. "Relief Worker"@en . "Amina"@de . . . "Amina"@pl . "250"^^ . . . "Nigeria"@en . "Sconosciuta"@it . . "Amina foi a mulher que trabalhava na cl\u00EDnica. Seu filho, Daniel, era coroinha na igreja de Yemi. Amina revelou os acordos que ela fez com Emeka e seus homens para Eko, dizendo que eles recebiam suprimentos de vacinas da Cruz Vermelha e eram permitidos a ficar com 20%. o resto ia para Emeka, em troca de prote\u00E7\u00E3o. Depois de Eko matar Emeka, Amina disse a ele que ele devia uma igreja a Yemi, visto que ele matou Emeka dentro da igreja que era de Yemi."@pt . . . "Amina"@pt . . "Hilfsarbeiterin"@de . "Desconhecida"@pt . . . "Muna Otaru"@de . . . . "Amina \u00E9change 5 Mues de Naga contre une des armes suivantes : \n* link=Poignards|32px|Poignards Poignards \n* link=Chakram grav\u00E9|32px|Chakram grav\u00E9 Chakram grav\u00E9 \n* link=Baguette de terre|32px|Baguette de terre Baguette de terre \n* link=B\u00E2ton de gu\u00E9rison|32px|B\u00E2ton de gu\u00E9rison B\u00E2ton de gu\u00E9rison \n* link=Arc long (apparence)|32px|Arc long Arc long \n* link=B\u00E2ton d'invocation|32px|B\u00E2ton d'invocation B\u00E2ton d'invocation"@fr . . . . "Amina"@it . . . . . . "Nigeria"@es . . "Amina"@pl . "Amina \u00E8 la donna che lavora all clinica. Suo figlio Daniel, \u00E8 il ragazzo sull'altarenella chiesa di Yemi. Amina rivela l'\"accordo\" che ha fatto con gli uomini del signore della droga Emeka a Mr. Eko, dicendo che ricever\u00E0 la spedizione del vaccino dalla Croce Rossa e che le sar\u00E0 concesso di tenerne il 20%; il resto andr\u00E0 invece ai guerriglieri in cambio di \"protezione\". Dopo che Eko uccide Emeka, Amina lo rimprovera per il sacrilegio e la profanazione della chiesa. Infine dice ad Eko che deve un altra chiesa a suo fratello Yemi."@it . "Muna Otaru"@pt . "Amina"@en . "Pracuje na tej samej wsi co Yemi/Eko"@pl . "Amina"@pt . . . "Amina.jpg"@pl . "Amina wspomnia\u0142a o \"umowie\", kt\u00F3r\u0105 zawar\u0142a z baronem narkotykowym - Emek\u0105. Powiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce bandyci chc\u0105 otrzymywa\u0107 szczepionki, kt\u00F3re przysy\u0142a Czerwony Krzy\u017C, i pozwol\u0105 zachowa\u0107 20 % z tych dostaw, w zamian za \"ochron\u0119\". Po tym jak Eko zabi\u0142 Emek\u0119, wyzwa\u0142a go za \u015Bwi\u0119tokradztwo i wyrzuci\u0142a z ko\u015Bcio\u0142a. Powiedzia\u0142a r\u00F3wnie\u017C, \u017Ce Eko jest winny Yemiemu nowy ko\u015Bci\u00F3\u0142."@pl . "assiste i malati"@it . "Amina"@es . "Nigeria"@it . "Amina"@de . . "Chief priestess of Zola Fel in New Pavis. \n* A member of Ingilli Family. \n* Old and in decline of health."@en . . . . . "Female"@en . . "Amina"@es . . "Viva"@es . . "Amina"@it . "Muna Otaru"@es . . "Amina ist eine Frau, die in der Klinik arbeitet. Ihr Sohn, Daniel, ist Ministrant in der Yemi-Kirche. Amina enth\u00FCllt die \"Vereinbarung\", die sie mit dem Drogenh\u00E4ndler Emeka hat, an Mr. Eko. Sie sagt, dass sie ein Lieferung Impfstoffe vom Roten Kreuz erh\u00E4lt, von der sie 20 Prozent behalten d\u00FCrfen, der Rest geht an die Drogendealer im Austausch f\u00FCr den \"Schutz\". Nachdem Eko Emeka get\u00F6tet hat, stellt Amina ihn wegen der Sch\u00E4ndung und Beschmutzung der Kirche zur Rede. Sie sagt Eko, dass er Yemi eine weitere Kirche schuldet. (\u201E\u201C)"@de . . . "Vive e lavora nello stesso villaggio di Yemi ed Eko"@it . "Daniel - Filho"@pt . . "Amina was the mother of Daniel and also a relief worker at the clinic in the village which Yemi's church was in. After Yemi was shot and taken on a plane out of Nigeria, Eko replaced him. Amina introduced herself and her son to Eko and would later inform Emeka and his gang that the vaccines had not yet arrived, as his gang received profits from the vaccines in exchange for protection, from their own gang. Eko later brutally murdered Emeka and his gang and Amina informed Daniel that Eko was a \"bad man\"."@en . "Daniel - Sohn"@de . "Amina ist eine Frau, die in der Klinik arbeitet. Ihr Sohn, Daniel, ist Ministrant in der Yemi-Kirche. Amina enth\u00FCllt die \"Vereinbarung\", die sie mit dem Drogenh\u00E4ndler Emeka hat, an Mr. Eko. Sie sagt, dass sie ein Lieferung Impfstoffe vom Roten Kreuz erh\u00E4lt, von der sie 20 Prozent behalten d\u00FCrfen, der Rest geht an die Drogendealer im Austausch f\u00FCr den \"Schutz\". Nachdem Eko Emeka get\u00F6tet hat, stellt Amina ihn wegen der Sch\u00E4ndung und Beschmutzung der Kirche zur Rede. Sie sagt Eko, dass er Yemi eine weitere Kirche schuldet. (\u201E\u201C)"@de . . "Arc long"@fr . "150"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Cristina Giachero"@it . "Armina G\u00F6rsch"@de . . "Vive e trabalha na mesma vila que Yemi e Eko"@pt . . "Soutient Eko"@fr . . . . . "Muna Otaru"@en . . "Amina wspomnia\u0142a o \"umowie\", kt\u00F3r\u0105 zawar\u0142a z baronem narkotykowym - Emek\u0105. Powiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce bandyci chc\u0105 otrzymywa\u0107 szczepionki, kt\u00F3re przysy\u0142a Czerwony Krzy\u017C, i pozwol\u0105 zachowa\u0107 20 % z tych dostaw, w zamian za \"ochron\u0119\". Po tym jak Eko zabi\u0142 Emek\u0119, wyzwa\u0142a go za \u015Bwi\u0119tokradztwo i wyrzuci\u0142a z ko\u015Bcio\u0142a. Powiedzia\u0142a r\u00F3wnie\u017C, \u017Ce Eko jest winny Yemiemu nowy ko\u015Bci\u00F3\u0142."@pl . "Vivante"@fr . "Amina"@it . "Amina"@pl . . . . . "Desconhecida"@pt . "Daniel - Son"@en . . "Amina Mohamud (also Aminatu; d. 1610) was a Hausa Muslim Warrior Queen of Zazzau (now Zaria), in what is now north central Nigeria. She is the subject of many legends, but is widely believed by historians to have been a real ruler, though contemporary evidence about her is limited. There is controversy among scholars as to the date of her reign, one school placing her in the mid-15th century, and a second placing her reign in the mid to late 16th century. The Arabic female name Amina means truthful, trustworthy and honest."@en . "AminaDaniel.jpg"@es . "Amina"@de . . . "Amina"@en . "AminaDaniel.jpg"@it . "Amina is a woman that works at the clinic. Her son, Daniel, was an altar boy at Yemi's church. Amina revealed \"the arrangements\" she made with the druglord Emeka's men to Mr. Eko, saying that they received shipments of vaccines from the Red Cross for which they were allowed to keep 20 percent; the rest went to the warlord in exchange for \"protection\". After Eko killed Emeka, Amina chastized him for the sacrilege and defilement of a church. She told Eko that he owed Yemi another church."@en . . . . "Amina \u00E8 la donna che lavora all clinica. Suo figlio Daniel, \u00E8 il ragazzo sull'altarenella chiesa di Yemi. Amina rivela l'\"accordo\" che ha fatto con gli uomini del signore della droga Emeka a Mr. Eko, dicendo che ricever\u00E0 la spedizione del vaccino dalla Croce Rossa e che le sar\u00E0 concesso di tenerne il 20%; il resto andr\u00E0 invece ai guerriglieri in cambio di \"protezione\". Dopo che Eko uccide Emeka, Amina lo rimprovera per il sacrilegio e la profanazione della chiesa. Infine dice ad Eko che deve un altra chiesa a suo fratello Yemi."@it . "10"^^ . . "Amina foi a mulher que trabalhava na cl\u00EDnica. Seu filho, Daniel, era coroinha na igreja de Yemi. Amina revelou os acordos que ela fez com Emeka e seus homens para Eko, dizendo que eles recebiam suprimentos de vacinas da Cruz Vermelha e eram permitidos a ficar com 20%. o resto ia para Emeka, em troca de prote\u00E7\u00E3o. Depois de Eko matar Emeka, Amina disse a ele que ele devia uma igreja a Yemi, visto que ele matou Emeka dentro da igreja que era de Yemi."@pt . "Lebt und arbeitet im selben Dorf wie Yemi/Eko"@de . . "Lives and works in the same village as Yemi and Eko"@en . "Muna Otaru como Amina"@pt . "Amina was the mother of Daniel and also a relief worker at the clinic in the village which Yemi's church was in. After Yemi was shot and taken on a plane out of Nigeria, Eko replaced him. Amina introduced herself and her son to Eko and would later inform Emeka and his gang that the vaccines had not yet arrived, as his gang received profits from the vaccines in exchange for protection, from their own gang. Eko later brutally murdered Emeka and his gang and Amina informed Daniel that Eko was a \"bad man\"."@en . "Travaille \u00E0 clinique du village d'Eko"@fr . . . "Viva"@it . "Amina is a woman that works at the clinic. Her son, Daniel, was an altar boy at Yemi's church. Amina revealed \"the arrangements\" she made with the druglord Emeka's men to Mr. Eko, saying that they received shipments of vaccines from the Red Cross for which they were allowed to keep 20 percent; the rest went to the warlord in exchange for \"protection\". After Eko killed Emeka, Amina chastized him for the sacrilege and defilement of a church. She told Eko that he owed Yemi another church."@en . "Amina era una mujer que trabajaba en la cl\u00EDnica. Su hijo, Daniel, era el monaguillo de la iglesia de Yemi. Amina revel\u00F3 a el Sr. Eko los \"arreglos\" que llevaba a cabo con el traficante Emeka y sus hombres, explicando que recib\u00EDan cargamentos de vacunas de la Cruz Roja de los cuales ten\u00EDan permitido quedarse un 20 por ciento; el resto iba a parar a manos del traficante a cambio de \"protecci\u00F3n\". Despu\u00E9s que Eko matara a Emeka, Amina le castig\u00F3 por el sacrilegio cometido y por haber mancillado una iglesia. Le dijo a Eko que le deb\u00EDa a Yemi una iglesia."@es . . "Viv\u00EDa y trabajaba en la misma aldea de Yemi y Eko"@es . "Amina"@fr . "Yes"@es . . "Amina \u00E9tait une jeune femme nig\u00E9rienne qui travaillait dans la clinique du village d'Eko. Son fils, Daniel, \u00E9tait enfant de choeur dans l'\u00E9glise de Yemi et d'Eko. Elle r\u00E9vele \u00E0 Eko l'arrangement avec les hommes d'Emeka qui leur contraint de garder 20% des vaccins donn\u00E9s par la croix rouge et de lui donner le reste \u00E0 lui et ses hommes en \u00E9change de la \"protection\". Amina tente de convaincre Eko de ne pas faire face \u00E0 Emeka et ses hommes. Elle ajoute aussi qu'Eko est un homme bien."@fr . . . "Amina era una mujer que trabajaba en la cl\u00EDnica. Su hijo, Daniel, era el monaguillo de la iglesia de Yemi. Amina revel\u00F3 a el Sr. Eko los \"arreglos\" que llevaba a cabo con el traficante Emeka y sus hombres, explicando que recib\u00EDan cargamentos de vacunas de la Cruz Roja de los cuales ten\u00EDan permitido quedarse un 20 por ciento; el resto iba a parar a manos del traficante a cambio de \"protecci\u00F3n\". Despu\u00E9s que Eko matara a Emeka, Amina le castig\u00F3 por el sacrilegio cometido y por haber mancillado una iglesia. Le dijo a Eko que le deb\u00EDa a Yemi una iglesia."@es . . "Chief priestess of Zola Fel in New Pavis. \n* A member of Ingilli Family. \n* Old and in decline of health."@en . "Kobieta"@pl . . "Muna Otaru"@pl . "unbekannt"@de . . . "Relief Worker"@en . "Trabajadora comunitaria"@es . "Arc long"@fr . . "Muna Otaru"@it . "Viva"@pt . . . . . . . "Amina Mohamud (also Aminatu; d. 1610) was a Hausa Muslim Warrior Queen of Zazzau (now Zaria), in what is now north central Nigeria. She is the subject of many legends, but is widely believed by historians to have been a real ruler, though contemporary evidence about her is limited. There is controversy among scholars as to the date of her reign, one school placing her in the mid-15th century, and a second placing her reign in the mid to late 16th century. The Arabic female name Amina means truthful, trustworthy and honest."@en . "am Leben"@de . "\u017Byje"@pl . "Amina"@pt . "Nigeria"@en . . . . . "Amina"@es . "Amina \u00E9tait une jeune femme nig\u00E9rienne qui travaillait dans la clinique du village d'Eko. Son fils, Daniel, \u00E9tait enfant de choeur dans l'\u00E9glise de Yemi et d'Eko. Elle r\u00E9vele \u00E0 Eko l'arrangement avec les hommes d'Emeka qui leur contraint de garder 20% des vaccins donn\u00E9s par la croix rouge et de lui donner le reste \u00E0 lui et ses hommes en \u00E9change de la \"protection\". Amina tente de convaincre Eko de ne pas faire face \u00E0 Emeka et ses hommes. Elle ajoute aussi qu'Eko est un homme bien. Apr\u00E8s le meurtre de Emeka et ses homme par Eko, Amina fait fermer l'\u00E9glise, lui disant qu'elle n'est maintenant plus sacr\u00E9e. Elle dit alors \u00E0 Eko qu'il doit une \u00E9glise \u00E0 Yemi. (L'Heure du jugement)"@fr . . . "Amina \u00E9change 5 Mues de Naga contre une des armes suivantes : \n* link=Poignards|32px|Poignards Poignards \n* link=Chakram grav\u00E9|32px|Chakram grav\u00E9 Chakram grav\u00E9 \n* link=Baguette de terre|32px|Baguette de terre Baguette de terre \n* link=B\u00E2ton de gu\u00E9rison|32px|B\u00E2ton de gu\u00E9rison B\u00E2ton de gu\u00E9rison \n* link=Arc long (apparence)|32px|Arc long Arc long \n* link=B\u00E2ton d'invocation|32px|B\u00E2ton d'invocation B\u00E2ton d'invocation"@fr . . . . "Amina"@en . . . "Muna Otaru"@fr . . "Amina"@fr . "Nigeria"@de . .