"Sam_Flynn.png"@en . . . . . . "Kirsten Dunst"@de . . . . "Male"@en . "2004"^^ . . . . "Garrett Hedlund"@es . . . . "Roseau, Minnesota, USA"@en . "1984-09-03"^^ . . . . . . "thumb|Garrett Hedlund als Murtagh Garrett Hedlund spielt die Rolle des Murtagh im Film Eragon \u2013 Das Verm\u00E4chtnis der Drachenreiter ."@de . . . . . "Garrett Hedlund (born September 3, 1984) is an American actor who plays Sam Flynn in the sc-fi movie, TRON: Legacy. He is known for his role in the movie Four Brothers and has appeared in several films, including Troy (in which he made his film debut as Patroclus, younger cousin of Achilles); Friday Night Lights, which charts the 1988 football season of the Permian Panthers, Eragon, Georgia Rule, and Death Sentence. Hedlund has a growing fan base on the Internet, with websites such as MrHedlund.com. Born in Roseau, Minnesota, Garrett spent his early years growing up on a farm in a small town. When he was in the ninth grade his family moved to Scottsdale Arizona, where he began taking private acting lessons. After graduating high school, he immediately moved to Los Angeles to pursue and acting career."@en . . "Garrett Hedlund es una actor estadounidense mejor conocido por su rol de Patroclus en la pelicula dirigida por Wolfgang Petersen, Troya."@es . "Roseau, Minnesota, United States"@en . "Roseau, Minnesota, USA"@de . . . . . . "Als er sechs Jahre alt war, zog er mit seinen Eltern, Kristine und Robert und seinen beiden \u00E4lteren Geschwistern, Nathaniel und Amanda von der Farm in Minnesota nach Scottsdale in Arizona um. Hedlund ging dort auf die High School, wirkte im Ringer- und im Footballteam mit und nahm in seiner Freizeit privaten Schauspielunterricht. Vor seiner Filmkarriere arbeitete er als Model und wurde von einem Talentscout entdeckt. F\u00FCr den Soundtrack des Films Country Strong (2010), in dem er Beau Hutton verk\u00F6rpert, nahm er einige Lieder auf."@de . "Garrett Hedlund (born September 3, 1984) is an American actor who plays Sam Flynn in the sc-fi movie, TRON: Legacy. He is known for his role in the movie Four Brothers and has appeared in several films, including Troy (in which he made his film debut as Patroclus, younger cousin of Achilles); Friday Night Lights, which charts the 1988 football season of the Permian Panthers, Eragon, Georgia Rule, and Death Sentence. Hedlund has a growing fan base on the Internet, with websites such as MrHedlund.com."@en . . "Jack Mercer"@es . . . "Roseau, Minnesota"@es . "Murtagh"@es . "Garrett John Hedlund (born September 3, 1984) is an American actor, model, and singer who portrayed Sam Flynn, in the 2010 Disney science-fiction film Tron: Legacy, and was set to return for its scrapped sequel."@en . "Garrett John Hedlund"@en . "Actor, model, singer"@en . "3"^^ . . . "Garrett Hedlund"@en . . "Garrett Hedlund is an American actor. He was born on September 3, 1984. He played Murtagh in the 2006 film version of Eragon. He grew up on a farm in Roseau, Minnesota. In the ninth grade, he moved to Arizona, and started taking private drama lessons. He graduated from high school a semester early, and moved to LA to pursue an acting career. A month later, he landed the role of Patroculus in Troy. He has two older siblings, Nathaniel and Amanda. His parents are divorced. His other filmography includes the films Friday Night Lights, Four Brothers, Country Strong, and is best known for his role as Patroclus in the movie Troy and as Sam Flynn in the film Tron: Legacy."@en . "Garrett Hedlund"@en . . "20"^^ . "Garrett Hedlund es una actor estadounidense mejor conocido por su rol de Patroclus en la pelicula dirigida por Wolfgang Petersen, Troya."@es . "Garrett Hedlund is an American actor. He was born on September 3, 1984. He played Murtagh in the 2006 film version of Eragon. He grew up on a farm in Roseau, Minnesota. In the ninth grade, he moved to Arizona, and started taking private drama lessons. He graduated from high school a semester early, and moved to LA to pursue an acting career. A month later, he landed the role of Patroculus in Troy. He has two older siblings, Nathaniel and Amanda. His parents are divorced."@en . "Garrett John Hedlund"@en . . "Garrett Hedlund"@de . . "thumb|Garrett Hedlund als Murtagh Garrett Hedlund spielt die Rolle des Murtagh im Film Eragon \u2013 Das Verm\u00E4chtnis der Drachenreiter ."@de . "Schauspieler"@de . . "Garrett Hedlund"@de . "Garrett-Hedlund.jpg"@de . "250"^^ . "Garrett John Hedlund"@es . "1984-09-03"^^ . "Patroclus"@es . . "Als er sechs Jahre alt war, zog er mit seinen Eltern, Kristine und Robert und seinen beiden \u00E4lteren Geschwistern, Nathaniel und Amanda von der Farm in Minnesota nach Scottsdale in Arizona um. Hedlund ging dort auf die High School, wirkte im Ringer- und im Footballteam mit und nahm in seiner Freizeit privaten Schauspielunterricht. Vor seiner Filmkarriere arbeitete er als Model und wurde von einem Talentscout entdeckt. Er gab sein Spielfilmdeb\u00FCt in The Original Donut Chronicles (der nie ver\u00F6ffentlicht wurde), danach kam unmittelbar die US-Produktion Troja (Patroclus), worauf er wegen seiner Leistungen f\u00FCr den Teen Choice Award nominiert wurde. Danach spielte er in den Filmen Friday Night Lights - Touchdown am Freitag (Don Billingsley), Vier Br\u00FCder (Jack Mercer, an der Seite von Mark Wahlberg), Eragon - Das Verm\u00E4chtnis der Drachenreiter (Murtagh), Georgias Gesetz (Harlan Wilson) und Death Sentence (Billy Darley) mit. Au\u00DFerdem wurde Garrett Hedlund von Disney f\u00FCr die Hauptrolle in Tron: Legacy besetzt, der Fortsetzung des gleichnamigen Filmklassikers von 1982, die unter der Regie von Joseph Kosinski gedreht wurde. Der Film lief am 27. Januar 2011 in den deutschen Kinos an. F\u00FCr den Soundtrack des Films Country Strong (2010), in dem er Beau Hutton verk\u00F6rpert, nahm er einige Lieder auf. Am 22. November 2013 ver\u00F6ffentlichte die Band Kings of Leon das Musikvideo zu ihrer Single Beautiful War aus ihrem Album Mechanical Bull, in dem Hedlund mitspielt. Seit 2012 ist er mit seiner On the Road-Kollegin Kirsten Dunst liiert."@de . "1984-09-03"^^ . "187"^^ . "US-amerikanisch"@de . "Garrett John Hedlund (born September 3, 1984) is an American actor, model, and singer who portrayed Sam Flynn, in the 2010 Disney science-fiction film Tron: Legacy, and was set to return for its scrapped sequel."@en .