. "Ex estudiante de la Academia Shinigami"@es . "Former Shinigami"@en . . . . . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka"@de . . . . . "Student Akademii Shin\u014D"@pl . . "Akira Ishida"@pl . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka"@es . "250"^^ . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka"@es . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka is a former friend and rival of Toshiro Hitsugaya during their time in the Shinigami Academy and the main villain of Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion."@en . "None"@en . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka (\u8349\u51A0 \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE, Kusaka S\u014Djir\u014D) by\u0142 starym znajomym i rywalem T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugayi, gdy byli m\u0142odsi w Akademii Shinigami. Jest g\u0142\u00F3wnym antagonist\u0105 w filmie DiamondDust Rebellion i Shinigami, kt\u00F3rego napotka\u0142 Hitsugaya podczas poszukiwa\u0144 z\u0142odzieja \u014Cin. Ma taki sam Zanpakut\u014D jak Hitsugaya - Hy\u014Drinmaru."@pl . . . . . . . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka (\u8349, \u51A0 ?, \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE) Kusaka S\u014Djir\u014D era un viejo amigo y rival de T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya cuando eran m\u00E1s j\u00F3venes en la Academia Shinigami. Aparece \u00FAnicamente durante Bleach: The Diamond Dust Rebellion. \u00C9l es el antagonista principal en la pel\u00EDcula y es quien rob\u00F3 el \u014Cin. \u00C9l tiene la misma Zanpaku-t\u014D que T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya, Hy\u014Drinmaru."@es . . . . "Keith Silverstein"@pl . "Use the \u014Cin's power to become king of the Soul Society"@en . . . . . . "Friend of the hero"@en . . . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka"@en . . "Bleach"@en . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka is a former friend and rival of Toshiro Hitsugaya during their time in the Shinigami Academy and the main villain of Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion."@en . . "\u8349 \u51A0 \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE"@es . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka ist der Hauptantagonist in Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion und war ein Klassenkamerad von T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya und zu dieser Zeit sein bester Freund. Beide hatten seltsamerweise das selbe Zanpakuto Hyorinmaru, was allerdings verboten war. Kusaka wurde vor Jahren deswegen get\u00F6tet und kam sp\u00E4ter wiederbelebt zur\u00FCck, um Rache an der Soul Society zu nehmen."@de . . "300"^^ . . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka ist der Hauptantagonist in Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion und war ein Klassenkamerad von T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya und zu dieser Zeit sein bester Freund. Beide hatten seltsamerweise das selbe Zanpakuto Hyorinmaru, was allerdings verboten war. Kusaka wurde vor Jahren deswegen get\u00F6tet und kam sp\u00E4ter wiederbelebt zur\u00FCck, um Rache an der Soul Society zu nehmen."@de . . . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . . . . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka (\u8349\u51A0 \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE, Kusaka S\u014Djir\u014D) was an old friend and rival of T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya when they were younger in the Shin'\u014D Academy. Unfortunately, he is killed due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the two, only to be revived and is later encountered by Hitsugaya while the latter is searching for the thieves who stole the \u014Cin. He has the same Zanpakut\u014D, Hy\u014Drinmaru, as Hitsugaya."@en . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka"@en . . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka (\u8349\u51A0 \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE, Kusaka S\u014Djir\u014D) was an old friend and rival of T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya when they were younger in the Shin'\u014D Academy. Unfortunately, he is killed due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the two, only to be revived and is later encountered by Hitsugaya while the latter is searching for the thieves who stole the \u014Cin. He has the same Zanpakut\u014D, Hy\u014Drinmaru, as Hitsugaya."@en . . . . . . . "300"^^ . "Brak"@pl . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka (\u8349, \u51A0 ?, \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE) Kusaka S\u014Djir\u014D era un viejo amigo y rival de T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya cuando eran m\u00E1s j\u00F3venes en la Academia Shinigami. Aparece \u00FAnicamente durante Bleach: The Diamond Dust Rebellion. \u00C9l es el antagonista principal en la pel\u00EDcula y es quien rob\u00F3 el \u014Cin. \u00C9l tiene la misma Zanpaku-t\u014D que T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya, Hy\u014Drinmaru."@es . "Spiritual power, swordsman"@en . . . . . . "Hy\u014Drinmaru"@pl . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka"@pl . . . . . "S\u014Djir\u014D Kusaka (\u8349\u51A0 \u5B97\u6B21\u90CE, Kusaka S\u014Djir\u014D) by\u0142 starym znajomym i rywalem T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugayi, gdy byli m\u0142odsi w Akademii Shinigami. Jest g\u0142\u00F3wnym antagonist\u0105 w filmie DiamondDust Rebellion i Shinigami, kt\u00F3rego napotka\u0142 Hitsugaya podczas poszukiwa\u0144 z\u0142odzieja \u014Cin. Ma taki sam Zanpakut\u014D jak Hitsugaya - Hy\u014Drinmaru."@pl . "None"@en .