"It happened when Minami Kuramitsu, at the time the Galaxy Police grand marshall, sent the ship as well as his grandson Misao to Earth to rescue Mihoshi, who he thought was being abused by Tenchi. Along with Mashisu, Misao hoped to invite Tenchi to the ship in a pretext of a celebration, then kill him. However, Mashisu became concerned about the panic the Choubimaru might cause as it approached Earth, so she tried an alternate plan which would have destroyed the large ship, but it quickly fell apart, along with Misao's desire to kill Tenchi."@en . . "It happened when Minami Kuramitsu, at the time the Galaxy Police grand marshall, sent the ship as well as his grandson Misao to Earth to rescue Mihoshi, who he thought was being abused by Tenchi. Along with Mashisu, Misao hoped to invite Tenchi to the ship in a pretext of a celebration, then kill him. However, Mashisu became concerned about the panic the Choubimaru might cause as it approached Earth, so she tried an alternate plan which would have destroyed the large ship, but it quickly fell apart, along with Misao's desire to kill Tenchi. The Choubimaru would again see action, this time with Mashisu, who had since married Misao, in command. This time, Fuku ran away from the G.P. Academy, taking the Kamidake II with her - along with an asleep Seina. The Kamidake II came under attack by Daluma Guild pirates, which had frightened Fuku at first, but with encouragement from Seina, was able to fight back. The Choubimaru - as well as Ryo-Ohki - then chased-off the Daluma pirates."@en . . . "Choubimaru"@en .