fruit in the world."@en . . . "A planet may be used to send useless or otherwise unneeded individuals, such as: \n* Henry Fonda \n* Hugh Jackman \n* Your Mom \n* The Capuchin Monkey \n* Dinosaurs \n* Jimmy Hoffa \n* Al Capone \n* Optimus Prime"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "wowinsider"@en . . . . . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, der im Orbit eines Sterns existiert und diesen Himmelsk\u00F6rper umkreist. Er geh\u00F6rt einem System an, das wiederum einen Teil eines Sektors darstellt."@de . . . . . . . "\"planet\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The definition of a planet is a celestial body whose core is not hot enough to maintain nuclear fusion (otherwise it is a star). If it is in orbit around another planet it is a satellite (or moon), not a planet. The planet you are most familiar with is Earth! A planet can have many features, such as Mars and Venus, whose landscapes are magnificent! It also has many types of gases. A Habitable planet is a planet where the temperatures are right for liquid water to exist. An Exoplanet is a planet outside the Solar System."@en . . . "[[Datei:Erdnuss Planet.jpg|thumb|200 px|Ein Planet aus Super Mario Galaxy]] Der Begriff Planet umschreibt alle Planeten in den Spielen Super Mario Galaxy und Super Mario Galaxy 2. Planeten haben dort verschiedenste und komplexe Designs, die die Aufgabe des Spielers stark beeinflussen. Das Verhalten der Schwerkraft ist bei den Planeten gleich. Runde Planeten sind an allen Seiten begehbar, auf kubischen Planeten variiert das Verhalten (Manchmal sind alle Seiten begehbar, manchmal nur die Oberseite). Mario und Luigi bereisen Planeten, um ihrem Ziel, das Retten der Prinzessin Peach, n\u00E4her zu kommen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Planet is an object in Planet Simulation that is used to simulate planets' universal gravitation. The size of a planet can be changed using Size. A planet's color can be changed using the Color tool."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Throughout the quest of Astro-Knights Island, you will travel to different planets and battle various bosses. The Three islands that you travel to are the Jungle Planet, Fire Planet, and Ice Planet. In addition, Planet Poptropica is where all of the Poptropica islands are located, and you must land back there in order to travel to different islands."@en . . "A planet is a bunch of matter orbiting round a sun and bigger than Pluto. Officially, Pluto is a Dwarf Planet."@en . . . . . . "Planet can refer to : \n* PLANETZ, a song by DJ Sharpnel \n* ==Planet KARMA==, a song by Stephen Kay \n* Forgotten Planet, a song by Rushjet1 \n* Treasure Planet, a song by Adraen \n* WILD PLANET, a song by OSTER project"@en . . . . . "A planet is an astronomical body in a hydrostatic equilibrium orbiting some type of stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals that is not massive enough to undergo nuclear fusion. Typically they orbit a star in a Solar System, though they can be found in the interstellar medium. They can be either rocky or gaseous in composition. The former are called terrestrial planets; the latter are called gas giant planets. A civilization that uses power equal to its planet's input from solar radiation (roughly 1016 watts for Earth), or fully controls the available resources on a planet, is called a Type 1.0 Civilization."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet (from the Greek for \"wandering star\") is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion at it core, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetismals."@en . . . . . . . "A planet is an astronomical body in a hydrostatic equilibrium orbiting some type of stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals that is not massive enough to undergo nuclear fusion. Typically they orbit a star in a Solar System, though they can be found in the interstellar medium. They can be either rocky or gaseous in composition. The former are called terrestrial planets; the latter are called gas giant planets."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Variable"@en . . . "10"^^ . . . . "The definition of a planet is a celestial body whose core is not hot enough to maintain nuclear fusion (otherwise it is a star). If it is in orbit around another planet it is a satellite (or moon), not a planet. The planet you are most familiar with is Earth! A planet can have many features, such as Mars and Venus, whose landscapes are magnificent! It also has many types of gases. A Habitable planet is a planet where the temperatures are right for liquid water to exist. An Exoplanet is a planet outside the Solar System."@en . "The final appearance of a planet depended on its formation process, which meant where and under what circumstances it formed. Planets could accumulate gigantic atmospheres, exceeding their original size and mass, or they could rest without any atmosphere at all. With a sufficient mass, a planet was able to accumulate so much gas, that it started to undergo nuclear fusion, turning into a protostar. In this state it began to emit energy, as its core temperature and density increased. Planets could also be changed to a class M environment by terraforming. (TNG: \"Home Soil\" ) The Federation had numerous different classifications for planets depending on their mass, composition, surface environment and atmospheric compounds. In 2259, in the alternate reality, when targeted comm bursts were broadcast to distant planets from Starfleet starships, planetary information was displayed on the main viewscreen such as the class and status as a living planet (a planet with life), its moons, the native intelligent species, the star system, sector and sector block locations. Geographical information was also displayed. (Star Trek Into Darkness display graphic)"@en . . . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, der im Orbit eines Sterns existiert und diesen Himmelsk\u00F6rper umkreist. Er geh\u00F6rt einem System an, das wiederum einen Teil eines Sektors darstellt."@de . "Planet"@en . . . . . . "Planets come in two main types, Terrestrial, which is planets made up of rock, and Gas giants, planets made up of frozen gas and dust which were rarely habitable. Planets come in many variations. \n* Bespin and Yavin Prime were Gas giants made up of a bunch of layers of frozen gas and dust and rarely were home to any life. \n* Kashyyyk, Thyferra, and Wayland were forest or tropical planets covered in nothing more than thick forests. \n* Geonosis, Tatooine, and Korriban were barren and covered with little more than rock and sand and possesed little to no human life. Though some like Geonosis possesed alien life. \n* Hoth, Rhen Var, Ilum, and Alzoc III were completely frozen and/or in the stage of an Ice Age. They never possesed human life but some possesed some creature life (like Hot"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet was a celestial body that was in orbit around a star, was neither a star nor a moon, and had cleared out the area around its orbit as it formed by causing all other smaller bodies in its orbit to accrete with it. As a consequence, it would not share its orbital region with any other bodies of significant size, except for moons or those collected later under its gravitational influence. Depending on the tilt of the planet's axis, planets also had varied seasons with ranging temperatures and weather. Planets were extremely varied in terms of environmental conditions and landscape, ranging from completely oceanic (such as Manaan and Kamino) to thick arboreal rainforests (such as Kashyyyk and Felucia). Some planets, such as Hoth, were completely frozen, while other planets, such as Ne"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planeta"@en . . . "A planet is a type of spheroid celestial body orbiting a star."@en . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . . . . "A Planet is an object in Planet Simulation that is used to simulate planets' universal gravitation. The size of a planet can be changed using Size. A planet's color can be changed using the Color tool."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . . "A planet is a world that can be (but doesnt have to) be inhabited. Our main planet is Avden.Other important planets are: \n* The Red Planet, \n* Eratha \n* Xanqwe"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planet (2001) is a short Super-8mm movie created by Jeff Kasper."@en . . . . . . . "A planet is an astronomical object orbiting a star."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u2642"@en . . . . "A planet is a bunch of matter orbiting round a sun and bigger than Pluto. Officially, Pluto is a Dwarf Planet."@en . . . . . . . "Planets formed the main habitat for essentially all lifeforms known to man, and for all the intelligent species known to man. Humans were able to settle on a number of worlds more or less similar to their original homeworld, Earth. In some cases, like Grayson, San Martin, Meyerdahl, or the two Mfecane worlds, a certain degree of genetic manipulation of either the population or the environment was necessary to make the planet in question livable. (HH2)"@en . "Air Jump"@en . . . . . . . "The term planet (sometimes referred to as world) is a geographical category. Planets exist in the Great Dark Beyond, which is apparently the term for what we would call \"outer space\". The term \"world\" generally refers to Azeroth itself, other worlds are generally referred to by their names in context to Azeroth. In geographical hierarchy, worlds contain continents."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet with possible signs of life!"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planets are an important part of Sins of a Solar Empire."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ein Planet im engeren astronomischen Sinn ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, der (a) sich auf einer keplerschen Umlaufbahn um die Sonne bewegt, (b) dessen Masse gro\u00DF genug ist, dass sich das Objekt im hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht befindet \u2013 und somit eine n\u00E4herungsweise kugel\u00E4hnliche Gestalt besitzt \u2013 und der (c) das dominierende Objekt seiner Umlaufbahn ist, das hei\u00DFt, der diese von weiteren Objekten \u201Eger\u00E4umt\u201C hat. Im weiteren Sinn der extrasolaren Planeten versteht man darunter auch einen entsprechend gro\u00DFen K\u00F6rper, der einen anderen Stern uml\u00E4uft, im Innern frei von Kernfusionsprozessen ist und sichtbares Licht somit nur reflektiert und nicht selbst aussendet."@de . . . . "One cellular cell is one planet. A planet is either neutral or it is owned by one of the players. A neutral planet always have 5 crystals on it."@en . . "A planet (from Ancient Greek \u1F00\u03C3\u03C4\u1F74\u03C1 \u03C0\u03BB\u03B1\u03BD\u03AE\u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 (ast\u0113r plan\u0113t\u0113s), meaning \"wandering star\") is an astronomical object orbiting a star or stellar remnant that *is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, *is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and *has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals. (from Wikipedia) Planets are the primary locations for life to evolve and live, although some terraformed (or similar) moons and planetoids can all sustain life. The Twelve Colonies were each founded on a different planet in a single solar system."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "There are 10 planets in the universe. They are: \n* Sun \n* Moon \n* Mercury \n* Venus \n* Earth \n* Mars \n* Ohio \n* Jupiter \n* Neptune \n* Urine \n* Pluto"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein gro\u00DFer K\u00F6rper im Weltall, der eigentlich nicht wirklich wei\u00DF, was er da soll und deshalb aus lauter Langeweile nonstop um irgendeine Sonne kreist. Er macht seinen Bewohnern h\u00E4ufig das Leben schwer, indem er Naturkatastrophen erzeugt oder sich einfach durch Umweltverschmutzung zerst\u00F6ren l\u00E4sst. Unser Planet ist die Erde. Sie ist ein gigantischer Computer mit einem Testprogramm, das jedoch katastrophal verl\u00E4uft. Deshalb wird sie in K\u00FCrze gesprengt. Au\u00DFerhalb der Erde gibt es noch viele weitere Planeten, zu denen die erb\u00E4rmlichen, von Primaten abstammenden Lebewesen der Erde jedoch noch nicht vorgedrungen sind."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hapuriainen's Pok\u00E9mon Trainer Creator"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet is a celestial body of a certain shape and size with certain characteristics. Some of these characteristics include gravity creating a sphere-like shape and being small enough to be unable to create thermonuclear fusion. Most planets, but not all, orbit one or more stars. Some planets, like Earth, have one or more satellites (both natural and manufactured), while others, like Vulcan have none. The Federation has classified planets into several types. One such type, Class M, is able to support a wide variety of life forms."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planets come in two main types, Terrestrial, which is planets made up of rock, and Gas giants, planets made up of frozen gas and dust which were rarely habitable. Planets come in many variations. \n* Bespin and Yavin Prime were Gas giants made up of a bunch of layers of frozen gas and dust and rarely were home to any life. \n* Kashyyyk, Thyferra, and Wayland were forest or tropical planets covered in nothing more than thick forests. \n* Geonosis, Tatooine, and Korriban were barren and covered with little more than rock and sand and possesed little to no human life. Though some like Geonosis possesed alien life. \n* Hoth, Rhen Var, Ilum, and Alzoc III were completely frozen and/or in the stage of an Ice Age. They never possesed human life but some possesed some creature life (like Hoth) and alien life (like Csilla and Alzoc III). \n* Coruscant, Bonadan, and Taris were just one huge city and were typically heavily populated. \n* Mustafar, Aeten II, Sullust, Lok, and Shola were volcanic. These planets rarely possed any life or if they did, are extinct (such as the case of Shola), though some posses alien life (like Lok and Sullust) \n* Dagobah and Nal Hutta were nothing but thick swamps. These typically either only have creatures (like Dagobah) wandering about them or posses alien life (like Nal Hutta) \n* Manaan, Bestine IV, Mon Calamari, and Kamino were water worlds completely covered in water. The only life on them is typically in habited islands (like Mon Calamari), floating cities (like Manaan), or both. \n* Some like Kessel, Polis Massa, and Peragus II were just a rock floating in space. These were sometimes just used as prison for prisoners or for mining or other things. Some of these like Peragus II and Polis Massa have no atmosphere. \n* Telos IV, Naboo, Corellia, Dantooine, and Alderaan had numerous landscapes. Like Telos IV had an urban region, a farmland region, and a polar region, while Naboo had underwater cities, swamplands, and urban areas."@en . . . . . . . . "SPORT RippleBall Cartoon Aliens !st episode Nobody's Perfect"@en . . . . . . . . "6"^^ . . "Planet is one of the Biggest kinds of fruit in the world."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "With new extensions some new planets were added. Most planets can have player cities and also feature planet-specific weather effects e.g sandstorms on Tatooine. Each planet's in-game day takes real-time hours. Tatooine, Naboo, and Corellia are on a 3 hour cycle. Dantooine, Yavin IV, Talus, and Endor are on a 2 hour cycle. Dathomir, Lok, and Rori are on a 1.5 hour, 1 hour, and 30 minute cycle, respectively."@en . . . . . . "Planet"@en . . . . "There are 10 planets in the universe. They are: \n* Sun \n* Moon \n* Mercury \n* Venus \n* Earth \n* Mars \n* Ohio \n* Jupiter \n* Neptune \n* Urine \n* Pluto"@en . . "Planets are the base of your empire. You start the game with one (your homeplanet), and can later colonize more of them (colonies). Mines and other structures are built on your planets. You build and station your fleet on them and you attack (also called raid) the planets of other players. Combat happens on the planets (there are no fights on space). The size of the planets is measured in fields. The number of fields on a planet depends primarily of its slot on the Solar System. Planets other than the initial \"home\" planet can be destroyed at any time by the planets' owners. A player might do this if that planet doesn't contain a sufficient number of fields to properly develop it (around 200 fields is usually considered optimum). Also, sometimes colonies are established for specific purposes, and later destroyed to be relocated elsewhere. Lastly, before the version 1.0 redesign, there was a strict cap of 9 planets per player, so if an established player needed another one, he had to destroy one of the previous ones. Under certain conditions, a moon may be added to a planet. If a planet is destroyed by its owner, the moon is also lost."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Inds\u00E6t tekst her som ikke skal wikiformateres"@da . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Planet is a large ball of gunk orbiting a star"@en . "Planets formed the main habitat for essentially all lifeforms known to man, and for all the intelligent species known to man. Humans were able to settle on a number of worlds more or less similar to their original homeworld, Earth. In some cases, like Grayson, San Martin, Meyerdahl, or the two Mfecane worlds, a certain degree of genetic manipulation of either the population or the environment was necessary to make the planet in question livable. (HH2)"@en . . . . . . "Image made using"@en . . . . . . . . . "Milky Way planets are usually designated with P??-???, Pegasus planets are M??-???, planets in NGC 3109 are designated O??-???, whilst planets in the Vennix Galaxy are usually designated with V??-???. (Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Olympus, VEN: \"Alpha Site\")"@en . "Planets are the base of your empire. You start the game with one (your homeplanet), and can later colonize more of them (colonies). Mines and other structures are built on your planets. You build and station your fleet on them and you attack (also called raid) the planets of other players. Combat happens on the planets (there are no fights on space). The size of the planets is measured in fields. The number of fields on a planet depends primarily of its slot on the Solar System."@en . . . . . . . "Variable"@en . . "Attack"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planet is an Aerial Beauty robo that only appears in Custom Robo V2. It is a Jumper Style robo that is primarily used by Yurie."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet is an astronomical object orbiting a star."@en . . . . . . . . . "A Planet is often a globe, although sometimes not. There are lots and lots and lots and lots of them, they float in space, all sorts of sentient and non-sentient beings live on them. They are entertaining to blow up. Blowing them up makes certain people very, very happy. But others, sad. Because they died."@en . . . . . . . . . "100"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Earth"@en . . . . . . . . . "Throughout the quest of Astro-Knights Island, you will travel to different planets and battle various bosses. The Three islands that you travel to are the Jungle Planet, Fire Planet, and Ice Planet. In addition, Planet Poptropica is where all of the Poptropica islands are located, and you must land back there in order to travel to different islands."@en . . . . . "Ein Planet im engeren astronomischen Sinn ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, der (a) sich auf einer keplerschen Umlaufbahn um die Sonne bewegt, (b) dessen Masse gro\u00DF genug ist, dass sich das Objekt im hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht befindet \u2013 und somit eine n\u00E4herungsweise kugel\u00E4hnliche Gestalt besitzt \u2013 und der (c) das dominierende Objekt seiner Umlaufbahn ist, das hei\u00DFt, der diese von weiteren Objekten \u201Eger\u00E4umt\u201C hat."@de . . "Gender"@en . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein Himmelsk\u00F6rper, (a) der sich auf einer Umlaufbahn um eine Sonne bewegt, (b) dessen Masse gro\u00DF genug ist, dass sich das Objekt im hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht befindet \u2013 und somit eine n\u00E4herungsweise kugel\u00E4hnliche Gestalt besitzt \u2013 und (c) der das dominierende Objekt seiner Umlaufbahn ist, das hei\u00DFt, diese \u00FCber die Zeit durch sein Gravitationsfeld von weiteren Objekten \u201Eger\u00E4umt\u201C hat. (Definition der Internationalen Astronomischen Union (IAU) vom August 2006). Obwohl Objekte, die einen anderen Stern als die Sonne umlaufen, strenggenommen nicht unter die obige Definition fallen, werden diese manchmal auch als \u201EPlaneten\u201C bezeichnet. Zur Abgrenzung von den Planeten des Sonnensystems werden diese K\u00F6rper \u201Eextrasolare Planeten\u201C oder \u201EExoplaneten\u201C genannt. Dar\u00FCber hinaus existieren Objekte planetarer Masse, die nicht an massereichere K\u00F6rper wie Sterne gebunden sind. Liste mit Planeten des Doctor Who-Universums"@de . . . . "Village Creation"@en . . "A planet or world was a celestial body existing in the universal Void. The term \"world\" generally refers to Dragonhollow itself, while other planets are traditionally called by their names. There was no explanation for the presence of other planets in the official creation myth perpetuated by Eris and her Priesthood, but nor did they explicitly deny their existence. It was forbidden for mortals to help others reach worlds beyond Dragonhollow, but their discussion was permitted."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No"@en . . . . "These are the Planets of Glorantha. \n* Blue Moon \n* Blue Planet \n* Broken Planet \n* Gray Planet \n* Pale Planet \n* Red Moon \n* Red Planet \n* Sun \n* Twin Planets \n* Yellow Planet \n* White Planet Sources: Guide to Glorantha, Glorious ReAscent of Yelm"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u60D1\u661F"@en . . . . . "The term planet means \"Wandering Star\". These objects are celestial bodies that exist in our solar system. In astronomy, planets only refers to eight of these objects, however, here it is used in its original term."@en . . . "Planet \u00E4r en himlakropp som finns n\u00E5gonstans i rymden. D\u00E4r kan finnas olika former av liv men de flesta planeter \u00E4r obebodda!"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planets were celestial bodies of varying size, large enough to be rounded into a spherical shape by their own gravity, but not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion. Most planets existed as part of a star system. Some planets possessed an atmosphere and could support life."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ich blickte aus dem Fenster. Dort vorne, der kleine Lichtpunkt, das war unser Ziel. Wir waren die ersten, die diesen Planeten betreten w\u00FCrden. Er war noch kaum zu sehen, anders als die Sterne ringsum, die hell wie immer leuchteten. Selbst der Stern, um den dieser Planet kreiste, war von hier aus nur ein Lichtpunkt unter vielen. Auch vom Planeten aus w\u00FCrde er nicht viel heller aussehen. Das lag nicht nur daran, dass er extrem schwach war \u2013 ein roter Zwerg \u2013, sondern auch daran, dass der Planet ziemlich weit vom Stern entfernt seine Bahn zog. Auf dem Planeten herrschte ewige Nacht, mit einem Sternenhimmel, der niemals im Tageslicht verblasste, und der auch niemals von Wolken verdeckt werden w\u00FCrde, denn der Planet hatte auch keine nennenswerte Atmosph\u00E4re. Insofern war es nicht gerade ein Para"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Could be many, could be none, could be some"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around a Star, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a nearly round shape, has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and is neither a star nor a moon of a planet. A pair of objects are considered a double planet system if they independently satisfy the definition of a planet, and the common center of gravity of the system (known as the barycenter) lies outside either body. Plutons are planets with highly inclined orbits with large eccentricities and an orbital period of more than 200 years. The term \"dwarf planet\" is used to describe all planets smaller than the Sol system planet named Mercury. In centuries past, these planets would have simply been considered nothing more than spherical asteroids."@en . . . . . . . "A planet or world was a celestial body existing in the universal Void. The term \"world\" generally refers to Dragonhollow itself, while other planets are traditionally called by their names. There was no explanation for the presence of other planets in the official creation myth perpetuated by Eris and her Priesthood, but nor did they explicitly deny their existence. It was forbidden for mortals to help others reach worlds beyond Dragonhollow, but their discussion was permitted."@en . . "A planet is a celestial body that is usually in orbit around a star. Planets generally have varying levels of atmosphere and gravity and sometimes there will be life on the planet. Most of the planets are associated with the Democratic Order of Planets."@en . . "A planet was a celestial body that was in orbit around a star, had sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumed a nearly round shape, was neither a star nor a moon of a planet, and had cleared out the area around its orbit as it formed by causing all other smaller bodies in its orbit to accrete with it. As a consequence, it would not share its orbital region with any other bodies of significant size, except for moons or those collected later under its gravitational influence."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Planet is often a globe, although sometimes not. There are lots and lots and lots and lots of them, they float in space, all sorts of sentient and non-sentient beings live on them. They are entertaining to blow up. Blowing them up makes certain people very, very happy. But others, sad. Because they died."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planeti su \u010Desto vrlo razli\u010Diti po povr\u0161ini, od potpuno oceanskih (Kamino, Manaan), do isu\u0161enih i pustinjskih (poput Tatooinea, Geonosisa ili Korribana). Neki su \u010Dak postali ekumenopolis, \u0161to zna\u010Di da je cijeli planet prekriven jednim ogromnim gradom (poput Coruscanta ili Tarisa). Dosta planeta je tako\u0111er bilo mje\u0161ovito, te su imali planine, livade i mora (primjeri su Naboo, Alderaan ili Dantooine). Ve\u0107ina nastanjenih planeta je imalo obi\u010Dnu Tip 1 atmosferu, koja se sastoji od kisika i du\u0161ika, ali neki (kao Gand i Dorin) su imali druk\u010Diju atmosferu na koju se njihova vrsta prilagodila."@hr . . . . . "A planet is a celestial body of a certain shape and size with certain characteristics. Some of these characteristics include gravity creating a sphere-like shape and being small enough to be unable to create thermonuclear fusion. Most planets, but not all, orbit one or more stars. A planet usually has a diameter above 100 kilometers; celestial bodies below this size are usually classified as planetoids or asteroids. Their surfaces, compositions and masses can vary from planet to planet. For example, some planet surfaces may be completely or mostly comprised of water, while other planet surfaces are completely gaseous. Some planets, like Earth, have one or more satellites (both natural and manufactured), while others, like Vulcan have none. The Federation has classified planets into several types. One such type, Class M, is able to support a wide variety of life forms."@en . . . . "In Galaxy on Fire 3D, not every planet had a space station nor did each space station orbit around a planet. Each planet, alongside with space stations, had a place to acquire new missions and view the map to travel to another space station or planet. Some, but not all, planets/space stations had a shop where the pilot could trade items including loot, and . However, when a mercenary earns 1 million credits, each one of them gains a shop."@en . . . . . . "\uD589\uC131"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|right|Die Erde Ein Planet ist ein stellares Objekt, welches in der Regel einen Stern auf einer Umlaufbahn umkreist. Manche Planeten haben zus\u00E4tzlich einen oder mehrere Monde, die wiederum den Planeten umkreisen."@de . . . . . . . "Planet"@sv . "With new extensions some new planets were added. Most planets can have player cities and also feature planet-specific weather effects e.g sandstorms on Tatooine. Each planet's in-game day takes real-time hours. Tatooine, Naboo, and Corellia are on a 3 hour cycle. Dantooine, Yavin IV, Talus, and Endor are on a 2 hour cycle. Dathomir, Lok, and Rori are on a 1.5 hour, 1 hour, and 30 minute cycle, respectively."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Legal"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Region"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planeti su \u010Desto vrlo razli\u010Diti po povr\u0161ini, od potpuno oceanskih (Kamino, Manaan), do isu\u0161enih i pustinjskih (poput Tatooinea, Geonosisa ili Korribana). Neki su \u010Dak postali ekumenopolis, \u0161to zna\u010Di da je cijeli planet prekriven jednim ogromnim gradom (poput Coruscanta ili Tarisa). Dosta planeta je tako\u0111er bilo mje\u0161ovito, te su imali planine, livade i mora (primjeri su Naboo, Alderaan ili Dantooine). Ve\u0107ina nastanjenih planeta je imalo obi\u010Dnu Tip 1 atmosferu, koja se sastoji od kisika i du\u0161ika, ali neki (kao Gand i Dorin) su imali druk\u010Diju atmosferu na koju se njihova vrsta prilagodila."@hr . . . . "Short Range Flying Knee"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A planet may be used to send useless or otherwise unneeded individuals, such as: \n* Henry Fonda \n* Hugh Jackman \n* Your Mom \n* The Capuchin Monkey \n* Dinosaurs \n* Jimmy Hoffa \n* Al Capone \n* Optimus Prime"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planets actually doesn't exist. They are just an mathematical abstraction with no direct physical meaning or value. As such, they are used to perform very good approximations when calculating with worlds and higher spheres, while sparing a great deal of time. This mages them very useful in astronomical predictions of global power-cosmic weather, as well as within some fields of non-euclidean magnetohydrodynamics."@en . . . "N/A"@en . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The final appearance of a planet depended on its formation process, which meant where and under what circumstances it formed. Planets could accumulate gigantic atmospheres, exceeding their original size and mass, or they could rest without any atmosphere at all. With a sufficient mass, a planet was able to accumulate so much gas, that it started to undergo nuclear fusion, turning into a protostar. In this state it began to emit energy, as its core temperature and density increased. Planets could also be changed to a class M environment by terraforming. (TNG: \"Home Soil\" )"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "--05-22"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Race"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . . . "Planet can refer to : \n* PLANETZ, a song by DJ Sharpnel \n* ==Planet KARMA==, a song by Stephen Kay \n* Forgotten Planet, a song by Rushjet1 \n* Treasure Planet, a song by Adraen \n* WILD PLANET, a song by OSTER project"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Caucasian"@en . . . . . "Pettan"@en . . . . . . . "I3lackSmith"@tr . . . "N/A"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "-- frequent sentiment of many individuals returning to a home planet"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jump"@en . . . . "A planet is a celestial body typically found in orbit around a star. Planets are typically spheroid and may have other bodies in orbit of themselves such as moons, rings or artificial satellites which can include communications or defense technology or orbital facilities such as starbases and shipyards. There are two basic types of planets, small solid rocky planets which may have a thin atmosphere and gas giants which are almost entirely atmosphere. Small planet-like bodies are planetoids or dwarf planets and smaller bodies still are asteroids."@en . "Planets are an important part of Sins of a Solar Empire."@en . . . . . . "Planet is a character in Pok\u00E9mon Star and Planet versions."@en . . . "Terrestrial, Gaseous, Rocky"@en . . . . "En planet er et objekt som g\u00E5r i bane rundt en stjerne og har nok masse til \u00E5 holde seg rund."@no . . . . . . . . . . "Planet \u00E4r en himlakropp som finns n\u00E5gonstans i rymden. D\u00E4r kan finnas olika former av liv men de flesta planeter \u00E4r obebodda!"@sv . . . . . . "Ein Planet ist ein gro\u00DFer K\u00F6rper im Weltall, der eigentlich nicht wirklich wei\u00DF, was er da soll und deshalb aus lauter Langeweile nonstop um irgendeine Sonne kreist. Er macht seinen Bewohnern h\u00E4ufig das Leben schwer, indem er Naturkatastrophen erzeugt oder sich einfach durch Umweltverschmutzung zerst\u00F6ren l\u00E4sst."@de . . . . . . . "Planets have tiles in which planetary improvements can be built. The tiles are also determined by the planet quality. Some of the tiles may contain special tile resources that can make the improvements build in that tile more effective. Planets also have special bonus that come as a result of having a moon or a ring. The moon gives 10% manufacturing bonus and the ring 10% research bonus."@en . . "SPORT RippleBall Cartoon Aliens !st episode Nobody's Perfect"@en . .