. . . "de.rammstein"@de . . . . . "Rammstein \u00E9 unha banda alem\u00E1 fundada en Berl\u00EDn en 1994, e formada por Till Lindemann (voces), Richard Z. Kruspe (guitarra e coros), Paul H. Landers (guitarra e coros), Oliver \"Ollie\" Riedel (baixo), Christoph \"Doom\" Schneider (bater\u00EDa e percusi\u00F3n electr\u00F3nica) e Christian \"Flake\" Lorenz (teclados). Rammstein toma o seu nome do pobo da Alema\u00F1a occidental de Ramstein-Miesenbach, o lugar onde se produxo un famoso accidente nunha exhibici\u00F3n a\u00E9rea o 28 de agosto de 1988."@gl . . "Rammstein geh\u00F6rt neben Kraftwerk, Ze Schorpions und Bl\u00FCmchen zur deutschen Popelite (siehe auch Lea Rasch: Meisterpopper aus Deutschland, Studien zur Exportwirtschaft, DAI Frankfurt 1999) mit internationalen Erfolgen. Regionale s\u00E4chsische bzw schw\u00E4bische Schpezialit\u00E4te, siehe Schkooter und Nina Hagen. Wichtiger als ihre internationale Rolle ist jedoch ihr Beitrag zur gesamtdeutschen Friedensbewegung: Rammstein ist die musikalische Vertonung der Freiheitsbewegung in der ehemaligen DDR zuzuschreiben. Sie stehen seither auf einer Stufe mit Cindy & Bert. Das wichtigste Instrument ist eindeutig die Triangel, die sehr gekonnt und pointiert, jedoch dezent eingesetzt wird."@de . "Christian \"Flake\" Lorenz"@gl . "Rammstein je n\u011Bmeck\u00E1 hudebn\u00ED skupina. Jejich hudebn\u00ED styl je n\u011Bco mezi industrial dechovkou, death dechovkou a black dechovkou. Mnoz\u00ED lid\u00E9 ale \u0159\u00EDkaj\u00ED, \u017Ee jejich hudba je podobn\u00E1 hudb\u011B, jakou d\u011Blaj\u00ED Eva a Va\u0161ek. V ka\u017Ed\u00E9m p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B Rammstein hraj\u00ED na Oktoberfestech a v\u0161ute tam, kde se pije Bier. Tak\u00E9 vojensk\u00E9 p\u0159ehl\u00EDdky Wehrmachtu Bundeswehru se neobejdou bez jejich hudebn\u00EDho doprovodu."@cs . . . . "Rammstein"@de . "Rammstein takes its name indirectly from the West German town of Ramstein-Miesenbach, the site of the flight show disaster on 28 August 1988. The band's signature song, \"Rammstein\", is a commemoration of the tragedy that took place at the Ramstein Air Base. The extra \"m\" in the band's name makes it translate literally as \"ramming stone\" to convey the Teutonic sound of their music. In a short period before the band became well known, they performed using the name \"Rammstein-Flugschau\" (literally meaning Rammstein-Airshow). Although the majority of their songs are written in German, Rammstein has had success across the world. It has been confirmed that in 2007, the band has reunited from their vacation and has begun working on their sixth studio album, which will be released in Autumn 2009."@en . "Bryan's favorite position when taking it from Lumberjack Rob."@en . . "Rammstein was an American competitor robot from Miami, Florida, that appeared in Series 4 of Robot Wars. It fought exclusively in the War of Independence special broadcast as part of that series, losing its only battle to Panic Attack after running out of power and being pitted. Rammstein was also one of the robots in attendance for the unaired MTV Pilot, held prior to the filming of Series 4, but it was not selected to compete."@en . . . . "Universal Music Group"@gl . "Dieses Wiki dreht sich rund um die Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte Band Rammstein. Welche 1994 gegr\u00FCndet worden ist und durch provzierende Texte in die Presse kam. Zuletzt mit ihrem Album \"Liebe ist f\u00FCr alle da\" welches auf dem deutschen Index landete wegen des Liedes \"Ich tu dir Weh\"."@de . . "Die Republik Rammstein ist ein Staat auf dem Kontinent Europa. Das heilige germanische K\u00F6nigreich rammsteinischer Nation wurde im Jahre 1612 nach der rammsteinischen Revolution zur Republik Rammstein erkl\u00E4rt."@de . . . . . "Rammstein (pronounced [\u02C8\u0280am\u0283ta\u026A\u032Fn]) is a German industrial metal band, founded in Berlin, and consisting of Till Lindemann (lead vocals), Richard Z. Kruspe (lead guitar and backing vocals), Paul H. Landers (rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Oliver \"Ollie\" Riedel (bass guitar), Christoph \"Doom\" Schneider (drums and Electronic percussion) and Christian \"Flake\" Lorenz (keyboards). The band is widely accepted as part of the NDH-scene, alongside bands such as Oomph! and Die Krupps. Their sound has been dubbed as Tanz-Metall (lit. \"Dance Metal\"). Their songs are performed almost exclusively in German. Formed in 1994, they have sold over 22 million records worldwide. Rammstein's entire catalogue is published by Universal Music Group."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Rammstein"@gl . . . . "Rammstein is not a German music group that has fire and loud noises. Ha ha. What Rammstein is is a small bit of noodles found inside your chin after Hitler breaks through with his special homing device. It's because he's gay."@en . . . "Rammstein"@it . . "Na pomys\u0142 stworzenia zespo\u0142u wpad\u0142 Richard Kruspe, do kt\u00F3rego do\u0142\u0105czyli Christoph Schneider i Oliver Riedel. Nast\u0119pnie przy\u0142\u0105czyli si\u0119 Till Lindemann, Paul Landers oraz Christian Lorenz. W takim sk\u0142adzie zesp\u00F3\u0142 gra do dzi\u015B."@pl . . "inaktiv"@de . "Korey Cline"@en . "thumb|right|200px|Rammstein podczas zabawy Rammstein (w skr\u00F3cie R+, kiedy\u015B dla utrudnienia Rammstein Flugschau) - niemiecki zesp\u00F3\u0142 muzyczny w stylu tanz metal (kto wie co to jest?) oraz Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte (te\u017C nie wiadomo, sk\u0105d to i jak to karmi\u0107). Muzyka jest bardzo wyrafinowana, teksty te\u017C (ich will, du hast). Zesp\u00F3\u0142 aby osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 sukces, nagrywaj\u0105c teledyski zaprasza niemieckie prostytutki (znaj\u0105 urod\u0119 Niemek \u0142atwo skupi\u0107 si\u0119 na muzyce). Gra powsta\u0142a w 1993 roku, a jej nazwa pochodzi od lotniska Ramstein Air Base Amerykan\u00F3w."@pl . . "Rammstein je n\u011Bmeck\u00E1 hudebn\u00ED skupina. Jejich hudebn\u00ED styl je n\u011Bco mezi industrial dechovkou, death dechovkou a black dechovkou. Mnoz\u00ED lid\u00E9 ale \u0159\u00EDkaj\u00ED, \u017Ee jejich hudba je podobn\u00E1 hudb\u011B, jakou d\u011Blaj\u00ED Eva a Va\u0161ek. V ka\u017Ed\u00E9m p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B Rammstein hraj\u00ED na Oktoberfestech a v\u0161ute tam, kde se pije Bier. Tak\u00E9 vojensk\u00E9 p\u0159ehl\u00EDdky Wehrmachtu Bundeswehru se neobejdou bez jejich hudebn\u00EDho doprovodu."@cs . . "1993"^^ . "They are one of the most successful and influential band of their genre."@en . . "While drinking gallons of beer at Oktoberfest, Till had an excellent idea. \"Feuer, frei!\" he yelled and explained his idea to the others. They also found it great. Rammstein's pyromania was born that memorable day..."@en . "Rammstein is a German industrial metal band, precursors of a musical movement called Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte (\"New German Hard [Rock]\"), formed in Berlin in 1994."@en . "Dieses Wiki dreht sich rund um die Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte Band Rammstein. Welche 1994 gegr\u00FCndet worden ist und durch provzierende Texte in die Presse kam. Zuletzt mit ihrem Album \"Liebe ist f\u00FCr alle da\" welches auf dem deutschen Index landete wegen des Liedes \"Ich tu dir Weh\"."@de . . "Na pomys\u0142 stworzenia zespo\u0142u wpad\u0142 Richard Kruspe, do kt\u00F3rego do\u0142\u0105czyli Christoph Schneider i Oliver Riedel. Nast\u0119pnie przy\u0142\u0105czyli si\u0119 Till Lindemann, Paul Landers oraz Christian Lorenz. W takim sk\u0142adzie zesp\u00F3\u0142 gra do dzi\u015B."@pl . . "Die Republik Rammstein ist ein Staat auf dem Kontinent Europa. Das heilige germanische K\u00F6nigreich rammsteinischer Nation wurde im Jahre 1612 nach der rammsteinischen Revolution zur Republik Rammstein erkl\u00E4rt."@de . . . "Rammstein is an Industrial Metal band from Germany."@en . . "Rammstein is a German industrial metal band, precursors of a musical movement called Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte (\"New German Hard [Rock]\"), formed in Berlin in 1994."@en . . "250"^^ . "11"^^ . . . . "6"^^ . . "Rammstein"@de . . . . . "Il gruppo \u00E8 sessualmente attivo dal 1993 e fino ad oggi ha pubblicato sei album e quattro libri di cucina. Loro stessi classificano il loro genere musicale come tanz metall, ma l'unico passo di danza consentito durante l'ascolto dei loro brani consiste nel battersi le ginocchia sulla fronte . Nel tempo libero si occupano anche di corsi di formazione per giovani piromani."@it . . "thumb|left|288px|le groupe rammstein Rammstein et un groupe de metal industriel d' Allemagne qui a vendu 17 million d'album Tout d\u00E9bute \u00E0 Schwerin, une ville d'environ 125000 habitants au nord de la RDA (DDR en allemand), d'o\u00F9 sont originaires trois des six membres de Rammstein. La musique joue un r\u00F4le tr\u00E8s important \u00E0 l'\u00E9poque. Les personnes qui se sentent en d\u00E9saccord avec le dur syst\u00E8me qu'\u00E9tait celui de l'Allemagne de l'Est se regroupent dans les concerts. La musique est un moyen pour les artistes d'exprimer la r\u00E9bellion qu'ils \u00E9prouvent contre l'Etat. les fondateurs du groupe sont avant tout Till, Richard, Olli et Flake. Richard Z. Kruspe, qui faisait parti du groupe \"Orgasm Death Gimmick\", r\u00E9alise apr\u00E8s plusieurs p\u00E9riples \u00E0 Berlin et en Europe de l'Est que sa place est \u00E0 Schwerin. Il rejoint Till, tenancier d'une petite boutique. Alors qu'un jour Till pousse la chansonnette, Richard se rend compte de sa capacit\u00E9 vocale. Il lui demande s'il accepterait de chanter dans un groupe, mais Till refuse timidement. Les mois passent, et Till, Richard et Olli, que les deux autres connaissaient bien, d\u00E9cident de s'envoler vers l'Am\u00E9rique. L\u00E0-bas, Richard r\u00E9alise que la musique qu'il fait avec son groupe est redondante, et qu'elle n'a rien d'original. Lorsqu'il revient en Allemagne, il n'a qu'une id\u00E9e en t\u00EAte, un projet authentique et allemand. Pourquoi chanter en anglais quand on n'a pas honte d'\u00EAtre allemand ? En 1994, les premiers concerts du groupe ne r\u00E9unissaient g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement qu'une petite centaine de personnes. Il restait donc beaucoup d'espace dans les salles, espace que le groupe \u00E9tait bien d\u00E9cid\u00E9 \u00E0 utiliser. Avant la premi\u00E8re chanson, Paul se promenait un peu partout dans la salle, versant du p\u00E9trole sur le sol. Ensuite, Till y mettait le feu gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 un lance-flamme, pendant le concert. Le groupe \u00E9tait d\u00E9j\u00E0 fait pour attirer l'attention ! Cat\u00E9gorie:Mod\u00E8le rock"@fr . "4"^^ . . "Rammstein \u00E9 unha banda alem\u00E1 fundada en Berl\u00EDn en 1994, e formada por Till Lindemann (voces), Richard Z. Kruspe (guitarra e coros), Paul H. Landers (guitarra e coros), Oliver \"Ollie\" Riedel (baixo), Christoph \"Doom\" Schneider (bater\u00EDa e percusi\u00F3n electr\u00F3nica) e Christian \"Flake\" Lorenz (teclados). Rammstein toma o seu nome do pobo da Alema\u00F1a occidental de Ramstein-Miesenbach, o lugar onde se produxo un famoso accidente nunha exhibici\u00F3n a\u00E9rea o 28 de agosto de 1988."@gl . "95.0"^^ . . "Oliver \"Ollie\" Riedel"@gl . "Rammstein, as it appeared at the time of UK Series 4"@en . . . "Rammstein was an American competitor robot from Miami, Florida, that appeared in Series 4 of Robot Wars. It fought exclusively in the War of Independence special broadcast as part of that series, losing its only battle to Panic Attack after running out of power and being pitted. Rammstein was also one of the robots in attendance for the unaired MTV Pilot, held prior to the filming of Series 4, but it was not selected to compete."@en . . . "Alex Espinosa"@en . "Rammstein is an Industrial Metal band from Germany."@en . . . "thumb|right|200px|Rammstein podczas zabawy Rammstein (w skr\u00F3cie R+, kiedy\u015B dla utrudnienia Rammstein Flugschau) - niemiecki zesp\u00F3\u0142 muzyczny w stylu tanz metal (kto wie co to jest?) oraz Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte (te\u017C nie wiadomo, sk\u0105d to i jak to karmi\u0107). Muzyka jest bardzo wyrafinowana, teksty te\u017C (ich will, du hast). Zesp\u00F3\u0142 aby osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 sukces, nagrywaj\u0105c teledyski zaprasza niemieckie prostytutki (znaj\u0105 urod\u0119 Niemek \u0142atwo skupi\u0107 si\u0119 na muzyce). Gra powsta\u0142a w 1993 roku, a jej nazwa pochodzi od lotniska Ramstein Air Base Amerykan\u00F3w."@pl . "Slash Records"@gl . . . . . . "Rammstein"@fr . . . . . "Republic Records"@gl . . . "Rammstein"@en . . "MTV Pilot"@en . . "While drinking gallons of beer at Oktoberfest, Till had an excellent idea. \"Feuer, frei!\" he yelled and explained his idea to the others. They also found it great. Rammstein's pyromania was born that memorable day... Since then, Rammstein always use these pyrotechnic tricks. Suddenly they became very popular in their country. They became the best band of Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte (\"New German Awesomeness\"), an experimental proto genre of industrial metal. This enraged another band, Korn, which claims to be the one and only NDH-band. Although the two bands themselves are civil and polite to each other, the Korn fans and Rammstein fans are at war with each other constantly. We are talking about serious war, just like a civil war. However, the Korn fans are always burnt to dust, thanks to Rammstein fans' pyromania and bongos. Anyway, Rammstein kept gaining fame and soon became popular in whole Europe. Grandpa Marx would really be proud of them, wouldn't he? In 1996 they performed in UK. It was a huge success. During this period they got their first groupies, some hairy, blonde German maidens. After UK the band triumphantly toured all over the world. Some people accused them of being Nazis, but these people were mysteriously assassinated by a Bavarian ninja. Rammstein gained more and more fans and eventually they became a world-wide phenomenon. When Rammstein holds a show, everyone runs to buy a ticket, because they want to see all those fire stuff. While touring Europe in 2005, Rammstein was confronted with charges of arson and necrophilia. But Angela Merkel intervened and promised that her lieblingsjungen would not be bad boys again. Rammstein continued releasing many hits, such as Bestrafe mich (\"Punish me\"), Du riechst so gut (\"You smell so good\") and Te Quiero, Puta (\"I love you, bitch\"). Till gained much fame for his deep voice that burninates peasants and their barns. He is a licensed pyrotechnician, with multiple burns on his ears, hair, arms and testicles. Today, the band is still releasing albums that become hits, even in other galaxies, but on summer days they are hiding for unknown reasons, perhaps in a cave on the Alps."@en . . . . "thumb|left|288px|le groupe rammstein Rammstein et un groupe de metal industriel d' Allemagne qui a vendu 17 million d'album Tout d\u00E9bute \u00E0 Schwerin, une ville d'environ 125000 habitants au nord de la RDA (DDR en allemand), d'o\u00F9 sont originaires trois des six membres de Rammstein. La musique joue un r\u00F4le tr\u00E8s important \u00E0 l'\u00E9poque. Les personnes qui se sentent en d\u00E9saccord avec le dur syst\u00E8me qu'\u00E9tait celui de l'Allemagne de l'Est se regroupent dans les concerts. La musique est un moyen pour les artistes d'exprimer la r\u00E9bellion qu'ils \u00E9prouvent contre l'Etat."@fr . . "Ramming Spike"@en . "They are one of the most successful and influential band of their genre."@en . "Il gruppo \u00E8 sessualmente attivo dal 1993 e fino ad oggi ha pubblicato sei album e quattro libri di cucina. Loro stessi classificano il loro genere musicale come tanz metall, ma l'unico passo di danza consentito durante l'ascolto dei loro brani consiste nel battersi le ginocchia sulla fronte . Nel tempo libero si occupano anche di corsi di formazione per giovani piromani."@it . . "Berl\u00EDn"@gl . . . . . . "0.03m"@en . "Rammstein (pronounced [\u02C8\u0280am\u0283ta\u026A\u032Fn]) is a German industrial metal band, founded in Berlin, and consisting of Till Lindemann (lead vocals), Richard Z. Kruspe (lead guitar and backing vocals), Paul H. Landers (rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Oliver \"Ollie\" Riedel (bass guitar), Christoph \"Doom\" Schneider (drums and Electronic percussion) and Christian \"Flake\" Lorenz (keyboards). The band is widely accepted as part of the NDH-scene, alongside bands such as Oomph! and Die Krupps. Their sound has been dubbed as Tanz-Metall (lit. \"Dance Metal\"). Their songs are performed almost exclusively in German. Formed in 1994, they have sold over 22 million records worldwide. Rammstein's entire catalogue is published by Universal Music Group. Although the majority of their songs are written in German, Rammstein has had massive success across the world. It has been confirmed that the band has reunited from their vacation and has begun writing their sixth studio album, which will be released in late 2008/early 2009."@en . "20.400000000000002"^^ . "Rammstein"@cs . "Rammstein is not a German music group that has fire and loud noises. Ha ha. What Rammstein is is a small bit of noodles found inside your chin after Hitler breaks through with his special homing device. It's because he's gay."@en . . . "Rammstein takes its name indirectly from the West German town of Ramstein-Miesenbach, the site of the flight show disaster on 28 August 1988. The band's signature song, \"Rammstein\", is a commemoration of the tragedy that took place at the Ramstein Air Base. The extra \"m\" in the band's name makes it translate literally as \"ramming stone\" to convey the Teutonic sound of their music. In a short period before the band became well known, they performed using the name \"Rammstein-Flugschau\" (literally meaning Rammstein-Airshow)."@en . "Nola Garcia"@en . "Rammstein is a German band formed in 1994. Although they sing almost exclusively in German, they have been accepted all over the word as the Utter Win, and are one of the best bands to walk this earth. They have released five studio albums. They are well known for their live shows, which involve fire, crowd surfing in boats, fire, exploding microphones and drumsticks, fire, sodomy, fire and yet more fire. They have been rumoured to be Nazis [1] but this is not true and just a silly rumour. Their song \"Links 234\" was made to prove they aren't facists. Said guitarist, Richard Z. Kruspe, \"If you want to put us in a political category, we're on the left side, and that's the reason we made the song.\" To sum up, Rammstein are an awesome band. So awesome, in fact, that if you are an evil fascist or just not cool enough to be able to listen to their music, your brain will implode upon hearing them."@en . . "Formats en 1994, Rammstein \u00E9s un grup alemany que s'ha guanyat la seva fama per aconseguir un estil musical original combinant tecno, flamenc, \u00F2pera, m\u00FAsica folk i paguen brutal black metall (com ho escolten), a m\u00E9s de per incinerar als seus fans en directe, sodomizarse, masturbarse, pegar-se pallisses, fer la declaraci\u00F3 de la renda, cantar l'himne del Atleti i cuinar-se entre si tot en el mateix concert. Al principi es cridaven Die Pitufen Makinerren. Per desgr\u00E0cia van haver de canviar el seu nom per temes de drets d'autor. Originalment contaven amb un cantant, un \u00F3s panda, dues guitarres, una mandolina, una yenka, un tromb\u00F3, una bateria i un venedor de chop suey. Ara els acompanya la Vuitena Divisi\u00F3 Cuirassada Panzer, Tamara la mala, un cor de vaques, un DJ, un baix, una gaita gallega i El Neng. Rammstein tenen actualment cinc \u00E0lbums publicats: Jerzelei, Chenchu, Scooter, Condolezza Arrissi Arrissi i Rosend\u00F3oo (aquest \u00FAltim amb col\u00B7laboracions de Melendi, Estopa i el mismisimo Rosendo entre altres) juntament amb 92235761253 singles i discos no oficials. Destaca la seva can\u00E7\u00F3 \"Et vull puta\", cantada en l'idioma de Cervantes i que \u00E9s un homenatge a totes les mercen\u00E0ries de l'amor."@ca . . "Brak udzia\u0142u"@pl . . "Formats en 1994, Rammstein \u00E9s un grup alemany que s'ha guanyat la seva fama per aconseguir un estil musical original combinant tecno, flamenc, \u00F2pera, m\u00FAsica folk i paguen brutal black metall (com ho escolten), a m\u00E9s de per incinerar als seus fans en directe, sodomizarse, masturbarse, pegar-se pallisses, fer la declaraci\u00F3 de la renda, cantar l'himne del Atleti i cuinar-se entre si tot en el mateix concert. Al principi es cridaven Die Pitufen Makinerren. Per desgr\u00E0cia van haver de canviar el seu nom per temes de drets d'autor. Originalment contaven amb un cantant, un \u00F3s panda, dues guitarres, una mandolina, una yenka, un tromb\u00F3, una bateria i un venedor de chop suey. Ara els acompanya la Vuitena Divisi\u00F3 Cuirassada Panzer, Tamara la mala, un cor de vaques, un DJ, un baix, una gaita gallega i "@ca . . "Rammstein is a German heavy metal band. (In Germany, they are commonly classified as Tanz-Metall, lit. \"Dance Metal\"). Their songs are performed almost exclusively in German. Formed in 1994, they have sold over 12 million records worldwide. Rammstein's entire catalogue is published by Universal Music Group."@en . . . "Paul H. Landers"@gl . . "Rammstein geh\u00F6rt neben Kraftwerk, Ze Schorpions und Bl\u00FCmchen zur deutschen Popelite (siehe auch Lea Rasch: Meisterpopper aus Deutschland, Studien zur Exportwirtschaft, DAI Frankfurt 1999) mit internationalen Erfolgen. Regionale s\u00E4chsische bzw schw\u00E4bische Schpezialit\u00E4te, siehe Schkooter und Nina Hagen. Wichtiger als ihre internationale Rolle ist jedoch ihr Beitrag zur gesamtdeutschen Friedensbewegung: Rammstein ist die musikalische Vertonung der Freiheitsbewegung in der ehemaligen DDR zuzuschreiben. Sie stehen seither auf einer Stufe mit Cindy & Bert. Das wichtigste Instrument ist eindeutig die Triangel, die sehr gekonnt und pointiert, jedoch dezent eingesetzt wird."@de . "Christoph \"Doom\" Schneider"@gl . . . "Rammstein"@ca . . "Rammstein is a German heavy metal band. (In Germany, they are commonly classified as Tanz-Metall, lit. \"Dance Metal\"). Their songs are performed almost exclusively in German. Formed in 1994, they have sold over 12 million records worldwide. Rammstein's entire catalogue is published by Universal Music Group. Although the majority of their songs are written in German, Rammstein has had massive success across the world, spanding to every nation. It has been confirmed that the band is reunited from their vacation and has begun writing their sixth studio album, which will be released sometime in 2008. Rammstein has a very diverse style that ranges from soft and sentimental like in their songs \"Seemann\" (\"Sailor\") and \"Ohne Dich\" (\"Without You\"), to loud and violent like \"Du Hast\" (lit. \"You Have,\" although it sounds the same as \"You Hate\" in German) and \"Mein Teil\" (lit. \"My Part\", but in German slang, \"My Dick\"). Their most popular song by far is \"Du Hast\". Richard Z. Kruspe-Bernstein, Oliver Riedel, and Christoph Schneider originally founded Rammstein after an attempt by Kruspe to compose American-influenced music with a West Berlin band called Orgasm Death Gimmicks. As Kruspe put it, \"I realized it's really important to make music and make it fit with your language, which I didn't do in the past. I came back [to Germany] and said, 'It's time to make music that's really authentic'. I was starting a project called Rammstein to really try to make German music\". He invited Till Lindemann, a former competitive swimmer and drummer for the garage-rock band First Arsch, to join the project as a vocalist. The four entered a contest for new bands and won, attracting the interest of Paul H. Landers, who knew them all and decided to join the band. Christian \"Flake\" Lorenz was the last member to join; he had played with Landers before in the punk-rock band Feeling B and was initially reluctant to come on board, but was eventually persuaded to join. Their first album was released a year later."@en . "Richard Z. Kruspe"@gl . . . . . . . . . . "Rammstein, who owns a beach house in Watermelon, is the close cousin of Frankenstein. Shortly after Frankenstein was created, he left to go live with his cousin. Rammstein was well-known for his studies concerning the wild Pingas."@en . . . "Rammstein"@pl . . . "Bryan's favorite position when taking it from Lumberjack Rob."@en . . . . . . . . "LES NOELISTES ONT POUNED CETTE ARTICLE _____________________________________________ _______________##############________________ _____________##_______________##_____________ ___________##__________________###___________ _________##______________________##__________ ________#__________________________##________ _______#____________________________##_______ ______#______________________________##______ _____#________________#_______________##_____ ____##_________________##______________#_____ ____#____________________##_____________#____ ___#______________________##____________#____ ___#________________________##__________##___ __###_________________________##_____###_#___ __###########___________________##_##____##__ __#_____###########_______________#_______##_ __#__________#############_______##________## __#_________#######____###########_________## __#_________#######_____######_####________#_ __#_________#######____#######____##______##_ 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_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _______________##############________________ _____________##_______________##_____________ ___________##__________________###___________ _________##______________________##__________ ________#__________________________##________ _______#____________________________##_______ ______#______________________________##______ _____#________________#_______________##_____ ____##_________________##______________#_____ ____#____________________##_____________#____ ___#______________________##____________#____ ___#________________________##__________##___ __###_________________________##_____###_#___ __###########___________________##_##____##__ __#_____###########_______________#_______##_ __#__________#############_______##________## __#_________#######____###########_________## __#_________#######_____######_####________#_ __#_________#######____#######____##______##_ __#__________#####______######_____###__###__ __##___________##________####____________#___ ___#____________________________________##___ ___##___________________________________#____ ____#______#######################______#____ ____##_____#____________________#______#_____ _____##____#___________________#______#______ ______##____##________________#______#_______ _______##____##______________#______#________ ________##_____##_________###______#_________ __________##_____#########_______##__________ ____________##_________________##____________ _____________###____________###______________ _________________###########_________________ _____________________________________________"@fr . . "Till Lindemann"@gl . . "Rammstein, who owns a beach house in Watermelon, is the close cousin of Frankenstein. Shortly after Frankenstein was created, he left to go live with his cousin. Rammstein was well-known for his studies concerning the wild Pingas."@en . . "6"^^ . "LES NOELISTES ONT POUNED CETTE ARTICLE _____________________________________________ _______________##############________________ _____________##_______________##_____________ ___________##__________________###___________ _________##______________________##__________ ________#__________________________##________ _______#____________________________##_______ ______#______________________________##______ _____#________________#_______________##_____ ____##_________________##______________#_____ ____#____________________##_____________#____ ___#______________________##____________#____ ___#________________________##__________##___ __###_________________________##_____###_#___ __###########___________________##_##____##__ __#_____###########_______________#_______##_ __#__________############"@fr . . . "Rammstein machen Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte mit Keyboards und Pyroeffekten. Das erste Album Herzeleid von 1995 war gut, seitdem sind sie erfolgreich und kommerziell. Einige Hits haben ganz gute Refrains."@de . . . . "Rammstein is a German band formed in 1994. Although they sing almost exclusively in German, they have been accepted all over the word as the Utter Win, and are one of the best bands to walk this earth. They have released five studio albums. They are well known for their live shows, which involve fire, crowd surfing in boats, fire, exploding microphones and drumsticks, fire, sodomy, fire and yet more fire. They have been rumoured to be Nazis [1] but this is not true and just a silly rumour. Their song \"Links 234\" was made to prove they aren't facists. Said guitarist, Richard Z. Kruspe, \"If you want to put us in a political category, we're on the left side, and that's the reason we made the song.\""@en . . . . "98.0"^^ . . "Eduardo Ampiero"@en . "Motor Music"@gl . "11"^^ . "250"^^ . . "Rammstein"@en . "Rammstein machen Neue Deutsche H\u00E4rte mit Keyboards und Pyroeffekten. Das erste Album Herzeleid von 1995 war gut, seitdem sind sie erfolgreich und kommerziell. Einige Hits haben ganz gute Refrains."@de . "Team Loki"@en .