"The Ronin armor: which provides protection and allows the user to blend in with the shadows\n\nOthers: A specially padded armor, briefly wore a suit of armor built by Tony Stark that provided protection from bullets."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "__TOC__ Echte naam: Clinton Francis Barton Bijnamen: Geen Voormalige aliassen: Hawkeye, Goliath, Golden Archer, the Marksman, Father Time, Longbow, Dreadknight Overige huidige aliassen: Ronin"@nl . "Clinton Barton was a circus worker and criminal, who received his archery skills as a young boy through training with Swordsman and Trickshot. Clint would eventually join both the East Coast and West Coast Avengers."@en . . "Size Alteration: Thanks to the works of Hank Pym, Barton had the abilities as Goliath to use Pym Particles to grow to immense size or shrink to tiny proportions. The Particles would interact with the electrical impulses of his brain, creating an organism-wide \"growth field\" or \"reducing field.\"\n\nThe growth process required the rapid acquisition of bodily mass, presumably from an extra-dimensional source. This extra-dimensional mass fortified all of his cellular tissue, including his bones and muscles, enabling him to support his increased weight, and giving him superhuman strength.\n\nVia the shrinking process, Barton could shrink down to a size as low as one half-inch in height. Usually, he did not compress his mass into his smaller size. Instead his mass was extended into an extra-physical dimension that is opened by the activating of the Pym Particles, from which the mass could later be reclaimed. Strangely, because his mass was extended extra-dimensionally when he was at reduced size, Barton retained full human-size strength at that size.\n\nUnlike Pym or the Wasp, he was never exposed to Pym Particles long enough to control his size at will, and thus had to use gas capsules infused with the Particles to shrink, grow, or revert to normal size.\n\nIn this form, Nick Fury's intel classified him as power level 7."@en . . . . . . . . . "Clinton Barton was a circus worker and criminal, who received his archery skills as a young boy through training with Swordsman and Trickshot. Clint would eventually join both the East Coast and West Coast Avengers."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Former Powers"@en . . . "Clinton Barton (Earth-616)"@en . . "Former Weapons"@en . . . . "Clinton Barton (Earth-616)"@nl . . . . . "__TOC__ Echte naam: Clinton Francis Barton Bijnamen: Geen Voormalige aliassen: Hawkeye, Goliath, Golden Archer, the Marksman, Father Time, Longbow, Dreadknight Overige huidige aliassen: Ronin"@nl . . . . . . "As Ronin, Barton used a katana, nunchakus, which can also extend into a bo , and shurikens."@en . . . . . . "Former Equipment"@en . . . . . . . .