"The Light that Shines towards the Future"@en . "The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid became surrounded with golden light, as a pillar of light erupted from the ground around him, piercing the heavens. Levitating in mid-air, Gai entered a fetal position, as four shining wings erupted from his back. With a single flap, these wings emitted a cascade of feathers, which swirled around Gai's body. The feathers surrounded his body, swirling around him like data. A ring of reishi ran down Gai's body, removing all sembalance of his regular attire. The light around Gai's left arm solidifed, overlapping the Infernox Core, forming a black glove and causing a menacing black chain to sprout from the core, spiralling up the length of his arm. Quickly, the light covering his legs and feet solidified, forming tight black shorts, and plates attached to simple, thi"@en . . . "The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid became surrounded with golden light, as a pillar of light erupted from the ground around him, piercing the heavens. Levitating in mid-air, Gai entered a fetal position, as four shining wings erupted from his back. With a single flap, these wings emitted a cascade of feathers, which swirled around Gai's body. The feathers surrounded his body, swirling around him like data. A ring of reishi ran down Gai's body, removing all sembalance of his regular attire. The light around Gai's left arm solidifed, overlapping the Infernox Core, forming a black glove and causing a menacing black chain to sprout from the core, spiralling up the length of his arm. Quickly, the light covering his legs and feet solidified, forming tight black shorts, and plates attached to simple, thigh-high boots with a sharp \"hook\" on the outer side of each and high heels which reached up to about halfway up his thighs, leaving a small area of bare skin on his upper thighs. The light which surrounded his upper body flowed downwards, before solidifying into the form of a white trenchcoat that was slightly tattered at the end, the trim of the coat shaped like fleur-de-lis, and the shoulders were black and slightly grey. The tail of the trenchcoat and the arms had black and red flames on the end and the right arm was held together by belts. The trenchcoat had fur trim on the collar, and the back of the trenchcoat was cut open, exposing his sculpted back lines. Light around his body on certain parts expanded, solidifying into armour, most notably a golden breastplate resembling an upside-down crescent moon and jagged protrusions near his upper legs and hips. Grasping the Shikai form of Suigetsu, the elegant cleaver form broke down into reishi particles, and in an instant, a thin blade of reiatsu shot forth, before solidifying in the form of a lightsaber-like beam weapon which is a fluid-formed blade, less like a blade in the actual sense. The guard was of a crown-like shape, while becoming curved and jagged. The chain was attached to the base of the sword's hilt, and also to Gai's glove, forming a wide loop, which also spiralled up the length of his left arm. Twirling the blade around his arm, Gai's physical appearance also had changed drastically. The highly feminine characteristics of his build and facial features had been further accented, as he could be compared to one of those 'tall, dark and bishojo' women in anime, becoming curvier. His eyelashes had grown longer, and his hips were slightly wider. His legs were longer, and he noted in dismay that his butt had become curvier as well. His hair extended down to his ankles, and it curled away from his body in a horizontal direction near the end. There was a slim forelock of hair at the top of his head. His bangs were parted in the middle, and two locks of hair extended from the sides of his face down to his shoulders. Surprisingly, his right eye had regenerated as well. Now at his full potential, Gai Nagareboshi glared at Arazomekanki, uttering, \"Onmy\u014Dshik\u014D no K\u014Dshinh\u014D\u014D.\" Such a feat was considered impossible. Suigetsu had evolved into something else completely- it was as a phoenix had rose from the moon's reflection in the water. The baby bird that was Suigetsu had finally spread its' wings, becoming the majestic king of birds. When Kazuma was destroyed, Gai had risen from his remains with his full power, just like a Phoenix rising from its ashes. Immediately entering a fighting stance, Arazomekanki began to rant, \"Are you even capable of defeating me? The hero, protecting justice and all! I am one of those people that you have sworn to protect, Gai Nagareboshi! Do you have it in you to defeat me-\" \"Shut up. You don't understand me at all. I never cared about justice and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero\u2026I have always only fought for the people I cherish dearly. The thing that differentiates me from you two is that power is not for destruction. It's for my friends; my power is to protect my friends' beliefs! I won't hesitate\u2026If a threat to those people appears in front of me, I will destroy it! I am Gai Nagareboshi, the Shooting Star of Rukongai. My counterattack begins here.\" Gai's grip tightened on his blade, as he shot forward like a bullet, emitting a sonic boom from his feet. The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid moved at a speed beyond comprehension; appearing to move faster than light. Bounding into the air, Gai's wings emitted sparkles which trailed off of the feathers, shimmering as Gai moved, making them truly a beautiful sight to behold. \"I'm not going to fool around with you two.\" Upon calling these words, the blade of Onmy\u014Dshik\u014D no K\u014Dshinh\u014D\u014D shone brilliantly. The form of Onmy\u014Dshik\u014D no K\u014Dshinh\u014D\u014D was nothing short of that which had cut apart what had been without shape into Heaven and Earth. And now, Gai's blade haughtily blowing up storm winds, would perform a miracle of genesis. The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid triumphantly shouted a declaration. \"This ends here! Full Throttle: Shining Onslaught!\" Heaven screamed, and Earth shook. An enormous collection of reishi was released, grinding at the laws of time and space. The sword tip Gai swung down was not aimed at anyone in the first place. It was no longer a matter of aiming at anyone. What Onmy\u014Dshik\u014D no K\u014Dshinh\u014D\u014D's blade cut down could not be contained to simply 'his opponents'. Arazomekanki and Shichitenhakki saw before their eyes the fracturing of the earth, and the opening of an abyss. The tumult of genesis took everything that was nothing more than chaos which could not form any meaning, and created a new truth that divided and distinguished Heaven, Sea, and Earth. The wind pressure created a vacuum that took all things with form, the land, the atmosphere, and the sky into the whirling void leaving nothing but Gai Nagareboshi dazzling like a star of creation amidst the destruction, the first thing illuminating the new world. Nanaya's eyes widened, as he thought to himself, impressed by Gai's feat, \"Well done, Gai Nagareboshi...I knew ya had it in you, kiddo.\" As the abyss closed, Arazomekanki and Shichitenhakki were nowhere to be seen. The light emitted by Gai's armour spread across the land, returning the devastation caused by the series of fierce struggles back to their starting point; quelling the storm that had obliterated the calm, ushering in a new era of peace for the Mototsu. The crimson skies cleared up, as the glistening blue skies showed themselves once again. The clouds returned, and a ray of radiance shone down upon the land. It was clear that all threats directed torwards the Mototsu race had been cleansed; they were now free to live their lives as they saw fit."@en . .