. . . "The Barghesi, also spelled Bhargesi in some Imperial texts, are an extraordinarily aggressive and violent intelligent alien species that inhabits the Grendl Stars region of the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. At some unknown point in the past, Imperial historical records indicate that the Iron Lords Chapter of Space Marines managed to contain the Barghesi within the Grendl Stars cluster and also prevented the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken from entering the region and harvesting the genetic potential of the Barghesi for use in new Tyranid biomorphs."@en . "The Barghesi, also spelled Bhargesi in some Imperial texts, are an extraordinarily aggressive and violent intelligent alien species that inhabits the Grendl Stars region of the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. At some unknown point in the past, Imperial historical records indicate that the Iron Lords Chapter of Space Marines managed to contain the Barghesi within the Grendl Stars cluster and also prevented the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken from entering the region and harvesting the genetic potential of the Barghesi for use in new Tyranid biomorphs. The Barghesi are such a violent species that the Dark Eldar sometimes raid their worlds and take slaves that are used by the Dark Eldar Beastmasters as opponents in the blood-stained gladiatorial arenas of Commorragh, their Dark City within the extradimensional confines of the Webway."@en . . . . . "The Barghesi are a hyper-violent extraterrestrial species inhabiting the Grendl Stars, a constellation located within the Eastern Fringe. According to Imperial Records, the Iron Lords, a chapter of Space Marines are or were instrumental in confining the species to the Grendl Stars, and are busy preventing the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken from harvesting their destructive biological potential. Given the power of the Hive Fleets, it can be assumed however that this will eventually prove itself to be a losing battle."@en . "Barghesi"@en . . . . "The Barghesi are a hyper-violent extraterrestrial species inhabiting the Grendl Stars, a constellation located within the Eastern Fringe. According to Imperial Records, the Iron Lords, a chapter of Space Marines are or were instrumental in confining the species to the Grendl Stars, and are busy preventing the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken from harvesting their destructive biological potential. Given the power of the Hive Fleets, it can be assumed however that this will eventually prove itself to be a losing battle."@en . .