. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sir. Gawain"@en . "Sir. Gawain was a Knight of Britannia and served the legendary King Arthur, and a member of the Ritter der Tafelrunde. He was the most loyal of his King's subordinates. He followed Arthur to the bitter end, similar to Sir. Percival, Sir. Galahad, Sir. Lancelot, and Sir. Bedivere, but his loyalty is often described as \"blind admiration\" as he was unable to see the pain his King was in. He held a grudge against Sir. Lancelot for not only killing his brothers, Sir. Gaheris and Sir. Gareth, but also betraying his beloved King by having an affair with Arthur's wife, Lady Guinevere. This grudge eventually not only cost him his honor and his title as a Knight, but also ended up inadvertently leading to King Arthur's downfall in the end. Unknown to the rest of the world, Sir. Gawain, along wi"@en . . . "Sir. Gawain was a Knight of Britannia and served the legendary King Arthur, and a member of the Ritter der Tafelrunde. He was the most loyal of his King's subordinates. He followed Arthur to the bitter end, similar to Sir. Percival, Sir. Galahad, Sir. Lancelot, and Sir. Bedivere, but his loyalty is often described as \"blind admiration\" as he was unable to see the pain his King was in. He held a grudge against Sir. Lancelot for not only killing his brothers, Sir. Gaheris and Sir. Gareth, but also betraying his beloved King by having an affair with Arthur's wife, Lady Guinevere. This grudge eventually not only cost him his honor and his title as a Knight, but also ended up inadvertently leading to King Arthur's downfall in the end. Unknown to the rest of the world, Sir. Gawain, along with his King and his fellow Knights, were all Quincy, who used their Quincy powers to not only defend Britannia against human invaders, but also against Hollow invaders, too. Sir. Gawain's title while in the Ritter der Tafelrunde is White Knight of the Round Table."@en . . .