"Karmesinrot"@de . . . . "Glyphs are placed on the ground during combat by the Feca spell, Glyph or Armor. When casting Glyph or Armor on the ground, it will create a neutral Glyph that can be activated by any of the Feca's elemental spells to get a variety of effects. They do not obstruct movement, or line of sight through the cells they occupy, nor do they prevent other Glyphs from being place in the same cells."@en . . "Glyphs are magical improvements that can only be found on armor. It is the armor\u2019s equivalent to enchantments.The equations given in this article are only true if the armor level is \u22650. Any armor under level 0 has formulae the same as level 0."@en . . . . . . . "250"^^ . "by Oct 11th 2010 at 1:20PM"@en . "100"^^ . "Twenty years prior to the events of Ultima IX, the runes were stolen from the Royal Museum in Britain. The Guardian twisted and corrupted these symbols of the Eight Virtues until they became a force of evil. These corrupted glyphs were then placed within the base of the Guardian's columns which erupted throughout the land, serving to drive the people of Britannia away from the Virtues. The Avatar was forced to delve into each of the eight dungeons and retrieve the glyphs. Then, with the appropriate sigil and mantra, the Avatar could cleanse the Shrines, thus restoring the glyphs to their appropriate rune, and helping return the people to the Virtues."@en . . "Planet Astraea"@de . . "Glyph ist eine VI-Infodrohne. Liara T'Soni findet die Drohne auf der Basis des Shadow Brokers. Glyph katalogisiert und ordnet alle einkommenden Daten und hilft Liara bei ihrer neuen Arbeit."@de . "Glify to zakl\u0119cia i wzmocnienia umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci tworzone dzi\u0119ki inskrypcji. Zosta\u0142y one wprowadzone w wersji beta Wrath of the Lich King, jednak glify tworzone na poziomie powy\u017Cej 375 pojawi\u0142y si\u0119 dopiero w patchu 3.0.2."@pl . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/10/11/upcoming-changes-to-glyphs-in-patch-4-0-1/|desc=Upcoming changes to glyphs in patch 4.0.1"@en . . . . . . . "Info_Drone.png"@de . . "A glyph is an element of writing that contributes to the meaning of what is written."@en . . "Glyphs are symbols on Stargates which chevrons lock onto when a Stargate is being dialled. The basis for glyphs on the Pegasus and Milky Way gates are constellations. Constellations are the names given to a group of stars linked close together. Oftentimes, constellations represent some sort of pictograph. There are several differences between Milky Way, Pegasus, and Destiny-style glyphs. The symbols on the Dial Home Device represent constellations, destinations used to link Stargates together are represented by constellations to form Addresses. (Stargate) (SG1: \"Children of the Gods\")"@en . "White"@en . . "907.0"^^ . . . . "Glyphs are small symbols written on rocks. They are normally useful in completing complicated powers of Will. During the age of the third Archon, he demanded the construction of an Oracle to detail and catalogue the history of the kingdom and the world it resided in. To activate this oracle, several glyphs were carved for each individual Oracle. After the fall of the Old Kingdom, however, the Northern Wastes were beset by endless hordes of barbarians and raiders. To protect the Snowspire Oracle, it was decreed that the glyphs would be hidden in the nearby lost city of Necropolis. In the Lost Chapters quest Oracle of Snowspire, the Hero must find the glyphs that will reactivate the Snowspire Oracle at long last in an attempt to discover the identity of the new evil threatening Albion. The four glyphs used for this procedure are named after the creators of the Oracle; Avisto, Calran, Moryk and Yeron. These are identified by yellow symbols. Other glyphs found in the Necropolis have red symbols. These are cursed and summon waves of creatures to attack."@en . "2016-08-03"^^ . "Over four billion years ago"@en . . . "Glyphs are a type of consumable item that emulates certain magic spells when used in battle. Flavor text indicates that all glyphs were developed by De Loco's research laboratories."@en . . . . . "Glify to zakl\u0119cia i wzmocnienia umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci tworzone dzi\u0119ki inskrypcji. Zosta\u0142y one wprowadzone w wersji beta Wrath of the Lich King, jednak glify tworzone na poziomie powy\u017Cej 375 pojawi\u0142y si\u0119 dopiero w patchu 3.0.2."@pl . . "Glyph ist ein au\u00DFerirdischer Drache in den Archie Comics."@de . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . "Glyphs are symbols on Stargates which chevrons lock onto when a Stargate is being dialled. The basis for glyphs are star constellations. There are several differences between Milky Way, Pegasus, NGC 3109 and Vennix galaxy glyphs."@en . "Male"@en . . . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "by perculia 2013/07/26 12:30 PM"@en . . . "Glyphs are placed on the ground during combat by the Feca spell, Glyph or Armor. When casting Glyph or Armor on the ground, it will create a neutral Glyph that can be activated by any of the Feca's elemental spells to get a variety of effects. They do not obstruct movement, or line of sight through the cells they occupy, nor do they prevent other Glyphs from being place in the same cells."@en . "The Glyphs are represented in four forms: a candle in a candle holder, a hand, a sea shell, and a star key."@en . . "Magic glyphs appears as a type of Runestone (the Witcher 2)."@en . "Glyphs are magical improvements that can only be found on armor. It is the armor\u2019s equivalent to enchantments.The equations given in this article are only true if the armor level is \u22650. Any armor under level 0 has formulae the same as level 0."@en . . "FranksPlace.org"@en . . . "Twenty years prior to the events of Ultima IX, the runes were stolen from the Royal Museum in Britain. The Guardian twisted and corrupted these symbols of the Eight Virtues until they became a force of evil. These corrupted glyphs were then placed within the base of the Guardian's columns which erupted throughout the land, serving to drive the people of Britannia away from the Virtues."@en . "by Jun 21st 2012 at 8:00PM"@en . "Bianca St. Claire, codenamed Glyph, was born Bryan St. Claire She inherited the powers, appearance and title of her grandmother, the White Lady, although outside The Family's environment she prefers going by her more anonymous codename. Bianca is the product of an unique set of circumstances. She holds the White Lady's power, a set of powerful curses and enchantments that, after bonding with five generations of women, acquired a sort of semi-sentience not unlike a spirit. The particulars of the magic decreed that, upon the death of its holder, it only could be inherited by a direct female descendant -- otherwise it would dissipate. Bryan had just manifested as a mutant Avatar when his grandmother, the previous White Lady, was killed along with all her female descendants, leaving the power with no suitable host. However, the combination of Bryan being a descendant (albeit male) and having a vacant \"hallow\" allowed the power to forge a tentative bond with him. Through this bond, the power reshaped Bryan into a suitable vessel -- a female -- and achieved a permanent bond."@en . . "2000.0"^^ . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2012/06/21/new-vanity-glyphs-in-mists-of-pandaria-beta/|desc=New vanity glyphs in Mists of Pandaria beta"@en . "This clay tablet is covered in mysterious hieroglyphics..."@en . "Glyphs affect the next 1-10 spells cast and are available to the Elementalist profession."@en . . "Glyphs affect the next 1-10 spells cast and are available to the Elementalist profession."@en . . . . . . . . . "the desert"@en . . . . . "http://mop.wowhead.com/items=16|desc=Items > Glyphs"@en . . "Feuerodem"@de . . "Glyph"@de . . "Glyph"@en . "http://www.wowhead.com/news=217232/5-4-ptr-timeless-isle-transmog-and-cosmetic-glyphs|desc=5.4 PTR: Timeless Isle Transmog and Cosmetic Glyphs"@en . "Glyphs are a type of consumable item that emulates certain magic spells when used in battle. Flavor text indicates that all glyphs were developed by De Loco's research laboratories."@en . . "Av-2, Wiz-3, Reg-3"@en . . "A Glyph is a ground effect created by certain spells. Glyphs usually last several turns, and are visible to all players and monsters. A glyph activates when a combatant starts his turn standing on it (except for Glyph of Repulsion which damages a player who ends their turn on it). Walking onto a glyph during a turn does not trigger it. Most glyphs are offensive, doing damage or draining AP/MP, but exceptions exist (glyph cast when a 'cawwot' is summoned etc). Glyphs do not differentiate between friend and foe."@en . . . . "7,62 m"@de . . "die s\u00FCdamerikanische W\u00FCste"@de . . . "by Frank on Sep.12, 2012"@en . . "A Glyph is a ground effect created by certain spells. Glyphs usually last several turns, and are visible to all players and monsters. A glyph activates when a combatant starts his turn standing on it (except for Glyph of Repulsion which damages a player who ends their turn on it). Walking onto a glyph during a turn does not trigger it. Most glyphs are offensive, doing damage or draining AP/MP, but exceptions exist (glyph cast when a 'cawwot' is summoned etc). Glyphs do not differentiate between friend and foe."@en . "25.0"^^ . . . . "Drache des Nordwindes"@de . . . . "Glyph"@en . "White"@en . . "Glyph"@en . "Glyphs are symbols on Stargates which chevrons lock onto when a Stargate is being dialled. The basis for glyphs are star constellations. There are several differences between Milky Way, Pegasus, NGC 3109 and Vennix galaxy glyphs."@en . . . . "A glyph was a symbol used in the Liduen Kvaedh\u00ED: each symbol stood for a different sound and/or word. There were more than a thousand glyphs made from forty-two basic components if correctly translated and transitioned. Glyphs can be combined to make any of the many sounds of the ancient language and can form phrases, sentences and larger pieces of text. Three notable glyphs were the Yaw\u00EB, the glyph for misery on Zar'roc and the glyph for fire on Brisingr."@en . . . . "H\u00FCter des Pfads des Drachen"@de . . . . "Glyphs are symbols on Stargates which chevrons lock onto when a Stargate is being dialled. The basis for glyphs on the Pegasus and Milky Way gates are constellations. Constellations are the names given to a group of stars linked close together. Oftentimes, constellations represent some sort of pictograph. There are several differences between Milky Way, Pegasus, and Destiny-style glyphs. The symbols on the Dial Home Device represent constellations, destinations used to link Stargates together are represented by constellations to form Addresses. (Stargate) (SG1: \"Children of the Gods\")"@en . . . "wowinsider"@en . . . "Glyphs are pin-table style icons that can be placed on surfaces during missions to display a pre-selected image and also serve as player icons/avatars in the game. Hover over a Glyph to see its name."@en . . "Glyph ist eine VI-Infodrohne. Liara T'Soni findet die Drohne auf der Basis des Shadow Brokers. Glyph katalogisiert und ordnet alle einkommenden Daten und hilft Liara bei ihrer neuen Arbeit."@de . "Glyph"@de . . . . . "Shadow Broker"@de . . . . "Glyphs are spell and ability cosmetic enhancements created by scribes. Until used, they are not soulbound and can be traded or sold. The colors used in glyphs are colors of the class for which they are meant. Glyphs are optional and not vital to game completion, although they may provide an edge. Once learned, glyphs are permanent and may be switched out at any time outside of combat. Changing a glyph requires a [Vanishing Powder] for characters level 25-80, and a [Dust of Disappearance] for characters over level 80."@en . "Mike Kazaleh"@de . . . "The Glyphs are represented in four forms: a candle in a candle holder, a hand, a sea shell, and a star key."@en . . . "A glyph is an element of writing that contributes to the meaning of what is written."@en . . . . . . . . "Glyph"@pl . . . . "Dean Clarrain"@de . "500"^^ . "franksplace"@en . "Pole zajmuj\u0105ce dany obszar przez okre\u015Blony czas. Przyk\u0142adowe czary Burning Glyph, Glyph of Blindness. lub patrz Gryph"@pl . . . . . "VI"@de . . "VI-Drohne \"Glyph\""@de . . . . . . "Prior to his first adventure in Sonic the Comic, it was suggested that Ecco had met many glyphs that had helped him on the way, some imparting information whilst others simply showed the path to go. While thinking about his lot one day, Ecco was attacked by a group of four sharks but was rescued by a killer whale that had seen Ecco's face in a glyph. The dolphim was taken to the glyph, which told Ecco what to do next and sent him into the past. Ecco's second shown encounter with a glyph was in the middle of the sky, carried there by a friendly pterodactyl. This glyph knew more about Ecco's situation and told him to travel to Atlantis. Getting dropped off in the sea, Ecco barely managed to reach a simple transportation glyph before being eaten. His arrival at Atlanis coincided with a meetin"@en . . "She possesses little to nothing in the way of combat abilities, however, and as such is usually accompanied by her \"bodyguard\" Tap-Out or other more battle-oriented Autobots. Her vehicle mode also has trouble handling the rough terrain she usually finds herself in when on a research mission."@en . . . . . ""@en . . "Glyphs are small symbols written on rocks. They are normally useful in completing complicated powers of Will. During the age of the third Archon, he demanded the construction of an Oracle to detail and catalogue the history of the kingdom and the world it resided in. To activate this oracle, several glyphs were carved for each individual Oracle. After the fall of the Old Kingdom, however, the Northern Wastes were beset by endless hordes of barbarians and raiders. To protect the Snowspire Oracle, it was decreed that the glyphs would be hidden in the nearby lost city of Necropolis."@en . "Bianca St. Claire, codenamed Glyph, was born Bryan St. Claire She inherited the powers, appearance and title of her grandmother, the White Lady, although outside The Family's environment she prefers going by her more anonymous codename."@en . . "http://franksplace.org/2012/09/world-of-warcraft-mists-of-pandaria-v5-0-4-specializations-talents-and-glyphs/|desc=World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria v5.0.4 Specializations Talents and Glyphs."@en . . "Prior to his first adventure in Sonic the Comic, it was suggested that Ecco had met many glyphs that had helped him on the way, some imparting information whilst others simply showed the path to go. While thinking about his lot one day, Ecco was attacked by a group of four sharks but was rescued by a killer whale that had seen Ecco's face in a glyph. The dolphim was taken to the glyph, which told Ecco what to do next and sent him into the past. Ecco's second shown encounter with a glyph was in the middle of the sky, carried there by a friendly pterodactyl. This glyph knew more about Ecco's situation and told him to travel to Atlantis. Getting dropped off in the sea, Ecco barely managed to reach a simple transportation glyph before being eaten. His arrival at Atlanis coincided with a meeting with dozens of glyphs, all lined up in a row. The combined power of these gems gave Ecco several new abilities, such as recognising the face of The Vortex, increased firepower and longer communication ranges. With these new skills, Ecco vowed to bring down The Vortex for the glyphs. The glyphs did not make an appearance after the first Ecco the Dolphin story. They play a very similar role to the glyphs in Ecco the Dolphin video games, although some of these also block Ecco's way until he has acquired some information from another glyph or rescued somebody."@en . . "In 2370, Jean-Luc Picard, while disguised as \"Galen\", studied glyphs on Vulcan artifacts collected by Arctus Baran. In particular, he noted a glyph meaning \"peace\" placed between the glyphs for the Vulcan Gods of War and Death on the Stone of Gol. (TNG: \"Gambit, Part I\" , \"Gambit, Part II\" )"@en . "wowheadnews"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Z\u00E4hne und Krallen"@de . . . . . . "She possesses little to nothing in the way of combat abilities, however, and as such is usually accompanied by her \"bodyguard\" Tap-Out or other more battle-oriented Autobots. Her vehicle mode also has trouble handling the rough terrain she usually finds herself in when on a research mission."@en . . . . . "Glyph ist ein au\u00DFerirdischer Drache in den Archie Comics."@de . "In 2370, Jean-Luc Picard, while disguised as \"Galen\", studied glyphs on Vulcan artifacts collected by Arctus Baran. In particular, he noted a glyph meaning \"peace\" placed between the glyphs for the Vulcan Gods of War and Death on the Stone of Gol. (TNG: \"Gambit, Part I\" , \"Gambit, Part II\" )"@en . "Dragon of the North Wind"@en . . . "Glyphs are pin-table style icons that can be placed on surfaces during missions to display a pre-selected image and also serve as player icons/avatars in the game. Hover over a Glyph to see its name."@en . . . . "Gryph"@en . "*Mass Effect 2\n*Mass Effect 3"@de . . "Pole zajmuj\u0105ce dany obszar przez okre\u015Blony czas. Przyk\u0142adowe czary Burning Glyph, Glyph of Blindness. lub patrz Gryph"@pl . "Magic glyphs appears as a type of Runestone (the Witcher 2)."@en . . "wowhead"@en . "Glyphs are spell and ability cosmetic enhancements created by scribes. Until used, they are not soulbound and can be traded or sold. The colors used in glyphs are colors of the class for which they are meant. Glyphs are optional and not vital to game completion, although they may provide an edge. Once learned, glyphs are permanent and may be switched out at any time outside of combat. Changing a glyph requires a [Vanishing Powder] for characters level 25-80, and a [Dust of Disappearance] for characters over level 80."@en . . "A glyph was a symbol used in the Liduen Kvaedh\u00ED: each symbol stood for a different sound and/or word. There were more than a thousand glyphs made from forty-two basic components if correctly translated and transitioned. Glyphs can be combined to make any of the many sounds of the ancient language and can form phrases, sentences and larger pieces of text. Three notable glyphs were the Yaw\u00EB, the glyph for misery on Zar'roc and the glyph for fire on Brisingr."@en .