. . . . "The Itchy & Scratchy Show"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|300px|L'image principale d'Itchy & Scratchy The Itchy & Scratchy Show (appel\u00E9 aussi juste Itchy & Scratchy) est un dessin anim\u00E9 (cartoon) diffus\u00E9 pendant l'\u00E9mission The Krusty the Clown Show sur Channel 6 dans Les Simpson. Les personnages principaux sont Itchy, une souris bleue qui se bat toujours contre Scratchy, un chat noir, qui est toujours battu, bless\u00E9, ensanglant\u00E9 et mutil\u00E9 jusqu'\u00E0 sa mort. C'est l'\u00E9mission pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9e de Bart et Lisa Simpson. The Itchy & Scratchy Show est une parodie extr\u00EAmement violente de Tom & Jerry o\u00F9 le caract\u00E8re des 2 personnages est invers\u00E9. La plupart du temps, l'\u00E9pisode d'Itchy & Scratchy est bas\u00E9 sur le th\u00E8me de l'\u00E9pisode que la famille Simpson va vivre. Par exemple, l'\u00E9pisode d'Itchy & Scratchy \"diePod slaylist\" montre Scratchy qui \u00E9coute de la musique sur son MyPod quand Itchy augmente le volume tellement fort que les yeux de Scratchy explosent, ce qui a un rapport avec le fait que Lisa poss\u00E8de un MyPod dans le m\u00EAme \u00E9pisode des Simpson."@fr . . "Falkland Islands"@en . . . "June Bellamy as Itchy and Scratchy"@en . . . . . . "Chester LampwickandRoger Meyers Sr."@en . . . . . . . . . "The Itchy & Scratchy Show"@en . . . . . . "thumb|300px|L'image principale d'Itchy & Scratchy The Itchy & Scratchy Show (appel\u00E9 aussi juste Itchy & Scratchy) est un dessin anim\u00E9 (cartoon) diffus\u00E9 pendant l'\u00E9mission The Krusty the Clown Show sur Channel 6 dans Les Simpson. Les personnages principaux sont Itchy, une souris bleue qui se bat toujours contre Scratchy, un chat noir, qui est toujours battu, bless\u00E9, ensanglant\u00E9 et mutil\u00E9 jusqu'\u00E0 sa mort. C'est l'\u00E9mission pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9e de Bart et Lisa Simpson. The Itchy & Scratchy Show est une parodie extr\u00EAmement violente de Tom & Jerry o\u00F9 le caract\u00E8re des 2 personnages est invers\u00E9."@fr . . . "United States"@en . . . . . "The Itchy & Scratchy Show is an animated TV show and a segment of The Krusty the Clown Show on KBBL-TV. The show involves an anthropomorphic mouse named Itchy and an anthropomorphic cat named Scratchy attempting to kill each other, though Itchy kills Scratchy most episodes. The show contains blood, gore, organs, and cartoon violence, like Happy Tree Friends which is more bloody and gruesome in a \"cute\" way, unlike Tom and Jerry and Spy VS Spy, which only contained mild slapstick violence (although the latter uses occasional gore under the penmanship of Peter Kuper). Most of the time, each Itchy & Scratchy episode is based on some kind of theme that the Simpsons episode is being aired as. For example, The Itchy & Scratchy episode \"diePod Slaylist\", shows Scratchy listening to a MyPod when Itchy turns the volume to extreme levels to make Scratchy's eye's explode, this is related with Lisa owning a MyPod."@en . "The Itchy & Scratchy Show"@fr . "Animation"@en . . . . "The Itchy & Scratchy Show is an animated TV show and a segment of The Krusty the Clown Show on KBBL-TV. The show involves an anthropomorphic mouse named Itchy and an anthropomorphic cat named Scratchy attempting to kill each other, though Itchy kills Scratchy most episodes. The show contains blood, gore, organs, and cartoon violence, like Happy Tree Friends which is more bloody and gruesome in a \"cute\" way, unlike Tom and Jerry and Spy VS Spy, which only contained mild slapstick violence (although the latter uses occasional gore under the penmanship of Peter Kuper)."@en . "Real people"@en . . . . . "Fox"@en . "83"^^ . "Homer Simpson as Poochie"@en . "The Itchy and Scratchy Show"@en .