. . . . "Sarcastic Confession"@en . . . . . . . . "Remember, kids, it isn't lying if you tell the truth in a sarcastic tone of voice! The protagonists are all trying to hold up the Masquerade, but the Nosy Neighbor is sniffing around, trying to figure out the secret. They won't settle for the standard excuses, and you can't convincingly make up something new on the spot. What's a Secret Keeper to do? Simple: Tell the truth, but in such a way that no one will believe it. Then not only will you get them off your case, but if they actually run into the truth one day, they'll reject it out of hand. Occasionally results in the trope user being hurt that no-one believes that he/she could have done what they sarcastically confessed to. Can also be used to lampshade the absurdity of the plot or setting. See also Clark Kenting, Appeal to Audacity. Contrast with Cassandra Truth. Compare You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You. Suspiciously Specific Denial can drift into this trope. The third type of Framing the Guilty Party may overlap. A particularly crafty character might use it as a form of Public Secret Message. We also do this with the premises of our favorite shows for fun: see Better Than It Sounds. Note that a Sarcastic Confession is one which the confessing party INTENDS will not be taken seriously. Otherwise, it's an Ignored Confession. Troper General's Warning: It is not recommended you try this in real life, particularly if you are being questioned by authorities. The world can be more Genre Savvy than TV seems to think. Examples of Sarcastic Confession include:"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Remember, kids, it isn't lying if you tell the truth in a sarcastic tone of voice! The protagonists are all trying to hold up the Masquerade, but the Nosy Neighbor is sniffing around, trying to figure out the secret. They won't settle for the standard excuses, and you can't convincingly make up something new on the spot. What's a Secret Keeper to do? Simple: Tell the truth, but in such a way that no one will believe it. Then not only will you get them off your case, but if they actually run into the truth one day, they'll reject it out of hand. Examples of Sarcastic Confession include:"@en .