"Masculin"@fr . . . . "Jethro, also called Reuel, was a priest of Midian and father-in-law to Moses. He is mentioned several times throughout Scripture, only directly in the Book of Exodus (while referred to indirectly when his son is mentioned). Jethro fathered seven daughters and owned a flock. One of his daughters, Zipporah was given to Moses, who at the time was a refugee in Midian. Reuel later was an advisor to Moses while he lead the newly formed Nation of Israel and counseled him on government structure."@en . . . . "*Priest of Midian\n*Judicial Advisor to Moses for Israel"@en . . "tak"@pl . . "Guyana asteroid orbits Jethro."@en . . . . "Jethro"@es . "High Priest of Midian, Father"@en . . . . . . "His daughters, Moses, blessings, praising God and Heaven, dancing, helping others, humility"@en . . . "Semitic"@en . . . . . . "Vice City puis San Fierro"@fr . . . . "Jethro is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a supporting character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Jethro is a mechanic who can normally be found with his friend Dwaine. Jethro was voiced by John Zurhellen in both GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas."@en . . "American"@en . . . . . . "Jethro \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City i Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Przed rokiem 1986, on i jego przyjaciel Dwaine, zostaj\u0105 mechanikami wyspecjalizowanymi w \u0142odziach. Pracuj\u0105 w stoczni w Viceport, przynajmniej do momentu w kt\u00F3rym zostaje ona wykupiona przez Tommy'ego Vercettiego. Mi\u0119dzy rokiem 1986 a 1989 on i Dwaine przenosz\u0105 si\u0119 z Vice City do San Fierro i na imprezie Fierro Love-in zapoznaj\u0105 si\u0119 z The Truthem. Nie mog\u0105c znale\u017A\u0107 pracy jako mechanik, Jethro zatrudnia si\u0119 na stacji benzynowej Xoomer w Easter Basin w San Fierro. Kiedy Carl Johnson przybywa do miasta, Truth rekomenduje jego oraz Dwaine'a jako dobrych mechanik\u00F3w. CJ zatrudnia obydw\u00F3ch, mo\u017Cna ich p\u00F3\u017Aniej zobaczy\u0107 w kilku misjach. Jethro poleca tak\u017Ce CJ-owi szko\u0142\u0119 jazdy w Doherty."@pl . "miniatur|Jethro 1986 in Vice City Jethro (* in Vice City) ist ein Mechaniker aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City und Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."@de . . . "Alive"@en . . "Jeth"@en . "mechanik"@pl . "Jethro"@it . "Jethro, also called Reuel, was a priest of Midian and father-in-law to Moses. He is mentioned several times throughout Scripture, only directly in the Book of Exodus (while referred to indirectly when his son is mentioned). Jethro fathered seven daughters and owned a flock. One of his daughters, Zipporah was given to Moses, who at the time was a refugee in Midian. Reuel later was an advisor to Moses while he lead the newly formed Nation of Israel and counseled him on government structure."@en . . "Jethro"@fr . . "1"^^ . "Jethro es un guardia en la mazmorra de la ciudad. Solo ser\u00EDa un listillo estandar, excepto que es adicto al fisstech y as\u00ED, ha estropeado su vida y su cerebro."@es . "Jethro en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"@es . "thumb|right|Jethro in der Enhanced Edition Trotz seines vom Fisstech umnebelten Verstands wei\u00DF Jethro erstaunlich gut Bescheid \u00FCber gewisse Vorg\u00E4nge im Tempelbezirk. Von ihm erf\u00E4hrt Geralt, welche Kontaktpersonen er auf der Suche nach dem Professor aufsuchen soll oder wo Handlanger aufzusp\u00FCren sind, um in den Ermittlungen nach den Salamandra weiterzukommen. Es ist nicht auszuschlie\u00DFen, dass Jethro nicht nur Abnehmer von Fisstech ist, sondern auch mal ein Auge des Gesetzes zudr\u00FCckt, um die Herstellung der Droge nicht zu behindert. Erst als Geralt ihm auf die Spur kommt, nimmt der Wendehals seine Aufgaben als Arm des Gesetzes wieder wahr. In der The Witcher: Enhanced Edition hat Jethro ein neues Aussehen erhalten."@de . . . "128"^^ . . "Jethro"@en . . "miniatur|Jethro 1986 in Vice City Jethro (* in Vice City) ist ein Mechaniker aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City und Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."@de . . "[Source] Jethro is a supporting character in The Prince of Egypt. His voice actor is Danny Glover while his singing was produced by Brian Stokes Mitchell."@en . "M"@pl . . "Jethro"@de . . "Anyone who threatens his family"@en . . . "M"@en . "Moses, Tzipporah, his other 3 daughters, his people"@en . . "Midianite"@en . . . . "Jethro [d\u0292e\u03B8ro\u028A] est un personnage de la s\u00E9rie Grand Theft Auto qui appara\u00EEt dans Grand Theft Auto: Vice City et Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Jethro est doubl\u00E9 par John Zurhellen dans ces deux \u00E9pisodes."@fr . "Jethro"@en . "NS"@fr . . . . . "Yahwism"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Amerykanin"@pl . . "Jethro [d\u0292e\u03B8ro\u028A] est un personnage de la s\u00E9rie Grand Theft Auto qui appara\u00EEt dans Grand Theft Auto: Vice City et Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Jethro est doubl\u00E9 par John Zurhellen dans ces deux \u00E9pisodes."@fr . "Am\u00E9ricaine"@fr . . . . . . "Navigation"@en . . . . . . . . "VC=250px"@es . . . "He and his three daughters wave goodbye to Moses and Tzipporah"@en . "Tall, extremely obese, white hair, long beard, brown eyes, dark skin"@en . . . "250"^^ . . "ARMJETH"@en . . "John Zurhellen"@pl . . . "To protect and lead his tribe"@en . . . "Jethro es un personaje de la saga GTA que aparece como secundario en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City y Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Es normal ver a Jethro acompa\u00F1ado siempre por su amigo Dwaine, tanto en 1986 como en 1992. Se dice que su nombre podr\u00EDa provenir de la banda musical Jethro Tull, dado su parecido con el l\u00EDder de la banda; Ian Anderson."@es . . "Desconocida"@es . . . "KBOT"@en . . "Jethro a Vizimai b\u00F6rt\u00F6n \u0151re.Igazi okostoj\u00E1s, azon k\u00EDv\u00FCl hogy fisztekkf\u00FCgg\u0151 thumb|B\u00F6rt\u00F6n\u0151r Jethro a napl\u00F3ban frame|Jethro a witcher sz\u00E1m\u00EDt\u00F3g\u00E9pes j\u00E1t\u00E9kban Jethro"@hu . "Guyana asteroid orbits Jethro."@en . "\"First you rescue Tzipporah from Egypt, then you defend my younger daughters from brigands, you think that is nothing? It seems you do not know what is worthy of honor.\""@en . "16.8"^^ . . "The Jethro is a level 1 missile Kbot that provides basic defence against enemy Aircraft, and is relatively quick to build, but on the downside, does little damage to land-based units and has a low fire rate. The CORE counterpart to the Jethro is the Crasher."@en . . . "*Hobab \n*Zipporah \n*Six other daughters"@en . "1219"^^ . . . . "Jethro a Vizimai b\u00F6rt\u00F6n \u0151re.Igazi okostoj\u00E1s, azon k\u00EDv\u00FCl hogy fisztekkf\u00FCgg\u0151 thumb|B\u00F6rt\u00F6n\u0151r Jethro a napl\u00F3ban frame|Jethro a witcher sz\u00E1m\u00EDt\u00F3g\u00E9pes j\u00E1t\u00E9kban Jethro"@hu . "Jethro et Dwaine dans GTA Vice City"@fr . . . "Jethro es un guardia en la mazmorra de la ciudad. Solo ser\u00EDa un listillo estandar, excepto que es adicto al fisstech y as\u00ED, ha estropeado su vida y su cerebro."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jethro"@hu . "Jethro"@fr . . "Jethro .jpg"@pl . . "Jethro is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a supporting character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Jethro is a mechanic who can normally be found with his friend Dwaine. Jethro was voiced by John Zurhellen in both GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas."@en . . . "Aucun"@fr . "[Source] Jethro is a supporting character in The Prince of Egypt. His voice actor is Danny Glover while his singing was produced by Brian Stokes Mitchell."@en . "Good"@en . . . . . . . . . "Jethro es un personaje de la saga GTA que aparece como secundario en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City y Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Es normal ver a Jethro acompa\u00F1ado siempre por su amigo Dwaine, tanto en 1986 como en 1992. Se dice que su nombre podr\u00EDa provenir de la banda musical Jethro Tull, dado su parecido con el l\u00EDder de la banda; Ian Anderson."@es . "The Jethro is a level 1 missile Kbot that provides basic defence against enemy Aircraft, and is relatively quick to build, but on the downside, does little damage to land-based units and has a low fire rate. The CORE counterpart to the Jethro is the Crasher."@en . "Jethro"@es . "Vice City"@en . . . "Midian"@en . . . . "Jethro"@en . . . "Egyptians"@en . "thumb|right|Jethro in der Enhanced Edition Trotz seines vom Fisstech umnebelten Verstands wei\u00DF Jethro erstaunlich gut Bescheid \u00FCber gewisse Vorg\u00E4nge im Tempelbezirk. Von ihm erf\u00E4hrt Geralt, welche Kontaktpersonen er auf der Suche nach dem Professor aufsuchen soll oder wo Handlanger aufzusp\u00FCren sind, um in den Ermittlungen nach den Salamandra weiterzukommen. Es ist nicht auszuschlie\u00DFen, dass Jethro nicht nur Abnehmer von Fisstech ist, sondern auch mal ein Auge des Gesetzes zudr\u00FCckt, um die Herstellung der Droge nicht zu behindert. Erst als Geralt ihm auf die Spur kommt, nimmt der Wendehals seine Aufgaben als Arm des Gesetzes wieder wahr."@de . . "Papa"@en . . . "167"^^ . "2631"^^ . . "''Grand Theft Auto: Vice City"@en . "Jethro \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City i Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Przed rokiem 1986, on i jego przyjaciel Dwaine, zostaj\u0105 mechanikami wyspecjalizowanymi w \u0142odziach. Pracuj\u0105 w stoczni w Viceport, przynajmniej do momentu w kt\u00F3rym zostaje ona wykupiona przez Tommy'ego Vercettiego. Mi\u0119dzy rokiem 1986 a 1989 on i Dwaine przenosz\u0105 si\u0119 z Vice City do San Fierro i na imprezie Fierro Love-in zapoznaj\u0105 si\u0119 z The Truthem."@pl . "Jethro"@pl . . . . . . "1.2"^^ . . "Jolly, faithful, optimistic, sweet, wise, kind, spiritual, honest, religious, good-natured, fearless, compassionate, polite"@en . . . "Sheep"@en . . "Inconnue"@fr . "tak"@pl . . .