"Andrew John Robinson (deleted 03 Aug 2008 at 04:52)"@en . "Born February 18, 1963, he once worked as a Civil Engineer in Southwest and Central Florida, and is now a freelance writer. His first novel - \"Lexa and the Gordian Maze of Terra\" was published by Amira Press in June of 2007. The book is unique in many ways. First, it's a Sci-Fi story, but with a female protagonist. \"Lexa of the Clan Sinclair\" is a thirteen-year-old girl with amnesia. When she awakens in the Oasis of Utah, on the edge of the Merica Desert, she has no memory of how she got there, or what the strange blue web-like tattoo in her left palm means. With few options, she joins a caravan heading into the desert, going to the port city of Manhat. Lexa is quite the proactive character, another thing unusual in a \"girl story\". Yet, the book also has a lot to entertain boys; this is not just \"Nancy Drew in Space\". Also, the story has pop culture references and satire of our modern institutions; many of these will fly right over the heads of most kids, but entertain the adults. Andrew is also the author of a number of screenplays; one (\"Wiccans' Lair\") was made into a motion picture by PC Productions, an Orlando-based indi film company. A number of his TV pilots are also being considered for production, and he's available to work on books, scripts, and articles. The Regional Director of Central Florida for the FWA (Florida Writers Association), he is active in the group, and helps with their annual conference. The group's motto is \"Writers Helping Writers\", and their conference is dedicated to that proposition. Over the years he and the group have helped numerous writers with classes in writing, style, finding your \"voice\", and so forth. He also teaches a class in script writing."@en . . "Born February 18, 1963, he once worked as a Civil Engineer in Southwest and Central Florida, and is now a freelance writer. His first novel - \"Lexa and the Gordian Maze of Terra\" was published by Amira Press in June of 2007. Andrew is also the author of a number of screenplays; one (\"Wiccans' Lair\") was made into a motion picture by PC Productions, an Orlando-based indi film company. A number of his TV pilots are also being considered for production, and he's available to work on books, scripts, and articles."@en .