"State atheism has been defined by David Kowalewski as the official \"promotion of atheism\" by a government, typically by active suppression of religious freedom and practice. As a strict rule (a period in Revolutionary France being a possible exception), only Marxist governments have ever sought to promote atheism as a public norm, and as a rule in accordance with the doctrine of dialectical materialism. State atheism may include active opposition to religion, and persecution of religious institutions, leaders and believers. However, whether such persecution was truly motivated by atheism is disputed by others. The Soviet Union had a long history of state atheism, in which social success largely required individuals to reject theism and stay away from churches; this attitude was especially "@en . . . . . . . . "State atheism is the promotion of atheism by a government. State atheism was practiced in the USSR and other communist governments, and was promoted by Karl Marx. However, state atheism didn't work out for the better in Communist countries, mostly because faith-based religious dogma was replaced with faith-based Communist dogma. Capitalist oppressors supported by religious groups can be bad, but the new Communist oppressors were just as bad in the countries they took over."@en . . "State atheism is a ideology similar to what is found in theocracies. In this spectrum, Atheism is the official \"religion\" of a country. Invented in 1917 by Communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, State Atheism has become a popular choice throughout the 20th century within Communist nations. Today, the only State Atheist countries are China, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea. Czech Republic is also Atheistic, but Atheism is not the state's \"religion\"."@en . . . . . "State atheism is a ideology similar to what is found in theocracies. In this spectrum, Atheism is the official \"religion\" of a country. Invented in 1917 by Communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, State Atheism has become a popular choice throughout the 20th century within Communist nations. Today, the only State Atheist countries are China, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea. Czech Republic is also Atheistic, but Atheism is not the state's \"religion\". Contrary to popular belief, not all communist nations were atheist. Cuba for example is mostly Christian, despite the communist government holding power. A few other communist countries however banned religion, and executed anyone who would practice it. Albania is a prime example, as in 1967, the nation banned all religious practices making the nation 100% atheist until the year 1992 when communism collapsed. In the Soviet Union (USSR) many clergy and some ordinary believers were shot or sent to labour camps. Ordinary Soviet people who practised religion were typically not imprisoned or killed but faced discrimination. North Korea's religion is officially atheism, however a government religion known as Juche religion is a popular atheistic-agnostic belief where people worship the Kim family as gods in order to not be killed."@en . . . . "State atheism is the promotion of atheism by a government. State atheism was practiced in the USSR and other communist governments, and was promoted by Karl Marx. However, state atheism didn't work out for the better in Communist countries, mostly because faith-based religious dogma was replaced with faith-based Communist dogma. Capitalist oppressors supported by religious groups can be bad, but the new Communist oppressors were just as bad in the countries they took over."@en . . . . "State atheism has been defined by David Kowalewski as the official \"promotion of atheism\" by a government, typically by active suppression of religious freedom and practice. As a strict rule (a period in Revolutionary France being a possible exception), only Marxist governments have ever sought to promote atheism as a public norm, and as a rule in accordance with the doctrine of dialectical materialism. State atheism may include active opposition to religion, and persecution of religious institutions, leaders and believers. However, whether such persecution was truly motivated by atheism is disputed by others. The Soviet Union had a long history of state atheism, in which social success largely required individuals to reject theism and stay away from churches; this attitude was especially militant under Joseph Stalin. The Soviet Union attempted to suppress religion over wide areas of its influence, including places like central Asia. The Socialist People's Republic of Albania under Enver Hoxha went so far as to officially ban the practice of every religion."@en . . "State atheism"@en . . . .