"Lightning Release,"@en . . . "Wild Flash Instinct"@en . "Short"@en . "Kaoru Shin'ya,"@en . "The added lightning chakra means that the arms and legs of the user function like blades, with normal kicks and punches capable of shearing limbs off easily, as well as attacking from various different angles in a mere second. Completely unable to track the speed of the user, the opponent will be at a severe and literally insurmountable predicament, especially as he is being slashed, pounded and dismembered by Kaoru."@en . "Offensive"@en . "The added lightning chakra means that the arms and legs of the user function like blades, with normal kicks and punches capable of shearing limbs off easily, as well as attacking from various different angles in a mere second. Completely unable to track the speed of the user, the opponent will be at a severe and literally insurmountable predicament, especially as he is being slashed, pounded and dismembered by Kaoru. However after utilising the technique, Kaoru collapses unconscious to the ground, completely defenceless and unable to continue the battle. The severe speeds of movement will cause major tears in muscle fibre as well as tendons and ligaments. The massive damage ensures that Kaoru can almost certainly not continue fighting beyond this point, and will have to be hospitalised for at least one month to make a full recovery."@en . "Anime, Manga, Game"@en . "No"@en . "Eight Gates: Inspired Lightning Volley"@en . "Eight Gates,"@en . "S"@en . . "No"@en . "Taijutsu, Kinjutsu,"@en .