. . . . "La Tribu Frenzyheart es una facci\u00F3n compuesta por wolvars que fueron expulsados de su tierra por el Azote, de manera que decidieron instalarse en Sholazar Basin. Su naturaleza agresiva les ha enemistado con las tribus gorloc conocidas en conjunto como los Or\u00E1culos. Para ganar reputaci\u00F3n con esta facci\u00F3n, se debe completar una larga cadena de quest que empieza con Image:Neutral 15.gif [77] Playing Along y que acaba con Image:Neutral 15.gif [77G3] A Hero's Burden. El NPC que se elija matar, afectar\u00E1 a la facci\u00F3n con la que los jugadores se aliar\u00E1n - matando al gorloc se ganar\u00E1 la amistad de la Tribu Frenzyheart mientras que matando al wolvar se har\u00E1 lo propio con los Or\u00E1culos. La decisi\u00F3n puede ser revertida repitiendo el enfrentamiento ya que la quest en cuesti\u00F3n es diaria."@es . . "The Frenzyheart tribe faction is a primitive tribe of wolvars located in Sholazar Basin. Driven from their lands by the Scourge, this fierce tribe of wolvar stumbled upon Sholazar Basin, where they intend to make their new home. Their aggressive nature has put them at odds with the various gorloc tribes known collectively as the Oracles."@en . . . . . . . "La Tribu Frenzyheart es una facci\u00F3n compuesta por wolvars que fueron expulsados de su tierra por el Azote, de manera que decidieron instalarse en Sholazar Basin. Su naturaleza agresiva les ha enemistado con las tribus gorloc conocidas en conjunto como los Or\u00E1culos."@es . . "Frenzyheart tribe"@en . . . . . . "Frenzyheart tribe"@en . . . . . "Wolvar"@en . "The Frenzyheart tribe faction is a primitive tribe of wolvars located in Sholazar Basin. Driven from their lands by the Scourge, this fierce tribe of wolvar stumbled upon Sholazar Basin, where they intend to make their new home. Their aggressive nature has put them at odds with the various gorloc tribes known collectively as the Oracles. In order to begin gaining reputation from this faction, you must complete a long quest chain which starts with File:Neutral 15.png [77] Playing Along and ends with File:Neutral 15.png [77G3] A Hero's Burden. Which NPC you choose to kill will affect the faction you become aligned with \u2014 killing the gorloc aligns you with the Frenzyheart tribe, and killing the wolvar aligns you with the the Oracles. The choice can be reverted by doing the encounter again (the switching quest is considered a daily)."@en . . "Frenzyheart Tribe"@es . . . "Neutral"@en .