"12"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "10"^^ . . "Ein Gangster ist ein Mitglied einer Verbrecherorganisation. Im Holoprogramm Bashir 62 \u00FCbernehmen Gangster um Frank Chalmers das Hotel, in dem sich Vic Fontaine's Lounge befindet. Die F\u00FChrungsoffiziere von Deep Space 9 helfen Vic, seine Lounge zur\u00FCck zu bekommen. (DS9: )"@de . . "thumb|110pxGangster sind NPCs aus Assassins Creed. Sie unterscheiden sich von anderen B\u00FCrgen durch Kopft\u00FCcher, Ledergewand, G\u00FCrtel und einer Tasche am G\u00FCrtel. Wenn man eine Schl\u00E4gerei beginnt, kann man sicher sein, dass sie sich sofort beteiligen. Wenn man einen Gangster niederschl\u00E4gt, erh\u00E4lt man 1 Wurfmesser, wenn man einen bestiehlt erh\u00E4lt man 5 Wurfmesser."@de . . . . . "Flesh"@en . "Zanan"@en . "Series 5"@en . "7"^^ . "10"^^ . "Cosmic rune"@en . "9"^^ . . "7"^^ . . "Normal"@en . "100"^^ . . . . . . . "5"^^ . . "12"^^ . "JAP 6"@en . "Home of Gigantos"@en . . "The Gangster is a submachine gun that appears in Watch Dogs. It is a variant of the M1 SMG."@en . "Family Thug"@de . "90"^^ . "16"^^ . "8805"^^ . . "Black chainbody"@en . . . "2"^^ . . . . "Gangster is the second rank in Omerta. You can do everything that newbie can as well as couple of new things: \n* Access to War section. \n* Stealing of higher level cars. \n* Joining a family. Gangsters are the main targets of made men."@en . "4"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . "Always"@en . "Gangster"@en . "The Gangster is a Collectable Minifigure set released in 2011 as one of the sixteen minifigures from 8805 Minifigures Series 5. He comes with a black hat, a violin case, a pistol (which can fit inside the violin case), along with a pinstripe-suit print for a torso. His legs, however, are entirely black."@en . . "Clue scroll"@en . "Medium"@en . "y"@en . . "Bugsy Siegel, an early 20th century gangster, was often credited for \"building\" Las Vegas and starting the hotel/casino industry that later boomed there throughout the latter half of the century. (DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") Aliens acted as gangsters in 2268 on the planet Sigma Iotia II, basing their entire culture on a book called Chicago Mobs of the Twenties, which had been left behind by the Earth vessel Horizon. (TOS: \"A Piece of the Action\" ) In the holodeck of the Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard enjoyed participating in simulations which were adapted from stories by Tracy Torm\u00E9. These tales included characters such as Dixon Hill, Rex, and Nicky the Nose. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" , \"Manhunt\" ; Star Trek: First Contact) In 2375, several gangsters appeared in the Vic Fontaine holoprogram, as a result of a jack-in-the-box becoming active. Added to the program by Vic's creator, Felix, this subroutine caused the characters of Frankie Eyes, Tony Cicci, and Carl Zeemo to appear. These gangsters fired Vic from his lounge, although the crew of Deep Space 9 later helped Vic to regain his position and put an end to the \"jack-in-the-box\". (DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") In an alternate version of 1944, gangsters fought as resistance fighters when America was occupied by Germans. Two of these gangsters, named Sal and Carmine, helped Jonathan Archer defeat the Nazi and Na'kuhl alliance and restore the timeline. (ENT: \"Storm Front\")"@en . "Street thug"@en . "3"^^ . . "es un tipo de criminal generalmente,son latinos y gente de color,la mayoria son pobres pero tienen unos autos de lujo bien enviviable"@es . "A gangster or mobster is a criminal who is a member of a Crime Organization, such as a gang."@en . "3"^^ . . . . "*Hut\n*Pistole\n*Geigenkasten"@de . . . "The Gangster is a Collectable Minifigure set released in 2011 as one of the sixteen minifigures from 8805 Minifigures Series 5. He comes with a black hat, a violin case, a pistol (which can fit inside the violin case), along with a pinstripe-suit print for a torso. His legs, however, are entirely black."@en . "High"@en . . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Mahogany plank"@en . . "4"^^ . "Killing a Gangster will grant 1.5% favor with the Shayzien house."@en . "Powerful"@en . "225"^^ . . "5"^^ . "4"^^ . . . "Full-Auto Submachine Gun"@en . . "Watch Dogs"@en . . "Black plateskirt"@en . "Earth"@en . . . "The Gangster is a submachine gun that appears in Watch Dogs. It is a variant of the M1 SMG."@en . "8805"^^ . . "Gangsters are creatures of which are located within the Home of Gigantos."@en . "Bandit's Ring"@en . . . ""@en . "The Gangster is a low-down, sneaky, rotten crook. Impeccably dressed in his pinstripe suit and hat, his trick violin case always at his side, he sneaks around the city setting up scams, bank robberies and protection rackets wherever he can\u2026or at least, that\u2019s the plan.\n\nThe problem with being a no-good criminal in LEGO CITY is that the place is just chock full of police stations. You can hardly turn a corner without running into a friendly officer or three out on patrol. So as much as the Gangster may try to make his fortune through unlawful acts, he usually finds himself spending a lot more time fleeing than committing felonies!"@en . "Bugsy Siegel, un gangster du d\u00E9but du 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, \u00E9tait souvent cr\u00E9dit\u00E9 pour avoir \"construit\" Las Vegas en d\u00E9marrant l'industrie des h\u00F4tels/casinos. (DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") Dans la s\u00E9rie \"Les incorruptibles\" bas\u00E9e sur des faits r\u00E9els, le policier Eliot Ness traquait le crime organis\u00E9 \u00E0 Chicago. En 1931*, il parvint d'ailleurs \u00E0 arr\u00EAter le gangster Al Capone. (DS9: \"It's Only a Paper Moon\" ; VOY: \"Memorial\") Dans l'univers fictif de Dixon Hill, Dixon Hill \u00E9tait souvent confront\u00E9 \u00E0 des gangster comme Cyrus Redblock, Felix Leech, Slade Bender, Johnny, Nicky the Nose. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\", \"Manhunt\"; \"Star Trek: First Contact\") En 1944, dans une chronologie alternative, des gangsters am\u00E9ricains (notamment Sal et Carmine) combattirent avec la r\u00E9sistance contre l'occupant nazi. (ENT: \"Storm Front\") En 2268 sur la plan\u00E8te Sigma Iotia II, des aliens prirent pour base de leur culture le livre \"Chicago Mobs of the Twenties\", laiss\u00E9 par le vaisseau terrien Horizon. (TOS: \"A Piece of the Action\") En 2375, plusieurs gangsters (Frankie Eyes, Tony Cicci et Carl Zeemo) sont apparus dans le programme holographique Bashir 62, incorpor\u00E9s dans la simulation pour am\u00E9liorer l'intrigue. Ces gangsters chass\u00E8rent Vic Fontaine de sa loge, mais l'\u00E9quipage de Deep Space 9 r\u00E9ussit \u00E0 aider Vic. (DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\")"@fr . "100"^^ . . . "Rare"@en . "5"^^ . "Teak plank"@en . . "110"^^ . "Die Gangster sind Antagonisten aus Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft. Sie stellen die rangniedrigsten Mitglieder der Verbrecherorganisation Clan, die das London der Zukunft kontrolliert, dar und d\u00FCrfen bewaffnet sein, wobei sie auf offener Stra\u00DFe keine sichtbaren Waffen tragen."@de . "3"^^ . "Free"@en . "Gangster"@pl . "5"^^ . "Player may purchase one from the slave master in Derphy for 1099 gold, but they aren't really that useful as pets. They have negotiation, which may be worth gene engineering into another pet. The Elona+ version of the gangster changes the race to Zanan, which has a slightly different set of skills and stats. One of these differences is the removal of the negotiation skill mentioned above."@en . "5"^^ . "Zwierzaki"@pl . "Rune scimitar"@en . "Gangster"@ia . "84"^^ . . . "Gangster is a career track, found only in in The Sims Bustin' Out."@en . . . "No"@en . "Player may purchase one from the slave master in Derphy for 1099 gold, but they aren't really that useful as pets. They have negotiation, which may be worth gene engineering into another pet. The Elona+ version of the gangster changes the race to Zanan, which has a slightly different set of skills and stats. One of these differences is the removal of the negotiation skill mentioned above."@en . . . . "Time of Death"@en . . "74"^^ . "The Sims 2: Zwierzaki"@pl . "Gangsters are creatures of which are located within the Home of Gigantos."@en . "250"^^ . "Kot"@pl . "The Gangster is a ghost that appears exclusively for the Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Portable Versions). For strategy on defeating it, go to Sedgewick 2 Mission."@en . "bli\u017Ani\u0119ta"@pl . "Gangster"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gold bar"@en . "4"^^ . . "Hat nichts mit dem Projektthema zu tun --Weas-El Talk|Contribs 11:37, 12. Feb. 2011 (UTC)"@de . . . . "Gangster"@en . "Klutz"@en . . . . "Killing a Gangster will grant 1.5% favor with the Shayzien house."@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "Violin Case"@en . "13"^^ . "5"^^ . "A gangster is a criminal who is, or at some point almost invariably becomes, a member of a persistent violent crime|violent Organized crime|crime organization, such as a gang. As an adjective it can be used as an unflattering depiction of the violent and devious methods commonly used by mobsters, and the derived form gangsterism implies such methods as practice or habit. The term gangster is most commonly used in reference to members of the criminal organizations associated with the United States|American offshoot of the Italy|Italian Cosa Nostra, the Mafia (sometimes called the Mob), and the Prohibition in the United States|American prohibition, such as the Chicago Outfit and the Five Families, and individuals such as Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel."@en . "Gangster"@pl . "Samiec"@pl . . . "5"^^ . "Family Goon"@de . "5"^^ . . "5"^^ . . "100"^^ . "Strong"@en . . . "Grimy kwuarm"@en . "10"^^ . "Derived from gang +\u200E -ster."@ia . . "\u201EH\u00E4nde hoch und her mit ... oh nein, nicht schon wieder die Polizei!\u201C\n\nDer Gangster ist ein verschlagener und verkommener Gauner. In seinem Nadelstreifenanzug und mit seinem Hut ist er stets tadellos gekleidet. Mit seinem falschen Geigenkasten streift er durch die Stadt, um Bank\u00FCberf\u00E4lle und Schwindeleien zu begehen oder Schutzgeld zu erpressen. Zumindest beabsichtigt er dies.\n\nWer in LEGO CITY versucht, seine Br\u00F6tchen als Tunichtgut und Krimineller zu verdienen, hat allerdings ein gro\u00DFes Problem: Dort wimmelt es nur so vor Polizeirevieren. Egal in welche Stra\u00DFe du einbiegst, du begegnest fast immer einem oder mehreren freundlichen Streifenpolizisten. So sehr sich der Gangster auch bem\u00FCht, sein Gl\u00FCck mit Schurkereien zu verdienen, er ist vielmehr damit besch\u00E4ftigt, vor der Polizei zu fliehen, als Verbrechen zu begehen!"@de . "5"^^ . "Tirapiedi"@de . "9"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . "600"^^ . "5"^^ . "Hier seht ihr eure gesamte Kampfst\u00E4rke, inklusive der Kampftechnikboni. Au\u00DFerdem seht ihr hier, was man f\u00FCr einen maximalen Schaden verursachen kann im Kampf. Des weiteren befindet sich dort ein roter Balken, mit einer Prozentzahl im Innern, der euch angibt, wieviel ihr bereits zum neuen Level gemeistert habt. Der Ansehensbalken zeigt euch an, wieviel Ehre ihr habt. Mit gewissen positiven oder negativen Werten lassen sich bestimmte Aktionen (nicht mehr) durchf\u00FChren."@de . "PL3 Gangster.png"@de . . . "Common"@en . . "A gangster or mobster is a criminal who is a member of a Crime Organization, such as a gang."@en . "Brak"@pl . . . "Normal"@de . . "Bones"@en . "8805"^^ . . . "Medium"@en . "1"^^ . "y"@en . . . . . "4"^^ . . . . . "Low"@en . "6"^^ . . "Handlanger"@de . . "Der Gangster ist Teil der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und geh\u00F6rt zur Serie 5. Er ist ausgestattet mit Hut, Pistole und Geigenkasten. Er hat folgende F\u00E4higkeiten:"@de . . . . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . . "3"^^ . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30F3\u30B0"@de . "The gangster is a criminal job controlled by the mob boss. They generally have the HL2 resistance player model. They are able to raid, mug, and kidnap other players. Since the mob boss leads them, they have to follow his orders or risk being fired. Because they are a criminal job, they never work with the Civil Protection; instead, they are mainly hostile with each other."@en . "Grimy ranarr weed"@en . . . . "Level 45"@en . "250"^^ . . . "Black scimitar"@en . "Gangsters are those Characters who have Citizenship Points between -999 and -250. This sign will stay above a gangster character's head unless they become homebody again."@en . . "60"^^ . "70"^^ . "Hier seht ihr eure gesamte Kampfst\u00E4rke, inklusive der Kampftechnikboni. Au\u00DFerdem seht ihr hier, was man f\u00FCr einen maximalen Schaden verursachen kann im Kampf. Des weiteren befindet sich dort ein roter Balken, mit einer Prozentzahl im Innern, der euch angibt, wieviel ihr bereits zum neuen Level gemeistert habt. Der Ansehensbalken zeigt euch an, wieviel Ehre ihr habt. Mit gewissen positiven oder negativen Werten lassen sich bestimmte Aktionen (nicht mehr) durchf\u00FChren."@de . "Gangster"@es . "Gangster"@de . "15"^^ . . "10"^^ . . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . . . "Gangster"@de . "Derived from gang +\u200E -ster."@ia . "Ein Gangster ist ein Mitglied einer Verbrecherorganisation. Im Holoprogramm Bashir 62 \u00FCbernehmen Gangster um Frank Chalmers das Hotel, in dem sich Vic Fontaine's Lounge befindet. Die F\u00FChrungsoffiziere von Deep Space 9 helfen Vic, seine Lounge zur\u00FCck zu bekommen. (DS9: )"@de . . . "Gangster is a career track, found only in in The Sims Bustin' Out."@en . . . "Gangster"@fr . "The Gangster is an enemy from the Freedom Force series of video games."@en . "Bugsy Siegel, an early 20th century gangster, was often credited for \"building\" Las Vegas and starting the hotel/casino industry that later boomed there throughout the latter half of the century. (DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") Aliens acted as gangsters in 2268 on the planet Sigma Iotia II, basing their entire culture on a book called Chicago Mobs of the Twenties, which had been left behind by the Earth vessel Horizon. (TOS: \"A Piece of the Action\" )"@en . "60"^^ . "thumb|110pxGangster sind NPCs aus Assassins Creed. Sie unterscheiden sich von anderen B\u00FCrgen durch Kopft\u00FCcher, Ledergewand, G\u00FCrtel und einer Tasche am G\u00FCrtel. Wenn man eine Schl\u00E4gerei beginnt, kann man sicher sein, dass sie sich sofort beteiligen. Wenn man einen Gangster niederschl\u00E4gt, erh\u00E4lt man 1 Wurfmesser, wenn man einen bestiehlt erh\u00E4lt man 5 Wurfmesser."@de . . "Oak plank"@en . "8"^^ . . "280.0"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Der Gangster ist Teil der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und geh\u00F6rt zur Serie 5. Er ist ausgestattet mit Hut, Pistole und Geigenkasten. Er hat folgende F\u00E4higkeiten:"@de . . "5"^^ . . . "Very Hardy"@en . "1"^^ . . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . "--01-07"^^ . . "5"^^ . "Compost"@en . "36"^^ . . "30"^^ . "The Gangster is an enemy from the Freedom Force series of video games."@en . . . . "es un tipo de criminal generalmente,son latinos y gente de color,la mayoria son pobres pero tienen unos autos de lujo bien enviviable"@es . "5"^^ . "Primary"@en . "Coins"@en . "50"^^ . . . "La Gangster es una pistola que aparece en la segunda \u00E9poca (2006) del juego Driver: Parallel Lines, como sustituto de la 44H. Esta pistola est\u00E1 basada en la Desert Eagle real."@es . "120"^^ . "C31C36-Gangster.png"@en . "Doros\u0142y"@pl . . "5"^^ . . "Grimy cadantine"@en . "4"^^ . . . "Hat nichts mit dem Projektthema zu tun --Weas-El Talk|Contribs 11:37, 12. Feb. 2011 (UTC)"@de . "5"^^ . "9"^^ . "2"^^ . "12"^^ . "gangster"@en . "Uncommon"@en . "7"^^ . "5"^^ . . "5"^^ . "3"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Gangster is the second rank in Omerta. You can do everything that newbie can as well as couple of new things: \n* Access to War section. \n* Stealing of higher level cars. \n* Joining a family. Gangsters are the main targets of made men."@en . . "280.0"^^ . . "18.0"^^ . "Intelligence"@en . "The gangster is a criminal job controlled by the mob boss. They generally have the HL2 resistance player model. They are able to raid, mug, and kidnap other players. Since the mob boss leads them, they have to follow his orders or risk being fired. Because they are a criminal job, they never work with the Civil Protection; instead, they are mainly hostile with each other."@en . "La Gangster es una pistola que aparece en la segunda \u00E9poca (2006) del juego Driver: Parallel Lines, como sustituto de la 44H. Esta pistola est\u00E1 basada en la Desert Eagle real."@es . "Gangsters are those Characters who have Citizenship Points between -999 and -250. This sign will stay above a gangster character's head unless they become homebody again."@en . "1"^^ . . "50"^^ . "Bugsy Siegel, un gangster du d\u00E9but du 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, \u00E9tait souvent cr\u00E9dit\u00E9 pour avoir \"construit\" Las Vegas en d\u00E9marrant l'industrie des h\u00F4tels/casinos. (DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") Dans la s\u00E9rie \"Les incorruptibles\" bas\u00E9e sur des faits r\u00E9els, le policier Eliot Ness traquait le crime organis\u00E9 \u00E0 Chicago. En 1931*, il parvint d'ailleurs \u00E0 arr\u00EAter le gangster Al Capone. (DS9: \"It's Only a Paper Moon\" ; VOY: \"Memorial\") En 1944, dans une chronologie alternative, des gangsters am\u00E9ricains (notamment Sal et Carmine) combattirent avec la r\u00E9sistance contre l'occupant nazi. (ENT: \"Storm Front\")"@fr . "Level 50"@en . . . "Yerles"@en . "2011"^^ . "5"^^ . "7"^^ . . . "Gangster"@en . "Grimy dwarf weed"@en . . . . . "A gangster is a criminal who is, or at some point almost invariably becomes, a member of a persistent violent crime|violent Organized crime|crime organization, such as a gang. As an adjective it can be used as an unflattering depiction of the violent and devious methods commonly used by mobsters, and the derived form gangsterism implies such methods as practice or habit. The term gangster is most commonly used in reference to members of the criminal organizations associated with the United States|American offshoot of the Italy|Italian Cosa Nostra, the Mafia (sometimes called the Mob), and the Prohibition in the United States|American prohibition, such as the Chicago Outfit and the Five Families, and individuals such as Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel. Gangsters are typically organized criminals who are actively engaged in crime as a group activity or enterprise for power, pleasure, or profit. The visibility of activities of gangsters can range from the low-level such as Illegal drug trade|drug-trafficking or Protection racket|protectionism, which are prone to be \"under the radar\", to the in-your-face spectacular, such as the United Kingdom|UK's multi-million Brinks Mat robbery. Gangsters often run their operations as businesses insofar as they offer a \"product\" or \"service\", albeit an illegal one, or, as is sometimes the case, a legitimate business operating as a front for criminal activity. Some gangsters, sometimes called thugs, engage in extortion, intimidation, and bribery to wield influence over Trade union|labor unions. They are also known for attempting to manipulate the decisions of civil institutions, such as court cases and Election|political elections. Gangsters are sometimes romanticized in popular culture in films such as The Godfather series and shows like The Sopranos. In the controversial gangsta rap genre of music the term \"gangster\" is associated with having power and being street smart, being admirable. As a result of this the term \"gangster\" is sometimes used (probably somewhat facetiously) as a compliment. Some well known gangsters include Ma Barker, Al Capone, Mickey Cohen, Johnny Dio, John Gotti, Bugs Moran, Bernardo Provenzano, and Bugsy Siegel."@en . . . "5"^^ . . "JAP 350"@en . . "1"^^ . . "The Gangster is a ghost that appears exclusively for the Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Portable Versions). For strategy on defeating it, go to Sedgewick 2 Mission."@en . . . "Medium"@en . "Black med helm"@en . "5"^^ . "5"^^ . "4"^^ . . "Die Gangster sind Antagonisten aus Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft. Sie stellen die rangniedrigsten Mitglieder der Verbrecherorganisation Clan, die das London der Zukunft kontrolliert, dar und d\u00FCrfen bewaffnet sein, wobei sie auf offener Stra\u00DFe keine sichtbaren Waffen tragen."@de . "Gangster"@de . "10"^^ . .