. "Silent Hill: Shatter Memories"@en . . "Tookie the Toucan is the mascot of Toluca Mall in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. When a girl asked her father for gumballs, she told him that she wanted gumballs that matched her favorite colors, which are the stripes of Tookie's beak: yellow, red, pink and purple. It is implied that the two people heard on the voice mail are in fact Cheryl and Harry Mason. If Harry calls the Tookie number, the messages say that they are looking for children to star in an educational safety video or a video on \u201Cthe joys of shopping\u201D with Tookie. In addition to the billboard outside, Tookie can be found in various other locations: Cheryl has a stuffed Tookie doll, and after leaving the Green Lion Pawn Shop and before meeting Dahlia Mason there is a large Tookie statue in the middle of the mall. A Tookie display can be found in the greeting card store; in a back hallway, there is poster about mall safety with Tookie on it."@en . "N/A"@en . "Tookie.jpg"@en . . "Tookie the Toucan"@en . . . "Tookie's statue"@en . . "N/A"@en . "Tookie the Toucan"@en . "Male"@en . "250"^^ . "Toluca Mall mascot"@en . "Red"@en . "Unknown"@en . "Tookie the Toucan is the mascot of Toluca Mall in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. When a girl asked her father for gumballs, she told him that she wanted gumballs that matched her favorite colors, which are the stripes of Tookie's beak: yellow, red, pink and purple. It is implied that the two people heard on the voice mail are in fact Cheryl and Harry Mason. If Harry calls the Tookie number, the messages say that they are looking for children to star in an educational safety video or a video on \u201Cthe joys of shopping\u201D with Tookie."@en . . "Black"@en . .