. . . . . "H\u00FCgel, G\u00E4rten, Pal\u00E4ste, T\u00FCrme"@de . . "Valinor (sindarin f\u00FCr \u201EBewachtes Land\u201C) ist das Land der Valar in Aman jenseits des Pel\u00F3ri-Gebirges. Der Begriff wird oft f\u00E4lschlicherweise f\u00FCr den ganzen Kontinent Aman verwendet, obwohl Valinor nur eine Region Amans ist. thumb|Das Licht von Valinor auf dem westlichen Meer"@de . . . . "Valinor"@de . "Valinor (sindarin f\u00FCr \u201EBewachtes Land\u201C) ist das Land der Valar in Aman jenseits des Pel\u00F3ri-Gebirges. Der Begriff wird oft f\u00E4lschlicherweise f\u00FCr den ganzen Kontinent Aman verwendet, obwohl Valinor nur eine Region Amans ist. thumb|Das Licht von Valinor auf dem westlichen Meer"@de . . . . "; Valinor 001.png"@en . "Valinor (Land van de Valar) was het koninkrijk van de Valar in Aman, dit is de plek waar ze heen gingen nadat ze uit Almaren werden verdreven door melkor. Zijn grootste stad was Valimar, waar de Vanyar en de Valar verblijven. Twee andere steden zijn: Alqualond\u00EB en Tirion, de respectievelijke huizen van de Teleri en de Noldor. Valinor had ook een eiland, Tol Eress\u00EBa, net achter zijn Oostkust. Het is ook gekend als de Onsterfelijke Landen, omdat hety enkel onsterfelijke zielen werd toegestaan om hier te verblijven. Met enkele uitzonderingen als het neerkomt op de dragers van de Ene Ring, en men zegt dat Gimli zijn vriend Legolas vergezelde naar deze landen."@nl . . "190"^^ . . "Its major city was Valmar, where the Vanyar and the Valar resided. Two other cities were Alqualond\u00EB and Tirion, the respective homes of the Teleri and the Noldor. It also had an island, Tol Eress\u00EBa, just off its east coast. Valinor as explained was the home of the Valar, the Powers of Middle-earth. The sea to the west of the island was called Ekkaia, or the Encircling Sea; it surrounded both Valinor and Middle-earth."@en . . . . "In The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, Valinor, also called Aman, is the homeland of the Ainur and the Eldar."@en . . . . . "Valinor \u00E8 il reame e la dimora dei Valar, che si trova nel continente di Aman. E' il luogo in cui i Valar si rifugiarono dopo la distruzione di Almaren da parte di Melkor al termine della Primavera di Arda. E' anche conosciuta sotto il nome di Terre Immortali poich\u00E8 solo alle anime immortali, ovvero ai Valar, ai Maiar e agli Elfi, \u00E8 consentito risiedervi; con le sole eccezioni dei Portatori degli Anelli e del nano Gimli, il quale vi giunse con il suo amico Legolas."@it . "Valinor ist ein Kontinent auf Ardea, der alten Welt."@de . . . "Valinor"@it . . . "Anh\u00E4nge"@de . "Valinor \u2013 kr\u00F3lestwo Valar\u00F3w po\u0142o\u017Cone w Amanie. Valinor zosta\u0142 za\u0142o\u017Cony przez Valar\u00F3w, jednak jego mieszka\u0144cami byli tak\u017Ce Eldarowie: Vanyarowie, \u00D1oldorowie oraz Teleri. Stolic\u0105 by\u0142 Valmar. Przy jego zachodniej bramie znajdowa\u0142o si\u0119 wzg\u00F3rze Ezellohar, na kt\u00F3rym ros\u0142y Dwa Drzewa o\u015Bwietlaj\u0105ce kraj, a obok znajdowa\u0142 si\u0119 Kr\u0105g Przeznaczenia, M\u00E1hanaxar."@pl . . . "In The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, Valinor, also called Aman, is the homeland of the Ainur and the Eldar."@en . . "Quenya"@de . . . "Valinor; Valinor 0001.jpg"@en . . . . "Reame dei Valar"@it . "thumb|right|180px|Drzewa Valinoru, miejsce orgii Elf\u00F3w i Ainur\u00F3w Valinor \u2013 kr\u00F3lestwo Valar\u00F3w po\u0142o\u017Cone pod Lubli\u0144cem w Amanie. Kraina zamieszkana tak\u017Ce przez elfy, innych Ainur\u00F3w i dwa hobbity. Kraj wiecznego szcz\u0119\u015Bcia dla spiczastouchych."@pl . . . "Valinor"@pl . "Mappa_di_Valinor.jpg"@it . "Valinor"@en . "; Valinor__001.png"@en . . . . . . "Aman jenseits Pel\u00F3ri-Gebirge"@de . "Valinor \u2013 kr\u00F3lestwo Valar\u00F3w po\u0142o\u017Cone w Amanie. Valinor zosta\u0142 za\u0142o\u017Cony przez Valar\u00F3w, jednak jego mieszka\u0144cami byli tak\u017Ce Eldarowie: Vanyarowie, \u00D1oldorowie oraz Teleri. Stolic\u0105 by\u0142 Valmar. Przy jego zachodniej bramie znajdowa\u0142o si\u0119 wzg\u00F3rze Ezellohar, na kt\u00F3rym ros\u0142y Dwa Drzewa o\u015Bwietlaj\u0105ce kraj, a obok znajdowa\u0142 si\u0119 Kr\u0105g Przeznaczenia, M\u00E1hanaxar."@pl . . . . . "Valinor \u00E8 il reame e la dimora dei Valar, che si trova nel continente di Aman. E' il luogo in cui i Valar si rifugiarono dopo la distruzione di Almaren da parte di Melkor al termine della Primavera di Arda. E' anche conosciuta sotto il nome di Terre Immortali poich\u00E8 solo alle anime immortali, ovvero ai Valar, ai Maiar e agli Elfi, \u00E8 consentito risiedervi; con le sole eccezioni dei Portatori degli Anelli e del nano Gimli, il quale vi giunse con il suo amico Legolas."@it . . . "Continente di Aman"@it . . . "Regions of Valinor: \n* Calacirya - the Pass between Valinor and Eldamar \n* Gardens of V\u00E1na \n* Firelake of Valinor - the Firelake of T\u00F4n Sovriel in V\u00E1na's Gardens \n* Intavros - The Great Forests of Orome \n* Inwin\u00F3re - The Lands of the Inwir west of the Calacirya \n* Kelusindi \n* L\u00F3rien - The forests of L\u00F3rien \n* Lorellin \n* Murmuran \n* Mandos - The Great Subterranean Halls below Aman \n* Never-fading Lawns -the Green Fields of Nessa \n* Noldomar - Land of the Noldor in northern Valinor \n* Barren Plains - Cold Plains in northern Valinor \n* H\u00EDri - Southern run of the River S\u00EDrn\u00FAmen \n* Green Hills - Hills in Noldomar \n* S\u00EDrn\u00FAmen - River running through Noldomar \n* Pastures of Yavanna \n* Taure Yavanno"@en . . . . . . . "Valinor"@de . . . . . "Valinor ist ein Kontinent auf Ardea, der alten Welt."@de . . . . . . . . "2001"^^ . "Valin\u00F3r\u00EB, Terre Immortali, Reame Beato"@it . . . "Its major city was Valmar, where the Vanyar and the Valar resided. Two other cities were Alqualond\u00EB and Tirion, the respective homes of the Teleri and the Noldor. It also had an island, Tol Eress\u00EBa, just off its east coast. Valinor as explained was the home of the Valar, the Powers of Middle-earth. The sea to the west of the island was called Ekkaia, or the Encircling Sea; it surrounded both Valinor and Middle-earth. Each of the Valar had their own region of the land where they resided and altered things to their desire. Yavanna, the Vala of nature, growth, and harvest, resided in the Pastures of Yavanna in the south of the island. Orome, the Vala of the hunt, lived in the Woods of Orome to the north-east of the pastures. The forest was home to many creatures which Orome could track and hunt. Nienna, the lonely Valier of sorrow and endurance lived cut off in the far west of the island in the Halls of Nienna where she spent her days crying, looking out to sea. Just south of the Halls of Nienna and to the north of the pastures there were the Halls of Mandos. Mandos, the brother of Nienna, was the Vala of the afterlife. All inhabitants of Middle-earth went to the Halls of Mandos should they happen to die, mortals and immortals alike (immortals could be killed although they did not die of old age) although it was said that in death as in life, they were separated. Also living in the Halls of Mandos was his spouse Vair\u00EB the weaver, who wove the threads of time. To the east of the Halls of Mandos was the Isle of Est\u00EB, which was situated in the middle of the lake of Lorellin which in turn was situated to the north of the Gardens of L\u00F3rien (not to be confused with Lothl\u00F3rien in Middle-earth which was created by the same Valar, L\u00F3rien also known as Irmo, the Vala of dreams). Este and L\u00F3rien being husband and wife lived close together. To the north of this were the Mansions of Aule the smith Valar who was spouse to Yavanna. In the north-east lay the Mansions of Manwe and Varda, the two most powerful Valar, also married. To the west of them stood the Trees of Valinor, Telperion and Laurelin. The entire great island of Valinor was surrounded on three sides (excluding the north which was instead protected by ices flows) by a huge mountain range called the Pel\u00F3ri mountains. In the extreme north-east, past the mountain range was the pass of Helcarax\u00EB, a vast ice sheet which in the beginning, before Valinor was risen after the fall of N\u00FAmenor in to the sky to prevent people from travelling there, joined the two continents of Valinor and Middle-earth. In the beginning, the Noldor, tricked by the evil Vala Melkor passed along this pass to go back to Middle-Earth, among those was Galadriel who featured in the War of the Ring. Those who took this pass were not allowed back to Valinor for many years, but in the end pity was taken on them when Middle-earth began to fade and pass into the age of men and they were allowed to pass back to the Undying Lands of their own accord when they felt ready to do so. Also, for a time before the ruin of N\u00FAmenor, a long chain of small islands called the Enchanted Isles ran the full length of the east coast to the continent. These were erected to prevent anyone, mortal or immortal from reaching the land by sea (by the Belegaer or the Great Sea which separated Middle-earth and Valinor, also the isle of N\u00FAmenor once stood in the middle of this sea). After the destruction of N\u00FAmenor, the Undying Lands were removed from Arda so that Men could not reach them and only the Elves could go there by the Straight Road and in ships capable of passing out of the Spheres of the earth. E\u00E4rendil was able to reach Valinor largely by virtue of the Silmaril he bore with him, and also presumably because of his heritage as son of an Elf. By special permission of the Valar, the Hobbits Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, and Samwise Gamgee were also permitted to go to Valinor, and Legolas the elf brought with him Gimli the Dwarf."@en . . . . "Der Kontinent Valinor ist die gro\u00DFe Zufluchtst\u00E4tte der Elben, die der Welt \u00FCberdr\u00FCssig werden. Die Insel befindet sich weit im Nordosten des Mittelreichs und es ranken sich viele Legenden darum. Es ist unbekannt wie gro\u00DF genau Valinor ist, oder wie viele Elben sich dort befinden und die Elben die schon dort waren, geben solche Geheimnisse nicht preis. Au\u00DFerdem gelang es noch kaum einem Menschen, einen Fu\u00DF auf die Insel zu setzen, da der Zugang nach Valinor nicht \u00FCber den normalen Seeweg erreichbar ist. Valinor gilt als paradiesischer, friedvoller Ort, wo die Unsterblichen ihr Dasein fristen. Es sollen auch Ents und Dryaden auf Valinor leben, so hei\u00DFt es. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Kontinent"@de . . . "Valinor"@nl . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|right|180px|Drzewa Valinoru, miejsce orgii Elf\u00F3w i Ainur\u00F3w Valinor \u2013 kr\u00F3lestwo Valar\u00F3w po\u0142o\u017Cone pod Lubli\u0144cem w Amanie. Kraina zamieszkana tak\u017Ce przez elfy, innych Ainur\u00F3w i dwa hobbity. Kraj wiecznego szcz\u0119\u015Bcia dla spiczastouchych."@pl . . . . . "Der Kontinent Valinor ist die gro\u00DFe Zufluchtst\u00E4tte der Elben, die der Welt \u00FCberdr\u00FCssig werden. Die Insel befindet sich weit im Nordosten des Mittelreichs und es ranken sich viele Legenden darum. Es ist unbekannt wie gro\u00DF genau Valinor ist, oder wie viele Elben sich dort befinden und die Elben die schon dort waren, geben solche Geheimnisse nicht preis. Au\u00DFerdem gelang es noch kaum einem Menschen, einen Fu\u00DF auf die Insel zu setzen, da der Zugang nach Valinor nicht \u00FCber den normalen Seeweg erreichbar ist. Valinor gilt als paradiesischer, friedvoller Ort, wo die Unsterblichen ihr Dasein fristen. Es sollen auch Ents und Dryaden auf Valinor leben, so hei\u00DFt es. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Kontinent"@de . "Regions of Valinor: \n* Calacirya - the Pass between Valinor and Eldamar \n* Gardens of V\u00E1na \n* Firelake of Valinor - the Firelake of T\u00F4n Sovriel in V\u00E1na's Gardens \n* Intavros - The Great Forests of Orome \n* Inwin\u00F3re - The Lands of the Inwir west of the Calacirya \n* Kelusindi \n* L\u00F3rien - The forests of L\u00F3rien \n* Lorellin \n* Murmuran \n* Mandos - The Great Subterranean Halls below Aman \n* Never-fading Lawns -the Green Fields of Nessa \n* Noldomar - Land of the Noldor in northern Valinor \n* Barren Plains - Cold Plains in northern Valinor \n* H\u00EDri - Southern run of the River S\u00EDrn\u00FAmen \n* Green Hills - Hills in Noldomar \n* S\u00EDrn\u00FAmen - River running through Noldomar \n* Pastures of Yavanna \n* Taure Yavanno"@en . . "Valinor (Land van de Valar) was het koninkrijk van de Valar in Aman, dit is de plek waar ze heen gingen nadat ze uit Almaren werden verdreven door melkor. Zijn grootste stad was Valimar, waar de Vanyar en de Valar verblijven. Twee andere steden zijn: Alqualond\u00EB en Tirion, de respectievelijke huizen van de Teleri en de Noldor. Valinor had ook een eiland, Tol Eress\u00EBa, net achter zijn Oostkust. Het is ook gekend als de Onsterfelijke Landen, omdat hety enkel onsterfelijke zielen werd toegestaan om hier te verblijven. Met enkele uitzonderingen als het neerkomt op de dragers van de Ene Ring, en men zegt dat Gimli zijn vriend Legolas vergezelde naar deze landen."@nl . . . "Valmar"@de . "Buch"@de . "1"^^ . . . . . .