. "noimage.gif"@en . "The home system of the Waldheimers. Freya is an orange star, low in radiation. It is orbited by four planets: two below the biozone (Surt and Forseti), one in the biozone, and a gas giant far out-system (Heimdall). The system is remarkably similar to Sol, though it has fewer planets. Surt is the closest to the sun, a Mercury-like hot ball of rock. Forseti mirrors Venus in being a hostile greenhouse world just outside the habitable zone. Waldheim itself is habitable with approximately 45% ocean. A dense belt of asteroids spans the distance between Waldheim and the gas giant Heimdall in the outer system, 1.2 times the size of Jupiter before its solarisation. Waldheim is a low-iron world, similar to Mars, with only 6\u00B0 of axial tilt, leading to only minimal seasonal changes. It possesses one moon, Mani, and features a planetary shroud of miniscule shreds of metal, formed by the shredded remnants of the original colonial convoy. This shroud makes landings and take-offs hazardous, and its removal (or at least, cutting it back) is an important task of the Waldheim Aerospace Agency."@en . . . "Surt"@en . "Forseti"@en . "Waldheim Planetary Shroud"@en . "Fenris Asteroid Belt"@en . "Heimdall"@en . "The home system of the Waldheimers. Freya is an orange star, low in radiation. It is orbited by four planets: two below the biozone (Surt and Forseti), one in the biozone, and a gas giant far out-system (Heimdall). The system is remarkably similar to Sol, though it has fewer planets."@en . "Freya"@en . "Waldheim"@en . . . "Freya System"@en . "Freya system (Classic Journeys Era)"@en .