"about TA 2800"@en . "225"^^ . "Gondor"@en . . . . "Home"@en . "People"@en . "Language"@en . "Gontran was a D\u00FAnadan Assassin.In his youth, one day while hunting in the woods, he found a leather bag with several bronze amulets. They were artefacts of a forgotten sauronic cult and radiated evil. They twisted his mind towards the darkness, improved his skills in leadership and made him found a secret organisation to undermine the society of Dol Amroth. Thus he created a \u201Ccult of shadows\u201D and trained a group of assassins to spread terror in the city. Due to the amulets, he was able to use magic. \n* Artifacts: Shade Amulets"@en . "Gender"@en . "Gontran was a D\u00FAnadan Assassin.In his youth, one day while hunting in the woods, he found a leather bag with several bronze amulets. They were artefacts of a forgotten sauronic cult and radiated evil. They twisted his mind towards the darkness, improved his skills in leadership and made him found a secret organisation to undermine the society of Dol Amroth. Thus he created a \u201Ccult of shadows\u201D and trained a group of assassins to spread terror in the city. Due to the amulets, he was able to use magic. \n* Artifacts: Shade Amulets"@en . "Male"@en . . . . "Gontran.jpg"@en . "time period"@en . . "Gontran of Dol Amroth"@en . . "Gontran"@en . . . .